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Lawmakers, advocacy groups and national figures all reacted to President Donald Trump’s comments on Tuesday surrounding the violence in Charlottesville on Saturday.

In remarks made at Trump Tower in New York City, the president criticized the "alt-left" for their role in stoking unrest over the incident, claiming there's "blame on both sides."

“You had a group on the other side that came charging in without a permit and they were very, very violent,” Trump said.

Trump’s comments sparked a variety of reactions on social media.

The Anne Frank Center labeled Trump's comments as "racist" and called the press conference an "Antisemitic fright show."

The NAACP quoted the president on their Twitter page: "Trump:"George Washington was a slave owner…so will George Washington now lose his status…how about Thomas Jefferson." The tweet had a hashtag of #Charlottesville.

David Duke thanked Trump for his "honesty & courage to tell the truth about #Charlottesville."

Utah Senator Orrin Hatch reiterated comments he made following the incident.

The ADL argued that "two sides don’t exist here. Comparisons btwn white supremacists & counter protesters are beyond the pale."

Basketball star Lebron James said that "hate has always existed in America. Yes we know that but Donald Trump just made it fashionable again! Statues has nothing to do with us now!

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling labeled the speech an "abomination."

Lady Gaga held a poll among her followers to determine if the president was a "racist supporter."

Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi argued that "ignoring the abhorrent evil of white supremacism is an attack on our American values."

2016 Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein said that "anyone using the term "Alt-Left" wants you to believe people who support human rights for all are morally equivalent to Nazis."

Florida Senator Marco Rubio said it was a "good time to re-up" by reiterating his push to have Trump "describe events in #Charlottesville for what they are, a terror attack by #whitesupremacists"

"Great and good American presidents seek to unite not divide," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer wrote on Twitter. "Donald Trump’s remarks clearly show he is not one of them."

TV producer Norman Lear said that he "fought Nazis in World War II. They aren't 'very fine people.'"

"We must be clear," House Speaker Paul Ryan wrote. "White supremacy is repulsive. This bigotry is counter to all this country stands for. There can be no moral ambiguity."

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said that Trump "standing in a city built by people of every race, creed and faith, just defended white supremacists."

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders said that Trump is "embarrassing our country and the millions of Americans who fought and died to defeat Nazism."

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights "condemned" Trump's remarks, adding that Trump "forfeited any claim to the moral leadership a president must command."

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise said that "we must defeat white supremacy and all forms of hatred."

Without a prepared statement, singer and actress Barbra Streisand wrote, "this Pres says what he really believes: Equating neo-Nazis to those protecting civil rights is disgraceful & crazy."

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres wrote that "racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism & Islamophobia are poisoning our societies."

"If 10 guys think it's ok to are hang with 1 Nazi they just became 11 Nazis," said comedian Chris Rock.

Gen. Robert B. Neller, of the U.S. Marine Corps, said there is "no place for racial hatred or extremism" in the Marines.

The violence in Charlottesville on Saturday "was a direct consequence of the hateful rhetoric & action from white supremacists demonstrating," House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said.

Hawaii Senator Brian Schatz said that "As a Jew, as an American, as a human, words cannot express my disgust and disappointment. This is not my president."

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said there aren't any "'very fine' white supremacists."

"POTUS again defends white supremacists," Rep. Adam Schiff said.

Ohio Governor John Kasich wrote "There can be no room in America -- or the Republican Party -- for racism, anti-Semitism, hate or white nationalism."

"We can't accept excuses for white supremacy & acts of domestic terrorism. We must condemn. Period.," Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake said on Twitter.

Maine Senator Susan Collins said "we must unite against" those who cause the violence in Charlottesville.

"No one -- especially POTUS -- should ever tolerate" the hatred behind white supremacism, Kansas Senator Jerry Moran said.

"Our Commonwealth and nation are still reeling" from the events of Charlottesville, said Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe. He added that Americans need President Trump to denounce "neo-Nazis, Klansmen and white supremacists."

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said Trump's "performance was unworthy of the office and its moral authority."

Former presidential candidate and Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney said that the "many sides" Trump referred to are "morally different universes."

"I urge POTUS to unite the county ... for the sake of our country, he must leave no room for doubt that racism and hatred will not be tolerated or ignored by his White House," said former presidential candidate and former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush.

Arizona Senator John McCain said Trump should say that there is "no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate & bigotry."