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This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," October 6, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: Fascinating figure. Tucker, great job. Thank you.

And welcome to "Hannity."

We begin tonight with this FOX News alert. Tonight, federal agents from the FBI, they have gathered sufficient evidence to charge Hunter Biden with felony tax and gun crimes according to "The Washington Post." But now, it's up to the Biden DOJ to file charges and we are told a decision supposedly is imminent and the big question is, is Daddy Biden, Joe Biden, going to get caught up in Hunter's business dealings. We have full coverage, analysis news you will never get from the mob.

Also straight ahead and reaction from the great one Mark Levin tonight. And we also have a media mob obsessively attacking Herschel Walker, okay, all free love, war and politics. But we're going to show you what they're hiding about his, well, pretty depraved far left opponent radical Raphael Warnock, including running over his wife during a domestic dispute, not paying child support, interfering with a serious investigation into child abuse and getting arrested.

But, first, with 33 days until the midterms, Democrats are panicking. Inflation is out of control, violent crime on the rise everywhere, the border is wide open and now the Biden administration is spending $300 million on anti-radiation drugs amid Vladimir putin's nuclear threat. Is that Biden's plan if Vladimir decides to use nukes? I hope he has a better plan than that.

And meanwhile, gas prices are high and they're getting higher by the day Biden's plan begging OPEC and the guy that he called the murderer of Jamal Khashoggi from the pariah nation of Saudi Arabia, that didn't work. His new plan is to, what, bribe Venezuela's murdering dictator thug. That reeks of desperation.

His decision to drain our strategic petroleum reserves to salvage a few votes is putting our country's national security at risk. Is it not, Joe, a national emergency when Democrats believe they're going to lose midterm elections to tap into those emergency reserves. He's literally draining all of our petroleum reserves, it's now at a -year low to artificially increase the world supply in the hopes it'll temporarily lower prices at the pump all for the midterm elections.

But now, Joe Biden -- he just doesn't want to talk about any of it. Instead, Joe is rolling out a political Hail Mary. And today, one year after firing or suspending dozens of White House staffers for past marijuana use, well, Biden announced a widespread pardon to anybody convicted of marijuana possession of the -- on the federal level. And keep in mind, this only involves charges at the federal level. It could include a huge number of drug traffickers and gang members that pled down to simple possession.

Naturally, Pennsylvania's trust fund brat in a hoodie that never worked a day in his life although he pretends to, John Fetterman, he's overjoyed, actually tweeting out, we did it, Joe. We did it.

Anyway, Fetterman doesn't believe that anyone should be in prison pretty much. He wants to legalize case not just marijuana but other hard drugs, and he wants the taxpayers of Pennsylvania to fund their safe heroin shooting zones. Is that where you want your tax dollars in Pittsburgh going and Philly going? Bucks County going and other parts of Pennsylvania?

He's also called for the prisons to be empty by at least a third. As lieutenant governor, he actively tried to free multiple violent murderers. That includes one man who was sentenced to life for killing someone with a garden shears in a parking garage, another felon who killed a woman by stabbing her in the chest with a pair of scissors, a new ad from MAGA Inc details this horrific murder., Take a look.


AD NARRATOR: He brutally murdered his girlfriend's mother with a pair of scissors, convicted of first-degree murder, John Brookins is serving a life sentence. John Fetterman was the only member of the pardon board to vote for Brookins' release. The only vote.

John Fetterman wants ruthless killers, muggers and rapists back on our streets.


HANNITY: Thirty-three days until the midterms, John Fetterman's never been asked a question by the media mob. He's never had to explain why he attempted to get so many convicted murderers freed in prison. Why he wants to empty the prisons.

After a stroke, he has been mentally unable to debate Dr. Oz, answer any questions from anybody in the media and his very brief campaign events are few and far between and for good reason. Take a look.


LT. GOV. JOHN FETTERMAN (D), PENNSYLVANIA: We already knew that this is going to be a tight race and we've always been running like this is down five points, because we know what the stake is at the race here.


HANNITY: Pennsylvania, 33 days, you get to decide if you want a lazy, deadbeat, mentally deficient, radical socialist who lived off mommy and daddy his entire life, didn't pay taxes but wants to raise yours, pretends to be a blue collar worker in a hoodie, John Fetterman, there's your guy right there.

He might not show up for work because he didn't as mayor. He may be able -- maybe he's not even able to read and write legislation. We don't know. He won't release his medical records, but he'll always be happy to flash his tattoos as if he's the working man. They were paid for by his rich mommy and daddy.

And meanwhile, Fetterman frequently skipped out on paying taxes and you better believe that he supports Biden's new army of IRS agents. They'll be coming right into the commonwealth of Pennsylvania and right into your business and right into your tax return.

And, of course, Fetterman is not the only tax loving Democrat who avoids paying his own taxes as senator, Georgia's Raphael Warnock, collected an extra $90 in a tax-free loophole as a parsonage allowance from a church and by the way while the media is busy obsessing over a story involving his Republican challenger, Herschel Walker allegedly paying for an abortion that he denies, they are ignoring a truly horrific scandal surrounding Warnock.

Now, in 2002, as a minister in west Baltimore, Warnock was arrested for obstructing a police investigation into child abuse at his own church's camp. And the charges were later dropped, but according to "The Baltimore Sun", he aggressively repeatedly blocked police from interviewing a camp counselor. One of the troopers stated, quote: I've never encountered resistance like that at all, talking about young kids child abuse.

Ultimately, five cases of child abuse were brought against the camp's director who Warnock was apparently trying to protect. One former camper claims that Warnock's camp counselors tossed urine on a 12 year old boy and made others sleep outside in the cold without a tent or a blanket or any kind of shelter.

Now, sadly, this is not the last time Warnock could have -- would have trouble with the law. This year, he was ordered by a superior court judge to attend mediation after he was accused of neglecting his own children and failing to pay child care expenses despite amassing a net worth of nearly a million bucks.

And in 2020, Warnock was also accused of running over his ex-wife's foot with a car during a domestic dispute.

And here's what his ex-wife said to police after the incident. You decide.


SEN. WARNOCK'S EX-WIFE: This man's running for the United States Senate and all he cares about right now is his reputation. I work at the mayor's office and this is a big problem. I've been trying to be very quiet about the way that he is for the sake of my kids and his reputation, I've tried to keep the way that he acts under reps for a long time and today, he crossed the line. So that is what is going on here and he's a great actor. He is phenomenal at putting on a really good show.


HANNITY: Pretty chilling but the media mob doesn't care at all. They don't care about Warnock's past. They don't care about his radical policies, like defunding the police, that will hurt the people of Georgia. They're just looking for a win. Don't fall for the deception. It is, by the way, October, the term October surprise is there for a reason.

Here with reaction, FOX News contributor Ari Fleischer, former senior advisor to President Trump, Stephen Miller. Outkick founder Clay Travis is with us.

Ari, we'll start with you tonight.

Okay. So these charges are made against Herschel Walker. He's responded to them. Other charges have come out in the course of the campaign. He has been pretty open about his personal struggles, wrote about them extensively. That part isn't a surprise. All's fair in love war and politics, I think you would agree, it's a -- it's a fair fight.

But the media isn't telling the Warnock part of the story, the accusation of running over his wife not paying child care, obstructing an investigation into child abuse. That would seem to matter if you wanted to be even-handed, wouldn't it?

ARI FLEISCHER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: And they didn't tell in 2020 either and they're not telling it now in 2022.

It's so easy to be a Democrat. When you're a Democrat, Sean, it's and the press covers you, you get to start every inning with a man on second base. If you're a Republican, you get to start every inning with two strikes. If you're Donald Trump, you start every inning with two outs the way the media covers you.

And that's the advantage Democrats have going in. The advantage Republicans have is that these polls are largely wrong. Republicans stop talking to pollsters for a lot of the things reasons you're talking about. There's just a lack of trust in pollsters as there is in the press.

And so, Republicans have stopped talking to them. I think a lot of these polls you can probably add two to three four percentage points to the Republican score and that's probably a closer read on what's happening in these elections.

You know, Stephen Miller, then you got to look at the positions. All right. Both candidates I guess one can arguably say have baggage questions. But then there's a big difference in terms of where they will vote.

You got Raphael Warnock, wants court packing, wants to end cash bail, has compared the police to gangsters saying they have a gangster and thug mentality. We know that he wants to move away from all fossil fuels. He said that many times. He wants critical race theory taught in school.

We know that he said about the opioid crisis, it's only a public emergency because the faces of the human tragedy are white and suburban. No restrictions on abortion, interesting, considering that's a controversy with Herschel Walker and all the other things that we've talked about.

So my question is what are the people of Georgia thinking tonight, and what should they be thinking about tonight?

STEPHEN MILLER, FORMER SENIOR TRUMP ADVISER: Georgia is a conservative state. Georgia is a religious state. Georgia is a state whether you are Black, White, Brown, it is a state of traditional common sense values.

Raphael Warnock is an extremist as you've laid out point by point. Abortion up until the ninth month, defunding police and allowing violent criminals to lay waste to entire communities, supporting Biden's inflationary agenda that is hammering working families, being in favor of open borders and voting for open borders time and time and time again, supporting critical race theory, supporting radical gender ideology -- ninety percent of people in Georgia reject his values.

And so, this is an -- is a race about the issues and if it's framed as a race about the issues, then he is going to lose by a gigantic margin.

HANNITY: But is it a race really in the minds of the people in Georgia, Clay, in this sense. They're being inundated with never-ending attacks on one candidate and by the way, that's part of the political process. Everybody's got to accept that. You jump in that arena, that's what you're jumping into, an Adam Schiff hole. That's the bottom line that's what politics is today.

But the other part of it is, is the media chooses to tell only the story of one candidate but not the other candidate. That's my beef.

CLAY TRAVIS, OUTKICK FOUNDER: Yeah, I think you're right, Sean, and I actually think when you look at the way this is going to play out, the media -- who's written these stories. "The New York Times" sent a white guy down to Wrightsville, Georgia, to write a front page story on Sunday about how Herschel Walker wasn't Black enough, a white "New York Times" reporter. You want to talk about incredible arrogance from outside the state of Georgia, they sent him in.

Look what happened on Monday, "The Daily Beast" does a hit piece on Herschel Walker. The fix is in, and the reason why this is happening, Sean, is because Georgia is the Democratic Senate firewall. So on all Georgians to listen to me really carefully right now -- you may well decide whether Joe Biden controls the Senate or not whether cackling Kamala Harris is going to be able to break ties or not;

Georgia in January of 2021 did not make the right decision because there was still a lot of fallout from this election. You know Herschel Walker. You know Joe Biden, the worst president in our nation's modern history. Sixty percent of Georgians do not like Joe Biden Raphael Warnock is a rubber stamp for everything Joe Biden wants to do.

Herschel Walker is imperfect as all four of us are imperfect, as every single person watching us is imperfect. But he's a lot better than Joe Biden and he's a lot better than Raphael Warnock.

HANNITY: Does it come to that --

TRAVIS: You can't allow Joe Biden to get another rubber stamp, you can't do it.

HANNITY: Does it matter if people believe Herschel Walker or not, Clay?

TRAVIS: They know Herschel, that's the thing. That's the thing. You lived in Georgia, Sean. There isn't a person in Georgia who doesn't already know Herschel Walker, and that's why Democrats are so desperate right now. They spent $50 million running the worst ads that have ever been created telling everybody there that Herschel Walker's an awful human being.

And the vast majority of Georgians said I just don't believe it. I've known this guy since he came to play for the Georgia Bulldogs in 1980. I respect the fact that he stood up for Donald Trump, his friend, which is how he got into politics in the first time.

Does he have issues in his family? Yes. But you know what, Sean? I was raised a Southern Baptist, and what we were taught early on is that redemption is there, there is always the possibility for forgiveness and that is the heart of every Georgian.

Herschel Walker is going to win this race and Democrats are desperate because deep down they know it's happening, and they're throwing every single thing they have at it but I think it's actually going to end up bouncing back onto them because they know Herschel and they're not going to be able to convince Georgians that he's a worse choice than Joe Biden's rubber stamp Reverend Raphael Warnock.

HANNITY: Let's look at the rest of the country. Thirty-three days is election day, Ari Fleischer. Obviously, a 41-year high of inflation is going to be on every voter's mind. Obviously, record high gas prices will be on everybody's mind. The disaster at the border will be on everybody's mind.

But what it seems to be emerging as well is record high crime, the defund, dismantle, no bail mentality of the Democratic Party and also the issue of education and parental role as it relates to their kids education and the values that are taught in school and the failure of so many school systems.

How big will of all those issues, what should Republicans be talking about the most or all of the above?

FLEISCHER: Well, I think crime is certainly a big issue particularly in the suburbs, particularly where there are people who just the drug problems are just manifest. But everything you decided, Sean, what separates those from issues like Medicare, Social Security or the deficit, issues of previous decades. It's how tangible they are in our daily lives.

When you talk about education, when you talk about the shape of our schools, when you talk about what's being taught in schools, when you talk about crime, when you talk about the cost of buying food, the cost of filling your car with gas, the cost of heating your house or cooling your house, every one of those is a daily tangible problem, and that transcends politics. That's why it's such a powerful Republican cycle, in addition to the fact that it's the first midterm historically presidents and their team their party in power loses big numbers of seats in their first midterm.

Add all that up, it's still I think shown a wave election what that means is Republicans will take the House. There's no question about it. Nancy Pelosi's gone. I think the Senate remains a 50-50 Senate, and if I'm right about the polling being still tilted toward the Democrats, it means it's much more likely Republicans will take the Senate 59-41 or perhaps 52-48 when it all nets out. I think that's the greatest likelihood on election day. It is still a powerful Republican cycle.

HANNITY: Steve, let's talk about the messaging that these candidates ought to be bringing into their states, their districts. What should they be telling them and what should they be campaigning on?

MILLER: Well, that's exactly the right question to be asking, Sean. There's 30 days until this election. How are Republicans going to bring this thing home?

You see the mud they're slinging at Herschel Walker while covering up Raphael Warnock's horrendous past. Republicans need to look at the American people and say, do you want a secure border or no border? Do you want to have low inflation or runaway inflation? Do you want to have safe streets or blood soaked crime hell holes? Do you want to have great schools for your children or do you want your kids to be indoctrinated, do you want your kids to be subjected to critical race theory and force gender transitions?

You frame it around these quality of life issues. You frame it around these fundamental issues of right and wrong, of good and evil, and this election will be won by historic margin.

But it's up now to the Republicans to prosecute the case against the overwhelming media bias that Ari's laid out.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you all. Clay Travis, thank you. Steve Miller, thank you. And, of course, Ari, thank you.

Coming up, according to a brand new report, federal agents have gathered what they believe is now enough evidence to charge zero experienced Hunter Biden with crimes. John Solomon will give us his investigative report, what his sources are telling him, we'll get commentary and much more from the great one, Mark Levin, and I can give you a hint, Mark's fired up, straight ahead.


HANNITY: And breaking tonight, the federal agents investigating zero experience Hunter Biden for tax crimes, lying on his gun purchase application reportedly now say they have enough evidence to move forward with charges. And here at FOX News, our very own sources have confirmed the decision on whether or not to charge Hunter is officially in the hands of the U.S. attorney in Delaware who is appointed by Donald Trump.

But remember, it's still Biden's DOJ, and we know they've been weaponized.

Here with much more on this story, investigative reporter, "Just the News" founder, editor-in-chief John Solomon.

Let's talk about this and there are other issues surrounding this like Joe Biden's involvement, which is chronicled in "The Laptop from Hell." Are there any FARA violations? Are they investigating influence peddling, pay to play? Because all of that's out there, too. It's the gun violation seems to be minimal to me.

JOHN SOLOMON, JUST THE NEWS: Yeah, let's start with the first fact. So by their own admission, "The Washington Post" admits this is an old story that's been made to look new. It says FBI agents months ago made the decision that they had enough evidence. We know that, Sean, because as FOX News and "Just the News" has reported, grand jury activity occurred after the FBI did, that meaning prosecutors took evidence to the grand jury.

So the first thing is this is an old story made to look new. The second aspect of it is there's not going to be an indictment of Hunter Biden between now and election day. Why? He's a politically sensitive figure. The U.S. attorney's manual says days before election we don't take any public actions in criminally politically sensitive cases.

So if you know something's old and it's been made to look new and it's not about something that's imminent you have to ask yourself what happened -- this is what my sources are telling me -- there are four dynamics going on. The first is a lot of new evidence has emerged since the summer of Joe Biden being a little bit more involved than Hunter Biden saying, meeting with more of his business partners, having keys to one of his business offices, being listed that as a business partner on a document. So the evidence is starting to move towards Hunter Bi -- Joe Biden. This story tries to focus the story back on Hunter Biden.

Secondly, there is -- FBI is under assault. The Republicans are likely to take over, they're worried about their reputation. The FBI wants people to know we did our job.

Third thing, U.S. attorney did some grand jury activity. There are discussions going on with the Justice Department.

And fourth, there are people around Joe Biden who would like to see Hunter Biden make a plea deal and make this go away, but his lawyer has made clear in public he's not going to do that all of those four things are likely at play in this leak of an old story made to look new on this night.

HANNITY: And we have Merrick Garland saying he won't interfere can we but can we believe that. It's Joe Biden's Department of Justice.

SOLOMON: Yeah, that's a great question. I mean these are the questions why so many people have already think about this. In less than two years, hundreds of January defendants have been charged. In four years of investigating Hunter Biden, they can't resolve the case.

Why does it take four years on something where most of the evidence is sitting out? That's why people are so distrustful of this. My guess is -- from my sources, talking to my sources tonight -- this gets resolved after election and that this was an effort to push two sides. The FBI to push prosecutors get your game done and people around Joe Biden to push and say Hunter consider taking a plea deal that's what I'm hearing after talking to a half dozen people who know what's going on.

HANNITY: All right. John Solomon,, thank you, sir.

And as Hunter Biden makes headlines again tonight, it is important to remember why this story should concern every American. It's not only about Hunter Biden's own personal shortcomings. It's also about the son of the president of the United States allegedly trading favors influence and the power of his father's name as vice president now president and titles for huge massive sums of money from hostile regimes like Russia and China and Ukraine.

We have photographic evidence of Joe Biden meeting with Hunter's foreign business associates, and remember, Joe said he's never one time ever spoken to Hunter Biden about his business dealings. We know a Ukrainian prosecutor was investigating the Burisma case. We know Hunter said he had no experience in oil gas energy or Ukraine, but Joe interfered and in fact leveraged one billion dollars of taxpayer money and said fire that guy, you've got six hours and if you don't fire him, guess what, you're not getting the money. Guess what, son of a b. They fired the guy.

And that means the prosecution of his or the investigation into the prosecution of his son that stopped that left zero experience Hunter off the hook. We have an email that says Hunter would hold 10 percent of a joint venture with the Chinese for the big guy who he had has now been identified as Joe Biden. We have a text message Hunter Biden clearly saying his father makes him share his salary.

The Biden family clearly is corrupt. It is a syndicate. More importantly, it's clearly compromised.

We don't know for sure what Hunter or Joe owe any one of these foreign adversaries, but it should concern every American.

Here with reaction, FOX News legal analyst Greg Jarrett, former Florida attorney general Pam Bondi.

Pam, let's start with the issue of pay to play. Let's talk about whether or not a FARA violation may be included, influence peddling, and what did Joe know and when did he know it.

PAM BONDI, FORMER FLORIDA ATTORNEY GENERAL: Yeah. Well, many things, Sean. And don't forget, they tried to impeach Donald Trump for even questioning Hunter Biden's involvement with Burisma. They tried to impeach the president of the United States for that.

And now, we have a prosecutor, a U.S. attorney who reports to Merrick Garland who is appointed by Joe Biden. What would Donald Trump have done right away? Recused himself just like the Russia-Russia Russia investigation and had when they went after President Trump on Russia and had a special prosecutor take over. Joe Biden should have done that the second he took office. That did not happen.

And I think, Sean, this defense attorney, his -- I think his statements speak volumes -- speaks volumes. When he said we are -- that weighing the evidence, prosecutors are weighing the evidence of the defense witnesses as well.

And as you and John Solomon pointed out very succinctly, they're not going to do anything before the election. But I believe right after the election, if they're scared to death that Congress is going to be taken over by Republicans, so what they're going to do I think is probably strike a plea deal, pay a fine to the IRS, maybe say hey let's get some drug treatment for the guns and try to put this all behind them.

But as you just said, there's so much more out there involving Hunter Biden but as John Solomon said, this is old news. This has been going on. And I think that it's got to be resolved because they're scared to death about Republicans taking over Congress.

HANNITY: You know, Gregg, there's one thing about lying on a gun application, not paying your taxes, that's one thing. It seems like they're not paying any attention to the drug use on camera, on "The Laptop from Hell" or the prostitutes. But that to me is small potatoes compared to the numerous implications of his own father on that laptop. They don't seem to be even touching that that area which would be the -- to me, the biggest area of interest considering the magnitude if a president or vice president is selling out his office to our foreign enemies and adversaries.

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: Well, Sean, I think your instincts are absolutely correct that, you know, failing to pay taxes and lying on a gun form, I mean that's really small potatoes compared to using your position of power to confer a benefit on a foreign government or entity in exchange for millions of dollars. That's called influence peddling. It's corruption. It's bribery. It's a violation of the Federal Corrupt Practices Act.

And there are documents there in which they're scheming to get around the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which is in and of itself evidence of intent to commit a crime. This is an investigation that's been going on for four long years. The FBI has had that laptop since 2019. It is a treasure trove of corruption and felonies.

And yet, there have been no charges, where it's someone whose last name is not Biden, there would have been a criminal indictment long ago. So I think this should be deeply troubling, especially since millions of dollars were passed from the Chinese to Hunter Biden and maybe into the box pockets of Joe Biden, look at the documents.

Well, so has America's national security been compromised do the Chinese have the goods on Joe Biden? Are they exercising undue influence that's detrimental to U.S. interests and beneficial to the Chinese? I think that if Republicans win control of Congress come January, there's going to be a deep dive on the basis of serious national security concerns in addition to what the whistleblowers have identified as corruption at the FBI in burying the incriminating evidence and sealing the case and taking no action?

HANNITY: Let's see if we have equal justice and application of our laws. If Hunter's last name were Trump, I think this would have been treated much differently.

Anyway, Gregg Jarrett, thank you. Pam Bondi, thank you.

Also here now with his take on all of this, and, of course, 33 days away from Election Day, we call him the great one, Mark Levin, "Life, Liberty and Levin", the number one show, FOX News on weekends, is nationally syndicated radio show and dear friend of mine.

Great one, how am I? Thank me. God bless us.

MARK LEVIN, HOST OF "LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN": Wow, you sound pretty good.

I'll tell you -- I'll give you my take on this "Washington Post" piece. The question is why would they put it out now? I think Pam has a very good theory. I have a different theory.

And my theory is this is old news. They could have indicted Hunter a long time ago. They're protecting Joe, of course, because they're not getting into any of the Bobulinski laptop information which is ripe for the taking. Joe Biden is a Manchurian putative president. In my view, he's bought and paid for not just by the communist regime but others.

That said, I'll tell you what I think is going on here. This leak is numerous sources. For some reason, they mentioned Donald Trump twice, was absolutely nothing to do with this matter. I think what they're trying to do is lay a predicate, lay a foundation, not a legal predicate, but a foundation for the American people and particularly conservatives that go on well, why don't they indict him? Why don't they indict Hunter? It's black and white, they've got the goods on him. So then we can have people say, okay, fine.

And then we have Merrick Garland say, you see, I believe in equality under the law. So we did XYZ to Hunter Biden and now we're doing XYZ to Donald Trump. I think this is a complete setup.

I think Hunter Biden is small potatoes. I think they're protecting Joe Biden who obviously is more important. He's the president of the United States and they have absolutely no interest in him and by the way, neither do the media. They keep writing books about Donald Trump, like Maggie Haberman and others, who cares? What about Joe Biden and all of his ties?

But I want to talk about this election a little bit too and I want the public to understand that the United States -- the United States isn't guaranteed to exist as the United States in perpetuity. Countries are subject to demise. Athens didn't exist -- you know, fell, Rome fell, the British Empire exists no longer.

We're a country that is falling. We are a country that is facing demise as the number one superpower on the face of the earth. It's not because we voted for this, it's not because we want it, because this is what the Democrat Party wants and is doing.

This is a man-made grave assault on our liberty, on our prosperity, and our number one status as a superpower step by step by step, in every respect. Look at education, used to be first. There were no equals, now education is failing horribly. The borders wide open, that is a an affirmative decision by this administration.

Massive government redistribution of wealth from the private sector to the phony masterminds in Washington, that's an obvious decision by the Democrat party. The destruction of energy independence, this is an obvious decision by the Democrat Party.

Soft on crime, big on criminals, obvious decision by the Democrat Party, everything that's going on in this country isn't by mistake. It isn't because of mother nature it is because of the Democrats.

The Democrats hate this country, they don't believe in this country, they're embracing more and more aggressive aspects of Marxism they oppose an independent judiciary they threaten justices, they want to pack the court for the second time in a hundred years, they want to get rid of the filibuster because they want to ram through their agenda even if they only have 50 Democrat senators, you go on and on and on.

How they want to destroy our voting system and now they want non-citizens to have the right to vote in various cities. The country's coming apart. The country is coming apart at the seams. Our customs, our traditions are under attack. Our history is under attack and there's one political party that serves as the political force for all these radical and extreme ideas, and it's the same political party a hundred years ago that stood for segregation. It's the same political party a hundred years ago that refused to support anti-lynching bills.

I'm telling it like it is -- it's the same political party a hundred years ago that supported eugenics. It's the same political party that demands abortion on demand, that rejects morality and ethics, that is teaching our little kids all kinds of grotesque behavior, that is teaching our little kids how to be racists and victims, that is teaching our little kids to hate the country, to hate capitalism, not just our little kids, but our older kids, in colleges and universities, where there is no academic freedom, there is no free speech. We have segregated areas now. We have no Jew areas now.

This country is out of control. Now, if you wanted to continue to fall, you'll vote for the Democrats. I don't love all the Republicans. As a matter of fact, I'm not a special pleader for the Republican Party. But this time around, that's all we've got.

We have got to fight this, this movement, this Democrat Party. It's not about some policy changes, ladies and gentlemen.

I just want to read to you what Ronald Reagan said. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed for them to do the same or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children, what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

Ronald Reagan thought Joe Biden was a moron, and he didn't like him, and he didn't like the way he treated people in a very nasty way, when he was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Joe Biden is a figurehead for radicals that have been appointed throughout this administration, Obama types in all the rest.

We're losing our country. We have to start clawing it back in November. That's it.

HANNITY: Thirty-three days, the great one, Mark Levin, "Life, Liberty, and Levin", Sunday nights, 8:00 p.m., right here on FOX. Thank you, sir.

All right. Straight ahead tonight, shocking new poll in New York -- in the New York governor's race. We're going to explain. Lee Zeldin is now within a point and a half as a Republican in terms of leading for the gubernatorial race in this crazy state.

Anyway, also we'll talk about major pickup opportunities for Republicans. Nevada Senate candidate, Republican Adam Laxalt, will join us as well as we continue.


HANNITY: And also breaking today, another warning sign for Democrats ahead of November's midterms. A new Trafalgar poll showing Republican gubernatorial candidate in New York, Lee Zeldin, now in a statistical tie with the incumbent Kathy Hochul, who took over for Andrew Cuomo for the governorship in deep blue New York state.

Now, as violent crime continues to skyrocket under her leadership, leaving New Yorkers all on edge -- well, here at the very latest on this surging campaign, Republican congressman and gubernatorial candidate, Lee Zeldin.

Lee, I'm looking at the Trafalgar poll. My understanding is that the libertarian Larry Sharpe who shows up with 3.2 percent in this poll, you're -- you are -- she is leading you now with less than two points, well within the margin of error. This is within striking distance.

Now, did Larry Sharpe, the 3.2 percent that he got, that's a vote against Hochul. My understanding is he didn't make it onto the ballot, is that true?

REP. LEE ZELDIN (R-NY): That's true, yeah, Sean.

HANNITY: So if you add your numbers and the number of people that were going to vote for the libertarian that don't want Hochul, you would be leading this race. I hope America -- I hope the people in New York understand that.

ZELDIN: Yeah, no and we're absolutely feeling it. I'm sensing it all across this entire state. It's not just Republicans but independents and Democrats, too. They're tired. This governor is -- she's not doing a good job. The state is heading in the wrong direction.

They're sick and tired of rising crime, rising costs, attacks on freedom, a governor that is engaging in rampant pay-to-play corruption. And New Yorkers are tired of waking up day after day and reading about EMT who is fatally stabbed on her lunch break in an unprovoked attack, and then right after that, you had a steam fitter on an L Train fatally stabbed as well.

I happen to be in western New York where yesterday, Keaira Hudson was murdered in front of her three kids. She was wearing a bulletproof vest. The day before on Tuesday, she was attacked by her husband.

Because of cashless bail laws, he was instantly released after charged with this is a domestic violence offenses bail.


LEE: On Wednesday, she gets murdered.

HANNITY: Okay. So Kathy Hochul is now implementing what she's calling gun violence listening sessions instead of refusing to lead to end the insanity of defund and dismantle police departments, and she refuses to lead the effort to stop the insanity of no bail laws. You get the last 25 seconds.

LEE: Yeah. We have to repeal cashless bail. The first thing I'll do the first day I'm in office is tell the head district attorney Alvin Bragg, he's being fired.

We need to get rid of the Halt Act. Our correctional officers are being assaulted more since that got implemented. We have to take back our streets. We have to unapologetically back our men and women in blue. This is about all of us as New Yorkers.

Forget about Republican versus Democrat, all of us together have to save this state. Kathy Hochul has to go. I believe that poll. We will win this race because we have to win this race. We're going to win in deep blue New York.

HANNITY: That would be the shock on election night more than any other. You're in the game. This is a close race, less than two point race.

All right. Congressman Lee Zeldin, maybe hopefully gubernatorial-elect.

Now we turn our attention to the crucial race for the Senate and the great state of Nevada where Republican Adam Laxalt has held a consistent lead over the incumbent Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto. New poll out, even fake news CNN has Laxalt up by two, while "National Review" yesterday called the, quote, Republicans best chance for a midterm Senate pickup. He joins us now, Republican candidate Adam Laxalt.

There is a political earthquake going on in your state. Your state, by the way, is what pay nearly on average $5.50 a gallon for gasoline? Five dollars and fifty cents a gallon?

ADAM LAXALT, GOP NEVADA U.S. SENATE NOMINEE: You know, you cannot believe what is going on out here. Our gas is soaring. Anytime the national media does interviews, you see people that say absolutely, we're not going to vote for the Democrats. We know they gave us high gas prices.

And you know, it's instructive that that Senator Masto, you know, she's not fighting for lower gas prices. After the Roe v. Wade decision, she took a bull horn and decided to make an issue out of that. She's not taking a bull horn to fight for lower gas prices to reduce inflation, to give us secure borders, to actually support the police. She's just trying to run on an issue that she thinks she can win this race on.

But I'll tell you what? Our voters are not being deceived. They understand what this race is really about. They understand this is about the future of Nevada and the future of America.

I mean if we don't start taking territory back, we're going to lose this country and the good news is despite gazillions of dollars and false ads all throughout the summer, we're ahead seven straight polls. I think that's a pretty clear sign of rejection.

HANNITY: And she -- I think the people need to understand too, she -- the reason nobody really knows who she is is she's been basically a rubber stamp for everything Biden and everything Chuck Schumer. You might as well have Chuck Schumer as your senator out there because that's what you have with your current senator.

LAXALT: Yeah. Look, this is where she gets all her money from, New York and California.


HANNITY: Wait a minute, 86 percent.

LAXALT: -- my home state of Nevada.

HANNITY: Is that true, 86 percent of the money she takes in is from outside of your state?

LAXALT: From New York and California, millions and millions of dollars. They're buying this race which by the way we need help across America to combat that at

But they know what they have in her, a 95 percent rubber stamp for Joe Biden. And look, she had the chance to break from her party and help our state six weeks ago. She could have voted against the Inflation Reduction Act, but nobody even thought she was a vote that was up for grabs. She was a reliable vote.

We have 16 percent inflation here. We're going to be at six dollar gas, Sean, in the next few weeks, mark my words. And again, she's nowhere in sight trying to stand up to this president. How about Afghanistan? How about all the miserable failures of this president?

HANNITY: I'll say this --

LAXALT: He's at 39 percent in my state, by the way. And as long as people understand that she's --

HANNITY: If you have Blake Masters -- I got to run but --

LAXALT: -- been a rubber stamp for him, we're going to win this race.

HANNITY: All right. If you and Blake Masters win, Republicans will be in the majority.

Thank you, sir, for being with us.

More "Hannity" next.


HANNITY: And before you go, some sad news to report. New York radio legend, our good friend Bernard McGuirk, he passed away after a battle with cancer. Bernie worked on "The Imus in the Morning" program, never forgot his Irish roots, his sense of humor is second-to-none. He's the star behind the mic, was an amazing sense of humor, a good friend, deep knowledge of pretty much everything.

An absolute pro on WABC New York, "Bernie and Sid Show", and prior to that, "Imus in the Morning", and he leaves behind his wife and two children. All of them are in our thoughts and prayers tonight.

All right. That's all the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you for being with us. Please set your DVR, never miss an episode. For news anytime,,

In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, here is Laura with "The Ingraham Angle." Laura?

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