Estado de la Unión 2020: Lee el discurso preparado completo del Presidente Trump

A continuación encontrarás los comentarios preparados del Presidente Trump para su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión del 4 de febrero de 2020.

Señora Presidenta, señor Vicepresidente, miembros del Congreso, la Primera Dama de los Estados Unidos y mis conciudadanos:

Hace tres años, lanzamos la gran remontada estadounidense. Esta noche, estoy ante vosotros para compartir los increíbles resultados. Los puestos de trabajo están en auge, los ingresos se disparan, la pobreza cae en picado, la delincuencia disminuye, la confianza aumenta y nuestro país vuelve a ser próspero y muy respetado. Los enemigos de EEUU están huyendo, la fortuna de EEUU está en alza y el futuro de EEUU es brillante.

Los años de decadencia económica han terminado. Los días en que nuestro país era utilizado, aprovechado e incluso despreciado por otras naciones han quedado atrás. También han quedado atrás las promesas incumplidas, las recuperaciones sin empleo, los tópicos cansinos y las excusas constantes para el agotamiento de la riqueza, el poder y el prestigio estadounidenses.

En sólo 3 breves años, hemos hecho añicos la mentalidad del declive estadounidense, y hemos rechazado la reducción del destino de Estados Unidos. Estamos avanzando a un ritmo inimaginable hace poco tiempo, ¡y nunca volveremos atrás!

Me am emociona informaros esta noche de que nuestra economía es la mejor de la historia. Nuestras fuerzas armadas están completamente reconstruidas, y su poder no tiene parangón en ningún lugar del mundo, y ni siquiera está cerca. Nuestras fronteras son seguras. Nuestras familias están floreciendo. Nuestros valores están renovados. Nuestro orgullo se ha restaurado. Y por todas estas razones, digo al pueblo de nuestro gran país, y a los miembros del Congreso que me preceden: ¡El Estado de nuestra Unión es más fuerte que nunca!

La visión que expondré esta tarde demuestra cómo estamos construyendo la sociedad más próspera e integradora del mundo, una sociedad en la que todos los ciudadanos pueden unirse al éxito sin parangón de Estados Unidos, y en la que todas las comunidades pueden participar en el extraordinario ascenso de Estados Unidos.

Desde el mismo momento en que asumí el cargo, actué con rapidez para reactivar la economía de Estados Unidos, eliminando un número sin precedentes de normativas que eliminan puestos de trabajo, promulgando recortes fiscales históricos y sin precedentes, y luchando por unos acuerdos comerciales justos y recíprocos. Nuestro programa es implacablemente pro-trabajador, pro-familia, pro-crecimiento y, sobre todo, pro-estadounidense. Estamos avanzando con un optimismo desenfrenado y elevando a nuestros ciudadanos de toda raza, color, religión y credo.

Desde mi elección, hemos creado 7 millones de nuevos puestos de trabajo, 5 millones más de los que preveían los expertos del Gobierno durante la administración anterior.

La tasa de desempleo es la más baja en más de medio siglo.

Increíblemente, la tasa media de desempleo bajo mi Administración es inferior a la de cualquier administración en la historia de nuestro país. Si no hubiéramos invertido las políticas económicas fracasadas de la administración anterior, el mundo no sería ahora testigo del gran éxito económico de Estados Unidos.

Las tasas de desempleo de los afroamericanos, hispanoamericanos y asiáticoamericanos han alcanzado los niveles más bajos de la historia. El desempleo de los jóvenes afroamericanos ha alcanzado un mínimo histórico.

African-American poverty has declined to the lowest rate ever recorded.

     The unemployment rate for women reached the lowest level in almost 70 years -- and last year, women filled 72 percent of all new jobs added.

     The veterans' unemployment rate dropped to a record low.

     The unemployment rate for disabled Americans has reached an all-time low.

     Workers without a high school diploma have achieved the lowest unemployment rate recorded in United States history.

     A record number of young Americans are now employed.

     Under the last administration, more than 10 million people were added to the food stamp rolls.  Under my Administration, 7 million Americans have come off of food stamps, and 10 million people have been lifted off of welfare.

     In 8 years under the last administration, over 300,000 working-age people dropped out of the workforce.  In just 3 years of my Administration, 3.5 million working-age people have joined the workforce.

     Since my election, the net worth of the bottom half of wage-earners has increased by 47 percent -- 3 times faster than the increase for the top 1 percent.  After decades of flat and falling incomes, wages are rising fast -- and, wonderfully, they are rising fastest for low-income workers, who have seen a 16 percent pay-increase since my election.  This is a blue collar boom.

     Real median household income is now at the highest level ever recorded!

     Since my election, United States stock markets have soared 70 percent, adding more than $12 trillion to our Nation's wealth, transcending anything anyone believed was possible -- this, as other countries are not doing well.  Consumer confidence has reached amazing new heights.

     All of those millions of people with 401(k)s and pensions are doing far better than they have ever done before with increases of 60, 70, 80, 90, and even 100 percent.

     Jobs and investment are pouring into 9,000 previously-neglected neighborhoods thanks to Opportunity Zones, a plan spearheaded by Senator Tim Scott as part of our great Republican tax cuts.  In other words, wealthy people and companies are pouring money into poor neighborhoods or areas that have not seen investment in many decades, creating jobs, energy, and excitement.  This is the first time that these deserving communities have seen anything like this.  It is all working!

     Opportunity Zones are helping Americans like Army Veteran Tony Rankins from Cincinnati, Ohio.  After struggling with drug addiction, Tony lost his job, his house, and his family -- he was homeless.  But then Tony found a construction company that invests in Opportunity Zones.  He is now a top tradesman, drug-free, reunited with his family, and he is here tonight.  Tony:  Keep up the great work. 

     Our roaring economy has, for the first time ever, given many former prisoners the ability to get a great job and a fresh start.  This second chance at life is made possible because we passed landmark Criminal Justice Reform into law.  Everybody said that Criminal Justice Reform could not be done, but I got it done, and the people in this room got it done.

     Thanks to our bold regulatory reduction campaign, the United States has become the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world, by far.  With the tremendous progress we have made over the past 3 years, America is now energy independent, and energy jobs, like so many elements of our country, are at a record high.  We are doing numbers that no one would have thought possible just 3 years ago.

     Likewise, we are restoring our Nation's manufacturing might, even though predictions were that this could never be done.  After losing 60,000 factories under the previous two administrations, America has now gained 12,000 new factories under my Administration with thousands upon thousands of plants and factories being planned or built.  We have created over half a million new manufacturing jobs.  Companies are not leaving; they are coming back.  Everybody wants to be where the action is, and the United States of America is, indeed, where the action is.

     One of the single biggest promises I made to the American people was to replace the disastrous NAFTA trade deal.  In fact, unfair trade is perhaps the single biggest reason that I decided to run for President.  Following NAFTA's adoption, our Nation lost one in four manufacturing jobs.  Many politicians came and went, pledging to change or replace NAFTA -- only to do absolutely nothing.  But unlike so many who came before me, I keep my promises.  Six days ago, I replaced NAFTA and signed the brand new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) into law.

     The USMCA will create nearly 100,000 new high-paying American auto jobs, and massively boost exports for our farmers, ranchers, and factory workers.  It will also bring trade with Mexico and Canada to a much higher degree, but also to a much greater level of fairness and reciprocity.  This is the first major trade deal in many years to earn the strong backing of America's labor unions. 

     I also promised our citizens that I would impose tariffs to confront China's massive theft of American jobs.  Our strategy worked.  Days ago, we signed the groundbreaking new agreement with China that will defend our workers, protect our intellectual property, bring billions of dollars into our treasury, and open vast new markets for products made and grown right here in the United States of America.  For decades, China has taken advantage of the United States, now we have changed that but, at the same time, we have perhaps the best relationship we have ever had with China, including with President Xi.  They respect what we have done because, quite frankly, they could never believe what they were able to get away with year after year, decade after decade, without someone in our country stepping up and saying:  Enough.  Now, we want to rebuild our country, and that is what we are doing.

     As we restore American leadership throughout the world, we are once again standing up for freedom in our hemisphere.  That is why my Administration reversed the failing policies of the previous administration on Cuba.  We are supporting the hopes of Cubans, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans to restore democracy.  The United States is leading a 59-nation diplomatic coalition against the socialist dictator of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.  Maduro is an illegitimate ruler, a tyrant who brutalizes his people.  But Maduro's grip of tyranny will be smashed and broken.  Here this evening is a man who carries with him the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of all Venezuelans.  Joining us in the gallery is the true and legitimate President of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó.  Mr. President, please take this message back to your homeland.  All Americans are united with the Venezuelan people in their righteous struggle for freedom!  Socialism destroys nations.  But always remember, freedom unifies the soul.  

     To safeguard American Liberty, we have invested a record-breaking $2.2 trillion in the United States Military.  We have purchased the finest planes, missiles, rockets, ships, and every other form of military equipment -- all made in the United States of America.  We are also finally getting our allies to help pay their fair share.  I have raised contributions from the other NATO members by more than $400 billion, and the number of allies meeting their minimum obligations has more than doubled.
     And just weeks ago, for the first time since President Truman established the Air Force more than 70 years earlier, we created a new branch of the United States Armed Forces, the Space Force.  

     In the gallery tonight, we have one of the Space Force's youngest potential recruits:  13-year-old Iain Lanphier, an eighth grader from Arizona.  Iain has always dreamed of going to space.  He was first in his class and among the youngest at an aviation academy.  He aspires to go to the Air Force Academy, and then, he has his eye on the Space Force.  As Iain says, "most people look up at space, I want to look down on the world."

Sentado junto a Iain esta noche está su gran héroe. Charles McGee nació en Cleveland, Ohio, hace un siglo. Charles es uno de los últimos supervivientes de los aviadores de Tuskegee -los primeros pilotos de combate negros- y también resulta ser el bisabuelo de Iain. Tras más de 130 misiones de combate en la II Guerra Mundial, regresó a un país que aún luchaba por los derechos civiles y sirvió a Estados Unidos en Corea y Vietnam. El 7 de diciembre, Charles cumplió 100 años. Hace unas semanas, firmé un proyecto de ley por el que se ascendía a Charles McGee a General de Brigada. Y hoy mismo le he colocado las estrellas sobre los hombros en el Despacho Oval. General McGee: Nuestra Nación te saluda.

Desde los peregrinos hasta nuestros Fundadores, desde los soldados de Valley Forge hasta los manifestantes de Selma, y desde el Presidente Lincoln hasta el Reverendo Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. los estadounidenses siempre han rechazado los límites al futuro de nuestros hijos.

Miembros del Congreso, no debemos olvidar nunca que las únicas victorias que importan en Washington son las que benefician al pueblo estadounidense. El pueblo es el corazón de nuestro país, sus sueños son el alma de nuestro país, y su amor es lo que potencia y sostiene a nuestro país. Debemos recordar siempre que nuestro trabajo consiste en poner a Estados Unidos en primer lugar.

El siguiente paso adelante en la construcción de una sociedad integradora es asegurarnos de que todos los jóvenes estadounidenses reciban una gran educación y tengan la oportunidad de alcanzar el Sueño Americano. Sin embargo, durante demasiado tiempo, innumerables niños estadounidenses han estado atrapados en escuelas públicas que fracasaban. Para rescatar a estos estudiantes, 18 Estados han creado la opción escolar en forma de Becas de Oportunidad. Los programas son tan populares, que decenas de miles de estudiantes permanecen en listas de espera. Uno de esos estudiantes es Janiyah Davis, una alumna de cuarto curso de Filadelfia. La madre de Janiyah, Stephanie, es madre soltera. Haría cualquier cosa por dar a su hija un futuro mejor. Pero el año pasado, ese futuro quedó aún más fuera de su alcance cuando el gobernador de Pensilvania vetó la legislación que ampliaba la elección de escuela para 50.000 niños.

Janiyah and Stephanie are in the gallery this evening.  But there is more to their story.  Janiyah, I am pleased to inform you that your long wait is over.  I can proudly announce tonight that an Opportunity Scholarship has become available, it is going to you, and you will soon be heading to the school of your choice!

     Now, I call on the Congress to give 1 million American children the same opportunity Janiyah has just received.  Pass the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act -- because no parent should be forced to send their child to a failing government school. 

     Every young person should have a safe and secure environment in which to learn and grow.  For this reason, our magnificent First Lady has launched the "Be Best" initiative -- to advance a safe, healthy, supportive, and drug-free life for the next generation, online, in school, and in our communities.  Thank you, Melania, for your extraordinary love and profound care for America's children.

     My Administration is determined to give our citizens the opportunities they need regardless of age or background.  Through our Pledge to American Workers, over 400 companies will also provide new jobs and education opportunities to almost 15 million Americans.  

     My Budget also contains an exciting vision for our Nation's high schools.  Tonight, I ask the Congress to support our students and back my plan to offer vocational and technical education in every single high school in America. 

     To expand equal opportunity, I am also proud that we achieved record and permanent funding for our Nation's Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

     A good life for American families also requires the most affordable, innovative, and high-quality healthcare system on Earth.  Before I took office, health insurance premiums had more than doubled in just 5 years.  I moved quickly to provide affordable alternatives.  Our new plans are up to 60 percent less expensive.  I have also made an ironclad pledge to American families:  We will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions -- that is a guarantee.  And we will always protect your Medicare and your Social Security.

     The American patient should never be blindsided by medical bills.  That is why I signed an Executive Order requiring price transparency.  Many experts believe that transparency, which will go into full effect at the beginning of next year, will be even bigger than healthcare reform.  It will save families massive amounts of money for substantially better care.

     But as we work to improve Americans' healthcare, there are those who want to take away your healthcare, take away your doctor, and abolish private insurance entirely.  One hundred thirty-two lawmakers in this room have endorsed legislation to impose a socialist takeover of our healthcare system, wiping out the private health insurance plans of 180 million Americans.  To those watching at home tonight, I want you to know:  We will never let socialism destroy American healthcare!

     Over 130 legislators in this chamber have endorsed legislation that would bankrupt our Nation by providing free taxpayer-funded healthcare to millions of illegal aliens, forcing taxpayers to subsidize free care for anyone in the world who unlawfully crosses our borders.  These proposals would raid the Medicare benefits our seniors depend on, while acting as a powerful lure for illegal immigration.  This is what is happening in California and other States -- their systems are totally out of control, costing taxpayers vast and unaffordable amounts of money.  If forcing American taxpayers to provide unlimited free healthcare to illegal aliens sounds fair to you, then stand with the radical left.  But if you believe that we should defend American patients and American seniors, then stand with me and pass legislation to prohibit free Government healthcare for illegal aliens!

     This will be a tremendous boon to our already very-strongly guarded southern border where, as we speak, a long, tall, and very powerful wall is being built.  We have now completed over 100 miles and will have over 500 miles fully completed by early next year.

     My Administration is also taking on the big pharmaceutical companies.  We have approved a record number of affordable generic drugs, and medicines are being approved by the FDA at a faster clip than ever before.  I was pleased to announce last year that, for the first time in 51 years, the cost of prescription drugs actually went down.

     And working together, the Congress can reduce drug prices substantially from current levels.  I have been speaking to Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa and others in the Congress in order to get something on drug pricing done, and done properly.  I am calling for bipartisan legislation that achieves the goal of dramatically lowering prescription drug prices.  Get a bill to my desk, and I will sign it into law without delay.

     With unyielding commitment, we are curbing the opioid epidemic -- drug overdose deaths declined for the first time in nearly 30 years.  Among the States hardest hit, Ohio is down 22 percent, Pennsylvania is down 18 percent, Wisconsin is down 10 percent -- and we will not quit until we have beaten the opioid epidemic once and for all.

     Protecting Americans' health also means fighting infectious diseases.  We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the Coronavirus outbreak in China.  My Administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat. 

     We have launched ambitious new initiatives to substantially improve care for Americans with kidney disease, Alzheimer's, and those struggling with mental health challenges.  And because the Congress funded my request, we are pursuing new cures for childhood cancer, and we will eradicate the AIDS epidemic in America by the end of the decade.

     Almost every American family knows the pain when a loved one is diagnosed with a serious illness.  Here tonight is a special man, someone beloved by millions of Americans who just received a Stage 4 advanced cancer diagnosis.  This is not good news, but what is good news is that he is the greatest fighter and winner that you will ever meet.  Rush Limbaugh:  Thank you for your decades of tireless devotion to our country.  Rush, in recognition of all that you have done for our Nation, the millions of people a day that you speak to and inspire, and all of the incredible work that you have done for charity, I am proud to announce tonight that you will be receiving our country's highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.  I will now ask the First Lady of the United States to please stand and present you with the honor.  Rush, Kathryn, congratulations!

As we pray for all who are sick, we know that America is constantly achieving new medical breakthroughs.  In 2017, doctors at St. Luke's hospital in Kansas City delivered one of the earliest premature babies ever to survive.  Born at just 21 weeks and 6 days, and weighing less than a pound, Ellie Schneider was born a fighter.  Through the skill of her doctors -- and the prayers of her parents -- little Ellie kept on winning the battle for life.  Today, Ellie is a strong, healthy 2-year-old girl sitting with her amazing mother Robin in the gallery.  Ellie and Robin:  We are so glad you are here.

     Ellie reminds us that every child is a miracle of life.  Thanks to modern medical wonders, 50 percent of very premature babies delivered at the hospital where Ellie was born now survive.  Our goal should be to ensure that every baby has the best chance to thrive and grow just like Ellie.  That is why I am asking the Congress to provide an additional $50 million to fund neo-natal research for America's youngest patients.  That is also why I am calling upon the Members of Congress here tonight to pass legislation finally banning the late-term abortion of babies.

     Whether we are Republican, Democrat, or Independent, surely we must all agree that every human life is a sacred gift from God!

     As we support America's moms and dads, I was recently proud to sign the law providing new parents in the Federal workforce paid family leave, serving as a model for the rest of the country.  Now, I call on the Congress to pass the bipartisan Advancing Support for Working Families Act, extending family leave to mothers and fathers all across the Nation.

     Forty million American families have an average $2,200 extra thanks to our child tax credit.  I have also overseen historic funding increases for high-quality child care, enabling 17 States to serve more children, many of which have reduced or eliminated their waitlists altogether.  And I sent the Congress a plan with a vision to further expand access to high-quality childcare and urge you to act immediately.

     To protect the environment, days ago, I announced that the United States will join the One Trillion Trees Initiative, an ambitious effort to bring together Government and the private sector to plant new trees in America and around the world. 

     We must also rebuild America's infrastructure.  I ask you to pass Senator Barrasso's highway bill -- to invest in new roads, bridges, and tunnels across our land. 

     I am also committed to ensuring that every citizen can have access to high-speed internet, including rural America.

     A better tomorrow for all Americans also requires us to keep America safe.  That means supporting the men and women of law enforcement at every level, including our Nation's heroic ICE officers.

     Last year, our brave ICE officers arrested more than 120,000 criminal aliens charged with nearly 10,000 burglaries, 5,000 sexual assaults, 45,000 violent assaults, and 2,000 murders.

     Tragically, there are many cities in America where radical politicians have chosen to provide sanctuary for these criminal illegal aliens.  In Sanctuary Cities, local officials order police to release dangerous criminal aliens to prey upon the public, instead of handing them over to ICE to be safely removed.

     Just 29 days ago, a criminal alien freed by the Sanctuary City of New York was charged with the brutal rape and murder of a 92-year-old woman.  The killer had been previously arrested for assault, but under New York's sanctuary policies, he was set free.  If the city had honored ICE's detainer request, his victim would be alive today.

     The State of California passed an outrageous law declaring their whole State to be a sanctuary for criminal illegal immigrants -- with catastrophic results.

     Here is just one tragic example.  In December 2018, California police detained an illegal alien with five prior arrests, including convictions for robbery and assault.  But as required by California's Sanctuary Law, local authorities released him.

     Days later, the criminal alien went on a gruesome spree of deadly violence.  He viciously shot one man going about his daily work; he approached a woman sitting in her car and shot her in the arm and the chest.  He walked into a convenience store and wildly fired his weapon.  He hijacked a truck and smashed into vehicles, critically injuring innocent victims.  One of the victims of his bloody rampage was a 51-year-old American named Rocky Jones.  Rocky was at a gas station when this vile criminal fired eight bullets at him from close range, murdering him in cold blood.  Rocky left behind a devoted family, including his brothers who loved him more than anything.  One of his grieving brothers is here with us tonight.  Jody, would you please stand?  Jody, our hearts weep for your loss -- and we will not rest until you have justice.

     Senator Thom Tillis has introduced legislation to allow Americans like Jody to sue Sanctuary Cities and States when a loved one is hurt or killed as a result of these deadly policies.  I ask the Congress to pass the Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act immediately.  The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans -- not criminal aliens!

     In the last 3 years, ICE has arrested over 5,000 wicked human traffickers -- and I have signed 9 pieces of legislation to stamp out the menace of human trafficking, domestically and around the globe.

     My Administration has undertaken an unprecedented effort to secure the southern border of the United States.  

     Before I came into office, if you showed up illegally on our southern border and were arrested, you were simply released and allowed into our country, never to be seen again.  My Administration has ended Catch-and-Release.  If you come illegally, you will now be promptly removed.  We entered into historic cooperation agreements with the Governments of Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala.  As a result of our unprecedented efforts, illegal crossings are down 75 percent since May -- dropping 8 straight months in a row.  And as the wall goes up, drug seizures rise, and border crossings go down.

     Last year, I traveled to the border in Texas and met Chief Patrol Agent Raul Ortiz.  Over the last 24 months, Agent Ortiz and his team have seized more than 200,000 pounds of poisonous narcotics, arrested more than 3,000 human smugglers, and rescued more than 2,000 migrants.  Days ago, Agent Ortiz was promoted to Deputy Chief of Border Patrol -- and he joins us tonight.  Chief Ortiz:  Please stand -- a grateful Nation thanks you and all the heroes of Border Patrol.

     To build on these historic gains, we are working on legislation to replace our outdated and randomized immigration system with one based on merit, welcoming those who follow the rules, contribute to our economy, support themselves financially, and uphold our values.

     With every action, my Administration is restoring the rule of law and re-asserting the culture of American freedom.  Working with Senate Majority Leader McConnell and his colleagues in the Senate, we have confirmed a record number of 187 new Federal judges to uphold our Constitution as written.  This includes two brilliant new Supreme Court Justices, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh.

     My Administration is also defending religious liberty, and that includes the Constitutional right to pray in public schools.  In America, we do not punish prayer.  We do not tear down crosses.  We do not ban symbols of faith.  We do not muzzle preachers and pastors.  In America, we celebrate faith.  We cherish religion.  We lift our voices in prayer, and we raise our sights to the Glory of God!

     Just as we believe in the First Amendment, we also believe in another Constitutional right that is under siege all across our country.   So long as I am President I will always protect your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

     In reaffirming our heritage as a free Nation, we must remember that America has always been a frontier nation.  Now we must embrace the next frontier, America's manifest destiny in the stars.  I am asking the Congress to fully fund the Artemis program to ensure that the next man and the first woman on the moon will be American astronauts -- using this as a launching pad to ensure that America is the first nation to plant its flag on Mars.

     My Administration is also strongly defending our national security and combating radical Islamic terrorism.  Last week, I announced a groundbreaking plan for peace between Israel and the Palestinians.  Recognizing that all past attempts have failed, we must be determined and creative in order to stabilize the region and give millions of young people the change to realize a better future.

     Three years ago, the barbarians of ISIS held over 20,000 square miles of territory in Iraq and Syria.  Today, the ISIS territorial caliphate has been 100 percent destroyed, and the founder and leader of ISIS -- the bloodthirsty killer Al‑Baghdadi -- is dead!

     We are joined this evening by Carl and Marsha Mueller.  After graduating from college, their beautiful daughter Kayla became a humanitarian aid worker.  Kayla once wrote, "Some people find God in church.  Some people find God in nature.  Some people find God in love; I find God in suffering.  I've known for some time what my life's work is, using my hands as tools to relieve suffering."  In 2013, while caring for suffering civilians in Syria, Kayla was kidnapped, tortured, and enslaved by ISIS, and kept as a prisoner of Al-Baghdadi himself.  After more than 500 horrifying days of captivity, Al-Baghdadi murdered young Kayla.  She was just 26 years old.

     On the night that United States Special Forces Operators ended Al‑Baghdadi's miserable life, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, received a call in the Situation Room.  He was told that the brave men of the elite Special Forces team, that so perfectly carried out the operation, had given their mission a name -- "Task Force 8-14."  It was a reference to a special day:  August 14th -- Kayla's birthday.  Carl and Marsha, America's warriors never forgot Kayla -- and neither will we. 

     Every day, America's men and women in uniform demonstrate the infinite depths of love that dwells in the human heart.

     One of these American heroes was Army Staff Sergeant Christopher Hake.  On his second deployment to Iraq in 2008, Sergeant Hake wrote a letter to his 1-year-old son, Gage:  "I will be with you again," he wrote to Gage.  "I will teach you to ride your first bike, build your first sand box, watch you play sports and see you have kids also.  I love you son, take care of your mother.  I am always with you.  Dad."  On Easter Sunday of 2008, Chris was out on patrol in Baghdad when his Bradley Fighting Vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb.  That night, he made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.  Sergeant Hake now rests in eternal glory in Arlington, and his wife Kelli is in the gallery tonight, joined by their son, who is now 13 years old.  To Kelli and Gage:  Chris will live in our hearts forever.

     The terrorist responsible for killing Sergeant Hake was Qasem Soleimani, who provided the deadly roadside bomb that took Chris's life.  Soleimani was the Iranian Regime's most ruthless butcher, a monster who murdered or wounded thousands of American service members in Iraq.  As the world's top terrorist, Soleimani orchestrated the deaths of countless men, women, and children.  He directed the December assault on United States Forces in Iraq, and was actively planning new attacks.  That is why, last month, at my direction, the United States Military executed a flawless precision strike that killed Soleimani and terminated his evil reign of terror forever.

     Our message to the terrorists is clear:  You will never escape American justice.  If you attack our citizens, you forfeit your life!

     In recent months, we have seen proud Iranians raise their voices against their oppressive rulers.  The Iranian regime must abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons, stop spreading terror, death, and destruction, and start working for the good of its own people.  Because of our powerful sanctions, the Iranian economy is doing very poorly.  We can help them make it very good in a short period of time, but perhaps they are too proud or too foolish to ask for that help.  We are here.  Let's see which road they choose.  It is totally up to them.

     As we defend American lives, we are working to end America's wars in the Middle East.

     In Afghanistan, the determination and valor of our warfighters has allowed us to make tremendous progress, and peace talks are underway.  I am not looking to kill hundreds of thousands of people in Afghanistan, many of them innocent.  It is also not our function to serve other nations as a law enforcement agency.  These are warfighters, the best in the world, and they either want to fight to win or not fight at all.  We are working to finally end America's longest war and bring our troops back home!

La guerra supone una pesada carga para las extraordinarias familias militares de nuestro país, especialmente para cónyuges como Amy Williams, de Fort Bragg, Carolina del Norte, y sus 2 hijos: Elliana, de 6 años, y Rowan, de 3. Amy trabaja a tiempo completo y dedica incontables horas como voluntaria a ayudar a otras familias de militares. Durante los últimos 7 meses, lo ha hecho todo mientras su marido, el Sargento de Primera Clase Townsend Williams, está en Afganistán en su cuarto despliegue en Oriente Medio. Los hijos de Amy no han visto la cara de su padre en muchos meses. Amy, el sacrificio de tu familia hace posible que todas nuestras familias vivan seguras y en paz... te damos las gracias.

Como el mundo atestigua esta noche, Estados Unidos es una tierra de héroes. Este es el lugar donde nace la grandeza, donde se forjan los destinos y donde cobran vida las leyendas. Este es el hogar de Thomas Edison y Teddy Roosevelt, de muchos grandes generales, como Washington, Pershing, Patton y MacArthur. Éste es el hogar de Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Amelia Earhart, Harriet Tubman, los hermanos Wright, Neil Armstrong y tantos otros. Éste es el país donde los niños aprenden nombres como Wyatt Earp, Davy Crockett y Annie Oakley. Éste es el lugar donde los peregrinos desembarcaron en Plymouth y donde los patriotas tejanos hicieron su última resistencia en El Álamo.

La Nación Americana fue esculpida en la vasta frontera por los hombres y mujeres más duros, fuertes, feroces y decididos que jamás hayan pisado la faz de la Tierra. Nuestros antepasados se enfrentaron a lo desconocido, domaron la naturaleza, colonizaron el Salvaje Oeste, sacaron a millones de personas de la pobreza, la enfermedad y el hambre, vencieron a la tiranía y al fascismo, llevaron al mundo a nuevas cotas de la ciencia y la medicina, construyeron ferrocarriles, excavaron canales, levantaron rascacielos... y, damas y caballeros, nuestros antepasados construyeron la República más excepcional que jamás haya existido en toda la historia de la humanidad. ¡Y nosotros la estamos haciendo más grande que nunca!

Ésta es nuestra gloriosa y magnífica herencia.

Somos estadounidenses. Somos los pioneros. Somos los pioneros. Asentamos el nuevo mundo, construimos el mundo moderno y cambiamos la historia para siempre al abrazar la verdad eterna de que todos somos iguales por la mano de Dios Todopoderoso.

¡América es el lugar donde todo puede suceder! América es el lugar donde cualquiera puede ascender. Y aquí, en esta tierra, en este suelo, en este continente, ¡se hacen realidad los sueños más increíbles!

Esta Nación es nuestro lienzo, y este país es nuestra obra maestra. Miramos al mañana y vemos fronteras ilimitadas esperando a ser exploradas. Nuestros descubrimientos más brillantes aún no se conocen. Nuestras historias más emocionantes aún no se han contado. Nuestros viajes más grandiosos aún no se han realizado. La Era Americana, la Epopeya Americana, la Aventura Americana, ¡no ha hecho más que empezar!

Nuestro espíritu aún es joven; el sol aún está saliendo; la gracia de Dios aún brilla; y, compatriotas americanos, ¡lo mejor está aún por llegar!

Gracias. Que Dios os bendiga. Dios bendiga a América.

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