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FIRST ON FOX: A business executive who was tapped earlier this year to serve another term on President Biden's Advisory Council on Doing Business in Africa (PAC-DBIA) previously worked as a senior adviser to Hunter Biden’s now-defunct investment firm and strategized with the younger Biden on brokering business deals in Western Africa years prior to his appointment in the current administration, Fox News Digital has learned.

On July 14, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo reappointed John Nevergole, co-founder and CEO of the Philadelphia-based project development firm ABD Group, and 23 others to serve a two-year term on the PAC-DBIA from 2022 to 2024.

Nevergole and ABD Group Executive Chairman Mohamed Keita, the son-in-law of former Malian President Amadou Toumani Toure, co-founded the company over 15 years ago and they currently promote their company as a "trusted partner to investors, multi-national firms and African governments" with "over $2.5 billion USD of investment across the continent." 

"Today ABD Group has a presence on the ground to develop projects in every major market in West, Central, East, and Southern Africa. Partners include Fortune 500 companies and the world’s largest emerging market investors," their website reads. An archived version of the ABD website highlights that they were "happy to have worked with" China’s state-owned China Development Bank and China Airport Construction Corporation (CACC), among other corporations. CNN Philippines reported in 2020 that the state-owned CACC was one of the subsidiaries of the China Communications Construction Company that was "blacklisted" by the Trump administration.

John Nevergole

John Nevergole, co-founder and CEO of the Philadelphia-based project development firm ABD Group. (YouTube screenshot/U.S. Department of Commerce)

An archived version of the website also shows that Hunter Biden was listed as a member of ABD’s board of advisers for several years until his bio was removed sometime between Jan. 23 and May 29 in 2019, according to the Wayback Machine. While Nevergole was serving as the CEO of ABD, he was simultaneously serving as a senior adviser to Rosemont Seneca Advisors as early as 2012. However, it appears that his association with Rosemont Seneca in his ABD bio was erased from the website sometime shortly after March 2019.

Nevergole’s relationship with Hunter Biden dates back to at least 2011, according to emails reviewed and verified by Fox News Digital. In an Aug. 5, 2011, email chain, Eric Schwerin, then-president of Hunter's Rosemont Seneca Advisors, informed Hunter that Nevergole had requested to split a retainer fee 70/30 for helping broker a deal between Rosemont and Brazilian construction giant OAS. 

Eric Schwerin email

In August 2011, Hunter Biden's longtime business partner, Eric Schwerin, emailed Hunter about a conversation he had with John Nevergole regarding a request to split a retainer fee 70/30 for helping broker a deal between Rosemont and Brazilian construction giant OAS. (Fox News Digital)

After Hunter pushed back on the price, Schwerin, who was also a member of ABD’s board of advisers for several years, argued, "So, I am OK with 70/30 … Mainly because I think the relationship can bear fruit in other areas down the line, e.g. in Africa if we choose to focus there."

Eric Schwerin email

Longtime Hunter Biden business partner Eric Schwerin told Hunter in 2011 he was okay with the 70/30 split because "the relationship can bear fruit in other areas down the line" in places like Africa. (Fox News Digital)


Hunter Biden at White House Easter

Hunter Biden during the White House Easter Egg Roll in Washington, D.C., on April 18, 2022. (Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

A few years later, Schwerin sent an email to Hunter on May 29, 2014, saying he "talked to John Nevergole yesterday and he said you had mentioned to him you wanted to discuss natural gas at some point."

At the time, Hunter had just been appointed to serve as a board member for the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma Holdings, which he has received intense scrutiny over for several years, prompting him to later admit he used "poor judgment" and that he would not join the board again if he could do things over.

Hunter Biden email

Eric Schwerin told Hunter Biden in a 2014 email that their business partner, John Nevergole, mentioned that Hunter "wanted to discuss natural gas at some point." (Fox News Digital)

"Not sure if it was Burisma related but he wanted me to tell you that he and Mohammed are really expanding their staff in Ivory Coast and Mozambique, two countries with energy resources," Schwerin wrote in the email, referring to Nevergole's business partner Mohamed Keita.

Later that same day, Nevergole sent an email to Hunter and Schwerin listing "potential gas opportunities for discussion," including in Equatorial Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire, Mozambique, Ghana and Angola. "‎Please let me know the thoughts on the above and if Burisma would be interested to explore any further," Nevergole added.

A couple days before Christmas 2014, Nevergole emailed Hunter and said he was "looking forward to 2015 being a successful year for Rosemont and ABD and for us expanding our work together" and added, "Let's make it a profitable year."

John Nevergole email

John Nevergole emailed Hunter Biden in December 2014 to wish him a "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" and said he was "looking forward" to a "successful year for Rosemont and ABD." Nevergole added, "Let's make it a profitable year." (Fox News Digital)

In April 2015, Nevergole emailed Hunter and Schwerin about a trip he was taking the following month to Beijing to "meet with funds and investors to further talks about putting together investment for Africa and also Latin America" and asked if they had any contacts they would recommend, prompting Schwerin to respond, "We will connect you with our guys over in China." Less than a week later, Schwerin introduced Nevergole to BHR Managing Director Xin Wang, saying that "I am partners with Hunter Biden and I know Jim Bulger reached out to you about meeting with a colleague and good friend of ours, John Nevergole." 

John Nevergole email

In April 2015, John Nevergole asked Hunter Biden and Eric Schwerin whether they had any suggestions for people to reach out to in China for his upcoming visit to Beijing. (Fox News Digital)

Eric Schwerin email

Eric Schwerin told John Nevergole that they would "connect" him "with our guys over in China." (Fox News Digital)

"I believe John will be in Beijing on May 4th and available to meet, but I have copied him on this email so you and John can coordinate directly," Schwerin continued. "Thanks in advance to you and the BHR team for agreeing to see John and his colleague next week."  

Eric Schwerin email

In April 2015, Eric Schwerin introduced John Nevergole to  BHR Managing Director Xin Wang, saying that "I am partners with Hunter Biden and I know Jim Bulger reached out to you about meeting with a colleague and good friend of ours, John Nevergole."  (Fox News Digital)

BHR formed in 2013 when the Boston-based Thornton Group LLC, a firm that joined forces with Hunter’s now-defunct Rosemont Seneca Partners, launched its joint-venture with Chinese investment firm Bohai Capital.

Wang thanked Schwerin for the introduction and said it was a "pleasure to meet the both of you over email and I look forward to our in person meeting in the coming week."

Xin Wang email

Xin Wang thanked Eric Schwerin for the introduction to John Nevergole and said it was a "pleasure to meet the both of you over email and I look forward to our in person meeting in the coming week." (Fox News Digital)

A day after the May 4th meeting, Nevergole emailed Wang to thank her for meeting with him, saying, "It sounds like BHR is doing great things and that there could also be synergies to explore. I will send you more information on opportunities that could potentially be a fit when I have it for your review. Look forward to meeting again sometime soon, either in Beijing or in US."

Nevergole would then email Hunter and Schwerin on May 6 informing them it "was good to meet BHR" and that he would like to "catch up" when he returned to the U.S. so he can give "feedback of the trip overall, what we are thinking, and go over some ideas on how we can work together overall on the China initiative."

John Nevergole email

In May 2015, John Nevergole told Hunter Biden and Eric Schwerin that it was "good to meet BHR" and that he wanted to catch up with them to "go over some ideas on how we can work together overall on the China initiative." (Fox News Digital)

This exchange wasn’t the only time China came up in discussions with Nevergole. Two months earlier, Nevergole offered Schwerin advice to pass along to Hunter before a planned trip to China.

"In terms of Hunter's trip to China I would say one immediate thing is if there are any large firms, typically the state owned construction companies, that they know who we should try to meet when we go to China," Nevergole said in a February 2015 email.  "These groups generally bring funding from China Exim to fund the African government on a project to be done by the China state owned construction firm." 

Eric Schwerin email

In February 2015, John Nevergole offered Eric Schwerin advice to pass along to Hunter Biden before a planned trip to China. (Fox News Digital)

"For example this is what we are doing with CACC (China Airport Construction Corppration) and what we do with Samsung with Kexim money," Nevergole added. "They work with us to put the deal together in Africa."

Nevergole would send an email to Hunter, Schwerin and Keita in November of that same year, laying out the terms for ABD’s "ongoing relationship" with Rosemont, as well as future steps to meet with the presidents of Cameroon and Senegal, which he said would help with "advancing the deals."

John Nevergole emails

In a November 2015 email to Hunter Biden and Eric Schwerin, John Nevergole presented terms for ABD’s "ongoing relationship" with Rosemont, as well as future steps to meet with the presidents of Cameroon and Senegal, which he said would help with "advancing the deals." (Fox News Digital)

Emails also show that Nevergole served a key role in facilitating meetings with foreign diplomats and world leaders. For example, Hunter was scheduled to meet with the ambassadors of Senegal and Cameroon in D.C. on Nov. 23, 2015, according to emails between Nevergole, Schwerin and Hunter’s scheduler, but it is unclear what was discussed at the meetings. Nevergole did not respond to Fox News Digital’s inquiry about the meetings.

However, an email from Nevergole to Schwerin about two weeks earlier sheds some light on what the discussions likely entailed, including introducing the deals they were working on in Senegal and having "the Ambassador of Senegal give the feedback to the President."

"Ambassador can then coordinate a first meeting between the President, Mohamed and I," Nevergole said. "Then at a later date all of us can schedule a subsequent meeting with the President." 

Nevergole laid out a similar outline for the meeting with the Ambassador of Cameroon.

A couple months after Biden left office in January 2017, Schwerin sent an email to Hunter saying Rosemont held equity in "30% of ABD’s interest in six energy, infrastructure and healthcare projects in Western Africa." It is unclear whether Hunter still has an equity stake in these projects or whether there were other ABD projects that he was invested in.

Eric Schwerin email

In March 2017, Eric Schwerin sent Hunter Biden some of his ownership interests and project descriptions, which included "30% of ABD’s interest in six energy, infrastructure and healthcare projects in Western Africa." (Fox News Digital)

In November 2021, after President Biden took office, ABD announced that Nevergole had signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Senegal’s state-run Ageroute to "develop, finance, and construct two bridges to ensure trade between Senegal and its neighbors remains easily accessible."


The Nov. 22, 2021, signing took place in Senegal and featured remarks from U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

"I believe that the ripple effects will be felt throughout Senegal. Better infrastructure can create jobs, can connect more people to cities, can improve public safety, and can increase resilience against climate change," Blinken said at the event, according to an ABD press release.

"President Biden's Build Back Better world initiative is delivering on its promise of driving investment in Africa, building new markets for American companies, and creating jobs at home and abroad," Nevergole said in the release. "We're grateful for Secretary Blinken's attendance at today's MOU signing, alongside Minister Hott, on his first trip to Africa."

Blinken and Nevergole at signing

ABD Group CEO John Nevergole, bottom left, participates in a MOU signing in Senegal, which featured remarks from Secretary of State Antony Blinken, pictured behind Nevergole. (ANDREW HARNIK/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

"This project will ensure the vitality of a key trade corridor between Senegal and its neighboring countries while supporting hundreds of jobs in both Senegal and the U.S.," he said.

The State Department referred Fox News Digital to the White House about whether they were aware of Nevergole’s business connections to Hunter Biden and whether the younger Biden played a role in Nevergole being reappointed to the council during the Biden administration. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

A spokesperson for the Department of Commerce initially told Fox News Digital that "Mr. Nevergole was appointed to this board by Secretary Wilbur Ross and the Trump administration in 2019" in a Tuesday evening email. When Fox News Digital pointed out that this term was from 2019 to 2021, the spokesperson expanded on the statement Wednesday to explain how Commerce Secretary Raimondo reappointed him earlier this year. 

"Secretary Ross and the Trump Administration first vetted and appointed Mr. Nevergole for the PAC-DBIA in 2019," the spokesperson told Fox News Digital. "Mr. Nevergole applied for reappointment, and he was reappointed in the ordinary course of business. His prior association with Hunter Biden played no role in that re-appointment."

Nevergole attended a similar MOU signing in Senegal during the Trump administration in early 2020 after the summer 2019 appointment by then-Commerce Secretary Ross for the same position.

Notably, the majority of the advisory council’s members under Trump lost their spots under Biden. Of the 26 members appointed by Ross, only eight, including Nevergole, were reappointed by Raimondo. A Commerce spokesperson pointed Fox News Digital to multiple resources outlining the process for applying for the council, including the application Nevergole would have had to fill out. The presidential advisory board is not considered part of the federal government and the appointees are unpaid.


Nevergole did not respond to multiple Fox News Digital inquiries asking whether the Biden administration was aware of his business history with Hunter prior to him being reappointed, why he erased Rosemont from his bio, or for details about the meetings between Hunter and the ambassadors.

Hunter’s lawyer and Schwerin did not respond to Fox News Digital’s inquiries asking whether Hunter still has a financial stake in any of the "six" ABD projects in Western Africa. Hunter's lawyer also did not say whether Hunter was involved in any discussions with the Department of Commerce or Biden administration regarding Nevergole’s appointment back in July.

Fox News Digital's Haley Chi-Sing contributed to this report.