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This is a rush transcript of "The Five" on October 12, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters, along with Judge Jeanine Pirro, Harold Ford, Jr., Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It's five o'clock in New York City and this is THE FIVE.

President Biden losing touch with reality with just 27 days to go until the midterms. After decimating American energy, letting inflation ramp up to record highs, allowing a historic flow of migrants to cross the border and unleashing a violent crime surge under his watch. Biden is delusional enough to think America loves what he's doing.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Look what I've gotten done. Name me a president in recent history has gotten as much done as I have in the first two years. Not a joke. You may not like what I got done, but the vast majority of American people do like what I got done. And so, I just, it's, it's a matter of can you do the job? And I believe I can do the job. I've been able to do the job. I've got more done.


WATTERS: Not a joke. If Biden thinks he's so great, why are so many vulnerable Democrats afraid to be seen in public with the guy. And get this. Biden actually thinks the Republican Party has nothing to campaign on.


BIDEN: What's the Republican platform to run? What are they running on? What are they for? The first thing they said they're going to do is get rid of the Inflation Reduction Act. And so, what's that do? They're going to raise drug prices, raise medical costs again, be sure that we're going to no longer be able to have the ability to have tax credits for weatherizing your homes, saving money?


BIDEN: I mean, I don't know what they're for.


WATTERS: Even Bernie Sanders is begging Democrats to actually listen to the people who get them elected and focus on top polling issues that voters actually care about. A concept that Democrats just seem not to be able to grasp.


SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (D-VT): I think the Supreme Court's decision was an outrage. It has to be an important issue in this campaign, but it cannot be the only issue. Poll after poll shows what everybody understands to be true. Working people are hurting. They're worried about the economy. They're worried about inflation.


WATTERS: All right, so Joe Biden comes out and says, everybody loves what I've done. How is that going to play.

HAROLD FORD, JR., FOX NEWS CO-HOST: Well, it's good to be back.

WATTERS: Nah, it's good to be back here.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: You can't say you agree with us because you're first.

FORD: I agree. I think I'm going to agree with a lot of where the table is going to go, but I do think, I do think that Biden -- Biden has done some things. I thought the best part of what he said there was, look, you may not agree with everything I've done, but the Inflation Reduction Act had a lot of energy incentives.

We should do more in energy. We should be drilling more here to increase our domestic supply, not only for ourselves, but even for allies around the globe.

The CHIPS Act which is going to allow us to make Javelins here and the conduct -- the semiconductors that go into that. That's a national security issue. Gun reform.

Who would've thought a Democrat with working with the Republicans in the House and the Senate could get a gun reform bill as he's been able to do an infrastructure. Some of the Republicans who voted against the infrastructure bill are now applying for money to have the infrastructure money brought to their district, which I think is a good thing. Even if you didn't vote for it, you ought to be able to help your constituents and help your districts.

Finally, I think he's right in one regard about what the Republicans are for. You look at what Rick Scott has released. He released a plan I think called renewal -- the renewal plan for America that McCarthy has the commitment to America.

When Newt Gingrich did this in '94 they all ran on a contract with America. If you look at some of the differences between the two, one raises taxes, one raises prescription drug prices. So, I do think, you know, Republicans have some explaining to do is you would say preferably in politics and we'll see if they're able to do it.

I think the best thing about all of this is Republicans, whether it's one or two things they're standing for, they at least have a moniker out there. And they have to defend that moniker if that's what they want to do. And Democrats have a moniker.

Where, you're right, Jesse, is that they're not probably half the Democrats want Biden there campaigning with them. They all want him to raise money, but not everyone wants him with them campaigning. We'll see how it works out in the next -- next three or four weeks.

But I know this. This race is tight in the Senate, 50 seats where what Republicans were supposed to win eight, 10 weeks ago. There's no doubt abortion and reproductive rights have narrowed that. I still think Republicans have an advantage in the House, but I think it's a jump ball in the Senate and we'll see what happens.

WATTERS: You know, Harold rattles off a bunch of things. They got passed. I mean, anybody can cook a lot of meals. But if people don't think it tastes very good, then so what?

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: You know what it reminds me of when Joe says that everybody loves him? It's like if a -- if a girl breaks up with her boyfriend and she doesn't say anything bad about the boyfriend, you know, but she's broken up with him and she's onto a new guy. But the boyfriend keeps saying she loves me. She loves me. She only says good things about me. She still loves me.

No, she doesn't. She's onto the next guy, but that's like Joe Biden in this country.


PIRRO: You know?

FORD: I agree with that.

PIRRO: They're like onto the next guy. But what I think that, I think that Bernie Sanders is smart, but Bernie Sanders always understood, I think the working people. He understands it's about the economy. He's smart enough to tell the Democrats that that's what you have to focus on.

And what the Republicans have to focus on is crime and the border. And every day I just see it and I just say it can't get any worse. It can't get any worse, but every day it does get worse. So, I think that, you know, Joe Biden is I don't think he's going to end up running in 2024, but I also think that the party is running from him more than are sticking with him.

WATTERS: Jeanine and Bernie Sanders both make great points, is that if you have the number one issue --


FORD: You don't think my --

WATTERS: -- by a mile, which is the economy. The Democrats don't even talk about the economy.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: However, Bernie Sanders not that smart because --

PIRRO: Thanks.

PERINO: -- the bill that they gave, the bill that Biden passed was basically the blueprint from Bernie. And what did that result in? Increased inflation.

WATTERS: You're right. He always gets at of stuff.

PERINO: So, it's like what Bernie Sanders wants to do is to spend more money.


PERINO: He wants, I think that's not, that's not very smart.

WATTERS: Good point. I take out what I said about him.

PERINO: Now but he is -- he is smart to be able to say, I'm not -- I'm not Biden, I would be different. You got to do this or that. And he tries to be both things, all things to all people.


PERINO: But he's not. We actually know what he really is for, which is not what Americans are for. Biden's presidency is getting a one-star Yelp review, but he's looking at it saying, I'm -- I'm doing great. And I think when he gets his clips, because you used to call them clips, you know, like all the newspaper articles, they give him a folder in the morning.

It seems like they just put all the good stuff. Like the five articles that they can find that make things look really good. However, the other -- the other thing that's happening here is that a midterm election when you have one party rule, that means it's a check on one party rule, and it's a referendum on Biden. It's not a choice between Biden and Trump or whoever else.

So, people are going to say, well, what can the Republicans do? The number one thing the Republicans want to do if they take back the majority, is to stop bad things from happening. That's the number one job, and then they can start to talk about what they are for.

The House, if the Republicans take over, they're going to pass so many bills and Biden is going to ignore them. And you know what happens that night as soon as it's called, who has the majority in the Senate and who has the majority in the House, the first thing that happens is we're onto the 2024 election.

WATTERS: And last night, Greg, he said that he hasn't decided yet whether he's running or not.

GUTFELD: Yes. Well, he didn't know what they were talking about. When he says that Republicans have nothing to run on, he's wrong. They can run on him.


GUTFELD: And they could run on the Democrats who continued to deny that will claim that crime doesn't exist, that inflation is a mirage and that the border is secure. Their strategy is like a drug addict in an intervention. It's just I'm, well, nothing happening here.

Twenty twenty-two has been like a long exercise in denial. But the big story, one of the two big stories, Biden begged the Saudis not to cut oil production until days before the midterms.


GUTFELD: And why would he do that? It smells just like, I mean, it's a -- it's almost just like the hiding the laptop. It's like, here's a big problem, let's bury it, hide it, or delay it so it won't hurt us politically.

So, he didn't really care that the Americans were -- Americans were suffering at the gas pump. He just didn't want it to affect the Democrats. That's kind of sleazy. It sounds a lot like bearing the laptop to me.

And lastly, you know what's happening tomorrow is another January 6th hearing. And I dropped my pen.

PERINO: How about that?

GUTFELD: So, in the midst of this economic malaise, crime waves. We've got a war going on. It's like washing your windows as your house is on fire. Why are they doing this? I think that everybody who -- people should just not watch that hearing symbolically to say like, we've had enough of this crap. We've had enough of this circus. We've got real problems here. And none of them are political.

There are actually real personal family economic problems. We don't look at our problems politically the way you do. That's the problem. That's why I think Democrats are better on the outside and Republicans are better on the inside.

Like when the Republicans in power, they actually attack things that Americans want, like crime and like the border. Democrats are really good at attacking Republicans.

WATTERS: Yes, they are.

GUTFELD: So, keep them on the outside. That's the way it goes. It's like - - it's like a nice little.

WATTERS: A lot of analogies there.

GUTFELD: Yes, none of them made sense.

WATTERS: Are you -- are you going to be excited to watch the January 6th hearings tomorrow?

FORD: I probably won't watch them tomorrow, but I do think holding someone accountable for what happened that day is something that should be --


WATTERS: Do you think doing the January 6th hearings on the same days the inflation number drops, is good or bad politics?

FORD: Probably good politics.

WATTERS: You think it's good politics?


FORD: I'm going to go --

PERINO: Well, remember it got you late.

FORD: It's probably good school if we do that.

PERINO: They were supposed to -- but remember, Jesse, they were supposed to have this hearing two weeks ago, but then the hurricane happened. And they moved it so that they wouldn't get blown out on coverage.

GUTFELD: Literally.

WATTERS: Blown out. Very well done.

PERINO: Thank you.

WATTERS: A lot of good analogies around the table.


WATTERS: Dating.


WATTERS: Yelp reviews.

GUTFELD: That's a great dress, by the way.

WATTERS: It is a great dress. We're going to talk a lot about that dress.

FORD: I agree with that too. That's a great dress.

WATTERS: OK, now she's getting uncomfortable. We're going to move on. Coming up next, Biden's migrant whipping hooks just got more scandalous. Damning new e-mails on what the White House knew before smearing the agents.


FORD: Brand new details surrounding the now infamous whip gate controversy. We saw President Biden and others in administration falsely accusing border patrol agents of whipping Haitian migrants. It turns out it was just horse reins and those agents were later exonerated after an investigation.

But before the White House had all the facts, both President Biden and Vice President Harris were slamming the agents involved.


BIDEN: To see people treat it like they did horses, really running them over, people being strapped. It's outrageous. I promise you those people will pay.

KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: It also evoked images of some of the worst moments of our history where that kind of behavior has been used against the indigenous people of our country, has been used against African Americans during times of slavery.


FORD: But hours after that, Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas got this e-mail from his press office highlighting an article that indicated that President Biden had misconstrued the photo, and that the photographer never saw any migrants whipped.

But instead of correct -- correcting the record or even spreading a word around, Mr. Mayorkas walked into the White House briefing room and said this.


ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY: We know that those images painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation's ongoing battle against systemic racism.


PERINO: That's terrible.

FORD: D.P., you've been in that brief -- that briefing room --

PERINO: It's horrible.

FORD: -- and you've seen the secretary come in there. What was your -- I can hear you saying, what you think.

PERINO: I just, I think that this is, it's shocking in how disgusting it is. I mean, you -- we knew from the beginning that, well, most people did if you got rein.

PIRRO: You got a horse, yes.

PERINO: Yes. That he's -- the horse patrol using reins in order to maneuver the horse in order to do the job that they've been given to do. And they got smeared, they got put on desk duty and now they're facing some sort of 14-day suspension without pay for some sort of administrative issue because the president doesn't want to be embarrassed.

I -- if I were the president, I would call in Mayorkas and say, excuse me, you had this e-mail and you let us walk around here and say all this, or, like, is it worse than that? Did they all know and they decided to do it anyway? And they let those guys out there twist in the wind.

The other thing that really bothers me about this is Bill Melugin gave the Department of Homeland Security two days to respond to a media inquiry, and they never responded until afterwards, and then they tried to clean it up.

That's not how this works. These public information officers, I stress public for a reason. You get paid by the taxpayer. Your job is to respond to the press. Even if you respond to say, I have no comments, or I'm not able to talk to you about this. Or go, you know what yourself. You could say anything you want, but to not call is not -- is not right.

And this administration does this constantly, all across the board. And Bill Melugin and our reporters who call and try to like just get some answers on it, they deserve a lot better. But these horse patrols that got pulled off of the job because -- and how many illegal immigrants came across during that time because of this?

I think that the president owes these horse patrol an apology. He should -- he should go -- he should go to the border and visit them, or he should invite them to the White House and actually apologize on camera. And Mayorkas to ought to have to answer from this.

And if the Republicans take over in January, he will be up there and he will have to answer for it under oath.

FORD: Greg, you're nodding there.

GUTFELD: I agree with everything. I apologize to Moe, Larry and Curly, but this guy is a stooge. Actually, he's worse than this stooge. He's a betrayer because he hung his own employees out to dry for minimal political gain. I mean, these guys did go through like a public hanging. Do you remember how the press acted?


GUTFELD: It was basically an opportunistic hate crime hoax, right? It was -- it was incendiary. Everybody who talked about this was so emotionally invested in it. They didn't want to know the truth. And we -- we were really good. I thought we were like going, let's wait, let's wait, let's wait. Nobody else did.

If you work under Mayorkas, you cannot trust him again.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: He's a rat. You know, he'll sell out his grandmother. I mean, if he had any self-respect, he would resign, but we know he has less than a Times Square Elmo. This is just like, he -- it's like, he's -- it's disgusting.

PERINO: Worse.

GUTFELD: I think the thing is, is that the worst thing about it is we were here, we were right. And nobody gave a damn. And they were -- those guys were not exonerated. They were -- they were smeared.

FORD: How do you --


FORD: How do they get their reputations back, judge? I mean, what would be the recommendation that you would have for the administration to help them?

PIRRO: Who was the labor secretary who asked that very question after he was acquitted. You know, how do I get my reputation back? You don't get your reputation back. If you work in an administration where this is tolerated, where it goes right to the top. Where before knowing what any of the facts are, the president comes out and talks about horses running over people.

And when you've got this guy, Mayorkas saying, it conjures up the worst images of our systemic racism, then you realize that there's no way for these people to -- or for the men on horses whose job, by the way it is to make sure that the border is protected while they are on their horses with a horse provided by border patrol and the reins as well. I mean, they have certain things that they're required to do.

But the scary part is it's all about ideology. It's not about facts anymore. It's about whether it's in schools, it's about race, whether it's about us, the border, it's about race. It's everything is, you know, we've got white supremacists are the biggest problem in this country. And then they said those numbers were inflated. Whistleblowers told us that.

It's an agenda that they have that is totally separate from the truth and reality. And that's why people don't trust politics anymore. They can't. When they see this, they cannot.

FORD: Primetime?

WATTERS: There are two types of people in Washington. There are the liars, and then there are the idiots. But in order to get ahead in Washington successfully, you have to be a lying idiot. And that's what Mayorkas is. Mayorkas knew these guys were innocent. He went out and then he lied about it, and then he didn't tell his boss Biden, they were innocent.

PERINO: Right.

WATTERS: And most important thing is an employee is to make your boss not look foolish.

PERINO: Right.

WATTERS: And he made Biden look very foolish. And it's almost like the hoax was hoax was coming. It was coming. It was coming, and he had to man up and stop the hoax and he just let it pass. So, then everybody looked bad and innocent guys got smeared.

Now remember, this is the same guy that gave us the Mary Poppins lady, the disinformation singer. He vouched for her, said she had integrity, said we needed government speech police in the United States of America. It turns out she believed the Hunter laptop was Russia disinformation, and then he had to yank her.

Come on, this guy Mayorkas, I know how he got ahead because I did a deep dive into his background. So, he is not what you think he is. He grew up in Beverly Hills who went to Greg's alma mater, Berkeley, and then his wealthy father paid for him to go to law school. And then he played the in and out game for a while where you go to private practice, you go to government, in and out, in and out, and you build up your network, you build up your nest egg and he worked the patronage mill really effectively.

So, Diane Feinstein was his sponsor, then Bill Clinton nominated him. Then Barack Obama. Then Joe Biden appointed him and he gets in there and he totally blows it. Because he was at a hearing. You remember Ted Cruz asked him, and you guys got weeks to prepare for the hearing. That's all they do is prepare for hearings.

And he goes, do you know how many people that cross the border? No. Do you have any kids that are in your cages? No. Do you even know if Joe Biden or Kamala Harris went to the border in 2021? No. He couldn't answer. He couldn't answer anything. Now he was probably nominated the least.

That's the -- what they tout us because he was Hispanic. He was born in Cuba. His parents are Jewish, which was confusing to me. But you know, I don't know a lot about, about that stuff. But I'm not as confused as he is because he is very, very confused. But lying idiots rise to the top in Washington.


PIRRO: Can I ask a question?


PIRRO: Do we know that Joe Biden didn't know?

WATTERS: Well then, what does that make him?


PERINO: That's the question. No, that's a -- it's a great question. That's why I said it's possible that they don't want to answer this question because of what the answer would be.

PIRRO: Right.

WATTERS: What did he know and when did he know it?

PIRRO: That's right.

FORD: Let's not jump to conclu -- the facts come out your way. I think it'll be devastating, but this is -- this is terrible.

Ahead, serious new questions surrounding the fitness of a top Democratic candidate, John Fetterman, and one of the most watch races in the country.


PIRRO: Serious new questions in a crucial midterm race that could tip the balance of power in the Senate. John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz are locked in a tight battle for an open Senate seat in Pennsylvania, and concerns are mounting over Fetterman's health five months after he suffered a stroke.

An NBC News reporter who just sat down with the Democrat casting fresh doubt on his ability to comprehend her questions. Fetterman needed a monitor with closed captioning during the interview.


DASHA BURNS, CORRESPONDENT, NBC NEWS: In small talk before the interview without captioning, it wasn't clear he was understanding our conversation.

Can voters stress that you will be able to do this job on day one?



PIRRO: Fetterman also under fire for hiding his health information from voters, and he didn't clear up any of the controversy with this answer.


BURNS: We've asked for your medical records. We've asked to have a conversation with someone from your medical team to interview your physician. You've declined those requests. Why?

FETTERMAN: Well, I feel like we have been very transparent in a lot of different ways when our doctor has already given a letter saying that I'm able to serve and to be running.

BURNS: I mean, respectfully, that letter from your physician, that was six months ago. Don't voters deserve to know your status now?

FETTERMAN: Being on in front of thousands and thousands of people and having interviews and getting around all across Pennsylvania, that gives everybody and the voters decide, you know, if they think that it's -- it's really the issue.


PIRRO: Well, this is one of the tightest, closest, most watched races in the country. And we've got a candidate, the Democrat candidate, Harold, who is, you know, basically, you can't ask him a question. It's got to be put on a -- on a monitor so he can read it, because apparently he either can't comprehend it or he's not able to answer unless he actually sees the question in writing. I mean, you were in Congress. So, don't you have to have the ability to comprehend a little more?

FORD JR.: Well, I think he comprehends well. I mean, he clearly could read what was on -- if that's what was on his screen. He responded to all the questions. I mean, what I -- what I think voters are going to take in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, it's probably fair they see the medical records.

I mean, if the doc -- if doctors believed that he is fit to serve, then voters have every right to either vote for him against him. He had nothing -- and he didn't confuse his position on reproductive rights, his position on infrastructure spending. He didn't confuse his position on the environment. He didn't confuse his position on the economy. He was speaking and giving answers to questions that the reporter didn't ask.

And I take little issue with reporters saying, well, he didn't he didn't -- he didn't engage in a small talk with me. I didn't know if he comprehended the small talk. I didn't see the small talk. Maybe he didn't want to engage in small talk with her.

At the end of the day, he had a stroke. And I don't -- I think, you know, four to five months after he had a stroke -- I know people have had strokes. It's taken him nine months to 12 months to recover, and they fully recovered. He's trying to run a campaign. I would imagine that voters in Pennsylvania are going to vote for whether or not -- whether or not they like his position on issues.

The one position I do agree with, he's probably going to have to release more medical records before the election just to give people even more confidence that he will be able to serve out the term.

PIRRO: Given his inability to engage in a back-and-forth discussion without some kind of computer translating what's being said, don't you think that this man has to give up his medical records?

WATTERS: Absolutely. And I disagree with Harold. I know people have recovered from strokes. I know people who have not. And they've never had the ability to speak again or process.

FORD JR.: But he can speak though.

WATTERS: Barely. And I don't think you saw the whole interview, Harold, because a lot of the stuff he answered didn't make any sense. He was reading it, but whatever his answer was, didn't make any sense. I never do this. I never, never heap praise on other reporters. She did an excellent job.

PIRRO: She did. She did.

WATTERS: This is how mainstream media reporters should be. That was fair. That was firm. That was --

PIRRO: Respectful.

WATTERS: -- respectful. She asked all the questions that voters deserve answers to and she got it. And that's why this interview is making so many headlines is because no one has done this before. This guy has been out campaigning for a critical U.S. Senate seat for the entire summer into the fall, and she's the first reporter to ever sit down with this candidate. That is crazy.

And the fact that all this early voting has been going on and he's never ever answered questions -- we've never seen his inability to communicate and comprehend questions is crazy. Now, the media used to say this guy is great. Everything was fine. And now they're saying you can't attack him because he's disabled? Like, this isn't like he's in a wheelchair on crutches. No, like, he can't hear what people are saying.

Could you ever sit in a Senate hearing and listen to important testimony and not be able to comprehend it? They don't -- they're going to have transcripts going along the bottom of the screen. What if you're in a Senate Intelligence briefing, classified briefing and you're not understanding anything that's happened? This guy is not cut out for this job. But here's why the Democrats think he is. Because all he has to do is vote with the Democrats. That's what it all boils down to.

PIRRO: That's the question. And isn't that the question, Greg? I mean, do you think the people in Pennsylvania care this guy -- first of all, it's going to be in that hooded sweatshirt running around the halls of the Senate. But in addition to that, you know, he's just -- do they care about what he -- what meetings he makes and doesn't make, or do they just say I can count on him for this, this, and cutting -- and making sure that we have social justice, social criminal justice?

GUTFELD: What does it -- what does that say that a guy who just came up with stroke sounds just like every other Democrat, you know? But you know - - sorry, Harold. But I did love all the blue-check media lives rushing to his defense, like he was a bullied sick child. And they went -- and they went after the reporter a lot. And it's like, it's another kind of -- it's a collective denial like I mentioned in the eighth block. They're denying everything from inflation to crime, and they're denying that there's something wrong here.

If Fetterman gets eaten by a shark, they bring in the shark and they go, see he's fine. Can you see him in there? He's OK. So, you know -- but the media is treating them like a slow-moving pet. And I don't think that's compassionate at all. I think it's kind of just them circling the wagons. And I know that if you say anything, that you'll be accused of being ablest. But you know we all have our issues,.

PIRRO: Dana?

PERINO: Well, I agree with a lot of what was said especially about how the left needs to make a decision. Either he's -- there's nothing wrong with him or Republicans are monsters for attacking him. Like, whichever. You got to -- you have to pick a side there.

I wouldn't say this. I think that Dr. Oz has been skillful in trying to press on the issues of inflation and the economy, energy workers, especially in Pennsylvania who lost their jobs and have no prospect of getting a job back under this administration. Crime in particular, fentanyl is a big issue. And Dr. Oz has been out there talking about all of those issues.

I think that if the Democrats think that he's fine, then he should agree to more debates. There's not that much time. There's going to be one October 25. That will be must-see TV. But the issues aside from his health are really what's going to win this for Oz if he wins.

PIRRO: Interesting. And I think at that October 25 debate, they're going to have that computer too that he read.


FORD JR.: But it doesn't mean he can't comprehend, he just can't -- he can't hear.

PIRRO: He can't understand what people are saying.

Up next, Joe Biden is brushing off potential criminal charges against his son Hunter.


PERINO: President Biden defending his son, Hunter, after a blockbuster report saying federal investigators think they have enough evidence to charge the first son.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I'm proud of my son. This is a kid who got -- not a kid, he's a grown man -- he got hooked on -- like many families that had happened -- hooked on drugs. He's overcome that. It turns out that when he made application to purchase a gun, what happened was he stayed -- I guess you get asked -- I don't guess you get asked the question, are you on drugs, you use drugs? He said no. And he wrote about saying, no.

I love him. And he's on the straight and narrow and he has been for a couple of years now. And I'm just so proud of him.


PERINO: And the follow up continues over Hunter Biden's laptop. Bret Baier grilling one of the former Intel agents who signed onto a letter that claimed the story looked like a Russian information operation. Watch.


DAVID PRIESS, FORMER CIA OFFICER: It has all the classic earmarks of a Russian campaign in the way it was disseminated and propagated through media.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Do you regret signing on to the letter?

PRIESS: Oh, absolutely not, because those words are still true. It has all the classic earmarks.

BAIER: Do you think it changed the outcome of an election?

PRIESS: Oh, absolutely not.

BAIER: It has the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.

PRIESS: Exactly. The difference between an information campaign a disinformation campaign and a misinformation campaign --

BAIER: I understand the nuance. You're talking about the nuance have not get to candidate Joe Biden?

PRIESS: It's not my fault if people don't look up definitions.


PERINO: So, Greg, a friend of mine who worked in that world have said that David Priess, the guy that Bret was interviewing has always been a sanctimonious A-word and that he has never been so angry that 51 folks embarrassed thousands of us who worked in Intel.

GUTFELD: Yes, 51 folks from a certain ideology. People don't just blame everybody for that. Kudos to Brett for, for keeping a straight face through that because this guy was hysterical. There was -- when the -- if and when the Republicans take the House, I want to see 50 of these interviews. And the great thing is, they won't just be four minutes long. They're going to drill down on these guys because this is an important story.

This reveals a successful effort to censor an important story in order to sway an election. So, we have to -- we have to find out more about that. But there's some very funny things in here. When he said that, you know, yes, we had the classic earmarks. But we weren't -- we didn't think for sure that it -- you know, we never said it was for sure.

Who publishes an urgent letter with 50 signatures because they're ambivalent? Like that -- no one does that to be ignored, right? It's like they did that -- my hair is crazy. But they -- you don't do that -- you don't do it -- I mean, obviously, they knew what they were doing. Biden picked it up, and then there was an interesting point where he said, even though it's true, it's still Russian disinformation because it's the kind of story that the Russians would amplify.

That's like saying, you know, yes, you know, I participated in a drug fueled party with Kilmeade and Kudlow but just talking about it makes it false. So, you don't -- you shouldn't talk about it. So, he's saying like, if you amplify the truth, that becomes -- so right now, just us talking about this, is this --

PERINO: Amplifying the truth, yes.

GUTFELD: -- it's disinformation.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: That is insane.

PERINO: That's an insane --

GUTFELD: This guy is an embarrassment.

PERINO: And he's an American Intel officer.

GUTFELD: Yes, Intel. Oh, my God.

PERINO: Jesse, on this or on the rest of the interview.

WATTERS: Well, I mean, he's not an embarrassment, Greg. This is exactly what the CIA does. If the CIA tells you something, it's probably not true. And if 50 CIA agents tell you something, it's definitely not true.

PERINO: Oh, my God. Jesse.

WATTERS: They ran a counterintelligence operation on the country and it works. And guess who fell for it? The left because they're idiots. Now, if you look at this other person, Hunter Biden, first his dad said he did nothing wrong. Now, his dad says he's a junkie. It can't be both. So, if he's an addict, then how did he run an international complex, pretty high- profile business enterprise for almost two decades. How was he able to do that if you -- if you're an addict, and you can't do anything? Or if he really was an addict, then why were these really smart other people from other countries pouring millions of dollars into him?

PERINO: Right.

WATTERS: Then he wasn't doing anything except accepting money for you know what?

PERINO: Judge Jeanine.

PIRRO: Accepting money for the Biden crime family?

WATTERS: There it is.

PIRRO: Could that be it? You know what's amazing and they talked about this being the only earmarks of a Russian campaign because of the way it was disseminated and propagated through the media. To me, where my mind goes is with the Steele dossier, the way it was disseminated and propagated to the -- to the media by Jim Comey going to the Oval Office and talking about it to Trump, therefore, he could leak it to CNN. I mean, that was their whole MO, their whole modus operandi. That's how they did it. They were the experts in that. So, you have to give them credit for at least admitting that, you know, that's how they do with Russian disinformation.

I want to say one more thing. I know you want us quick. People feel badly about kids who have drug problems. So many people in America have this problem. So many people bury their kids. But here's the difference. Joe Biden talks about it as if I'm every other American family. But the crimes that other drug dealers or drug users commit have to do with getting more drugs. They have to do with, you know, stealing something to get money for drugs. This kid was on a you know, international trip to get money from foreign countries on Air Force 2 where his father was the big guy. I mean - -

WATTERS: Right. It's not like you're high on crack and you murder someone - -

PERINO: That's a good point.

WATTERS: -- where it's like a crime of passion and you're out of your mind. This was calculated white-collar crime for decades.

PIRRO: Oh, bigtime.

PERINO: Last word to you, Harold.

FORD JR.: Bret did a great job at that interview. And I hope that those that may have signed a letter just come out and say that what turned out was not -- been turned out to be right.

WATTERS: They should all go on Bret's show.

FORD JR.: And the press should -- this should be a lesson for the press. When you hear these kinds of things, everyone has to go and investigate further, be it a Democrat or Republican, no matter how favorable the story may be to something that you agree with or not.

Finally, on the -- I disagree with everybody about Hunter. We've had people in this country who've been addicts to alcohol or to drugs who run companies, who've been in political office, who run organizations. So, they -- people can do that. I respected him so much for showing love to us.

And I hope I never, ever have to deal with my kids like that in any way. And I pray for every father, mom in his country. I hope you never have to deal with it. And f you do, I hope you deal with it with the grace that the President of the United States has dealt with his own son in this regard.

PERINO: All right. Good point. All right, ahead, has are addicted to social media finally gone too far? You got to see what toddlers are being encouraged to do.

GUTFELD: Toddlers.


GUTFELD: Yes, welcome back. Whatever happened to easy bake ovens. Our tech addiction just got more ridiculous with kids as young as three being encouraged to become YouTubers with vlogging playsets. A company selling a kit that includes a pretend selfie stick and a camera stand with a ring light. Dana, is this really that bad?

PERINO: Well, kids want to be like their parents.


PERINO: They see their parents doing it all day long. So, it's just like a way to be like them.

GUTFELD: Yes. You know, and the thing is, it's not a bad talent to cultivate, Jesse.

WATTERS: I already have Jesse Jr. doing TikTok videos.

GUTFELD: No, that's wrong. That is wrong.

WATTERS: No, I don't -- I don't want him near a phone or a screen. They tell me that's bad for their brands. I've been told that.

GUTFELD: What's your excuse?

WATTERS: I grew up with no screen so --

GUTFELD: Yes, there you go.

WATTERS: There you go.

GUTFELD: There you go. Judge, when I was young, I used to dress up like a cowboy. I just thought you'd like to know that. Anyway, we didn't -- we didn't dress like these stupid little nerds, these little 3-year-olds, these brats.

PIRRO: Yes, I used to dress up like a fireman, you know.

GUTFELD: Fireman, yes.

PIRRO: I was a fireman.

GUTFELD: Sliding down that pole.


GUTFELD: Oh, baby.

PERINO: What is happening?

GUTFELD: I don't know. I don't know.

PIRRO: Yes, go ahead, Harold.

GUTFELD: Go ahead, Harold.

FORD JR.: Thank you.

GUTFELD: Harold --

FORD JR.: What a set up.

GUTFELD: Harold, that put you at a chemistry set.

FORD JR.: Look, I think kids ought to be learning math and language skills and sciences. This is the -- there's a story in The Wall Street Journal that said that China's universities are jumping hours in terms of the research prowess of the schools. We won't even have kids that go to school -- to these schools if this is what we're doing.

WATTERS: Yes, but we'll have more followers, Harold.

PERINO: They can be an influencer.

FORD JR.: We can influence the Chinese.

GUTFELD: Yes, influencer. All right. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.


WATTERS: Time now for "ONE MORE THING." Dana?

PERINO: Well, speaking of Jesse Jr. and TikTok, check out this little girl. Her name is Manel Morerra, sorry. Actually, that's a man. So, he had his niece sign a fake a contract promising that she will not have a boyfriend for the next 19 years.


PERINO: Here they are with a white T-shirt that reds no boyfriend until 2041. There we go. And it's been viewed almost 20 million times.

GUTFELD: They didn't say girlfriend.

PERINO: That's true.

WATTERS: I like how you think, Gutfeld. Judge?

PIRRO: OK, now it is apple-picking time. This is --

GUTFELD: Apple picking?

PIRRO: Yes, yes, yes. A great part about apple picking is they have the best time of year depending on obviously where you live in.

GUTFELD: Oh, gosh.

PIRRO: But if you like to make apple pie or apple tarts or apple anything, or if you want to go to Uncle Giuseppe's and get one of those great green apples and put the Peppermint Patties, but ignore it. This is a guy who figured out how to -- how to peel an apple. You know what that is? That's a power drill.

PERINO: Oh, that's cool.

PIRRO: He runs it along the peeler and it skins the apple with lightning speed. Watch this. I'm going to do that. I have a power drill.

PERINO: No, do not try this at home, Judge.

PIRRO: Look at that, three seconds, OK.

PERINO: Do not try this at home.

PIRRO: All the pies just think that you can make. That's it.

GUTFELD: Judge, did you ever use an apple to smoke?

PIRRO: Smoke what?

GUTFELD: Nothing.

WATTERS: You know, save it for Thanksgiving.

PERINO: You can do that?


WATTERS: All right, for the past several years. fans have cast their votes for this year's annual Fat Bear Week. So, to decide which Alaskan bears the true titan of tonnage, the winner, Bear 747 a.k.a. the Lord Laird Leviathan, took home the trophy for the second time in the past three years. 747 definitely didn't miss the bulking season and came to the competition weighing a whopping 1400 pounds.

PIRRO: They got him out of there and weighed him?

PERINO: Yes, hod did they know?

WATTERS: You know what? I don't know. I'm going to have to delve into that.

GUTFELD: That's a tough one.

PERINO: You need to delve into that.

WATTERS: Tonight on "JESSE WATTERS PRIMETIME," Biden's quid pro quo with the Saudis. It's impeachable according to their standards.

GUTFELD: Yes, there you go.


GUTFELD: All right, tonight, what a show we have. I'm very excited. Rob Schneider is here, Michele Tafoya, Kat Timpf, Tyrus. I would just gather all your -- no, don't gather your neighbors because that only counts as one TV.

PIRRO: Turn on your TV.

WATTERS: That looks like a good show. Harold.

FORD JR.: My Thanksgiving just grew but rapper Nelly recently showed how selfless he is by literally giving a fan the jacket off his back. Jacob Lemke, who was born with a rare genetic condition, was celebrating his 23rd birthday during the 2022 Playoff Cup Race at the Charlotte Motor Speedway when he caught the superstar's attention. Jacob complimented Nelly's custom jacket. He had just performed. And then he took it off and gave it to him without hesitation.


FORD JR.: You got to love stories about humanity.

PERINO: I love that.

WATTERS: What's your favorite Nelly song?

FORD JR.: It's getting hot in here.

GUTFELD: That's why -- that's why he took off the jacket.

WATTERS: He just pulled that off. That was the toughest second of your life.


GUTFELD: Thanksgiving.

WATTERS: Yes. You have a big reputation.

PIRRO: All right.

WATTERS: That's it for us. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next. Hey, Bret!

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