¿Lo sabías? Datos interesantes sobre las plagas del verano

<b>Bees</b> Honeybees may make 10 million trips to gather enough nectar to make a single pound of honey. The total distance traveled by all the bees to create this much honey may equal twice the distance around the world. (REUTERS/Stephen Ausmus/USDA/Handout)

<b>Ants</b> Some ants can lift 20 times their own body weight. If a 175-pound man had the comparative strength of an ant, he could lift four tons or almost 9,000 pounds. (areaturistica/Youtube)

<b>Mosquitoes</b> Only female mosquitoes bite humans. They are generally attracted to dark colors and the carbon dioxide you exhale. Males live on plant juices and other liquids from decomposing organic material. (Reuters)

<b>Fireflies</b> Firefly light is usually intermittent and flashes in patterns that are unique to each species. Each blinking pattern is an optical signal that helps fireflies find potential mates. (BYUNews/Youtube)

<b>House Flies</b> House flies taste with their feet, which are millions of times more sensitive to sugar than the human tongue. House flies also generally stay within one mile of where they were born. (Poul12/Youtube)

<b>Ladybugs</b> Ladybugs bleed from their knees when they feel threatened. The foul-smelling fluid seeps from their leg joints, often leaving yellow stains on a surface. (Reuters)