Shoppers poke fun at 40,000 Samsung LED TV

Samsung's new $39,998 LED TV. (Samsung)

It’s not remote-ly affordable!

Snarky online reviewers are yucking it up over a way-too-expensive TV — sarcastically vowing to sell their children into slavery and give up a college education to afford the fancy contraption.

Samsung’s new $39,998 LED TV was marked down $5,000 from its original price and comes with free shipping, prompting Smart Aleck critics to blast the price tag as completely absurd on on Tuesday.

“My wife and I bought this after selling our daughter Amanda into white slavery…The picture is amazing. I’ve never seen the world with such clarity,” one reviewer spoofed.

“Amanda, if you’re reading this, hang in there, honey! We’ll see you in a year.”

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Another reviewer added, “I was going to send my two kids to college but I knew I had to do what was best for my family so I got this beast instead.”

The tube has been reviewed more than 640 times on the site, often by critics who poked fun at the company for being out of touch with the average buyer.

“It fits perfectly into the arms of the T-Rex fossil I just brought home from China. It’s like YOU KNEW, Samsung. Thank You,” one reviewer wrote.

For more on Samsung's absurdly priced LED TV, see the full story at the New York Post.