CPAC 2020: GOP reps warn Dems will ‘never stop’ trying to take down Trump in wake of impeachment

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md.—The Conservative Political Action Conference kicked off Thursday morning with top Republican Reps. Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows warning that Democrats are “never going to stop” trying to take down President Trump in the wake of the Russia investigation and impeachment vote.

During one of the first CPAC panels, moderated by American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp who presides over CPAC, he asked what is the “most important lesson” Republicans have learned.


“They’re never going to stop,” Jordan said. “Never going to stop. They tried to overturn the will of 63 million Americans—all of us who voted for President Trump. They tried to overturn that.”

He added: “We know they’re never going to stop because they started before he was even president.”

Jordan was referring to the initial Russia investigation led out of the FBI, beginning in July 2016. He said it started with “spying on American citizens associated with the Trump campaign.”

“So we know they’re never going to stop because this started before he was president, and you know how else we know that they are never going to stop?” Jordan asked. “Because two weeks ago, the intelligence community goes to Capitol Hill, they don’t tell the president what they’re going to tell the folks on Capitol Hill, and Adam Schiff goes out and leaks it.”

He was referring to reports of Russia meddling once again, in the 2020 election.

“They’re never going to stop, which means our job never stops either,” Jordan continued. “Defending the truth, defending the Constitution, defending the president.”

He added: “If they can do it to a president, imagine what they can do to you and I.”

The panel was part of CPAC’s five-part program that will attempt to turn the tables on Democrats involved in the Russia investigation and the impeachment of the president.


The Russia investigation concluded last spring, when former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, after nearly two years of investigating, announced that he found no evidence of illegal collusion or coordination between Russians and members of the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election.

The president, though, was impeached on a separate controversy—surrounding his July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in which he pressed Kiev to launch an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s dealings in Ukraine.

Earlier this month, the president was acquitted on both charges stemming from the impeachment inquiry—abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Meanwhile, the annual conservative gathering will also feature speeches and presentations from Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Republican lawmakers, White House officials and others from Trump’s reelection campaign.

As per tradition, the conference will include a straw poll, which will ask attendees to assess the president’s performance.

CPAC 2020 will conclude on the day of the South Carolina primary, the last early-state contest before Super Tuesday.

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