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Published August 17, 2018
President Trump slammed New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Friday, claiming “his political career is over” after the Democrat’s remarks earlier this week declaring that America “was never that great.”
“Which is worse, Hightax Andrew Cuomo's statement, ‘WE’RE NOT GOING TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, IT WAS NEVER THAT GREAT’ or Hillary Clinton’s ‘DEPLORABLES’ statement,” Trump tweeted, referring to Clinton’s comment about some Trump supporters during the 2016 presidential election campaign.
Comparing the two, Trump went on to say that he thought Cuomo’s “was a bigger and more incompetent blunder.”
“He should easily win his race against a Super Liberal Actress, but his political career is over!” he tweeted.
Cuomo is facing off against actress and activist, Cynthia Nixon, in a gubernatorial primary race.
During a bill-signing event on Wednesday, Cuomo took aim at Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan when he made the controversial comment.
"We're not going to make America great again. It was never that great," Cuomo said, drawing a mix of gasps and chuckles from the crowd.
“We have not reached greatness, we will reach greatness when every American is fully engaged, we will reach greatness when discrimination and stereotyping against women, 51 percent of our population, is gone and every woman’s full potential is realized and unleashed and every woman is making her full contribution,” he went on to say.
Following the remarks, a spokeswoman for the governor stressed that Cuomo "believes America is great," which will become more evident "when every man, woman, and child has full equality. America has not yet reached its maximum potential."
During a conference call on Friday, Cuomo also told reporters that he was "inartful" when he made his earlier remarks.
"I want to be very clear: Of course America is great and of course America has always been great," Cuomo said. "My family is evidence of American greatness."
He went on to call the president "vindictive, petty and small" and said the "Make America Great Again" slogan reflects Trump's desire to return America to a time of greater intolerance and inequality.
"Everything he does is repugnant of our values," Cuomo said.
The president first replied to the comments on Wednesday and renewed his criticism of Cuomo early Friday, saying the lawmaker “’choked’ badly” with his potentially “career threatening statement.”
He also questioned how the New York politician would “survive making the statement.”
“How does a politician, Cuomo, known for pushing people and businesses out of his state, not to mention having the highest taxes in the U.S., survive making the statement, WE’RE NOT GOING TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, IT WAS NEVER THAT GREAT?” Trump tweeted. “Which section of the sentence is worse?”
Fox News’ Adam Shaw and The Associated Press contributed to this report.