Por Joe Morgan
Publicado el 04 de agosto de 2023
Carolina del Norte el director deportivo Bubba Cunningham dio su opinión sobre los comentarios de Florida State acerca de su futura posición en la Conferencia de la Costa Atlántica.
El miércoles, el presidente deFlorida State, Richard McCullough dijo que permanecer en la ACC "en la situación actual" sería difícil a menos que se produjera un "cambio radical en la distribución de los ingresos".
Un casco de los Florida State Seminoles descansa cerca del banquillo del equipo durante la Cheez-It Bowl entre los Oklahoma Sooners y los Florida State Seminoles el jueves 29 de diciembre de 2022, en el Camping World Stadium, Orlando, Florida. Peter Joneleit/Icon Sportswire vía Getty Images)
Cunningham se unió a El Show de Adam Gold el jueves en 99.9 The Fan en Raleigh, NC, y reaccionó a los recientes comentarios de la FSU.
"Si quieren irse, será su decisión. Pero tienen ciertas obligaciones", dijo Cunningham. "Tenemos una cuota de salida y una concesión de derechos. Creo que la ACC es una gran liga. Ha sido una gran liga durante mucho tiempo. Su frustración por el dinero, a todo el mundo le gustaría tener más dinero y a todo el mundo le gustaría ganar más".
"Quite frankly, I don't think it’s good for our league for them (Florida State) to be out there barking like that," Cunningham continued. "I’d rather see them be a good member of the league, support the league, and if they have to make a decision, then so be it. Pay for the exit fee, wait for your grant of rights that you’ve given, and then in 2036 when those rights return to you, do whatever you want."
El miércoles, McCullough avivó el fuego de la realineación de conferencias en una reunión del Consejo de Administración.
"Our goal would be to continue to stay in the ACC, but staying in the ACC under the current situation is hard for us to figure out how we remain competitive unless there were a major change in the revenue distribution within the conference," McCullough said, per ESPN. "That has not happened. Those discussions are ongoing at all times.
Los seguidores de losFlorida State Seminoles animan detrás de un logotipo de los Noles durante un partido de fútbol universitario contra los Florida Gators. Chris Leduc/Icon Sportswire vía Getty Images)
"FSU helps to drive value and will drive value for any partner, but we have spent a year trying to understand how we might fix the issue. There are no easy fixes to this challenge, but a group of us have spent literally a year. We've explored every possible option that you can imagine. The issue at hand is: What can we do to allow ourselves to be competitive in football and get what I think is the revenue we deserve?
"This continues to be a very difficult issue. There's a lot going on in the world of conference realignment. My current assessment of the situation, after very deep analysis, is I believe FSU will have to, at some point, consider very seriously leaving the ACC unless there were a radical change to the revenue distribution."
La ACC tiene un acuerdo televisivo con ESPN hasta la temporada 2036 y se espera que quede por detrás de sus homólogos SEC y la Big Ten en unos 30 millones de dólares al año en ingresos televisivos. ingresos televisivos cuando Oklahoma y Texas se pasen a SEC en 2024 y cuando USC y UCLA se pasen a la Big Ten, según The Associated Press.
To leave the ACC early, a school would have to pay three times its annual revenue and figure out the grant in media rights with the conference to broadcast future games.
El director deportivo de la UNC, Bubba Cunningham, durante la rueda de prensa de presentación de Hubert Davis en el Dean E. Smith Center el 6 de abril de 2021, en Chapel Hill, Carolina del Carolina. (Andy Mead/ISI Photos/GettyGetty Images)
The landscape of college athletics is in the midst of potentially major changes as the Pac-12 conference attempts to hold on to its current members.
Siguen los rumores en torno a Arizona y Arizona State se unan a la Big 12, mientras que la Big Ten también estaría interesada en la expansión, y se habla de Washington y Oregón, según ESPN.
"I think it’s good for college athletics to have four, five or even six conferences nationally," Cunningham said Thursday. "I think the consolidation is not good long-term. I think that the number of opportunities we can offer, we need to stay strong and have as many opportunities for kids to play and get an education. Those things haven’t changed for me."