DC Delegate Norton to introduce resolution to censure  Trump as ‘only remedy that can pass both chambers’

Norton is among some Democrats who say impeachment would derail incoming Biden administration

House Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton on Sunday called on Congress to censure President Trump, accusing him of inciting Wednesday’s riot at the U.S. Capitol.

A censure is a formal reprimand or statement of disapproval. It is not as drastic as impeachment, which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders in Congress are planning.

Eleanor Holmes Norton, District of Columbia delegate to the House of Representatives, speaks during a press conference to mark the anniversary of the House passage of the 19th Amendment and women's right to vote, on Capitol Hill May 21 in Washington. (Getty Images)

As calls grow to remove Trump from office with just 10 days left in his administration, some Democrats – Norton among them -- say impeachment would derail the incoming Biden administration.

In an effort to pursue a more realistic goal, Norton said a censure will not delay President-elect Biden’s legislative agenda.

"President Trump is a clear and present danger to the United States and has committed impeachable offenses," Norton said in a statement. "The Vice President and Cabinet should remove him under the 25th Amendment and, if not, Congress should remove him from office and bar him from ever holding federal office again. However, it is clear the 25th Amendment will not be invoked and the Senate will not convict the president after impeachment.


"A censure resolution is the only way to send a bipartisan, bicameral message without delay to the country and the world that the United States is a nation of laws."

Lawmakers, meanwhile, planned to formally introduce the proposal  Monday in the House, where impeachment must originate.


The articles, if passed by the House, could then be transmitted to the Senate for a trial, with senators acting as jurors who would ultimately vote on whether to acquit or convict Trump. If convicted, Trump would be removed from office and succeeded by the vice president. It would be the first time a U.S. president has been impeached twice.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.