By Kurt Knutsson, CyberGuy Report
Published December 09, 2022
You may have used FaceTime on your Apple smartphone, tablet, or computer before, but there are features you can use during FaceTime on your iPhone and iPad you may not even know about.
Instead of turning your wrist around to try and show another angle to the person on the video chat, try flipping the video right from within your phone. Or if you want to give a better view of something a little further away, zooming in and out on FaceTime is as easy as it is on the camera app.
Follow these steps to flip your camera or zoom in and out on FaceTime, plus I'll teach you how to blur the background during your FaceTime call on some iPhones.
These features work on Apple's iPhone and iPad, but not Mac computers as they don't have a front and rear camera. You'll need to have iOS 15 or later.
With iOS 15, you can also FaceTime with users on Android or Windows devices, as long as they have Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge installed. Someone with an iPhone or iPad must create the link and send it to the person using an Android or Windows device.
You can flip the camera while on FaceTime on iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows devices. (Kurt Knutsson )
You can flip the camera while on FaceTime on iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows devices.
If you're on a video call and want to switch the camera from using the front camera (which is facing you) to the main camera, it's easy to flip the camera. It's great to be able to switch the view from you to another subject you're facing if you want to show someone on FaceTime what you're looking at.
While the person you're FaceTiming may be larger on your screen, let's focus on the smaller tile that shows your face in the corner.
If you want to flip the camera back to your face again, simply tap the smaller tile in the corner again, and tap that small camera icon. (Kurt Knutsson )
While on a FaceTime call, if you have an iPhone or iPad with iOS 15 or later, you can zoom in and out using the main camera.
FaceTime calls begin using the front camera, which is pointed at you (like a selfie).
Tap the icon that looks like a star made out of looped triangles. This is the effects button, and you can access lots of effects (including filters and memojis) by tapping this. (Kurt Knutsson )
On iPhones X through iPhone 14 models, you can use features like portrait mode which blurs the background.
If your phone has depth control, you'll be able to use portrait mode during FaceTime.
Learn other cool features on the latest Apple iOS (even if you have an older iPhone) by searching "iOS" at and signing up for my CyberGuy Report Newsletter.
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