Los correos electrónicos de la era Obama revelan los amplios vínculos de Hunter con casi una docena de ayudantes de alto nivel del gobierno de Biden

Hunter deeply connected to Biden's inner circle as whistleblowers cry foul over federal probe

Nearly a dozen current and former officials serving in the White House and Biden administration, including the president's national security adviser and the secretary of state, have extensive ties to Hunter Biden, who is accused by Republicans of selling access to his father, dating back over a decade.

A Fox News Digital analysis reveals the extent of Hunter's potential reach in the White House, while the embattled first son is expected to make his first court appearance on July 26 for two alleged misdemeanor tax violations and a felony gun charge.

The Justice Department announced last month that Hunter had entered a plea agreement in the case that will likely keep him out of jail. U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware David Weiss, who led the investigation, is facing demands from Republicans probing alleged improper retaliation against whistleblowers who claimed the probe was "influenced by politics" and that Weiss was "hamstrung" when making prosecutorial decisions.

The analysis includes two members of Biden's Cabinet and one former Cabinet member, a top aide to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, a national security adviser, five top Biden White House aides, and a top Biden campaign aide who is currently on leave from her role as a communications director for first lady Jill Biden.

Jake Sullivan

Hunter Biden and President Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, served together on the board of the Truman National Security Project, a liberal foreign policy think tank, for roughly two years before Sullivan joined the president’s campaign in 2020.

President Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, left, Hunter Biden, President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken (Getty Image)


Hunter, who started serving on the board in 2012, and Sullivan both served on the Washington-based nonprofit’s board between 2017 and early 2019, according to internet archives captured by the Wayback Machine. 

Durante ese tiempo, Hunter también formaba parte del consejo de la empresa energética ucraniana Burisma Holdings y del fondo de capital riesgo chino BHR Partners. La investigación federal sobre los negocios de Hunter en el extranjero, aún en curso, también se inició durante el mismo periodo de tiempo en 2018. 

Sullivan fue acusado recientemente por el ex funcionario de la Casa Blanca Mike McCormick de ser un "conspirador" en la "trama de sobornos" de la familia Biden en Ucrania, cuando Biden era vicepresidente.

Sullivan denied the allegations, telling reporters that he had nothing to do with such an operation. 

Jake Sullivan, left, and Hunter Biden (Getty Images)

Antony Blinken

Secretary of State Antony Blinken held a meeting with Hunter Biden at the State Department in July 2015 when he was serving as the deputy secretary of state in the Obama-Biden administration and Hunter was on Burisma's board, according to emails previously reviewed and verified by Fox News Digital.

La reunión se gestó durante dos meses, después de que Hunter enviara un correo electrónico a Blinken a finales de mayo de 2015, preguntándole: "¿Tienes unos minutos la semana que viene para tomar un café? Sé que estás imposiblemente ocupado, pero me gustaría pedirte consejo sobre un par de cosas".

Blinken said "absolutely" and Hunter forwarded Blinken's full email response to Devon Archer, who was also serving on the Burisma board with him. However, the initial meeting appeared to have been canceled due to the admission of Hunter’s older brother, Beau Biden, to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland because of a recurrence of brain cancer. Beau passed away on May 30, 2015.

Antony Blinken envía correos electrónicos a Hunter Biden el 22 de mayo de 2015. (Fox News)


Menos de dos meses después, Blinken y Hunter se encontraron, lo que llevó a Blinken a enviar un correo electrónico de seguimiento diciendo que era "estupendo ver" a Hunter y "ponerse al día".

"Te encantará esto", escribió Antony Blinken a Hunter Biden el 22 de julio de 2015, "después de que te fueras, Marjorie, la maravillosa mujer afroamericana que se sienta en mi despacho exterior (y que solía ser ayudante de Colin Powell) me dijo: 'Seguro que es agradable a la vista'. Díselo a tu mujer. Tony". (Fox News)

In April of this year, former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell testified to the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees that Blinken, as President Biden’s then-campaign senior adviser, "played a role in the inception" of the public statement signed by intelligence officials claiming Hunter’s abandoned laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign just weeks before the 2020 presidential election. 

Blinken denied having any role in getting the letter signed by members of the intelligence community and claimed, "One of the great benefits of this job is that I don't do politics and don't engage in it. But with regard to that letter, I didn't – it wasn't my idea, didn't ask for it, didn't solicit it."

Emails from Hunter's infamous laptop that Blinken allegedly sought to discredit show that Hunter has ties to Blinken and his wife, Evan Ryan, dating back over a decade. Those emails also show that Hunter scheduled meetings with Blinken while he was on the board of Burisma and Blinken was deputy secretary of state.

Multiple profiles pieces over the years said Blinken has advised Biden on more than just foreign policy in his decades-long friendship with the president and serving as a confidant. Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., President Biden's re-election campaign co-chair, told CNN in 2021, "President Biden is personally close to both Tony Blinken and Evan Ryan and Tony has been an incredibly loyal, capable and effective adviser, staffer and personal friend of the sort that is rare in Washington."

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Hunter Biden (Getty Images)

Evan Ryan

Evan Ryan, la esposa de Blinken, que actualmente es secretaria del gabinete de la Casa Blanca, se comunicaba frecuentemente con Hunter y con su socio comercial de toda la vida, Eric Schwerin, cuando ella trabajaba en la Casa Blanca durante la administración Obama-Biden.

Hunter intentó ponerse en contacto con Blinken el 16 de junio de 2010, cuando pidió a Ryan su dirección de correo electrónico no gubernamental, según los correos electrónicos. Ryan, que también trabajó en la fallida campaña presidencial de Biden en 2008, proporcionó entonces a Hunter la dirección de correo electrónico personal de Blinken.  

It appears that Hunter Biden tried to connect with Antony Blinken on June 16, 2010, when he asked Blinken's wife, Evan Ryan, for his non-government email address. (Fox News)

Los registros de visitas de la Casa Blanca también muestran que Schwerin, que fue presidente de la empresa de inversiones Rosemont Seneca Partners de Hunter Biden durante varios años, se reunió con Ryan en el Antiguo Edificio de Oficinas Ejecutivas (OEOB) de la Casa Blanca en octubre de 2010.

She was also in communication with Hunter and Schwerin about a couple of White House events that year, including the Mexico State Dinner and the annual "Easter Egg Roll."

"OVP tiene 250 entradas para el Easter Egg Roll y tu madre tiene 200 más. La familia, etc. sale de la asignación de tu madre", dijo Schwerin en el correo electrónico a Hunter, refiriéndose a la esposa de Blinken. "Evan se está encargando de la de tu padre y podemos pasarle nombres a ella con fines de divulgación. Discutámoslo. No creo que tengamos 50 plazas, pero si tuviéramos unos 20 nombres probablemente estaríamos bien".

Eric Schwerin sent Hunter Biden an email about two upcoming White House events and mentioned that he talked with Evan Ryan, Blinken's wife, about tickets to the events. (Fox News)


"Y lo que es más importante, la OVP tiene que cubrir 12 plazas para la Cena del Estado de México en mayo y necesita enviar sus nombres antes del lunes", continuó. "Evan está buscando cualquier sugerencia. hispanoamericana o simplemente cualquier sugerencia relacionada con la difusión. Obviamente no tendrán problemas para llenar este número pero sigue buscando sugerencias."

Un par de meses después, Hunter y Ryan intercambiaron correos electrónicos sobre la lista de invitados a la cena del Estado de México, y ella le envió la distribución de asientos de su mesa.

(Fox News)

Evan Ryan and Antony Blinken have ties to Hunter Biden dating back over a decade. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Fox News Digital previously reported several other ties between Hunter and Ryan.

Jeff Zients

White House chief of staff Jeff Zients, who led the federal COVID-19 pandemic response between early 2021 and April 2022, met Hunter multiple times in 2016, according to emails and White House visitor logs.

Zients met with Hunter Biden twice in February 2016 and on another occasion in May 2016, just months before Biden, the vice president at the time, was set to leave the White House. 

Former Joe Biden aide Anne Marie Muldoon invites Hunter Biden to a meeting with Zients and his father in July 2016. (Fox News)

Hunter Biden's former business partner Joan Mayer sends him his schedule on Feb. 12. It includes a meeting with his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, Jeff Zients and David Rubenstein. (Fox News)

Biden attended the first two meetings, which both took place at the U.S. Naval Observatory, where the vice presidential residence is located.

Hunter Biden's business partner Joan Meyer sends him his schedule on Feb. 23. (Fox News)

Additionally, Anne Marie Muldoon, who was an assistant for then-Vice President Biden between 2014-2017, sent Hunter Biden an invitation to attend a potential fourth meeting with his father, Zients, David Bradley, a Washington, D.C.-based political consultant and chairman of media group Atlantic Media, and Eric Lander at the Naval Observatory on July 12, 2016. While it is unclear whether Hunter Biden joined the meeting, Muldoon sent him a copy of the meeting agenda after it took place.

Kathy Chung

Kathy Chung, who is currently serving as the Pentagon's deputy director of protocol, communicated frequently with Hunter when she was serving as Biden's executive assistant during the Obama administration.

Durante gran parte de sus cinco años de trabajo para Biden, Chung compartía regularmente información con Hunter sobre la agenda de su padre y le pasaba mensajes directamente del entonces vicepresidente, según los correos electrónicos.

Chung's relationship with Hunter also appears to date back to before she worked for his father. The emails showed that Hunter recommended Chung for the executive assistant role when the previous holder of the job, Michele Smith, departed the White House in the spring of 2012.


A month after Chung thanked Hunter for "thinking" of her and getting her to apply for a job in the vice president's office, Chung emailed Hunter Biden informing him that she had been offered the job.

Kathy Chung informs Hunter Biden that Vice President Biden had selected her to be his executive assistant. (Fox News)

"No puedo agradeceros lo suficiente que hayáis pensado en mí y me hayáis acompañado en esto", dijo. "¡Qué oportunidad tan increíble! Gracias, Hunter!"

En otro intercambio de correos electrónicos, poco después de que concluyera la administración Obama-Biden, Hunter sugirió a Chung que fuera a trabajar a su empresa. No parece que llegara a incorporarse a la empresa de Hunter.

Hunter Biden le dice a Kathy Chung que debería trabajar para él en febrero de 2017, añadiendo que puede "hacer ganar dinero a todo el mundo". (Fox News)

Chung made headlines in January after she was reportedly questioned by federal investigators as part of the probe into the president's handling of classified documents.

Ron Klain

Biden’s former White House chief of staff, Ron Klain, who stepped down in February, previously served as the chief of staff for Vice President Biden until the end of January 2011. In September 2012, Klain reached out to Hunter for help in raising $20,000 for the Vice President's Residence Foundation (VPRF), telling him to "keep this low low key" to prevent "bad PR," according to emails Fox News Digital previously reported on.

"The tax lawyers for the VP Residence Foundation have concluded that since the Cheney folks last raised money in 2007 and not 2008, we actually have to have some incoming funds before the end of this fiscal year (i.e., before 9/30/12 – next week) to remain eligible to be a 'public charity,'" Klain, who had left his chief of staff position in Vice President Biden's office a year earlier but was the foundation's chairman at the time, said in an email to Hunter.

"No es mucho -necesitamos recaudar un total de 20.000 $-, así que estoy pidiendo a unos cuantos amigos íntimos, de forma muy confidencial, que extiendan cheques de 2.000 $ cada uno", continuó Klain. "Tenemos que mantener la discreción, porque recaudar dinero para la Residencia ahora es malo para las relaciones públicas, pero hay que hacerlo, así que estoy intentando recaudar los 10 cheques de 2.000 $, hacerlo en una semana y luego, podemos hacer un acto para la Fundación de la Residencia después de las elecciones".

Hunter reenvió entonces el correo electrónico a Schwerin, que ayudaba a gestionar la mayor parte de las finanzas de Hunter, y ambos hablaron de hacer una donación a la fundación, aunque no está claro qué se decidió finalmente.

La carrera de Klain con Biden se remonta a su fallida campaña presidencial de 1988 y a su servicio como asesor del Comité Judicial del Senado.

Former White House chief of staff Ron Klain (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Elizabeth Alexander

Elizabeth Alexander, the communications director for first lady Jill Biden who went on temporary leave in May to help lead the messaging arm of Biden’s re-election campaign, also has ties to Hunter. 

In 2014, Alexander, who served as Biden’s spokesperson when he was a senator and the vice president, reached out to praise Hunter for his statement after he was kicked out of Navy Reserve for testing positive for cocaine.

"Hola Hunter: sólo quería escribirte una nota rápida para decirte que David y yo pensamos en ti", escribió en un correo electrónico. "Tu declaración fue perfecta y amable. Te envío un abrazo virtual de parte de los dos y espero que puedas conseguir algo de paz este fin de semana."

Alexander is married to David Wade, a former State Department staffer who helped advise Hunter with rapid response as he was receiving increased public scrutiny regarding his lucrative position with Burisma.

Emails uncovered by Fox News Digital last month showed Hunter's firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners, was paying Wade for communications consulting, and he strategized with Hunter and his partners on how to respond to inquiries by the Wall Street Journal and New York Times.

Wade ha visitado la Casa Blanca al menos cinco veces durante la presidencia de Biden, según los registros de visitas. 

Annie Tomasini

Annie Tomasini, asistente del presidente y actual directora de operaciones del Despacho Oval, mantenía una comunicación frecuente con Hunter, se refería a él como su "hermano" y a menudo terminaba sus correos electrónicos con "LY" por "te quiero", según correos electrónicos que datan de 2010 a 2016.

Biden anunció públicamente el 20 de diciembre de 2010 que Tomasini dimitía para ocupar un puesto en la Universidad de Harvard, y Tomasini mantuvo informado a Hunter de los detalles de ese puesto antes de que lo aceptara, según los correos electrónicos. El mes anterior, el 19 de noviembre de 2010, remitió a Hunter información sobre las prestaciones de los empleados de Harvard y añadió: "Gracias".

Annie Tomasini, director of Oval Office operations, left, follows President Biden on the South Lawn of the White House before boarding Marine One on May 17, 2023. (Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

"Hey – I looked at benefits And they look pretty amazing. Any word on comp?" Hunter responded on Nov. 23, 2010.

"Te mantendré informado. Gracias por mirar todos los antecedentes Hunt", respondió Tomasini.

A Tomasini le ofrecieron el puesto el 30 de noviembre de 2010, escribiendo a Hunter: "Director de relaciones intergubernamentales. > 120k ish - puede ser un poco más alto".

She later thanked him and said she was going to tell his father the news. Months later, Hunter gave a speech at Harvard, but not before running the draft by Tomasini first.

Tomasini has accompanied Biden and Hunter to Camp David twice in the past few weeks.


Michael Donilon 

Michael Donilon, actual asesor principal de Biden que fue su principal estratega de campaña en 2020, estuvo en decenas de correos electrónicos con Hunter y otros miembros del círculo íntimo de Biden coordinando reuniones de estrategia a lo largo de la campaña de 2012, reflexionando sobre una candidatura presidencial en 2016 y, más tarde, planeando los empeños de Biden tras la vicepresidencia.

In August 2015, Schwerin shared a Politico article with Hunter that says Donilon and a few other advisers from Biden's inner circle, including Hunter, are the only ones "involved in the real decision-making."

Un correo electrónico de febrero de 2016 mostraba que Hunter, Donilon y algunos otros participaban también en las fases de planificación de la Fundación Biden. Y poco después de que Biden dejara el cargo en 2017, Hunter, Donilon y otras personas de su círculo íntimo fueron invitados a una reunión en la residencia de Biden en McLean, Virginia, según los correos electrónicos. 

Days later Hunter, Donilon and several others were invited to a meeting at Biden's Wilmington, Delaware, home where classified documents were recently discovered. The meeting took place on Feb. 7, 2017, the same day it was announced that the former vice president would be leading the Penn Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania, where classified documents were also found, and the Biden Institute at the University of Delaware.

Donilon acompañó a Biden hace unos meses en el viaje a Irlanda, en el que participaron Hunter y la hermana de Biden, Valerie Biden Owens.

Steve Ricchetti 

Steve Ricchetti, que actualmente es consejero de Biden en la Casa Blanca, también aparecía en decenas de correos electrónicos con Hunter en los que se hablaba de reuniones de estrategia y se ayudaba a Biden con la vida posterior a la vicepresidencia.

Fox News Digital reported last year that Schwerin visited the White House at least eight times in 2016, meeting with Ricchetti at least twice when he was serving as Biden’s chief of staff. 

Morell, the former CIA deputy director who testified in April, said he received a call in October 2020 from Ricchetti, who was serving as the chairman of Biden's campaign at the time, following the final debate against then-President Donald Trump, when Biden said the Hunter laptop was a "Russian plant" and a "bunch of garbage." 

Morell dijo que la llamada de Ricchetti era para darle las gracias por encabezar la carta firmada por funcionarios de inteligencia que intentaba desacreditar el portátil. 

Steve Ricchetti, counselor to the president, gestures after playing a round of golf with President Biden at Wilmington Country Club in Delaware on April 17, 2021. (Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images)

Louisa Terrell 

Louisa Terrell, who is serving as assistant to the president and the director of the Office of Legislative Affairs, communicated with Hunter dozens of times during the Obama-Biden administration, with some of the correspondence including Schwerin on the emails.

In February 2014, Terrell emailed Hunter and Schwerin, saying, "So nice to catch up over lunch – thank you. Enjoy the snow day and talk soon."

Louisa Terrell, White House legislative affairs director, walks with Steve Ricchetti to a House Democrat caucus meeting at the U.S. Capitol on May 31, 2023. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Another email chain from late 2014 through early 2015 shows that she reached out to Hunter for help in getting her daughter into Sidwell Friends School, one of the most expensive and elite PK-12 schools in the country, which includes both of former President Obama's daughters and some of Biden's grandchildren as alumni.

"Thank you for agreeing to speak with Sidwell about Olivia's application to next year's 7th grade class. I recognize how busy you are and appreciate you making the time to chime in with Bryan," Terrell said in February 2015. "Below is some logistical information and some background on why Olivia is a good fit for Sidwell. Let me know if this is helpful and/or you need some additional information."

"[Bryan] was very cordial/ nice – sent me two emails – one saying he received my message and email and a second that was more personal acknowledging that he also spoke to Chris and others who had weighed in on behalf of Olivia and he hopes it all works out etc..." Hunter said. "Very nice – looking forward to having dinner sometime soon – but didn't give any thing up in the way of real information."

Less than two weeks later, Terrell emailed Hunter saying her daughter got into Sidwell and added, "Thank you so so much for your help. I hope you know how much I appreciate it. Thank you, thank you!" 


Terrell has worked for Biden going back as early as 2001 and served a two-year stint as executive director at the Biden Foundation, according to her LinkedIn profile.

The White House, Biden's campaign and Hunter Biden's lawyer did not respond to Fox News Digital's requests for comment.

Fox News’ Joe Schoffstall and Thomas Catenacci contributed to this report.

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