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Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, sounded off Wednesday on President Biden's response to a debilitating hack of a U.S. oil pipeline from within Russian, by turning around and giving his approval to a lucrative Russian pipeline that will supply energy to Germany.

On "Hannity," host Sean Hannity reported that Biden gave a waiver to Russian President Vladimir Putin to build the NordStream II pipeline which would supply energy to Berlin.

At the same time, the host noted how Biden essentially killed thousands of Union jobs at home by canceling the Keystone XL Pipeline as one of his inaugural acts.

"It's absolutely crazy what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are doing. On Day One in office, Joe Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline. He destroyed 11,000 high-paying jobs, including 8,000 union jobs. Then Biden sat by and allowed Russian hackers to hack the Colonial Pipeline producing gas lines up and down the eastern seaboard… He sat by while they paid a ransom to Russian hackers."

"And now his reward to Russia for Russian hackers shutting down a major infrastructure pipeline on the Eastern Seaboard, today he signed a waiver greenlighting the NORDSTREAM-2 pipeline. A pipeline from Russia to Germany," Cruz continued.

Cruz further explained that prior to Biden, Congress has on a bipartisan basis passed sanctions he personally authored which prevented the Russia-to-Germany pipeline's construction.

"It was a piece of metal at the bottom of the ocean," he said. "Putin began rebuilding it right after Biden was elected. Today [Biden] issued a waiver."

Cruz said that Biden has declared American pipelines "bad" but Russian pipelines "good" – which he added translates to "Jobs in Russia Good" as opposed to American jobs.

"This is exactly backward. It's asinine. Four months into [his term], Joe Biden is crawling in bed with Putin and Russia and the enemies of America. It doesn't make any sense."

The Texan added that Biden has been terribly detrimental to Mideast peace forged by President Donald Trump, pointing to aid he is sending to the Palestinians and his somewhat sheepish stance toward Israel.


"Hamas, the terrorists that are firing the rockets that you're showing right now, they fired over 4,000 rockets into Israel. Every one of those rockets might as well have Joe Biden's name written on the side of it. Because it is his weakness, his appeasement, his moral relativism, and ambiguity."

"He ought to stand up and say, rather than lecturing Netanyahu and rather than being arrogant and attacking our friends, he ought to say America stands with Israel, period; the end."