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This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," February 1, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham, this is "The Ingraham Angle" from Washington tonight. 

Black History Month starts today, as does a massive push to brainwash kids with Far-Left BLM propaganda. Now, some of the lesson plans include, disrupting the nuclear family, what? And promoting something called intersectionality that could all be coming to a school near you and soon. We're going to delve deeper into the insidious campaign later in the hour. You do not want to miss it and speak to a former educator who has been warning about this for some time. But first, the anti-populist party. That's the focus of tonight's Angle. 

Now, one of the many lies told by the dominant media lately has been that the Republican Party is in trouble because it's so divided. 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Republican Party in more turmoil than ever before.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The future of the GOP is obviously at a crossroads. 

ANA CABRERA, CNN HOST: A party that has so many problems right now, it's impossible to say which one is most critical. They're all four alarmed fires. 

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It is a party that is very much divided.


INGRAHAM: Such original thinkers in the media. And the media wonder why Americans think they're more corrupt than ever before, how on earth can these people even look themselves in the mirror? The Republican Party is more united now than it has been since Ronald Reagan. 

Donald Trump delivered record GOP turnout and his approval numbers are higher than they were before the second impeachment vote. But somehow this portends a party hopelessly at odds with itself. Now check out this idiocy in The New York Times. Trump's shadow lingers over divided GOP as the former president puts around Mar-a-Lago, the vast majority of his party has stayed faithful to his lingering political legacy.

Lingering legacy, by the way, I still remember when the Times was known for its writing talent, but now they're just too blinded by ideology to even try to understand the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump. 

Now, to those voters, his political legacy isn't defined by his tweets, but by his conservative populist agenda. They admire the president's courage for taking on the swamp and are faithful to his America first policies that brought us staggering prosperity, peace and rising incomes until the China virus hit. And by the way, they're fine with calling it the China virus, too. 

They saw Trump as a man who was working for, not against them, and as the only candidate who truly wanted to preserve the America we love. But let's face it, the only Republicans the media will ever love are former Republicans, especially ones like the grifters at the Lincoln Project. 


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The Lincoln Project Group is led by GOP strategists who want one thing, Trump out, and they are producing blistering anti-Trump ads, trolling the president.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jennifer Rubin of The Washington Post, who writes, at least the Lincoln Project's founders can say to their children and grandchildren that they gave their all to defend the deeply held principles.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want to bring in John Weaver. John is the co-founder of the Lincoln Project. 


INGRAHAM: John Weaver, the media's go-to guy for calling out conservatives over their political and moral deviants. Well, you may recall THE ANGLE was the first television show to break this story.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Several young men reached out to me to warn me that he approached them after following them, saying to them that he could offer them career advice, jobs, internships or just a leverage in politics, that they wanted to work in it and then suddenly switch the conversation to a sexual manner, asking what their sexual preferences were, what their body types were, how their body was, and kind of a disgusting manner.


INGRAHAM: That was almost three weeks ago, but it was only this past weekend that The New York Times crack staff finally saw fit to cover this sleazy Weaver saga. The true conservative is now accused of making sexual overtures to 21 young men, including a 14-year-old, asking questions about his body while he was still in high school. And then more pointed ones after he turned 18. 

Now, until the Times report, MSNBC, and CNN, they didn't have the stones or the journalistic integrity to cover this shocking allegation on air. And this was despite the fact that Lincoln Project members appeared at least 21 times on those networks. Now, as for the money grubbers that the Lincoln Project itself, they didn't forthrightly address the predatory behavior of its co-founder until the Times coverage made it impossible for them to avoid. 

But it's time for America to hold these people accountable for their misrepresentation and relentless defamation. The only reason the Lincoln Project was able to raise $87 million in the first place was because of the glowing coverage and the endless platforms it received in the press. It didn't have any following in the Republican Party, which regularly gave Trump an approval rating in the 90s, anyone with a brain understood that the Lincoln Project operated as merely another arm of the Democrat Party, another weapon in the war to defeat Trump. There's nothing Republican or conservative about them. 

You see, the perversion though, didn't end with John Weaver. The entire marketing used to raise money for the Lincoln Project, consisted of false advertising, a fraudulent framework. It was all the fruit of a poisonous tree and everything that flowed from it as well. 

Now, sexual perversion was the most salacious aspect of the saga, but the ideological perversion was also disgusting. Every corporation that aided and abetted The Lincoln Project's activities and helped fund its fat salaries is complicit. 

How much did Weaver himself make while he was trolling young men? Appalling. The media running the exact same scam right now, elevating never Trump Republicans as they did with The Lincoln Project. 

If you're a House member who voted for impeachment or a senator who believes Trump took the party too far to the right, you're the perfect guest right now for the Sunday shows. 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And Congressman Kinzinger joins me now. Congressman, welcome back to Meet the Press. 

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Senator Rob Portman, lot to get through, which we did this morning. Really appreciate it. 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Freshman Republican Peter Meijer, one of 10 Republicans who voted for impeachment. 

REP. PETER MEIJER (R-MI): Thanks, Chuck. Good to be with you. 


INGRAHAM: Thanks, Chuck. Good to be with you. And because they're willing to smear their fellow conservatives, of course, they're going to get endless fawning profiles in The Washington Post and Politico, et cetera. 

The journalistic Left and the Democrats, they serve absolutely love a complicit opposition, meaning Republicans who fight other Republicans harder than they fight liberals. Now, the last anti-populist Republican who won national office was George W. Bush, and that was more than 16 years ago. 

Since then, the party has moved inexorably and smartly to become a grassroots blue collar pro-America first movement. It's likely that we're never going to see a Bush Republican in the White House again, not anytime soon, at least. 

We've seen the folly of our previous interventionist ways of allowing China to commit unchecked trade abuses. We've seen the folly of sanctuary cities and lax border enforcement of policies that encourage the offshoring of millions of U.S. jobs. 

None of that is conservative. It never was. It's a recipe for a shrinking Republican Party and an evisceration of the middle class. Donald Trump proved that the only way to grow the GOP is to turn it into a party for the every man and every woman. And if not for the pandemic, he'd be kicking off his second term, I'm sure of it, but never Trump Republicans like Cheney and Romney and the pro-war Adam Kinzinger mistakenly believe that impeaching Trump means impeaching Trump's policies and advancing their own careers. 

But as usual, they get it wrong. Primary challenges of congressional never Trumpers are growing by the day. But these people are so desperate for relevance in a post-Bush world, they don't have the situational awareness to see when they're being used and exploited by the press. And that's THE ANGLE. 

Joining me now is the aforementioned journalist, Ryan Girdusky who spoke with us on this show nearly three weeks ago about John Weaver and The Lincoln Project. He's also the author of the book, They're Not Listening. Ryan, you say you have proof that The Lincoln Project members are lying when they said they just learned recently of Weaver's depravity. Tell us.

RYAN GIRDUSKY, BROKE LINCOLN PROJECT STORY: Right. So, I started this - I got the emails from young men starting in late May. I was working with another writer on this project for months, trying to get young men to go on the record. During that time frame, I got calls from several friends, very plugged into the Washington, D.C. Circuit that several members in Lincoln Project had heard I was asking questions about John Weaver, were very involved in trying to see where I was on the investigation. 

Molly Jong-Fast who was an adviser to The Lincoln Project, called several people asking questions about my project. Several days after that, when John Weaver had his heart attack, one young man publicly expressed that he spoke to at least three members of The Lincoln Project, including Mike Madrid, one of the co-founding members, saying that he was being sexually targeted by John Weaver. 

And recently, I heard that a writer who I cannot mention his name, but he is a very, very well-known conservative writer who does not like Donald Trump and publicly does not like Donald Trump, but is a household name, was asked to join The Lincoln Project, and he said, I can't because of John Weaver's operation (ph). This was the biggest open secret in Washington, D.C. Everyone knew, except apparently the people who worked at The Lincoln Project.

INGRAHAM: Would anyone else get away with this, Ryan? I mean, saying, oh, well, I don't even know him, or I hardly knew him. Who will get away with saying that? Who? 

GIRDUSKY: That's what The Lincoln Project is doing right now. They're sitting there and saying, you have to be held accountable to Trump staffers about things that you may have no control over while you were there. Obviously, George Connolly was not involved in the text messages and DMs to young men as young as 14 years old that John Weaver was committing. 

However, The Lincoln Project was used for two purposes, a grift to make money and as a predatory grooming organization for John Weaver to get young men into bed. I mean, what you've seen in the media is nothing compared to what the messages I have are. And I'm not out to embarrass somebody, but they are descriptive. They are disgusting. And he was - and people are saying the 21 men in The New York Times, I had 30 young men. Another writer had over 50. It's probably over 100 young men in a five-year period. This wasn't like he was doing it to one person, two person. Bill Cosby would blush at the actions of John Weaver. 

And it's not - it was the biggest open secret in Washington, D.C. Liberals, I spoke to about the project I was working on knew about John Weaver. 

INGRAHAM: Well, let me - Ryan, all these liberals claim that they care about harassment in the workplace. They've devoted an inordinate amount of time to fighting harassment in the workplace, which is great, which is fine. But The Lincoln Project raised the lion share of its money from deep pocketed liberals. Right. Billionaire donors like Wal-Mart heiress Christy Walton, Steven Mandel, big hedge fund funder, Big Oil, Gordon Getty, David Geffen, Sequoia partner capital, Michael Moritz, Jonathan Nelson from Providence Equity Partners. These are big money people. Are they going to demand their money back? Are they going to - are they going to demand the salary of John Weaver back?

GIRDUSKY: Oh, probably not. And the media ran cover for John Weaver and for The Lincoln Project. Remember, it was three weeks ago that I was on your show and you were - had me on almost the day after that, I wrote the first story. They ran cover from Axios story that was a puff piece, basically saying John Weaver said, I'm gay and I've struggled with it. 

Giving the Kevin Spacey excuse, and it was deemed acceptable because John Weaver, who hates the president, was sitting there and doing it. Most gay men aren't predators, it's not acceptable. This was a deliberate attempt to sit there and cover for somebody because they hated the right person and had the right politics. And at this point, if it was not right for anybody to do sexual harassment, if it wasn't for Bill Cosby for Weinstein, for anybody, then it's not right for John Weaver. 

And they need to be held accountable. And they certainly need to ask questions by their donors of what did you know, when did you know it? Because I could tell you right now, many members of The Lincoln Project knew, it was blatant, it was open. He was going after their own interns. 

INGRAHAM: The poisonous tree, it's all the fruit of the poisonous tree. And to also to lean, as he did in his explanation, that well, I'm closeted. And that's kind of implying that that's why he did what he did was also insulting. 

GIRDUSKY: Right. And he said it was consensual. How was messaging a 14- year-old when you're 57, consensual.

INGRAHAM: Yes, well, it's obviously not. Ryan, you were courageous to break this story. I'm glad we had you on first and New York Times, three weeks later. Ryan, stay on it. Thank you so much. 

And here now is Victor Davis Hanson, Hoover Institution Senior Fellow. Lara Logan, investigative journalist, Fox Nation host, who's special, Lara Logan has no Agenda, return to the border is now available. Victor, groups like the Lincoln Project smeared all Trump supporters as threats to democracy, immoral politically and otherwise. Your reaction to these new developments?

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, HOOVER INSTITUTION SENIOR FELLOW: They were served as useful idiots for the Left. They took in $100 million. They use it for themselves and their friends. They were hypocrites. They posed as the moral superiors, all under the idea that Trump poses an existential threat. 

But the irony in short, Laura, is while they were doing all this, we're faced now with the greatest threat to constitutional freedom in our history. We have lives destroyed. We have the First Amendment under attack. We have careers canceled. We've got the Capitol weaponized. Every lever of our culture and society. 

Social media, Hollywood, professional sports, K through 12, universities, I could go on is progressive, but not just progressive. It's intolerantly progressive. And these people join that movement. And they said they were constitutional conservatives of limited government. They put their finger in the air and they thought, wow, this progressive movement under the guise of hating Trump is the future and they joined it. 

And second and last, it's energized this electronic octopus by a first generation. We've never had it before of social media, the Internet. We're 30 square miles, I don't know, $6 trillion in market capitalization. They run all our sources of information and communication.

INGRAHAM: Lara, CNN is still using the Capitol riot, meanwhile, as a way to smear anyone who protested and continues to protest lockdowns. Watch.


ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN HOST: We saw happen at the state house in Michigan, do you now believe in hindsight that this was a dry run of some kind for what happened with the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th?

GRETCHEN WHITMER (D), MICHIGAN GOVERNOR: Well, this certainly was the most visible example of extremism that has been fomenting in this nation, and it was encouraged by the former White House.


INGRAHAM: Speaking of smears, Laura, look, they're smearing everyone who is against lockdowns as terrorists. You've covered actual terrorism for years, especially groups like ANTIFA, your response to that.

LARA LOGAN, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Well, my response, Laura, is very simple, it's absolutely outrageous, and it's hard for me to believe that people have forgotten the reality of 9/11. And - but what disturbs me most about it is that it's such a well-orchestrated campaign that has been taken up by so many from the former head of the CIA right, John Brennan, McCabe, General McChrystal, people like that, and echoed across the media. 

And the disturbing part is it's happening at the same time as you have legislation before Congress to make this a domestic war on terror, so that you - what does that mean exactly? That you can now surveil any American citizen who participated in the January 6th event? Does this mean that anyone who supported Trump is fair game? Is that what you're talking about? Millions of Americans are now going to be the next Carter Page. And that's the part that is most disturbing and most concerning to me.

INGRAHAM: And meanwhile, Victor, you have Republicans shooting at other Republicans in the press. And it seems to me that it would be nice if people in Republican leadership actually represented the Republican voters of today, which are obviously more populous, not more interventionist, less open borders than more - and it's just - they're obviously more America First Republicans. But we have Liz Cheney and all the rest. McConnell came out and did a big boost of Liz Cheney tonight. Your reaction to all of that?

HANSON: Well, the irony is that what Lara detailed and what I talked about with this progressive project, it doesn't have 51 percent support, but this populist movement does on borders, on illegal immigration, on China, on re- industrialization, on jobs, on fare, but rather than free trade. That's where the people are. That's where 51 percent of the people are. 

And you're absolutely right. And the Republican Party is never going to go back to just focusing on capital gains or privatizing Social Security. It's not going to happen, whether we like it or not. This is the future. And forget about whether you like or hate Trump. He created a movement or at least he popularized it. That's it's here. And it's you're right. It's replacing race by class. And it's saying to people, you don't have to be white or black or brown. We're inclusive. But we have one thing in common. There's too much power in too few hands and it's an electronic, dangerous age. And that's a winning message. That should unite all of these people. They shouldn't be fighting Trump's ghost. It's really silly. 

INGRAHAM: Now, and Laura, the Director of National Counterterror under Obama thought ANTIFA was just a distraction.


NICHOLAS RASMUSSEN, FORMER DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL COUNTERTERRORISM CENTER: To have the professionals, including the FBI director, speaking very precisely and very clearly about where they see the domestic extremist threat residing, and you had a Justice Department, you had a Department of Homeland Security that was misdirecting and pointing us in other directions. Look over here at ANTIFA, look over here at racially motivated violence attached to police violence.


INGRAHAM: So, ANTIFA is not a problem. Lara. 

LOGAN: Laura, that is a very well-orchestrated campaign, and it's also based on deception, because what ANTIFA does is they don't identify themselves, right. You look up the proud boys, you can see it's all over their website. These people go out and they march in a hetero pride day instead of a gay pride day. Right. Their biggest goal is getting drunk, half the time. And these people identify who they are. They don't have to hide their identity. They don't all wear the same, i.e., the black bloc of ANTIFA, so that they're harder to recognize. 

They don't scrub their metadata and instruct people who want to cover them that they're only allowed to film the police and they're not allowed to film their actions, and so on. So, what you have here then is on the one side, you have this complete and utter nonsense where they deny the existence of ANTIFA, ANTIFA had said it was a myth and now they're saying, we were distracted by this when this was the real threat. 

But look who's behind that. The Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti- Defamation League, the ACLU, the Brookings Institute, ISD Global at the UN. There is a lot of money and power behind this misinformation campaign, and it's extremely threatening to millions of people in this country.

INGRAHAM: Victor and Lara, thank you so much. Up next, Mike Pompeo, he's on China's blacklist. His response when we come back.


INGRAHAM: Joe Biden's entire career in politics has been a huge gift to the Chinese Communist Party. 20 years ago, Biden voted to give most favored nation status to China, which paved the way for its entrance into the WTO and then the subsequent destruction of millions of American manufacturing jobs. Now, Republicans voted for that too, and we've widely criticized them.

But it's a decision Biden defends to this day. And yet somehow his administration wants you to believe that they're going to be able to keep the CCP in check. Here's newly minted Secretary of State Tony Blinken in an interview with NBC News just earlier today.


ANTONY BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE: China poses the most significant challenge to us of any other country, but it's a complicated one. There are adversarial aspects to the relationship and there's still some cooperative ones too, the challenge posed by China is as much about some of our own self-inflicted weaknesses as it is about China's emerging strength.


INGRAHAM: Self-inflicted weaknesses. You mean like pinching our China's strategy on an unreliable European nation? My next guest knows better than anyone else, the perils we face from a growing and more powerful China. Joining me now is former Secretary of State. It kills me to say, former and distinguished fellow at the Hudson Institute, Mike Pompeo. 

Secretary Pompeo, first of all, you have the honor, I understand, of being on the China blacklist. Is that true and a number of my friends are, and I'm jealous that I'm not on the list. I know you're upset about that.

MIKE POMPEO, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: No vacation in Shanghai this year, Laura. 

INGRAHAM: Oh, my goodness. Well, let's talk about what Blinken said there. He acknowledges that China is an adversary or is a competitor, but that it's complex. Your reaction to his posture? 

POMPEO: Laura, the recognition of an adversary is a good step forward. That's basically progress from where the Obama administration was for eight years. And frankly, to your point earlier, it's progress from where both Republicans, Democrats have been for the last 30, 40 years. So, that's real progress. 

The Trump administration turned the tide, we said enough, to protect American jobs. President Trump said we're not going to have the Chinese dumping product here. So, we put tariffs on them. All the things that recognize the threat from the Chinese Communist Party, right, where they were spying in our facility in Houston, we closed it. We took real actions. And I hope this administration will do the same thing. 

The track record from the eight years prior to that is not good. It was an appeasement strategy. And when I hear people talk about places we can cooperate, I dealt with these folks. I dealt with the senior leadership. I was in meetings with General Secretary Xi Jinping, his view of the places we cooperate are only those places they can dominate and inflict real cause on ordinary American citizens.

INGRAHAM: Here's what Blinken said about holding China accountable on COVID. 


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Secretary Pompeo referred to the Coronavirus as the China virus. Do you think that China needs to be held accountable for?

BLINKEN: The focus we have to have is both getting full understanding and accountability for what happened. And there's an investigation that's going on right now, but especially making sure we're putting in place measures to prevent a recurrence. 


INGRAHAM: Secretary Pompeo, what full understanding do they need to get? We already know they tried to cover up COVID early on. 

POMPEO: Yes, we know a couple of things. One, it is, in fact, the China virus. It's been ironic to hear some folks who said we were xenophobic for talking about the Wuhan virus or the China virus, referring to South African variant or the United Kingdom variant. This is the Wuhan virus. It started there. It may have commenced from a laboratory there. We don't know for sure. We need that investigation to figure out exactly where it began. 

But we know this. We know that the Chinese Communist Party disappeared journalists. We know that they took doctors and professionals who wanted to tell the story about human to human transmission early on when something could have been done that would have saved countless lives and billions of dollars of wealth and lots of jobs for the American people as well. We know that the Chinese Communist Party covered that up. They wouldn't permit that information to get out. They corrupted the World Health Organization in a way that made it a political institution and not a scientific one. Those are the things we know. And the Chinese Communist Party must be held accountable for what it is they did, not only to the United States but to the world. 

INGRAHAM: Secretary Pompeo, explain for our viewers why the coup in Myanmar matters, and how it's connected to potential Biden weakness on China. 

POMPEO: I think you've seen a number of actions where the Chinese Communist Party is already testing this administration in ways that they dared not when President Trump trump was leading America. You have seen in Taiwan. You saw it again in the last couple days now in Myanmar in what used to be Burma, where the Chinese Communist Party has made real advances, and now, they are flexing their muscles and their power. They are now intent on building a deep water port and a pipeline inside of that country in a way that will really give them power over those people, larger power over the region, and much detriment to the United States of America. I hope that the administration will take real action in response to the coup the military conducted today or yesterday morning inside of that country. 

INGRAHAM: How much should we be worried about Taiwan given what is happening in the South China Sea right now as we speak? Our ally Taiwan in jeopardy, yes? 

POMPEO: Laura, Xi Jinping is serious about this. We sold them weapon systems that had never been sold to help them defend themselves. We honored the commitments that we made. We demanded that the Chinese Communist Party do the same thing. It is something that is very concerning. I hope they will continue to do their freedom of navigation operations, all the things that demonstrate America's commitment to the people of Taiwan need to continue to happen. I hope that is the case. There has been longstanding bipartisan support for that. I hope the administration is prepared to continue down that path. 

INGRAHAM: Finally, is Europe going to be Biden's strong ally in taking a tough stance against China? Is that what you're seeing coming out of your old pal, Angela Merkel? 

POMPEO: It's unlikely to happen. I saw the remarks that Chancellor Merkel made. It's really unfortunately. She made clear that she didn't want to pick sides. I can assure you that Xi Jinping has picked sides. He picked the side of the east, of bad actions. We know what he's doing to the citizens of China. We also know what he's doing around the world. I don't think that Chancellor Merkel is going to give up a few dollars or a few marks, or euros for the people of Germany in exchange for doing the right thing for freedom and liberty. 

INGRAHAM: Needed Trump and Pompeo out of the way to do all that. Secretary Pompeo, great to see you tonight, thank you so much. 

And coming up, whey are some in the media trying to limit the reach of media? And Kamala's first big political calculation backfires. Raymond Arroyo has it all, "Seen and Unseen" next. 


INGRAHAM: It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. For that we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Ray, last month, wasn't a CNN media reporter suggesting that cable distributors should basically adopt standards to screen content on networks like FOX News, right? So now Brian Stelter is getting in on the act. 


BRIAN STELTER, CNN CHIEF MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: While some cry cancel culture, let me suggest a different way to think about this -- a harm reduction model. Reducing a liar's reach is not the same as censoring freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is different than freedom of reach. And algorithmic reach is part of the problem. 


RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Freedom of reach? What Stelter is saying there, Laura, is you can have your speech, but your ability to disseminate it could be restricted depending on his ability to determine whether or not you are a liar, OK? With all due respect, who died and made Brian Stelter the commissar of news in the world? This man who, God love him, has never reported a thing in his life. He's a media watcher. He went from writing a college blog about TV to writing about TV at "The New York Times" to this CNN gig. He watches TV. That's his experience. Without CNN, Stelter's reach would extend all the way to a bag of chips and a diet coke at the end table because he would be at home watching TV. That's what he does. This is a very strange idea of what the media should be, Laura. 

INGRAHAM: All right, the most ridiculous thing here is this idea that they are the keepers of the truth, and anyone who reports differently is instantly a liar, or a white supremacist, or pick your poison. 

ARROYO: And they want to screen out the one outlet, major outlet, that contradicts or might report extension of facts and the continuation of things they don't wish to cover. For instance, I read this in "The New York Times" covering Biden. Of 20 factual claims, all but three were largely if not completely accurate. Laura, they failed to mention Biden promising Georgia voters $2,000 checks. That is not happening. He's not even asking for it. And then he promised there would be no end to fracking. He wouldn't ban fracking. The moment he got behind the resolute desk he signed an executive order and, surprise, he banned fracking. It is a tragedy. 

And I think we are both in agreement, more reporting, Laura, is better than less. That's the answer. And I will defend even CNN's right to be seen, despite their pornographic tendencies. 


JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: The Senate impeachment trial of the former president of the United States who was impeached for inciting erection -- inciting the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. 


ARROYO: Let the audience decide, I say, Laura. Let the audience decide. 

Reporters are not the only ones misspeaking. Vice President Kamala Harris hit local media in West Virginia to try to pressure Senator Joe Manchin to support the administration's $1.9 trillion stimulus package. Now, here is her plan for those out of work coalminers, very interesting. 


KAMALA HARRIS, (D) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: All of those skilled workers who are in the coal industry, and transferring those skills to what we need to do in terms of dealing with reclaiming abandoned landmines. 



ARROYO: Set off those abandoned landmines. Let them go out there, let those coalminers blow themselves up. Does she even realize how insensitive this sounds? Can you imagine telling laid off reporters why don't you change careers? Go become a realtor, you can sell off all those abandoned newsrooms. That will work for your future. 

INGRAHAM: That's what they always say. They always say just retool your skills. Go to a skills workshop and everything will be fine. 

Now, Manchin I saw he is really not happy with Kamala's media tour in his state, or apparently the political pressure. 


SEN. JOE MANCHIN, (D-WV): I saw it. I couldn't believe it. No one called me. We're going to try to find a bipartisan pathway forward. I think we need to. But we need to work together. That's not a way of working together. 


INGRAHAM: Well, what is he going to do about it? Is this about Biden's calls for unity even in his own party, does it make sense now? 

ARROYO: What it shows you is Kamala Harris is to unity what Dr. Kevorkian is health care, Laura. This is not going to work. They keep talking about unity, but they're feeding on their own party. To go to West Virginia and Arizona, I get using the media against the opposition party. But when you have got a one vote majority in the Senate, you better be really nice to those moderates, and they're not. This is the coming crack up in the Democratic Party, not in the Republican, which is all you hear about in many, many places in the media. 

INGRAHAM: Meanwhile, if a Democrat gets a cold, it changes the whole balance of power. 

ARROYO: Which one did tonight. One is COVID quarantined. 

INGRAHAM: We've got one senator getting an ingrown toenail removed, and this whole thing could be thrown out of whack.

ARROYO: McConnell is in charge again.

INGRAHAM: Exactly. Raymond, thanks so much. And a week of action is being planned to push BLM's propaganda on school children across the country. We at THE INGRAHAM ANGLE got our hands on some of the directives going out to teachers. You will be shocked, next. 


INGRAHAM: For most, Black History Month is a time to remember and celebrate African-Americans contributions to our country's greatness. But for those running D.C. public schools, it is an opportunity to brainwash kids. 


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The first week of February marks Black Lives Matter School Week of Action. The Black Lives Matter is guided by 13 principle. Starting in 2021, DCPS officially endorsed the Black Lives Matter School Week of Action and is committed to expanding student understanding of these principles this weekend and throughout the year. 


INGRAHAM: What exactly are these principles? We got our hands on them. Here are two of the most disturbing. These were passed out to all the teachers in D.C. The first is called "Black Villages" and calls for dismantling the western prescribed nuclear family structure. And another is called "Black Families," which requires, quote, "dismantling patriarchal practice." 

Joining me now is Carol Swain, former professor of political science at Princeton and Vanderbilt Universities, author of the new book "Be the People, a Call to Reclaim America's Faith and Promise." Carol, we have only gotten to a few of these so called principles that are being sent out to teachers as part of antiracist curriculum and university. Your reaction, especially to the nuclear family priority, antinuclear family priority. 

CAROL SWAIN, FORMER VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR: It is not just that. It talks about queer affirming culture, transgenderism. And you think about, how can that be a guiding principle that is productive for our children? And one thing that really disturbs is, this is not a principle, but one of their goals is zero tolerance for discipline. And we know that in the inner cities, there is a lot of violence that takes place in the classroom. Kids that are disruptive, they're not suspended any longer. They are kept there. And the last thing the black community needs in schools is a situation where there is no discipline. 

Part of the problems that affects the community is the disrespect for authority. That is why there is so much turmoil in the black community. And so the curriculum put forward by Black Lives Matter and being embraced in too many places is really destructive of the black community and the black family and racial justice. 

INGRAHAM: But they make this clear. One of the principles is to, quote, "disrupt the western prescribed nuclear family." Black Lives Matter, absolutely 100 percent, but how does that help Black Lives Matter? How does that help? How does that help?

SWAIN: It doesn't help black people. It doesn't help white people. It doesn't help America. And I would strongly encourage everyone who cares about education to go to the Black Lives Matter website and learn more about them and their principles, because there is nothing there that advances our society in a way that's beneficial. And it's very unfortunate that so many corporations gave them millions of dollars that stayed with the national headquarters until they are pushing for critical race theory, Marxism. They are using that money to teach children principles that will be life-sapping rather than life-giving. 

INGRAHAM: Bernie Sanders, by the way, Carol, has gone from this far left icon to racial villain over his viral inauguration photo. A California teacher writing in "The San Francisco Chronicle," "What did I think my students should see? A wealthy, incredibly well-educated and privileged white man showing up for perhaps the most important ritual of the decade in a puffy jacket and huge mittens. Sanders manifest privilege, white privilege, male privilege, and class privilege." Carol, maybe everybody needs to lighten up a little bit, but the left will apparently eat their own over all of this. 

SWAIN: They are destroying our children and the American education system, and too many people in authority have not really investigated Black Lives Matter, what they stand for. They are more than a slogan. They are an organization that is Marxist. They are very destructive. It is ludicrous that they were nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. We live in an insane world, and it's time that we wake up, work together. We're not going to help black children or white children or America by pursuing the strategies that they outline. 

INGRAHAM: We're going to tackling this all week, because somebody has to, and we're going to do that. But Carol, D.C. public schools, remember, they haven't even been in school for most of the past 10 months. And yet, this is the money, and all the money being spent on this, people are making a lot of money on the diversity racket. And thank you for joining us. We really appreciate this. 

And still ahead, a tribute to a fallen hero. The Last Bite next. 


INGRAHAM: Over the past year and especially last summer we heard a lot of negative stories about law enforcement. But we will never forget the sacrifices that they made to keep us safe. And today, we pay tribute to one of those heroes. Hancock County, Mississippi, Sheriff's Deputy Michael Boutte, Lieutenant Boutte, was eight years on the force, a military vet as well, awarded the life-saving medal for saving a child, a well-known community leader. But tragically, Lieutenant Boutte died in the hospital tonight after being shot in the line of duty. 

"The Ingraham Angle" thanks him for his service. sacrifice to keep us all of us safe and his community safe. His family is grieving tonight, and our heart is broken along with them.

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