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We can make the world better through the power of one -- the power of you.

I recently lost a good friend who died in a tragic car accident. She was a dedicated mother and broadcast journalist who worked tirelessly to make a difference in the world.  She sought to do her best to improve humanity.

So, I celebrate her life.

Sheila Stewart was a woman of faith who boldly and courageously expressed her trust in God. She served as the News and Community Affairs director for Radio One in Washington, D.C.


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She sought to use her position as a platform for not only promoting her employer but providing hope and inspiration to everyone she encountered.

I am eternally grateful to her for introducing me to some extraordinary people who became wonderful stories for my series, "Beyond The Dream."

Even when life got tough, Sheila still operated with a sense that God would always make the crooked ways straight.

As I reflect on her life, I am encouraged by her desire to help people become better.

She is an example of how we can change the world through the power of one. Making the world better begins with the power of one -- the power of you.

Every day we face challenges that can hurt us, steal our dream, or even blind us to the blessings that we already have. But like my friend Sheila, I hope we can become more focused on living according to God’s purpose.

I hope we can practice random acts of kindness to complete strangers as if we were entertaining angels.

I hope we can enjoy giving people magnificent encouragement rather than malignant criticism.

Let’s face it -- everyone gets hurt, we all have pain. We live in very uncertain times.

Personally, I have been homeless, unemployed, and flat broke, robbed at gunpoint, fired, laughed at, and talked about badly. And by the way, there have been plenty of times that I have been downright wrong, making some pretty stupid decisions, poor choices that set me up for failure instead of success.

There’s no doubt about it, the people of the world are groaning beneath some weighty circumstances. Whether it’s the loss of a friend or loved one, the devastating effects of losing your job, not having health insurance, or just trying to survive, there is a need for healing of the mind, body and soul.

I remember fondly how Sheila inspired me with her belief that God can make a way where there seems to be no way.  Therefore, be encouraged no matter what’s going on, God will make it alright.

Lately, living in America has become like living on the edge. It’s like a jungle. There are no more rules of civility -- we’re just living on survival mode.

Life can be challenging and confusing. Sometimes we don’t know what to do.

God says in Hosea 4:6: “My people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge.”

So here’s some knowledge that’s good for the soul:  “Let your gentleness be evident to all…Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things.”

Never underestimate the power of one. We can make a difference through the power of one: the power of you.