Ann Coulter: Trump doesn't need Congress to build the wall

This is a rush transcript from "Watters' World," November 17, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, HOST: Welcome to "Watters' World." I'm Jesse Watters. The migrant caravan arriving at the US border and tensions rising as they try to gain access to our country either legally by claiming asylum or just by crossing illegally. With thousands of troops deployed, agents in Arizona detaining more than 650 illegal immigrants trying to cross in just two days along this week.

One migrant, a Honduran named Henry Salinas told reporters he plans to overwhelm border agents going on to says quote, "It's going to be all against one, one against all. All of Central America against one, and one against Central America. All against Trump and Trump against all."

Joining me now conservative columnist, Ann Coulter. She is the author of "Resistance is Futile." All right, Ann, you know we heard all the last couple of weeks that this was an invasion and I think even Jim Acosta said that you know, "Mr. President, they're not going to be climbing any walls, that's not going to happen." Yet, we see all of this video, they are climbing the walls. What's going on now?

ANN COULTER, CONSERVATIVE COLUMNIST AND AUTHOR: Yes, oddly the things they have been doing for the past, oh, 50 years. This is why one presidential candidate ran a couple of years ago promising to build a wall. That's why people voted for him. We see that we need a wall. In the absence of a wall, I wish we at least had Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but don't even have that anymore.

WATTERS: I mean, but look at this wall, you can't even see this wall. I'm not sure. I mean, these are people that are just straddling the wall and then taunting and yelling things at Border Patrol on the other side. If anybody Democrat looks at that picture, and sees them just like - you know, it's like a jungle gym out there. You just get on, you climb up, you climb down. It's like fun for these people. I don't get it.

COULTER: Right, well, Israel has a wall that reduced. They're having a big problem with invaders, they call them, I believe. No infiltrators.  Anyway, coming in from Africa and they - according to the "New York Times" got it down to zero illegal immigrants crossing into their country. The wall goes very deep down. You don't have to worry about tunnels.  Apparently, the old show me a wall, I'll show you a ladder, the Israelis didn't believe that, so they built a wall and it's actually working.

WATTERS: Isn't it funny because --

COULTER: Maybe we could get them to build our wall.

WATTERS: Yes, any time you hear the Democrats, it's always, "Walls don't work. Walls don't work." And then you see walls all over the rest of the world working to stop people that they don't want coming in here. I just - it's ...

COULTER: I know, it's the craziest thing. It's like, the left perseverating something like wheels don't work. Buckets don't work.  They've worked for thousands of years.

WATTERS: Yes, yes, they are the ones driving the cars all over the place.  So what's going to happen? You have actually now troops at the border.  You have Mattis who is at the border who says we don't do stunts. They continue to come up, some of the people that have reached Tijuana got there first. I guess, they are just a little bit more athletic, but the caravan is coming. More caravans are coming. What do you see happening when the clash occurs and you have the actual 7,000, 8,000, 9,000 strong caravan actually getting to the border. What do you see happening then?

COULTER: There will be 10,000 ACLU lawyers there to hand them their forms of what they are supposed to say to request asylum assigning them an attorney, showing them how to collect government benefits. I mean, this is great and I hope - I wish you would cover this every week, Jesse, because this has been going on for 50 years. This is why voters wanted a wall.  That's the only thing that will ultimately work.

We do have another Omnibus Bill coming up, and Trump has threatened to veto it if he doesn't get funding for his wall, which again, he doesn't need, but there is no one in the White House who hired all of those people in the White House - no one in the White House to tell him, "You don't need Congress to build your wall, you are the Commander-in-Chief, just build it." We could use some changes at Homeland Security, we could some changes - well, somebody more Sessions-like as Attorney General, but this is - this is the biggest issue facing the country. This is literally an existential issue.

We always hear about this, about - you know, an existential crisis for Syria, Afghanistan, Israel. No, this is our country. Can we please protect our country?

WATTERS: They say global warming is an existential crisis. I mean, that's a long way out there. I don't even know if people can feel that yet. All right, let's move on. Kamala Harris, you know, the young senator out there in California. She actually compared ICE agents to the KKK. Listen to this exchange on Capitol Hill.


SEN.  KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF.: Are you aware of the perception of many about how the power and the discretion at ICE is being used enforce the laws and do you see any parallels?

RONALD VITIELLO, PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE TO HEAD ICE: I do not see any parallels between ...

HARRIS: I'm talking about perception.

VITIELLO:  ... officers and agents.

HARRIS: I'm talking about perception.

VITIELLO: I do not see a parallel between what is constitutionally mandated as it relates to enforcing the law ...

HARRIS: Are you aware that there is a perception?

VITIELLO:  ... protecting people's rights.

HARRIS: Are you aware that there's a perception ...

VITIELLO:  ... that's puts ICE in the same category as the KKK? Is that what you are asking me?

HARRIS: No, I am very specific about what I'm asking you. Are you aware that there is a perception that ICE is administering its power in a way that is causing fear and intimidation particularly among immigrants and specifically among immigrants coming from Mexico and Central America? Are you aware of that perception?

VITIELLO: I do not see a parallel between the power and the authority that ICE has to do its job and the agents and officers who do it professionally and excellently with lots of compassion.


WATTERS: Well, that was Ronal Vitiello, President Trump's nominee to head ICE. Totally irresponsible for the senator to say. It's just like saying, "Well, you know, Democrats are crazy. Well, no they're not. Well, no, there is a perception that Democrats are crazy." Come on. What is she doing?

COULTER: No, I know. Yes, there is a perception created by you, Kamala and your fellow Democrats.

WATTERS: Right. Exactly.

COULTER: It's outrageous. It's unbelievable. It's disgusting. I ought to be outraged, but I can't help it, it makes me laugh. This is the left in the Trump era. They have lost their minds. This is why they can't effectively oppose Trump and resistance is futile. Everything has to be Nazi, white supremacist, white nationalist, KKK. All they do - I mean, what does that even mean? There are no Nazis. No, Trump is not Hitler, though yes killing six million Jews and tweeting a lot very similar I am sure in the eyes of a liberal.

Peter Brimelow runs an immigration website which is basically Trump's position on immigration except without the grammatical errors and the "New York Times" just starts casually referring to an immigration website. It's just about immigration as a white nationalist, Peter Brimelow - white - well, he doesn't call himself a white nationalist. It's just - this is the left calling our side a poopy head. They just want to call us names.

WATTERS: Well, I don't know who Peter is, but I do know that the Klu Klux Klan terrorized the south for many, many years and was responsible for hanging African-American people all over the place and burning crosses and intimidating people and they were eventually were eradicated. I just don't see ...

COULTER: By the Republicans.

WATTERS:  ... the parallel. Right, by Republicans. I don't see the parallel ...

COULTER: The KKK, I know this can ...

WATTERS:  ... between ICE agents going after drug traffickers, going after human traffickers, going after criminal aliens that have broken our laws and trying to get them deported out of this country. There is no parallel at all.

COULTER: Well, also to prevent them from undermining the wages of African- Americans. I mean, those are the people in America where being the one demographic group - and I suppose, some also Hispanic Americans who are being hurt the most and they have the audacity to bring up the Klan.

Also, I know a lot of people on our side get sick of Democrats are the real racist, but look, it is a historical fact that the Klan was an outgrowth of the Democratic Party. They often had overlapping membership and originally the Klan was formed to terrorize Republicans who were going down to the south to make sure black people were voting.

WATTERS: Yes, everybody needs to learn more history in this country.  Trust me, I've been out on the streets, it's a disaster.

Let's go to Avenatti, so you know I don't even want to laugh about this, because if it's true and he did punch a woman in the face, it's probably the most despicable thing you can do. And you know, presumed innocent in this country, we're going to give him due process. The due process he did not give Judge Kavanaugh, but it is kind of ironic that he's now saying, "Don't believe women. I was set up." This is the exact opposite of what he was saying in August and September.

COULTER: True, but I would not put him in the same camp with Kavanaugh.

WATTERS: Oh, absolutely not. It's just theoretically, yes.

COULTER: I mean, coming forward with recovered memories, no evidence. No, and you are right. I ran into a TMZ cameraman on the street and he asked me, why hasn't Trump tweeted anything about Michael Avenatti? And I said, well, because a girl got beaten up. It's not something he can really - unless you're me, he can't really - but you know, probably a lot of conservatives did have a slight smile curl their lips on this.

WATTERS: But he is toast now, right?

COULTER: I will give him --

WATTERS: Isn't he toast in terms of politics. CNN is not going to book him. MSNBC is not going to book him. The Democratic Party in Vermont, they canceled his appearance. I mean ...

COULTER: I do want to say, this is going to leave a huge hole in the MSNBC schedule because for months you could not turn on TV without him. I also do want to give credit to TMZ which has apparently paid off every doorman in the greater Los Angeles area. I mean, their reporting is pretty specific with him running into the building afterwards and saying, "She hit me first." That's a new one.

WATTERS: I mean, yes, that's not going to hold up in the courtroom.

COULTER: That's going to be your defense?

WATTERS: Not at all. And TMZ, they are wired all over that city. They have got everybody on lockdown. It's an amazing organization. I can't believe they beat everybody to the punch. Sneaky Snipes. Broward County.  So Sneaky Snipes is overseeing this thing and they had all this recount and all of that, well, she purposely missed the deadline because when they finished the count, Scott the Republican was up. So she added a few votes at the end, and then that delegitimizes the recount. So they have to go with the original count, so now, the Democrats added a few votes. Total chaos, but she thinks she is doing a great job, Ann.

COULTER: Well, I happened to be on site here in Florida for some real reporting and was talking to a couple of people who spent a few hours there looking at the ballot. And one thing you should always know, I mean, for one thing, all of the reporting on the biggest story of the year has to be done by just random Republicans who are willing to donate their time? I love these news organizations sitting back and saying, "Well, they say there is cheating, but they have no evidence. They have no evidence."

Hey, I have an idea, do you guys have any reporters you could send?

WATTERS: I wonder, that could be a good idea.

COULTER: They just call up Southern Poverty Law Center and say, "Oh no, an expert told us there is never any cheating. There is never vote fraud.  Don't worry. You can take it from the Southern Poverty Law Center." What they are doing as is often the case in this, it's the same thing over and over again, the over votes and under votes, this is where a person, I mean, you can cancel out your own ballot. You vote for one guy this side, and I don't really care, you vote for two. Okay, you didn't vote for anyone because you voted for both.

WATTERS: You know what, I just saw a picture the other day just - I saw a picture of a ballot in Broward County and someone checks the vote for Nelson, I even think we might even have it, and then they checked the box for Scott.

Look, there it is on the screen. Okay, so first of all, I have to say, I know you are a Florida resident sometimes during the year, but Ann, you people down there. I mean, it's not that hard. What are you guys doing?  It's like filling out a bubble.

COULTER: Yes, and by the way, keep this in mind whenever you hear people sneering, elitist liberals talking about what idiots Republicans are. I noticed these are all in Democratic precincts. At least our voters know how to fill out a ballot.

WATTERS: That's true.

COULTER: The under votes are where they examine a ballot where the voter didn't vote for a candidate at all, which is very common. The Nelson-Scott election, why? Because I would guess Andrew Gillum was running. He's like Florida's Obama, probably a lot of African-Americans went in, voted for the black candidate and left. It's not that surprising, but for whatever reason Gillum got more votes than Nelson did. Gillum running for governor, the two Democrats. Nelson for Senate, but what they did, and I think that they are trying to do now, the Republicans better stop them, what they did it in the Minnesota election that elected cheater Al Franken was that they would say, "Look, this ballot, they voted for Obama, well, surely they meant to vote for Franken. We're going to count that as a vote for Franken."

WATTERS: It's exactly --


WATTERS: Exactly. You know what they're doing? Yes, they think they know the intention, the will of the voter. They can somehow through ESP divine whatever intention was. All right, Ann, I have got to run. It was great talking to you and hopefully, we'll see you around in the coming weeks.

COULTER: See you soon.

WATTERS: All right, coming up, a tormented Monica Lewinsky reveals never- before heard details of her affair with Bill Clinton. And an epic outburst in the skies when a woman is denied her wine. Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Give me a bottle wine, otherwise [bleep].


WATTERS: The battle for the gravel is on. Nancy Pelosi when asked about other Democrats challenging her for Speaker had this to say.


REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF., MINORITY LEADER: I say it to everybody, come on in, the water is warm.


WATTERS: Ah, Pelosi a little cocky. Joining me now, the founder of Turning Point USA, Charlie Kirk; and Democratic strategist Kelly Grace Gibson.

All right, Kelly Grace, you know, I hear Democrats all the time say how powerful and successful Speaker Pelosi is. When she had the gavel last time, she almost lost it back immediately. I mean, there was a huge wave after she controlled things because she overreached and went far left on things like Obamacare. How do you know that's not going to happen again?

KELLY GRACE GIBSON, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Well, you don't know it's not going to happen again, but what we do know about Speaker Pelosi is that she championed a ton of bipartisan legislation to make college more affordable to people and to have jobs, and incentives for clean energy. She has in her tenure has raised over $700 million for the Democrats.

WATTERS: Is college more affordable because of Nancy Pelosi?

GIBSON: Well, yes because of that piece of bipartisan legislation. There is more access to grant and Pell grants for college scholarships, yes, but will she reach? Yes. Will people come after the job? Yes. But Nancy Pelosi is a powerful woman that knows how to make herself relevant.

WATTERS: Yes, Charlie, do you think Nancy is looking at who's voting against her? I mean, she can be vindictive as all powerful larders can be.  If you voted against Nancy, you're going to probably get shut out of any sort of leadership position.

CHARLIE KIRK, FOUNDER, TURNING POINT USA: Not only that, I mean, look, she rules with an iron fist. You lose your parking spot. You lose your key card. You lose the perks in the park. The access to your cocktail parties.

WATTERS: No perks.

KIRK: No perks. You are totally cut out.

WATTERS: Yes, you vote against Pelosi, no perks.

KIRK: That's exactly right. But look, she is in a conundrum here because look, believe it or not the Democratic Party consists now of people who think Nancy Pelosi is too moderate. Try to figure that one out. And people who think that Nancy Pelosi is too far to the left and this is going to be a big challenge for her.

So you have Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who basically wants to give everything away for free, and then you have some of these people that are trying to bring back the blue dog Democrats and she's got to find some way to reconcile that, but hey, personally, the more she is on TV, the better.

WATTERS: Yes, I know. I know Republicans love her. She definitely raises a lot of money for the right. You brought up Ocasio-Cortez, one of the first things she did, Kelly, was stage a sit-in in a protest about green stuff in Nancy Pelosi's office. Let's take a look at this. I mean, she is running around with drum circles in the Capital, dancing around and high- fiving people. This is the first thing she did when she came to Washington was to protest outside of Pelosi's office. This is going to be a big headache for the Speaker, or potential Speaker.

GIBSON: She is delivering on her campaign promises from when she was running, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She promised she would support new leadership and she will support new leadership. The reality of Nancy Pelosi is she has been doing it for so long, and her tenure is such that she knows how to make the deals. She knows how to create the coalition.  So, I think that new conversation about leadership is important, but what Speaker Pelosi has done for our party is significant and it should be realized in this effort to talk about maybe new leadership.

I mean, she is a significant woman of power and that will serve her well, I think in this process.

WATTERS: Yes, well, another woman, I think Congresswoman Fudge wants the top spot. I just hope she gets it because Trump is going to have a field day with that nickname. Pelosi was talking about Al Sharpton. Charlie, listen and react to what Pelosi said to Al Sharpton. Roll it.


PELOSI: Thank you for helping take back America. People all over the place are calling me and writing in the airports here and there, thank you for saving America. I give those thanks to you. Thank you for saving America. Reverend Sharpton, thank you for shaving America.


WATTERS: Well, Charlie if Sharpton saved America, we are doomed.

KIRK: Oh, my goodness. I mean, look, I've had my own back and forth with Reverend Al Sharpton just a couple of weeks ago. He insulted over 400 young black conservatives that we brought to the White House and said some horrible, horrible things about them. But look, for her to think that that guy has any sort of moral stature, to think that he saved anything except his own career by exploiting communities around fear and division.

By the way, the IRS called Reverend Al. you still owe some money. But look, if these are the cast of characters in clown show that the Democrats want to parade around, 2020 is just right around the corner and soon to be Speaker Pelosi, I sure hope she wins because it's going to do nothing but help us conservatives and Republicans.

WATTERS: Yes, I mean, it might have been a wave election that just might mean that Pelosi can wave goodbye to the majority in two years. All right, Kelly, there's a report in "Axios" and they do a nice job over there, about 85 potential investigations of the Trump administration and Republicans.  Everything from the Comey firing to Trump's transgender ban, the travel ban, family separation, Trump's tax returns, Trump's family businesses.  They are reopening the Russia investigation. Do you think that's going to be a positive for the Democrats?

GIBSON: Yes, I mean, the President has gone basically unchecked since he won the election. So I think having a balanced Congress on important things --

WATTERS: Unchecked?

GIBSON: Yes, there has been 64 subpoenas for information that have been sent to the House Oversight Committee that have been rejected, so I mean, there is time for - there are rules of the game that he doesn't play by that every other President in our history has. So yes, having some Democrats coming and be like, "Let's do this thing the right way. Let's let the American people know a little bit something about you that you refuse to give them." That is going to be good for the Democrats, but good for just general Americans.

WATTERS: Let's get to the truth about the oversight, Charlie. I want to play some sound from Adam Schiff, Little Schiff, I think the President calls him. Let's hear what he said about investigations. Roll that.


REP. ADAM SCHIFF, D-CALIF.: Investigations are sexy, they are interesting. You bring witnesses before the klieg lights, people tune in.


WATTERS: Sexy investigations, I think that's what the Democrats are all about.

GIBSON: There's nothing sexy about an investigation.

KIRK: Yes, well, look, first of all, this idea of unchecked. First of all, you have these judges from Hawaii blocking everything that he does, that he tries to do on immigration on complete and total baseless rulings.  That's number one. Number two, unchecked? This is the most transparent President in American history. Why? Because the media monitors him more than any other President that has ever been in office. I mean, you have platoons of these agenda driven journalists from "The Washington Post" to the "New York Times" that follow every single move that he makes.

So this idea that he's been unchecked is ridiculous, not to mention the amount of freedom of information requests that these left-wing activist groups have been burdening this White House and this President with are unbelievable, and you know what Mr. Schiff? If you're pursuing investigations, finish the investigation into what the FBI did and did not do leading into President Trump's surprise victory with all the deep state activity that has proven to be true, thanks to Devin Nunes. I bet he's going to shuts it down on day one.

WATTERS: All right, Kelly, 30 seconds. Last word, go.

GIBSON: That it's part of our government's job to have checks and balances and I think having a more balanced government is going to be a good thing.  It's not the media's job. The media's job is to give the American people the most of information they want to have about their leaders, Donald Trump blocks that every chance he has, including his most recent ploy with the Acosta press release, so I am just saying that this is a good thing, and President Trump said that if Congress tries to investigate him, he's going to take up war posture. So I think that he better get ready, because they are coming for him.

WATTERS: All right, we'll see about that. You know, if they are going to ask for my tax returns and say, "Hey, let's just open another investigation over Crooked Hillary." All right, guys, I've got to run. See you later.  Thank you.

All right, we're hearing Hillary may be actually getting back in the game.  Let's see what the voters have to say. Brian Kilmeade and I react next.

LAUREN BLANCHARD, CORRESPONDENT, FOX NEWS:  This is a Fox News alert. I am Lauren Blanchard. President Trump in California today touring damage of those devastating wildfires in Northern and Southern California. The President arriving in Southern California earlier this afternoon to tour damaged areas in Malibu after the Woolsey fire ripped through claiming three lives. That fire is about 80% contained. It's burned more than 700 structures, 57,000 though are still in danger.

This morning, the President stopped in Northern California seeing firsthand the devastation from the Campfire which is considered the deadliest wild fire in the US in a century. At least 71 people have died in that fire and an estimated 1,000 more are unaccounted for. We will continue to follow the President's trip and bring you updates here on Fox News, but for now, I'm Lauren Blanchard, now back to "Watters' World." For all of your headlines, log on to


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How many of you want Hillary Clinton to run for President in 2020? Go.


WATTTERS: Democrats maybe done with Hillary, but have no heir-apparent to the party's nomination in 2020. A new POLITICO poll shows Biden, Bernie and Beto for now leading the dozens of Democrats mulling a White House run.

Brian Kilmeade has some thoughts on that. He is co-host of "Fox and Friends" and the author of the New York Times best seller "Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans" which is now out in paperback. Let's just take on Hillary for a second. I mean, no charisma. She is aging. She is fainting. The donors are probably going to have alligator arms. They're not going to double down on another loser. Husband has lost the fast ball.  What do you think?

BRIAN KILMEADE, CO-HOST, "FOX & FRIENDS": I don't think it's possible. I know Mark Penn, who wrote that column and he does know the Clintons very well, even though he is on the outs with them right now. He's probably one of the best guests you can have because he doesn't have a horse in the race, but he's got great insight on the Clintons and what's going on.

And I believe that she is going to be a player if a Democrat wins, I'll look for her to have a prominent spot, but there's no way she could put up with the rigors. I mean, if you've seen her in many book tours, she can't keep up.

WATTERS: Are you saying she doesn't have the strength or the stamina to run for President for a third time?

KILMEADE: No question nor the message, and I don't think they'll have the heart to go back to it, and I don't think anyone will have a problem telling her to go home.

WATTERS: Okay, all right, so Biden now, and he is leading the pack by a significant margin. He is at 26%. I mean, he was at 1% the last couple of times he ran for President. He'd have to leech off the Obama donor list.  He's kind of a relic in my opinion. Do you think he has a shot?

KILMEADE: Seventy-seven years old, absolutely not. The biggest fallacy is that Joe Biden is this guy who has come along at the perfect time, now is his time. No.


KILMEADE: For the last four years, the Obama administration didn't see much because we saw the first four years, because when you don't give him the script and you let him go. He is embarrassed by Obama.

WATTERS: He is not disciplined.

KILMEADE: No disciple. The working class thing is a bit of an act. I think he gets carried away with himself. I think he'll be destroyed and eaten up by President Trump and here's the thing, the person who is going to beat President Trump is somebody that's not going to go directly at him.

WATTERS: Okay, well that brings us --

KILMEADE: He's going to kill him with charm.

WATTERS: That brings us to O'Rourke. Now, O'Rourke, I am not sure he's got the sharp elbows. I think if he was running, he would play nice in the Democratic primary. He didn't really go for the jugular against Ted Cruz, but he is so untested. Yes, he could raise a lot of money from small donors, but on a national level, do you think he's got a shot?

KILMEADE: Listen, I think he's got a couple of things going for him. He's got the charisma, charm and likability. He has already got $36 million to $50 million.

WATTERS: Are you charmed by him?

KILMEADE:  It depends on who you talk to. Personally, not charmed, but we can both respect people that are good camera. They are comfortable in their own skin. He's very comfortable. My problem is he is way too far to the left and as have been brought up before, he could have taken Ted Cruz if he was moderate. But his policies were way out there.

WATTERS: He said kneeling for the anthem was patriotic in Texas, that was a big mistake. Okay, speaking of too far to the left, Sanders. Now, Sanders is performing pretty well, he is at 19% in this poll, but I feel like his moment was last time and the power brokers in the Democratic Party, they're not going to let him take the nomination.

KILMEADE: Jesse, how would you feel about this? You're in a party that's not - the Democratic Party isn't necessarily your party, I've got to look more in to your background and Google you and see if you're there.

But he doesn't want to be a Democrat. He was asked again, are you a part of the Democratic Party? He said no. So he wants to go with a nomination in a party that he can't subscribe to.

WATTERS: And look at his hair, Brian. Look at his hair. Can you run for President with a hair like that?

KILMEADE: He is not happy. He's too old. He is a socialist. Pick one of the three. He is shot.

WATTERS: Okay, all right. Let's go to Elizabeth Warren quickly, I think she is toast. She totally imploded. You?

KILMEADE: Regional candidate at best. Smart, but I don't think by any chance she goes to Middle America even the West Coast. I think the one that's interesting is Kamala Harris. If she's going to get happy, she has got to talk more. She is too quiet.

WATTERS: I don't think she is likeable. I think she is young, she's attractive, female, African-American, she can raise a lot of money in California, but there is something that's like you said O'Rourke was charming. I don't see her as charming.

KILMEADE: You say not charming because we haven't seen enough of her. We only see her in the attack mode. But I would say this, the person that can beat Trump, it's not going to be who is going to out tough Trump. You don't go directly at him, point out the thing he does well and say how you're going to be different.

Do not punch back. He does not like being the bully. He likes being the one that avenges. If you don't let him avenge, you say, he's turn around the economy. He's got a great personal story. I appreciate his family.  But this is how I am different. That's the combination that will keep the Trump people down and it will keep Donald Trump from punching first. He doesn't like punching first.

WATTERS: All right, he's a counter puncher. Brian Kilmeade, also a counter puncher. Go buy his book. Up next, Diamond and Silk on Sneaky Snipes and Avenatti. Wow. Right back.

WATTERS: Monica Lewinsky back in the spotlight sharing new details about her affair with Bill Clinton saying said the aftermath was so painful that she became suicidal. Listen.


MONICA LEWINSKY, FORMER WHITE HOUSE INTERN: In the shutdown period, I remember looking out the window and thinking that the only way to fix this was to kill myself, was to jump out the window and I just - I felt terrible. I was scared and I just - I was mortified and afraid of what this was going to do to my family and, you know, I still was in love with Bill at the time, so I just - I felt really responsible.


WATTERS:  Here to react, Diamond and Silk. All right, ladies, I mean, it's a powerful exposition by Monica Lewinsky. Obviously, it took a real toll on her emotionally at the time. She is still kind of reeling from that apparently. What do you guys think about how that whole thing went down and now it's resurfacing?

DIAMOND, VIDEOBLOGGER: Well, you know, first of all, I think that she was taken advantage of by an older man, a powerful older man named Bill Clinton.

I'm so happy to see her and hear her tell her story and whoever agree, agree. Sometimes, you to get that out to set yourself free. So I'm happy she is able to tell her story and whoever agree, agree; if they don't, they don't. But her story do need to be told.

SILK, VIDEOBLOGGER: That's right, and not only tell her story but tell her truth about it.


WATTERS: Yes, I mean, listen, it was a very tough time in the '90s for the country. Everybody struggled with that and it really divided the nation.  And if you look back at that now, if that had happened today with the #MeToo Movement, it would have gone a completely different way.

All right, let's get to Michael Avenatti, you know, the lawyer representing Stormy Daniels kind of skyrocketed to fame with that, and now, has allegedly has punched a woman in the face. He was booked on charges and the woman's face was bruised and battered. Here is what said when he came out of the jail.


MICHAEL AVENATTI, AMERICAN ATTORNEY: I have never struck a woman. I never will strike a woman. I have been an advocate for women's rights my entire career, and I am going to continue to be an advocate. I am not going to be intimidated from stopping what I am doing. I am looking forward to a full investigation at which point I am confident that I will be fully exonerated. I also want to thank everyone for their support that has reached out, you know my character.


WATTERS: So listen, he's innocent until proven guilty, that's the way we do things here in America. He did not give Judge Kavanaugh that kind of deference, but the bottom line is, if he is guilty and he actually punched some woman. Allegedly, he told TMZ that "she hit me first." She hit me first is not a very good presidential campaign slogan. I think this guy is toast. He is probably going to go bankrupt.

DIAMOND: Absolutely, and you know, I don't think he is going to beat this charge. Listen, you have to understand, you may not pay what you owe, but you will reap what you sow. And he said believe all women, so that's why a lot of Americans are believing the woman on this.

SILK: And then when he also said that he is going to run for President.  If he do decide to run for President, at least he does knows he can't beat a woman.

WATTERS: That's right. I mean, we already know he's running from the IRS.  The guy owes millions and it looks like his life is crumbling down upon him. It's very, very sad. All right, lastly, Sneaky Snipes. You know, the woman overseeing the Broward County election. It's a mess. Everybody knows it. She actually had the gall to say things were going smoothly.  Listen to this.


BRENDA SNIPES, BROWARD COUNTRY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS: I'd like to call to your attention that this midterm election in addition to running very smoothly, was one of the most highly participated midterm elections probably that we've had in 20 years or more.


WATTERS: Yes, so every county in Florida is finished and she is still counting. She has no idea of the vote count. Sneaky Snipes, ladies, what do you think?

DIAMOND: Listen, I think she has a vacuous mindset. Not only that, you have to understand, this is just a rehearsal for the art of the steal in 2020.

WATTERS: Oh, the art of the steal, wow.

DIAMOND: Art of the steal in 2020. This is what they are trying to do.  And shame on her for starting this whole fiasco and to have us all questioning the integrity of an election.

I think what when deSantis becomes sworn in as governor, he needs to first fire her and she needs to be prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

SILK: That's right and her initials represent what's going on in Florida very clearly, BS.

WATTERS: Okay, all right, ladies. Great talking to you as always. Go check them out. They are on tour. And they've got the movie out and everything. All right, up next, the tough questions for a change that I'm going to be answering. "Watters' World" gets quizzed on Fox Nation. Right back.

We are stepping out of "Watters' World" and into Tom Shillue's world. I'm nervous. He's going to put me to the test on his quiz show.

TOM SHILLUE, HOST, THE QUIZ SHOW, FOX NATION: That's right. How do you like my digs, Jesse?

WATTERS: Pretty nice. Very snazzy.

SHILLUE: All right, way to start it out. Among other things, you are the master of putting people on the spot, Jesse Watters. But now, I'm here to put you on the spot.


SHILLUE: I'm going to ask you some questions that have nothing to do with politics or the big news stories of the day.

WATTERS: Just no personal questions, Tom, please?

SHILLUE: Well, I don't know. Maybe, you'll take these personally.

WATTERS: We'll see.

SHILLUE: Okay, let's dive right in. Here is question number one. Gus, the Central Park Zoo polar bear was the first animal to ever be treated with what? Cialis, Prozac or Ritalin.

WATTERS: I am going to go with for fun, Cialis.

SHILLUE: Cialis and the answer is -

WATTERS: Oh man, it would have been funnier if it was Cialis.

SHILLUE: You definitely went for the funnier answer. Poor Gus suffered from depression. To cheer him up they would give him old Christmas trees with frozen mackerel hidden in the branches and they would also feed him small children who had wandered off from their parents.

WATTERS: Okay, well, you know, Cialis also cures depression, so I was partially right.

SHILLUE: Okay, maybe we'll give him the half point on that or you know, honorable mention.


SHILLUE: Jesse that brings your score to zero. Ready for question number two?


SHILLUE: Question two. Who is the on athlete to ever hit an MLB homerun and score an NFL touchdown in the same week?

WATTERS: I think I know this.

SHILLUE: Let me give you the choices. Deion Sanders, Bo Jackson, or Shemp Howard? You have 10 seconds.

WATTERS: I'm going to go with Bo Jackson on this one.


WATTERS: It might be - it might be Sanders, but I'm going to go with Bo Jackson.

SHILLUE: Okay, and the answer is, let's let the - we want to give you all your time. Oh --

WATTERS: Was it Sanders? Oh man.

SHILLUE: Deion "Primetime" Sanders.

WATTERS: It could have been Bo.

SHILLUE: I know, well, it could have been because he was also - he was Jack of all trades.

WATTERS: That's right. All right Primetime - Primetime Sanders.

SHILLUE: Primetime Sanders, he was the defensive back for the NFL for 14 years and he had a Major League baseball career that lasted nine years just like me. Jeff Howard was a seriously under rated stooge. Don't you agree with that?

WATTERS: Okay, I feel a little under rated at this point, too.  (Inaudible) Watters.

SHILLUE: Well, here we go. Let's get that rating up. Jesse's score is now zero, but buckle up, here comes question number three.


SHILLUE: In a recent interview on Australian television, whose rise to fame did Jon Bon Jovi describe as horrific? Was it Rosie O'Donnell, The Kardashians, or Michael Moore? You have 10 seconds.

WATTERS: I am going to go with B, Kardashians.

SHILLUE: Oh, the Kardashians - I thought you would say Michael Moore because you wanted to be Michael Moore, right?

WATTERS: Yes, I tried that on the first question, it didn't work out.

SHILLUE: The answer is, the Kardashians. He's on the board.

WATTERS: Yes, finally.

SHILLUE: It's true. Love them or hate them, the Kardashians are frighteningly successful. The family members combined net worth is over $1.5 billion. Did you know that?

WATTERS: That doesn't sound horrific to me.

SHILLUE: It doesn't, it's all nice if it's yours. Okay, that brings your score to one. Here is yes question number four.


SHILLUE: What is the dot over the letter "I" and the letter "J" called?


SHILLUE: Is it a tittle, a canker or a glyph? You have 10 seconds.  Tittle, canker or a glyph.

WATTERS: Can I phone a friend?

SHILLUE: Wouldn't that be great? Wouldn't that be great if we had that technology.

WATTERS: Let's go with tittle.

SHILLUE: A, tittle. Let's see if you are correct. You are correct.


SHILLUE: That little dot over the letters "I" and "J" is called a tittle or a super script dot.

WATTERS: Oh, wow.

SHILLUE: I didn't know this.

WATTERS: This is a titillating show.

SHILLUE: That's what we're here to do. Jesse, that brings your score to, 2-2, I believe, isn't that right? Okay.


SHILLUE: Okay, final question. You've been performing admirably Mr. Watters, but let's see if you can finish strong. This is your final question. Here we go, if cats are feline and dogs are canine, what are bears? Are they bovine, ursine or Busta Rhymes?

WATTERS: Oh, I know it's not C, bovine, I thought had something to do with cows, should I go ursine?

SHILLUE: You have five seconds.

WATTERS: Ursine.

SHILLUE; Ursine. And the answer is, ursine.


SHILLUE: Jesse was right. Bovine is cows, bears are ursines and Busta Rhymes, his success was truly puzzling. Are you a Busta Rhymes fan?

WATTERS: Yes, Bust the Bust.

SHILLUE: Yes, I love the classic hip hop. So that is --

WATTERS: That sounded convincing. I love the classic hip hop.

SHILLUE: Am I right that Jesse has a score of three.

WATTERS: All right, three out of five, not bad.

SHILLUE: Three out of five and I think that was the classic rock star Meatloaf said something similar to that, didn't he?

WATTERS: I don't know about Meatloaf, I just eat it.

SHILLUE: It was two out of three. Jesse, thank you so much for playing.  We put you o on the spot and surprisingly you crushed it.

WATTERS: Surprisingly.

SHILLUE: Well, maybe not surprisingly.

WATTERS: All right -

SHILLUE: Oh, that's you. Now, you go, Jesse.

WATTERS: All right, and you guys launch in November, on the 27th, Fox Nation. And you can catch "The Quiz Show" there every week day at 7:00 p.m. live. Also, "Watters' World" quizzes will be available on Fox Nation, too. So sign up ...

SHILLUE: Really? You're going to be my competitor?

WATTERS: It's not a competition.


WATTERS: We're all winners here.


WATTERS: Up next, an out of control outburst in the air when "Last Call" comes too early for one passenger. Stay tuned.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If I say pull the cart [bleep] Air India, done. If I say - all right done. Do you understand me? Do you understand me? Yes, sir. You can't give me a wee bottle of wine?


WATTERS: Time now for "Last Call." All right a story about a passenger on an Air India flight being given her last call too early. The irate business class passenger unleashing on the crew after they cut her off.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If I say pull the cart [bleep] Air India done. If I say - all right done. Do you understand me? Do you understand me? Yes, sir. You can't give me a wee bottle of wine? [Bleep] strict [bleep] money grabbing [bleep]. That's right [bleep]. That's right. Throw that meat out. Give me a bottle of wine and - otherwise, we arrive in [bleep].  [Bleep].


WATTERS:  Give me a bottle of the wine. My goodness. She was taken into custody after landing in London and with the holidays coming up, good luck to all you travelers out there. It's going to be rough. All right, that's all for us tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and remember, I'm Watters, and this is my world. 
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