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This is a rush transcript from "Watters' World," February 2, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, HOST: Welcome to. "Watters' World." I'm Jesse Watters. Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam showing no signs of resigning after this photo from his 1984 medical school yearbook was revealed yesterday showing two men, one in blackface, the other in a KKK hood and robe. Northam initially said it was him and he apologized, but then he had this to say earlier today.


GOV. RALPH NORTHAM, D-VA: I took an oath to uphold this office and serve the people of this Commonwealth to the best of my ability. As long as I believe I can effectively fulfil that task, I intend to continue doing the business of Virginia.


WATTERS: Wow, here is his alibi?


NORTHAM: It is definitely not me. I can tell by looking at it. That same year, I did participate in a dance contest in San Antonio in which I darkened my face as part of a Michael Jackson costume.


WATTERS: Wow. Joining me now, author of "42 Faith: The Rest of the Jackie Robinson Story," and Fox News chief national correspondent, Ed Henry. I've got to get the chief in there.

ED HENRY, CHIEF NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: What a train wreck of a press conference.

WATTERS: All right, so this was horrible. And at one point, he was smiling and joking with someone about the moon walk. I don't know what he is going through him.

HENRY: His wife saved him and said this is not the right place to do the moon walk.

WATTERS: Yes, well, he needed saving a lot earlier. The guy is a liar. Obviously, this was him in the photo. You don't put strangers in your yearbook photo and then not know who they are. And he's a masochist. Why is he still holding on, Ed, once the entire country says, "Get the heck out of here."

HENRY: I mean, look, maybe he's trying to somehow clear his name that's what you would think at first.

WATTERS: There's no coming back from this.

HENRY: Because the yearbook photo, maybe some editor somewhere put the photo in and it's not him. We can't prove it because the hood is on and all of that, but when your alibi is, "Well, there is a KKK hood on in one of the photos, so you can't prove it's me." That's bizarre number one, and his other big problem is, he says, "That's not me in the photo in the yearbook, but I did do the moon walk and put shoe polish on my face, black face," he said, in order to look like Michael Jackson.

WATTERS: Right, so I've done blackface before ...

HENRY: So he did blackface.

WATTERS: ... just in the yearbook photo.

HENRY: Then he says in the last campaign for Governor in 2017, a young black staffer told him that that was offensive when he admitted it like on a car ride together in private. It took a young black staffer to tell him, "Blackface is a dumb thing. It's offensive."

WATTERS: Well, he's oblivious. What was the other thing, his nickname was "coon man" apparently. Was that a real nickname?

HENRY: He admitted that two of his friends, and he wouldn't give their names, but he said, "They did call me "coon man," obviously, a very offensive term. He said, he didn't know why they called him that, so he was trying to say that there was nothing behind it.

He said, he also, I think had the nickname "Goose" because he had a high pitched voice or something. This was why the news conference was bizarre. Once you start going down this road, what in the world is going on? But here is the bigger point is that earlier this week, he had another train wreck of an interview on a radio station in D.C. basically defending infanticide.

WATTERS: So what do you think about the timing of this because I have no way to prove this at all, but this is what my gut tells me. He made such a mess with this infanticide situation and brought so much pain --

HENRY: It made the Democratic Party look very extreme.

WATTERS: On to his Party in Virginia, and then nationally, to say, you know, you're going to deliver a baby, then you're going to terminate the baby as it is being delivered. He supported that and then just a few days later, this blackface KKK photo comes out.

I am thinking to myself, this might have even been a Democrat who was so revolted by this in Virginia, maybe just shopped it or whatever else.

HENRY: Well, on the other hand, it was first reported by a Conservative blog, not a Liberal blog, but could a Democrat have leaked it to them, we don't know what happened.

WATTERS: But why did it come out just now? I mean, it's a yearbook photo. That's APO research 101.

HENRY: Well, look, both parties have egg on their face now because they should have found it. If you were a Democrat running against him in the primary in 2017, you should have found this to knock him out because it's offensive, it's gross, it's despicable. And if you're Ed Gillespie, you should be demanding a refund. The Republican candidate nominee for Governor for your APO research guy. They didn't find it.

WATTERS: They made Ed Gillespie in the Northam campaign look like the racist. They ran against him.

HENRY: Disgusting.

WATTERS: You're a racist. Trump is a racist, and he's the guy in blackface.

HENRY: This is what some Democrats do. They basically - they call the President racist, they called in this case, Ed Gillespie a racist, when in fact the Governor, himself is the one who is the racist because of this yearbook photo.

WATTERS: Yes, remember, they ran this awful ad against Ed Gillespie.

HENRY: This ad with minority kids. There were Hispanics, there were Muslim kids with head dress and this pickup truck with a Gillespie bumper sticker and a Confederate flag on the back, and it looked like --

WATTERS: Really inflammatory.

HENRY: It looked like a Trump-Gillespie supporter ...

WATTERS: Really inflammatory.

HENRY: ... who was trying to run over immigrant kids. It was disgusting and despicable, especially since it was supporting a Democrat who turns out to be a racist.

WATTERS: Amazing that a kid smirks with a MAGA hat on and everybody finds that so offensive. And this, people are upset, but as not as upset as they were then. Ed, thank you.

HENRY: Appreciate it.

WATTERS: Got to run. Advice for journalists. That is the subject of tonight "Watters' Words." The Democratic Party is moving towards the extreme left. One of the reasons is because the media won't ask Democrats a direct question.

Democrats are never forced to defend their radical positions. The media frames the issue this way. Check out "The Washington Post" headline, "Republican seize on liberal positions to paint Democrats as radical." So here are the questions that journalists should be asking Democrats, if they claim to be unbiased. Let's begin with global warming.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Climate change is the existential threat of our time.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This could be the number one problem in America.

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: If we continue to allow power to concentrate, and with corporations to dictate the quality of our air, to dictate the fact and tell us that we can keep burning fossil fuels to dupe us, people will die.


WATTERS: Reporters ask Democrats. Do you believe climate change is the number one threat facing America? Do you believe climate change is more of a threat than terrorism? Nuclear war? China? Opioids? How many Americans has climate change killed? Do you want to eliminate oil and gas from the U.S. economy? Because that's the goal of your Green New Deal. Try that.

Next up, partial birth abortion. Here's testimony from a late-term abortion bill sponsor in Virginia.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where it's obvious that a woman is about give birth. She has physical signs that she is about to give birth. Would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified? She's dilating?

KATHY TRAN, D-VIRGINIA HOUSE OF DELEGATES: Mr. Chairman, that would be, you know, a decision that the doctor - the physician and the woman --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I understand that, I'm asking if your bill allows that.

TRAN: My bill would allow that, yes.


WATTERS: Wow. So reporters asked the Democrats this. Do you support partial birth abortion? Are you comfortable with a woman delivering a baby and then a doctor terminating it?

All right, next up, tax hikes. Here's Democratic Congressman Omar from Minnesota.


REP. ILHAN OMAR, D-MINN.: There are a few things that we can do. One of them is that we could increase the taxes that people are paying who are the extremely wealthy in our community. So 70% 80%, we've had it as high as 90%.


WATTERS: Ninety percent. All right, Democrats, take a question from a reporter like this. Just - just I dare you. Do you support a 90% tax rate? What do you think taxes should be raised to 50%? 60%? 70%? Now, if I was a journalist, I would demand they give me a number.

Next up, socialized healthcare. Presidential candidate Kamala Harris said this.


JAKE TAPPER, ANCHOR, CNN: For people out there who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it?

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF.: Well, listen, the idea is that everyone gets access to medical care. And you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company, having them give you approval, going through the paperwork, all of the delay that may require.

Who of us essence has not had that situation where you've got to wait for approval and the doctor says, "Well, I don't know if your insurance company is going to cover this." Let's eliminate all of that.


WATTERS: Eliminate all of it. Reporters ask Democrats this. Do you support single payer healthcare? Ask all of them that. Do you agree with Kamala Harris that we should get rid of the healthcare industry in America? Do you want to take away the private healthcare plans of 175 million Americans and give them a government plan? How would you pay for all? Raising everyone's taxes still won't cover it.

Next up, the wall. Here's Pelosi.


REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF., SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: To put a wall there is to, in my view, ineffective, too expensive, almost immoral.


WATTERS: So reporters ask Democrats this question. If walls are immoral, should we tear down the existing walls that we have now on the border? And if walls don't work, why did the walls erected in Yuma and San Diego cause border arrests to drop 80% and 90%?

So there's my advice for reporters. Just ask Democrats, simple, direct and logical questions and make them go on the record and hold them accountable. And if you journalists want to need more advice, call me.

Here to respond, former Arkansas Governor and Fox News contributor, Mike Huckabee and the Chairman of America Fighting Back, Herman Cain. Mr. Cain, you're laughing and "Watter's Words." What do you find so funny?

HERMAN CAIN, CHAIRMAN, AMERICA FIGHTING BACK: Jesse, I don't want this to go to your head. Brilliant monologue. Okay,

WATTERS: Thank you.

CAIN: Brilliant.

WATTERS: Thank you.

CAIN: Those are the questions that they ought to be asking them, you want to know why? They don't want the answers to those questions. Good job, Jesse.

WATTERS: Thank you very much, Mr. Cain. You know, they don't want the answers. They don't want to hear the answers. They don't want the American public to hear the answer.

CAIN: No, no.

WATTERS: And I didn't spend a long time thinking about these questions, Governor, I mean, these are just the next logical steps that you ask when someone proposes or says something. It's basically "Do you believe, and if you believe this, how about this," right?

MIKE HUCKABEE, R-ARK, FORMER GOVERNOR: Well, my big difference between my friend, Herman Cain and me is this, he's laughing and I'm crying like Chuck Schumer sitting here listening this, because I've got to figure that if there are people who are actually getting elected to public office who thinks it's okay to kill a fully born, developed baby; who thinks that somehow we could tax 90% and that anybody would be stupid enough to get out of bed and go to work, only to keep 10% and to give away 90%, my gosh, Jesus only ask 10% of me. I can't imagine the government wanting 90%, and somehow believing we should go back to a place where people can just rush the borders.

I don't understand what's wrong, not with the politician.

HERMAN: Right.

HUCKABEE: You know, they may be crazy. I want to know what's wrong with people who would vote for people who would put those policies in place?

WATTERS: Well, I don't even believe a lot of Americans understand the implications are what the Democrats are saying, because it sounds good, yes, free healthcare, you know, climate change, blah, blah, blah. But then when you look at the implications and talk about it, the details of it, it's just like, Herman, Medicare For All.

People say, "Yes, sure." And then when you say, "Oh, well, you have to take away everyone's plan and raise taxes on the whole country," the support drops to like 20%.

CAIN: Here's what the Democrat presidential wannabes, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are assuming, and that is mainstream America believes that. No, they do not.


CAIN: They are the only ones who believe that those lunatic ideas are going to fly in mainstream America. And let me make one point about this attack on people who are successful.

Larry Kudlow said earlier today that 1% of the taxes, the top 1% pays nearly 40% of all the taxes. How much do they want to take, Mike? From those people that have chosen to be successful in a free market, competitive system? That's where they are making - that's where they are assuming that the mainstream American people are gullible. Most of them are not.

WATTERS: And Mike, Herman brought up people in Middle America, mainstream America freezing right now. I wonder if the people in the polar vortex believe the Democrats idea that global warming is the biggest threat they're facing right now?

HUCKABEE: Well, there were several people who were killed by the freeze, I'm not sure how many have been killed by global warming.


HUCAKBEE: You made some great points in the monologue. The fact is that we have some serious issues that are killing people primarily, opioid addiction, fentanyl coming in across the border. And those are real deaths, you know, and there's nothing funny about it. Those are destroying families, destroying communities, destroying futures.

And the fact is, we're not going to get rid of fossil fuels in the immediate future, because we don't have anything that economically can replace it. Unless we'd all like to go back to living in the Stone Age.

No offense, but I don't want to live like Fred Flintstone. I've worked real hard to live better than that. And that's where we would end up if we went and got rid of all fossil fuel.

WATTERS: All right. Yabadabadoo, everybody. I'll see you two later. Thank you very much.

HUCKABEE: You bet.

CAIN: Thanks.

WATTERS: All right. Coming up. CNN and San Francisco businesses want to ban the MAGA hat. Okay, they're very upset and later, the Party Bros on the craziest Super Bowl ads you'll see on Sunday.


WATTERS: The MAGA hat under fire, again. A restaurant in California, the owner says he's not going to serve customers who were it, he tweeted this. "It hasn't happened yet. But if you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA cap, you aren't getting served. Same as if you come in wearing a swastika white hood or any other symbol of intolerance and hate."

CNN even took the racist comparison one step further.


CHRIS CUOMO, ANCHOR, CNN: If people will wearing shirts and that said, "I hate black people," would he be okay to say "Don't come into my place with that." And I think most people be like, "Yes, that's how people like him. See the MAGA hat."

DON LEMON, ANCHOR, CNN: That hat means the Central Park Five to people, maybe means birtherism to people, maybe it means, you know, Mexicans are rapists of people.


WATTERS: Joining me now actor, Stephen Baldwin, the star of the movie, "The Least of These." Now in theaters, go check it out. And the co-host of "Un-PC" on Fox Nation, Britt McHenry.

So Stephen, this hat now.


WATTERS: Can't wear it in restaurants. CNN says it's offensive, can't wear it. I mean, what do you think about all of this crap?

BALDWIN: Well, if my hair wasn't looking so good right now, Jesse, I'd teach these folks a lesson.


BALDWIN: If you know what I mean?

WATTERS: It's not looking that good. I think you might be able to try it on.

BALDWIN: Here's all I can say. I'm here to promote a movie.


BALDWIN: That's an important film for lovely reasons. But can we get a good - there we go. Can you see this, folks? Not going away anytime soon, people. Just saying.

WATTERS: If you ban this hat now, they're going to wear it more Brit. I mean, CNN just maybe got another hundred thousand sales for the hat.

BRITT MCHENRY, CO-HOST, FOX NATION: Every time, but it doesn't make sense from a business perspective. If you consider the red hat, remember the controversy and outrage.

WATTERS: Oh, the "Kick Sarah Sanders family out."

MCHENRY: When the owner didn't want Sarah Sanders in there. That owner ended up resigning. Do you hear anything about that? No, you just see missed profits and a really dumb decision.

WATTERS: What happened when Kanye wore the hat? I mean --

MCHENRY: He had super powers.

WATTERS: Does that mean he is a racist? Kanye -- we all remember, he went to the Oval ...


WATTERS: ... with the President. I mean, if he goes into the restaurant, does that mean they're not going to serve Kanye?

BALDWIN: Maybe he will go there wearing the hat.

WATTERS: He should.

BALDWIN: And then it'll just like do the whole love thing like he does.


BALDWIN: And then we'll all just get along.


BALDWIN: It's possible.

WATTERS: I think - I think that's a probably never going to happen, but I think I know what you mean though. I mean, if you're an African-American, you wear this hat and that's basically -- what was that that comedian Chappelle? Remember? He dresses up. He's blind. He doesn't know he's black and he's wearing the white hood. They're basically saying if you're black, you can't even wear this hat because you're a racist.

MCHENRY: It's absurd. Words are words, okay. "Make America Great Again" isn't what Chris Cuomo said of wearing a t-shirt that says "I hate black people." That is - they're not the same thing.

And it's just you see the last two weeks, the Covington Christian kids in the uproar, the fake news story about what happened simply because they were this followed a week later with, Jussie Smollett from "Empire." Now we're seeing holes in the story that MAGA had nothing to do with his attack, at least according to Chicago Police.

So maybe just stop putting the false accusations on a red hat. I mean, am -- I can't go to a restaurant, if I put this on? I'll put it on.

WATTERS: There it is.

MCHENRY: I have a big head though.

WATTERS: If you went to San Francisco looking like that, you'll get eaten alive, Brit.

BALDWIN: It's working.

MCHENRY: San Fran, I'm ready for you.

WATTERS: There you go.

BALDWIN: I think what makes America great again, or just what makes America great is this process, Jesse. Right now, a lot of young people are looking this way and they are looking at what's going on and they're going, I don't know that I agree. Like, I think inevitably, regardless of President Trump, and he's going to get a second term and all that good stuff.

I think as we continue, 40% undecided voters and a lot of young people are going to start whether they agree with "Make America Great Again," it doesn't matter.

I think this is Trump's, you know, crazy, like a fox routine here is, he keeps communicating in such a way that he's exposing the truth.


BALDWIN: And inevitably, I think that's going to be an advantage in the next 10 years.

WATTERS: And the way they're reacting, they're exposing themselves because you mentioned young people, young people don't like being told what to wear, what not to wear. The left is saying you can't drive this. You can't drink a Big Gulp. You can't say this. You can't say Merry Christmas. Everything the left is saying you can't do, people like you just said are going to think, "Wait a second. This is not American. Don't tell me what to do."

BALDWIN: I think there's a common sense logic and a lot of young people who even maybe support the left, are looking at that right now going, "That's not cool." Because flip it the other way and it's not just. It's not correct.

WATTERS: No. The people are comparing this to the baker. Remember the Christian baker he wouldn't make a gay wedding cake? The difference is, he was complicit in something that he believed was against his faith. He was made to bake a cake that said, you know, Dick and Harry and the two guys like this, you know, whatever. He didn't believe that.

The guy at the restaurant, he is just making burgers and fries. He is not complicit in anything. He is going to make the same thing for everybody.

MCHENRY: Yes, and then with the baker, you know, that's his religious belief and again any of these establishments, you don't want certain people in, you do own the place, but you have to prepare for the overwhelming response that's not going to like it.

And I see plenty of restaurant owners on social media, with all of this anti-Trump rhetoric or anti-Republican rhetoric, you retweet it and say, "Wow, you're not going to let us in." They get the backlash, and then they claim they're the ones being bullied. Even though they're not allowing people to come into their establishment.

WATTERS: I'd let anybody in as long as they pay, right? I mean, green is green. Red, green, whatever. Your movie, tell everybody about it real quick.

BALDWIN: Yes, sir. It's called "The Least of These," and you can go to; not dot com. So it's based on the life of Graham Staines. It's called "The Least of These." It's beautiful. It's got a wonderful message of hope and forgiveness.

WATTERS: All right. Britt and Baldwin, Baldwin and Britt.

MCHENRY: Got a good ring to it.

WATTERS: All right.


ROBERT GRAY, CORRESPONDENT: Live from "America's News Headquarters," I'm Robert Gray. Powerful storms prompt evacuation orders across Southern California. Residents of Malibu are prepping for the worst. There are concerns that the drenching rain will cause flooding and mudslides. The city is still recovering from last year's devastating Woolsey wildfire. Meantime, the rain has already caused problems in Santa Barbara County. Officials had to close a major route connecting Los Angeles and points north due to flooding.

In a historic move, the U.S. and Russia agree to withdraw from a nuclear weapons treaty. President Trump on Friday accused the Kremlin of violating the ban on short and medium missiles. Moscow denies the claims. The 32- year pact will terminate in six months unless Russia destroys its entire arsenal that has been found to be in violation. I am Robert Gray. Now back to "Watters' World."

WATTERS: The new White House tell-all making major headlines and facing some backlash. In the new book, "Team of Vipers: My 500 extraordinary days in the Trump White House," former White House aide, Cliff Sims paints a wild picture from within.

The President's reelection campaign now suing Sims for violating his nondisclosure agreement. Cliff Sims joins me now. All right, Cliff, I read the book. I was very, very entertained and intrigued by it. Very detailed.


WATTERS: You painted the president in a very positive light, making him out to be very driven, very focused, very engaged, very entertaining, very connected to the average person, to the average voter, but you kind of painted a negative picture to a lot of his aides in the campaign and the White House.

But some of the anecdotes, I'd like just, regale us with, if you don't mind, Trump pulled a major power move on Paul Ryan that he like walked out when Paul Ryan was talking and just went to watch TV. Tell us about that.

SIMS: Yes, so the Trump-Ryan dynamic is one of the relationship I think, I focus on a lot in the book. And yes, it's early on in the White House, all the congressional leaders had come in to talk about their plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. A little bit after that it, was Paul Ryan, the President and Mike Pence in the Oval, a small group meeting.

And Ryan is kind of droning on over and over and over kind of going over the same points and at some point, the President just kind of stands up, walks out of the room, goes into the private dining room just off to the Oval and clicks on the TV and hangs out for a few minutes in there and the Vice President ends up going and getting him to come back, but that was kind of my takeaway in the moment, was that's about the most hardcore power move I have ever seen and it pretty well set the stage for the Trump-Ryan dynamic over the next couple of years.

WATTERS: Yes, and you talk about how Ryan kind of miscalculated with the Obamacare repeal and replace and needed a fire lit under him on a number of occasions. So you were partially responsible, not fully, but you had your hands in bringing The Mooch on to the White House Communication shop. We all remember what happened to The Mooch. Mooch is a fan of "Watters' World." I'm a big fan of his.

This is an excerpt from the book. This is from the President. "'Can you believe this guy? I've never seen anything like it.' Said the guy who hosted a reality show with Dennis Rodman, Omarosa and Gary Busey. 'He's completely out of his mind, like on drugs or something. Totally out of his mind,' the President continued. 'We'll figure it out.' But the guy is crazy."

Tell us about the whole Mooch coming in taken over for Sean Spicer. How did that whole thing go down?

SIMS: Yes, so the President and I ran into each other one day in the ground floor of the residence. He was with Bob Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots. And he kind of says off hand, "Hey, what do you think about Anthony Scaramucci?" I said, "I love the guy. He was great on the campaign. He is a great surrogate for us." And he's like, "Well, I've got a plan for him," and come to find out, his plan was, he was going to bring him in as Comms Director.

But there was a lot of resistance to that. And so I kind of tried to help bring him in and get that done. He ultimately came in and he had a short tenure. But the line that you mentioned there has actually gotten a lot of pickup in the last couple of weeks of people saying that Donald Trump said that Anthony Scaramucci was on drugs? And I said, "My gosh, it's like if I said, well, Jesse Watters is crazy." Well, I don't think Jesse Watter needs to be institutionalized. I'm just saying, you know, we're just making an offhand comment.

WATTERS: Well, some people might argue that I do need to be institutionalized. Yes, and it's funny because there's so much resistance between factions. Who was it that didn't want The Mooch in? It was Reince, he didn't want him in. Spicer didn't want him in.

SIMS: Yes, Reince and Sean, Steve Bannon, that whole crew didn't want him to come in. I think Jared was in favor of him coming in, and ultimately, it worked out and look, the reason I wanted him to come in is I felt like we didn't have a great comms and press operation at the time that was defending the President.

They were more concerned with defending themselves all the time. And I thought The Mooch would change that. People could say what they want about The Mooch, but the guy was loyal to Donald Trump. And that was something at the time that was kind of missing, I think.

WATTERS: All right, so you brought up the White House Communications Office. There's a great moment in the book where you guys kind of gamed out Jim Acosta.

You had a feeling Acosta was going to bring up the Statue of Liberty during this whole immigration battle. You knew that was going to happen. Stephen Miller came out there, and he was ready to go. Let's roll some of that footage, please.


JIM ACOSTA, CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT, CNN: What the President is proposing here does not sound like it's in keeping with American tradition, when it comes to immigration. The Statue of Liberty says, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning reprieve."

STEPHEN MILLER, SENIOR ADVISER TO THE PRESIDENT: The poem that you're referring to was added later. It's not actually part of the original Statue of Liberty. But in 1970, when we let in 300,000 people a year, was that violating or not violating the Statue of Liberty law of the land? In the 1990s, when it was half a million a year, was it violating or not violating the Statue of Liberty law of the land?


WATTERS: So Miller goes out there and the smokes Acosta. He didn't even know it was coming. You guys prepped for that.

SIMS: We knew it was coming. You know, I hosted a radio show before I came to the White House. And that is a topic that had come up at some point to my radio show. And so I kind of mentioned offhand, "Hey, this is a line that you could imagine Jim Acosta bringing up," and Stephen was obviously totally ready for that.

And hearing it back now still kind of makes me laugh, because after that was over with, Stephen walks out from the press briefing room, and we can meet in the hallway, just outside the Press Secretary's office, and kind of high five, because we knew it was coming. It came, he knocked it out of the park, and one of the most memorable moments of the early days of the White House there.

WATTERS: All right now, I've got to hit you with this, you know, you wrote the tell-all, you burned a bunch of colleagues in it, you violate the NDA. A lot of people aren't going to trust you anymore. They feel like you sold them out for rich advance for the book. I mean, what do you think about people that are questioning your integrity? I wouldn't hire you at this point. I wouldn't trust you.

SIMS: You know, I think ultimately, what I wanted to do is tell the truth, and there have been people who came out of the White House, and they wrote books, and they were frankly, full of lies and made up a bunch of stuff. And, you know, it's the most talked about presidency in history. And it's kind of tough to wade through all of that and find out what is true and what's not.

I'm the first person who put my name on a first-hand account that is the unvarnished truth and that includes a lot of good that I think would surprise people and some bad that would surprise people as well. And so that's really what I wanted to do. And I don't think that there is anything wrong or any way to question someone's integrity when they're just saying, "I'm going to tell the truth about this." And I think that's what I did in this book.

WATTERS: All right, Cliff got to run. Talk to you later, man.

SIMS: Jesse, thanks for having me.

WATTERS: Now, the entire country rooting against the Patriots. Is it because of Donald Trump? Barstool Sports here to defend the Pats, up next.


WATTERS: Another Super Bowl, and once again, the entire country hates the Patriots. Look at that map. Basically, the whole nation cheering for the LA Rams, I don't know why. Is it because they win too much, the Patriots? Or is there a Trump connection? Here's what Harry Potter had to say about Tom Brady.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Who are you rooting for in the Super Bowl?

DANIEL RADCLIFFE, BRITISH ACTOR: Rams. Because like the whole world is rooting against the Patriots, sorry.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Should Tom Brady retire.

RADCLIFFE: No, but like you should stop winning things. Take that MAGA hat out of your locker. I feel like that was the moment when as a country, we're all like, "Oh come on, dude. We all want to be - you're awesome," and we're behind you. Don't put that in there.


WATTERS: Wow, "Take that MAGA hat out of your locker." Joining me now, diehard Pats fan Dave Portnoy, founder of Barstool Sports. So Dave, what do you think about Harry Potter?

DAVE PORTNOY, FOUNDER, BARSTOOL SPORTS: There's every excuse to hate the Patriots. I mean, I don't care that Daniel Radcliffe is rooting against the Patriots. I mean, he's a loser. He's a nerd. So I don't really care about that.

WATTERS: What about the whole rest of the country also is rooting against the Patriots. Does that fuel you?

PORTNOY: I think it's a sad - yes, it's a sad state of affairs in this country. People should appreciate greatness. We're seeing something that you'll never going to see it again. So, if it was up to me, it should be something that we should put on a pedestal and be like, "Look at this. This is what everyone should strive to be."

But people hate winning, people hate greatness. It's a sad state of affairs.

WATTERS: Now, the fact that the Patriots ownership and Tom Brady does have personal connections to the President, very polarizing President, as you and I know, people do dislike your team because of politics. How does that make you feel?

PORTNOY: You know, I really think it's more the winning and then any excuse that you can pile on, you'll use so the Trump hat and the fact that there is a relationship there, that's just an easy excuse, but they've been hating us long before Trump was President.

This Patriot hatred, this isn't a new thing. The map would not change if Trump wasn't President. People hate the Patriots because we win, because they can't beat us, because we're here every year and they want to be us. They hate us because they hate us. That saying was long before Trump got elected.

WATTERS: Now, the NFL Commissioner also doesn't seem to like the Patriots too much. You've been giving him a hard time, you know, getting under skin. You got booted from Media Day down there in Atlanta. Why does the Commissioner hate Barstool and you personally so much?

PORTNOY: Well, because we stood up to him. And when deflategate happened, and Tom Brady got suspended, we protested. And we did it the style of you know, Nelson Mandela and Gandhi. It was a silent protest. And that's what this country is built upon is he doesn't like any naysayers.

WATTERS: Dave Portnoy and Nelson Mandela. I mean, right there, two peas in a pod.

PORTNOY: It's a silent protest, and that's the only way that the oppressed can get their voices heard, that's what we did. And Trump try to strike. I mean, Trump -- Goodell tried to strike us down. That's the only reason he likes us. We've never done anything except say, "Hey, what you did was wrong and we want you to know about it." And we did it with silence, it wasn't threatening, but he allows no dissension within his regime.

WATTERS: Okay, so let's talk about the game here. I mean, this is probably going to be decided at the line of scrimmage. They have a great D-line over there in LA. You guys haven't let Brady get sacked in about the last two games, you know, the Rams has got to let Gurley get going early, take some pressure off Goff. How do you see it?

PORTNOY: I think it'll be a close game. I mean, they haven't sacked Brady because Brady gets rid of the ball so quick. So it takes away the defensive line, but every Super Bowl that the Patriots play really comes down to a couple of plays here or there or how the ball bounces.

You know, some of the Super Bowls we won, we could have lost and the ones we lost, we could have won. I expect this one to be very similar. Very tight. I think the Patriots will win a very close game. I always think the Patriots are going to win and for the most part, they do. That's why they're in their ninth Super Bowl. That's why they are greatest dynasty of all time, but they play great Super Bowls. All of them have been close. Another gift that we give the rest of the country, great Super Bowls.

So I could give you about 34-31.

WATTERS: All right, 34-31 take that to the bank. I'm glad you brought that up. Here was your prediction when you were on "Watters' World" last year. Roll the tape.


PORTNOY: Oh, so I think Falls has to play well, but in the end, we have Brady, we have Belichick and it generally ends up in our favor, so barring some sort of like travesty, like an earthquake or something, I just don't know how the Patriots is losing this game.


WATTERS: All right, so there was no earthquake last Super Bowl. I had to play it.

PORTNOY: That is what call cheap shot in the business, Jesse, that's -- I didn't know it was going to be a hit piece.

WATTERS: Hey, I'll do anything I can. Listen, we've only one once. I'll take anything I can.

PORTNOY: That was an absolute hit piece and it's disgusting.

WATTERS: All right. I think you'll recover. Have fun down there in Atlanta. Try not to get beat up. All right.

PORTNOY: Thank you.

WATTERS: The Party Bros are back with some of the hottest Super Bowl ads you'll see, up next.


WATTERS: Advertisers bringing their A game to the Super Bowl this weekend. Kraft Heinz making headlines for their spicy add for frozen food brand "Devour." Here's why.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My boyfriend is addicted to frozen food porn. He watches it at least two to three times a day. Maybe more. The other day I found his hidden stash.

This addiction has turned him into a three-minute man. I tried to spice things up, but it didn't really work. He is doing it as much at work as he is at home. Now we are into amateur food videos. This addiction can happen to anyone. It's hard to resist.


WATTERS: Here with reaction, the Party Bros. Chad, J.T. What up?


J.T. PARR, PARTY BROS: What up, dude?

KROEGER: What up, Jesse?

WATTERS: So what you guys think of the ad?

KROEGER: It's pretty accurate. It seems like a good portrayal of like -- they're making like microwavable food and porn addiction like a thing.

PARR: Like the same.

KROEGER: Like the same.

PARR: I think like all respect to the actors in pornography and in frozen food pornography, but that stuff can be detrimental for your stimulation center for sure.

WATTERS: Okay, so you guys don't get turned on by food at all?

KROEGER: Well, I'm keto, so I love a good steak, and avocado for sure.

PARR: I'm not sure.

WATTERS: You're just not sure if you get turned on by food.

PARR: Yes, I don't want to rule it out, but I can't think of an example where food got me tilted that way.


PARR: For sure.

WATTERS: Maybe if someone buys you dinner that might turn you on?

KROEGER: Oh, dude.

PARR: Generosity is chill.

KROEGER: Generosity is dank.

WATTERS: Okay, let's go to the next ad. This is from Planters. It's called "crunch time," roll it.


CHARLIE SHEEN, AMERICAN ACTOR: And people think I'm nuts.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Always there in crunch time.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Go get them out there.


WATTERS: That was pretty nuts, boys.

KROEGER: Yes, I'd say - Mr. Peanut, he's kind of a [bleep] with the way he drives, but his charisma has always been fire. So, I've got to give him props for that.

PARR: Lots of bells and whistles there, but I'm not sure what the exact theme is.

WATTERS: Good call.

PARR: Are you jacked for the Super Bowl, Jesse?

WATTERS: I'm pretty jacked. Who do you guys want to win? I mean you guys are LA guys. You probably want the Rams, am I wrong?

KROEGER: Oh dude, Rams all day like -- we'd be so stoked if they won. Honestly, like feeling super confident about them, too. We've got good squad behind us, you know. Kurt Warner has got a cannon, and Marshall Forkner, dude he's going to lay down some serious yardage so do that. What up Tom Brady, we're coming for you, dude.

PARR: Let's go Rams.

KROEGER: Yes, what up.

WATTERS: All right, that was about --

PARR: We got - put out our Super Bowl party, like we're a little worried because we got like Chad mentioned [bleep], which is like an undesirable and a friend group coming, and we're a little worried that he's going to blow our stoke.

KROEGER: Yes, Kevin. He's coming [bleep].

PARR: No, dude.

WATTERS: Now, Kevin knows. You think he's [bleep].

PARR: Sorry, Kevin.

KROEGER: Oh, dude, we just poked him on Fox.

WATTERS: Wow. Did you guys know they have male cheerleaders on the Rams?

KROEGER: Oh, that's tight.

PARR: Yes, as long as they're hot.

KROEGER: For sure. Yes. Hot, hot and capable. For sure.


PARR: Yes, dudes are cool.

WATTERS: I could see you guys with some pompoms.

KROEGER: And Kevin, like, sorry, dude.

PARR: Oh, thank you, dude.

KROEGER: Oh, dude. I'd love to share my stoke on the field and --

WATTERS: All right, guys, I've got to run. Thank you very much. Happy Super Bowl.

KROEGER: Sorry, Kev.

PARR: Sorry, Kevin.

WATTERS: All right, up next, "Last Call."


WATTERS: Time now for "Last Call." So Super Bowl Weekend, I was there a few years ago. Remember this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're built like a receiver.

WATTERS: How'd you know?



WATTERS: That's all for us tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. "Justice with Judge Jeanine" is next. And remember, I'm Watters, and this is my world.

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