'Ingraham Angle' sobre los medios de comunicación liberales que ignoran el éxito del COVID de Florida

Esto es una transcripción apresurada de "Ingraham Angle" del 29 de octubre de 2021. Esta copia puede no estar en su forma final y puede ser actualizada.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham and this is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. Well, Florida has the hottest economy in the country and among the lowest COVID case and death rates in the country. So why is the national media still attacking Ron DeSantis? Well, the governor is here. And he has a theory about that.

Plus Biden slippery meeting with the Pope and why won't politicians stop dancing? Raymond Arroyo has it all in "Friday Follies." And, and we have a special anniversary surprise at the end of the show, so be sure to stick around for that one.

But first, "Where's all the Men Gone?" That's the focus of "Tonight's Angle." Now once relegated to women's studies, classrooms and college campuses, the phrase toxic masculinity entered our cultural vernacular a few years ago. Now this was around the time that the American Psychological Association jumped in to warn that, "males who socialized to conform to traditional masculinity ideology are often negatively affected in terms of mental and physical health."

Well, the argument is that boys are conditioned to be tough, and not show weakness - that's a bad thing, I guess. And then by some pressing boys' feelings, their emotions, then they're likely to be more prone to violence or aggression, more likely to end up in prison, or in trouble at school.

And people who work in gender studies programs, they're dead set against the old confining roles of masculinity, and you'll see this in a highly produced Hollywood conversation.


DR. MICHAEL KIMMEL, EXPERT ON MEN AND MASCULINITY: I think there's a model about being a real man in America. And I think sometimes that model is at more sort of stoic, hard, tough, et cetera. My friend Joe Orman (ph), who used to be a professional football player, says that he remembers his father. Just saying to him, Be a man. Man up, toughen up, don't be a girl.


INGRAHAM: This is how far we've fallen in America, telling a boy not to be a girl, I guess it's now considered abusive. We're in an upside down world, my friends. And I think more people now see right through the attempt that they're making to kind of wrap their attacks on traditional gender roles around an anti-bullying campaign.

Well, that's absurd, because real men do not bully, we know that. Real men don't beat their wives, we know that. Real men don't hurt animals or children, we know that. All decent people agree on that. And by the way, long before the phrase "gender fluid" popped up, good parents told their sons, both to be a man and to be courageous, valiant, compassionate.

Now heard my friend's father say, "stop whining and be a man if he was complaining about something." He said it a lot actually. It didn't hurt my buddy one bit. He's a great dad today. But today, the radical left has one goal in mind, it's to destroy the underpinnings of the nuclear family by targeting the distinct parental roles that fathers and mothers play.

Ideally - come on, we all know that it's better for children to be raised by a mother and a father who are present and involved. Now, we also all know that single moms and dads do their best, but it's much harder, God bless them all. And I say this as a single mom myself.

It's somehow this idea of the traditional roles, it's threatening to the radicals who see the traditional family, especially traditionally minded men, as an impediment to the ultimate goal of the left of socialism and rewriting of American history.

Now remember, Black Lives Matter had the disruption of the nuclear family as one of its main goals? Now the entertainment industry joined the anti- family, anti-masculinity crusade long ago. In television and films male protagonists are often portrayed as kind of goofy, helpless - you know, helpless saps or gender fluid geniuses.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's only been since Thanksgiving, but it feels like for forever.


INGRAHAM: News flash for Hollywood. Women want men to be men. Obviously, they also want men to be honest and kind and sacrificial and humble as well. But as an old friend used to say, most women - I know even women who work outside the home, prefer a man who will protect, provide and defend. And we don't want men who will elbow us out of the way to print in the mirror or men whose idea of a fun afternoon is getting a mani, pedi and a facial, no.

Remember the man, by the way, the Obama people used in ads to push Obamacare? Well, even "Morning Joe" all those years ago couldn't stop laughing at him.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This guys is just funny.

JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC HOST: Looks like he's out of a bad Vampire Weekend CD.


INGRAHAM: Of course, all the pajama boy fans are totally shocked that young men are flocking to non-effeminate men like Jordan Peterson who wrote "12 Rules for Life."

And they're especially furious that millions are tuning in to listen to manly men like Joe Rogan.


JOE ROGAN, AMERICAN PODCASTER: Toxic masculinity, which is - that's a hilarious expression, because you need to thank toxic masculinity for all the bridges, (bleep), all the all the Jets, all the rockets, all this toxic masculinity. You break down all the things that men have invented, and all these toxic men have prevented like you from being murdered in war and protected the country and all the different things that you could attribute to toxic masculinity, most of its positive.


INGRAHAM: That's why people listen to him. Now the fact is, the natural instinct of most men is to protect women, but that's slowly being beaten out of them by angry feminists or overly feminine men who love submissive types. This seems especially to be the case in more liberal urban areas. And the consequences are horrifying.

Now, something had happened in a Manhattan subway car when a woman told a perturbed African-American man to take a chill pill. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Say the word 'chill pill.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You are male, she is female.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mind your bus. Say again--



INGRAHAM: Well, that went on and on. But notice what didn't happen. Not a single man on that train intervened. A more shocking incident took place in Philly last week when a woman was raped on the El train with other passengers aboard. Not a single one did anything to help her. And earlier this week in San Francisco, it was a young woman who chased down a man, who pushed an elderly Asian lady to the ground. When the woman confronted the assailant, she was stabbed three times. Where were the men?

Frankly, the mass feminization of men should trouble women the most. The victims and all those heinous attacks were women who were overpowered by bad men. And because the cultural elites and institutions have spent years villainizing masculinity, there were no good men willing to step in to save them. And that's "The Angle."

Joining me now is someone who did answer the call when lives were threatened. Alek Skarlatos, one of the heroes of the 15:17 train to Paris. Alek knows situations are different, and maybe people are worried about getting sued or worried about being branded a racist if they step in or - but to what do you attribute this seeming end of traditional masculinity, or at least the goal of ending traditional masculinity?

ALEK SKARLATOS, STOPPED TRAIN TERROR ATTACK IN 2015: Well, thanks for having me first of all. I really appreciate it. And I would say that not only is it a culture, war with the media and things like that, I also think it starts at the school board level, and conservatives have kind of dropped the ball on school board level elections and things like that for a long time.

You see some of the kids coming out of high school, and they're more concerned with making TikTok videos then playing on the football team or going hunting with their friends or anything like that. And it's really sad to see.

But in those cases, in particular, I mean, I honestly don't know what it would be like to be a man in a major city these days. You have DAs that oftentimes, don't charge these criminals for committing these crimes. And then if they don't, a lot of times are back on the street next day or two. And then in a major city, a lot of times in America, you can't carry a gun.

So you see - even if you did stop that man on the subway from punching that woman, he might run into you, two or three days later, you don't have the gun to defend yourself and you don't know what's going to happen.

I mean, it's I don't know if there's one single thing that we can pin this on. But it's just the degradation of our society as a whole when it comes to treating men like they should be treated and asking men to step up in a way that they should step up.

INGRAHAM: Well, Barack Obama made comments about traditional masculinity with uh with Bruce Springsteen in a podcast. He did this a few months back. Watch.


BARACK OBAMA, 44TH U.S. PRESIDENT: The message, American culture sends to boys about what it means to be a man. The emphasis on physical toughness and suppressing your feelings, these narrow, distorted ideas of masculinity contributed to so many of the damaging trends we continue to see in the country, whether it's the growing inequality in our economy, or our complete unwillingness to compromise on anything in our politics.


INGRAHAM: Alek, your response to that. Is it wrong to teach your son to be tough, but, you know, fair and compassionate? I mean, why is it wrong to teach your kid to be tough and stand up for himself or herself?

SKARLATOS: Well, it's not and it shouldn't be. I mean, I thank God for how I was raised. I mean, I thank God for how even a lot of my friends were raised. I mean, we helped stop a terrorist attack on a train to Paris back in 2015. And if we didn't have the childhood that we had, if we weren't raised to join the military and learn a lot of the skills that we used that day, I mean, I'm not sure if I would have even survived.

I mean, it's kind of like Joe Rogan, said, we have a lot a lot in our country that's owed to toxic masculinity as the left phrases it.

INGRAHAM: Alek, it's great to see you tonight. Thank you for all you did to step up when you were called. You didn't have to, but you did.

SKARLATOS: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: And the attacks on traditional values continue in Texas. The NAACP is now urging pro athletes not to sign with any teams in the Lone Star State. Now why? Well, the group rights, the "legislators in Texas have passed archaic policies that directly violate privacy rights and a woman's freedom to choose, restrict access to free and fair elections for Black and Brown voters, and increase the risk of contracting coronavirus."

I wonder where they got their marching orders from.


SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND (D-NY): They want to deny women their humanity and this is what's so frustrating.

REP. BARBARA LEE (D-CA): This is a fundamentally anti-democratic, anti- American bill and we're going to do something in Congress very quickly.

MATTHEW DOWD, CANDIDATE FOR TEXAS LT. GOVERNOR: You have a legislature and a congressional body that is not reflective of the diversity of the state.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now is Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick and Burgess Owens, Utah Congressman and former NFL player.

Dan, it's obvious what all this outrage is about, making a big scene to try to whip up the vote before 2022. Your reaction to this latest attack on Texas.

LT. GOV. DAN PATRICK (R), TEXAS: So it's a very misleading letter and it actually hurts these players that they say they're trying to help. Misleading for this reason, Laura. Let them keep making it, it helps Republicans.

First of all on the Election Bill 82 percent of Texans supported a third degree felony from vote harvesting. 79 percent supported adding the last four digits of your Social Security number to mail-in-ballots to protect fraud in them. 59 percent agree with prohibiting drive-in voting or late night voting.

On the "heartbeat bill" that they talked about, 55 percent of Texans supported, including 58 percent of Hispanics and 47 percent of Blacks. And on the UIL Bill about stopping boys from playing girl sports, 58 percent Of Texan support that and only 25 percent oppose it. So they're totally wrong and everything they said.

And financially, Laura, think about this. They want the Black players to support Joe Biden who will dramatically increase their taxes on some of the highest paid Black people in America. 74 percent of NFL players are black - or NBA players. 58 percent of NFL players are black and 8 percent of Major League Baseball players.

If they live in California or New York, their total tax is over 60 some percent. Tell a Black player that you're going to sign that $10 million contract and only take 3.8 million home. In Texas you keep most of your money. The NCAA is doing a disservice to Black athletes in the country.

INGRAHAM: Burgess, I think of Dak Prescott at the Cowboys, all these phenomenal players who play for Texas teams, what kind of position does this put them in now?

REP. BURGESS OWENS (R-UT): Laura, first of all, congratulations on the last four years. And you just say this, the 2020 has been a remarkable moment for us to pull back the curtains. And what's happening now, we're going to pull back curtains on NAACP.

These folks have not - or not pro Black. Everything they touch is going against us. Right now, we've lost over the last 4 years 40 percent of the Black community due to abortion - 20 million Black babies. You see them voting against pro-choice for Black kids, and that's why we have 75 percent of the Black boys in the State of California who cannot read and write.

Now these guys are on the wrong side. And I'm thankful for the opportunity for us now to show who these Black leaders are all about. It was not White supremacist did my race in. It was one time the 60s was leading our country in growth in middle class. Men matriculating from college, men committed to marriage. It was a Black elitist that we trusted, that opened the doors to Leftists and Marxists. And we've seen result of that.

So the doors are opening, eyes are opening and the Black community is going to start realizing that these have never been our friends and definitely not our friends today.

INGRAHAM: Now, Lieutenant Governor Patrick, that "New York Times" is lamenting the fact that month after month in Texas, they enacted the pro- Life law, the number of abortions fell by 50 percent - first of all, that's incredibly positive news. Let's hope it drops even further. But they consider that bad news when lives are saved.

PATRICK: Yes, and so as Burgess said, and I'm so proud of him, by the way for what he's accomplished in his life as an athlete and off the field now elected official. And congratulations to you, Laura, on our long friendship and for years on the air with Fox.

INGRAHAM: Thank you.

PATRICK: But on this issue they are just misleading. Black Americans and Black Americans are waking up, as Burgess said, and they're going to vote Republican. Let the Democrats and NAACP continue these lies to the African- American population.

INGRAHAM: Burgess, the onerous tax increases that are going to hit successful Black businessmen and athletes and not to speak of the 10s of 1000s that are on their way to the southern border, right as we speak tonight, making their way through Mexico to the Southern border who are going to flood the job market for low income, middle income workers. All of this is disastrous for the Black community - its America and the Black community, but especially the Black community.

OWENS: Absolutely. Understand the power, the engine that drives our middle class that's small business owners. I saw that as I was raised as a kid, Black businesses everywhere. It's the NAACP that has been fighting against small businesses and do everything they can to not allow us to prepare for it, to think about it. And an end of the day the Judeo Christian values are very simple - we believe in God, country, family.

And everything that the NAACP and the Black Caucus and any those folks on the Left that are going against us, they're against every one of those principles that makes our country such a unique culture. We need to fight for it. And thank goodness for 2020, Americans are waking up, we're talking together. "We the people," the most powerful three words used for mankind, we're talking and we're going to win this game. And 2022 is going to be quite a different as we take our country in that direction.

INGRAHAM: Dan and Congressman Burgess Owens, thank you so much.

And why is the corporate media so invested in taking Florida down? Governor Ron DeSantis has a few thoughts he's next.


INGRAHAM: Florida is one of the big COVID success stories that the media would prefer to ignore altogether. Now, the Sunshine State now has one of the lowest daily case and death rates out there. So after months of they're saying that Ron DeSantis was responsible for death and destruction, he's a heartless guy. Where are all the mea culpas?

Well, meanwhile, Florida's economy is booming, and they're leading the country in job creation. Again, silence from the press. So what does Governor DeSantis think about all this? He's here for part two of our interview.


GOV. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): I guess Florida is no longer part of the United States. They just pretend like we don't exist. And look, all the press does - the corporate press is they try to use whatever they can to attack their political enemies. So when Donald Trump was president, every single thing involving COVID, they said was his fault.

The minute Biden took the oath of office, you never saw the COVID metrics laid at his doorstep. Even though there's actually been more COVID deaths under Joe Biden's presidency than under Donald Trump's, and Trump didn't even have any vaccine except for the very end of the administration.

And so they do the same thing. They protect the governors in their own party. They try to explain away anything that that happens. It's bad like these nursing home disasters we've seen. And then people like me who are in the other party who are their political opponents, you know, they'll try to smear and try to blame.

Now that we're in a situation we have very low numbers, you don't hear a peep.

INGRAHAM: Your nominee for Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo, he's under fire for not toeing the left line on COVID. The Agriculture Commissioner in your state Nikki Fried asked you to withdraw his nomination. CNN had this to say last night.


TINA POLSKY (D) FLORIDA STATE SENATOR: Couldn't it led this opportunity to expose the surgeon general go. And it's just too important for the top public health official to be treating me this way, the way he treats COVID in general. Everything is very cavalier - vaccines masks. And obviously the way he treated me, refusing to wear masks.


INGRAHAM: They're trying to get you to pull your commissioner there for what exactly? I mean, they are really reaching, really afraid of you.

DESANTIS: This is this is a manufactured - I mean he was asked to meet with this state senator. He offered to do the meeting outside I'd or he would stand in the hallway if that made her more comfortable, and she rejected that. And is now using it to get political airtime on Comcast and AT&T. And so you know, that's fine. That's just politics.

But the idea that somehow he should be withdrawn is ridiculous. He's actually already made a huge impact. Laura. Remember, CDC would say, all these healthy kids should be quarantined. In school, if one person is infected, the whole class goes home. That was terrible. It was disruptive for parents, and there was no data to support it.

And so Joe, when he came in, and understood that, he got rid of healthy quarantines in the state of Florida, that has been a huge source of relief to so many parents. It's kept 1000s and 1000s of kids in school. And the result has been in the five weeks, we've done that our cases are down 74 percent, among school aged kids. So Joe was right about that.

The overall media narrative would have said you need to quarantine healthy kids. And he saw through that. So I think they view him as a threat. I think part of it's about me. But I think it's - part of its him, because he doesn't accept the narrative.

INGRAHAM: Your reaction to Democrat Howard Dean, predicting something about your next election. Watch.


HOWARD DEAN, FORMER GOVERNOR OF VERMONT: I'd be shocked if DeSantis was reelected as governor of Texas - of Florida. People there are sick of this. Normal, ordinary, good Americans, no matter whether the Republicans or Democrats are sick of it. All these wingnuts who are who know better for the most part, and are simply catering to the worst instincts of human beings. And it's wrecking the country and we're not going to put up with it anymore.


INGRAHAM: Governor your response to that?

DESANTIS: Well, the that nine mentality, it was the mentality that said people should be locked down, kids kept out of school. In Florida, we've lifted people up. That's why we have more opportunity in our state than any other state in the country. That's why kids have been able to go to school. That's why people are beating down doors to be able to move to Florida.

Heck, Laura, even they vacation in Florida. Our tourism is doing phenomenal. We were up in August of 2021 over pre-COVID August of 2019--

INGRAHAM: That amazing.

DESANTIS: --even though the rest of the nation was down significantly.

INGRAHAM: That's incredible.

DESANTIS: So I think you have you have a corporate media echo chamber that's reflected in that line of thinking, and they've been dogging in Florida for two years. But that you have average people out there who realize those are phony narratives. And so they vote with their feet. And they look to Florida as a place that stands for freedom, and I think that's one of the reasons that we're thriving. And I think we'll continue to thrive throughout the rest of my two terms as governor.

INGRAHAM: Finally, Governor, one more question, you told police officers across the country, if you're essentially forced out of your job because of a vaccine mandate, try coming to Florida, and we welcome the applications. So far, have you convinced or have people taking you up on that offer?

DESANTIS: Well, we actually have a $5,000 signing bonus proposal. I got to get it through the legislature. But it actually applies to all out of state police officers, regardless of vaccination status, and we did it because they're being treated so poorly around the country. Yes, some of the mandates, but more so the lack of morale, the lack of support from the communities and the defunding.

Yes, there's going to be a huge number of - they're already coming down. But once we get this in the law, you know, I think you're going to see them beat down the door to come to Florida. We're an law and order state. We're going to back law enforcement. And we're also going to make it financially worth their while to be able to do it. And so I think we'll have the strongest - we have one of the strongest already. But I think without question, we will be the number one state to be a law enforcement officer anywhere in the country.

INGRAHAM: Now the way the way it should be, and the way it used to be. Governor. Thank you. We appreciate it.



INGRAHAM: Thanks to Governor Ron DeSantis for joining us. And up ahead Terry and Greta star in two dancing fools. And speaking of out of step pairs, Biden met with the Pope, and the results, disastrous. Raymond Arroyo explains it in "Friday Follies" which is next.


ASHLEY STROHMIER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Welcome to FOX News live. I'm Ashley Strohmier.

The FDA issuing an emergency use authorization of Pfizer's COVID vaccine for children ages five to 11. The kid sized doses are a third of the amount given to teens and adults. Pfizer says their clinical trial showed its vaccine provides more than 90 percent protection against symptomatic disease among children. The FDA says ages five to 11 account for 39 percent of COVID-19 cases in children.

And Buckingham Palace releasing a statement saying Britain's Queen Elizabeth has been told by doctors to rest for at least the next weeks. The 95-year-old royal will continue to undertake light desk-based duties during this time, including some virtual audiences. The statement also says the Queen intends to be present for the National Service of Remembrance on Remembrance Sunday, November 14th.

I'm Ashley Strohmier. Now back to THE INGRAHAM ANGLE.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: It's Friday, and that means it's time for Friday Follies. And for that, we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Ray, Terry McAuliffe, he has fallen a little bit in the polls, and it may not be all attributable to his education stance, I understand?

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Laura, while Youngkin has branded himself with his fleece and everyman appeal, Terry McAuliffe is better known for this.




ARROYO: This is a man who should never dance, Laura, never. It's as if he is borrowing someone else's legs. I've never seen anything like it. It looks like he's dancing to another song when you see him move. "Dancing with the Stars" will not be calling. But now even activists are getting in on this dance routine. At a climate event, climate cover girl Greta Thunberg could not resist busting a move.


GRETA THUNBERG: We are no strangers to love.



ARROYO: This is horrific, Laura. Here's my score -- zero. Nothing.

INGRAHAM: I can't even see that. You know what I think was happening? I think McAuliffe was trying to steal some of Trump's dancing thunder, because he did that little thing. He did that thing, right. And people liked it. They thought it was funny. But McAuliffe --

ARROYO: When he did that little groove.

INGRAHAM: Yes, he does that hip sway. That's tragic.


INGRAHAM: Those hips aren't meant for dancing. I don't know what -- but there is actually a close up, Raymond, of Greta dancing, which I find far - - it's far more intriguing. You can't really see her there.

ARROYO: It's all disturbing. I don't think they should dance. Unless you're trained, don't dance.

Climate was discussed at the Vatican today, Laura. And thank was a little two-stepping going on there as well. The president met with the Pope. And when Biden gave his holiness a challenge coin, things got very Biden.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The next time I see you and you don't have it, you have to buy the drinks. I'm the only Irishman you've ever met who has never had a drink.


BIDEN: I know that.



ARROYO: Laura, this is part of the reason the Vatican decided to pull the plug on their live coverage of this meeting. They didn't know what Biden was going to say. So it was probably to protect the president from himself. Typically, Biden looked less like a head of state at the Vatican and more like a guy at the end of the bar during last call. This was more the released Vatican footage.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: He was a famous African American baseball player. His name was Satchel Paige. He'd come in and they said, Satch, no one has ever pitched to win at age 47. How do you feel about pitching to win on your birthday? He looked at them and he said, boys, that's not how I look at age. Boys, that's not how I look at age. I look at it this way. How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were? You're 65. I'm 60. God love him.


ARROYO: Laura, all the Delaware blarney won't get around the crucial question here raised by the visit. What does it mean to it be a public Catholic in good standing? And can a politician who supports abortion on demand receive communion? Canon law and the U.S. bishops say no.

INGRAHAM: But Raymond, what did the Pope actually say today? This is Joe Biden.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. President, did the issue of abortion come up at all?

JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: No, it didn't. We just talked about the fact that he was happy I was a good Catholic, and I should keep receiving communion.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He said you should keep receiving communion?



ARROYO: Laura, the question is, did the Pope really say this or not? The Vatican is refusing to confirm or deny any of it. But frankly, it doesn't matter. The church teaching is clear here. Thou shalt not kill, and the canon law says if you support these things, abortion on demand as a public official, no communion. It's not just a sign. It's a sign that you are part of this community, and you agree with the teachings of the church. You are free to leave or stay, but those are the rules.

INGRAHAM: I find so much of that visit disturbing, especially the random, interest to Americans, but the Satchel Paige story about age, it was just dumb. I'm sorry.

ARROYO: Wandering.


ARROYO: And again, these are the edited version versions.

INGRAHAM: Yes, that's the best. That's the best of Biden.

ARROYO: We didn't see the unedited version.

INGRAHAM: Yes, that's the best of tape.

ARROYO: Look, it being Halloween weekend, Laura, it might be best for some politicians to avoid costuming, particularly if you already live in outer space.


MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO, (D) NEW YORK CITY: Halloween is almost here. And it's time to choose your costume. I've chosen mine. This is my homage to Captain Kirk.


ARROYO: Except your homage is to Mr. Spock. Again, they can't even level with the voters over a Halloween get up. Sad.

INGRAHAM: It's supposed to be red, correct?

ARROYO: Yes, exactly. No, yellow, yellow. Captain Kirk is a yellow. Somebody is not a Trekkie.


INGRAHAM: "Star Trek" was more for boys, OK. It was just more of a boy thing.

Raymond, are you dressing up this year?

ARROYO: No, I am not. I am going as Raymond Arroyo this year. That's scary enough.

INGRAHAM: How sad. How sad. You are always such a sight for sore eyes on Halloween. Raymond, happy Halloween.

ARROYO: I know. It's a surprise.

ARROYO: It's great to see you. Wait, Raymond, you've got stay right there, because up next, this show is celebrating an anniversary. Which one? A surprise in moments.


INGRAHAM: So many in the television media treat viewers like they are idiots, telling them what they think they want to hear instead of what matters. But FOX News is like a tall glass of ice water in a desert, and it has been a huge privilege to be on the air for the past four years every night at 10:00 p.m. eastern. I can't believe it's been that long, by the way. It's terrifying. But we've tried to bring you the issues that matter, that matter in your lives and matter to the future of the country. And we want to respect your point of view, respect your intelligence. And you are the reason that we've reached such great heights as a network and as a television show, 10:00 every night, the number one show, and it's because of you.

So I would like to take a look back at some of our highlights from our four years together.


INGRAHAM: Welcome everyone to the debut of THE INGRAHAM ANGLE.


INGRAHAM: I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE, yes, from a busy Washington tonight.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: We're see you're going to be taking over the channel from now until perpetuity.

INGRAHAM: We have a jam-packed show tonight. What other type of show are we going to have?

We're monitoring breaking news. A story you will not want to miss later in this hour.

We're going to bring you straight analysis.

HANNITY: You have the key point here, Laura. And you are right on the money in your analysis.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They were on a tube upriver, and so the boat unit had to go up there and rescue them.

INGRAHAM: This is where it all happened. May 27th, two days after the killing of George Floyd, the Auto Zone, which is right here, burned to the ground.

Within this three block area, how hard would it be to get crack?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Not hard at all.

INGRAHAM: How long would it take me to get crack?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Under a minute.

INGRAHAM: How about heroin?


INGRAHAM: Fentanyl?


INGRAHAM: That's why I'm here in Manassas, Virginia, with dozens of frustrated parents, students, and teachers.

Right here at the White House, our newest Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett was sworn in.

It's only been 25 years since I worked for you. We had that small office. We had like a closet for an office. Now you guys have really nice chambers. But we had to deal with a small, tiny office.

JUSTICE CLARENCE THOMAS, U.S. SUPREME COURT: Law clerks have those chambers now.


HANNITY: Anybody else are you going to out shadow us with these phenomenal bookings?

INGRAHAM: Mr. President, are you still having fun doing this?

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: I am having a good time because we are doing a job like just about nobody else has ever done.

INGRAHAM: Today was a three state sprint across the upper Midwest, and I was lucky enough to tag along for each leg of the ride.

Here we are in Michigan. The crowd is a hearty crowd. It's about 10 degrees with a windchill, but nobody is leaving.

WILLIAM BARR, FORMER U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: Religious liberty is the first liberty, it is the foundation of our republic.

INGRAHAM: It's been awful, but more awful is losing America to a new normal.

Emails to and from Anthony Fauci show us how cozy his relationship was with China.

So you are satisfied with all of the transparency coming out of China about the trajectory of the disease and the origin of the disease?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF MEDICAL ADVISER: My direct interaction with Chinese scientists and Chinese health officials, I can believe what they are telling me.

INGRAHAM: We are actually bubble wrapping our audience here tomorrow, so we're all going to be in full bubble wrap. It's going to work well.


HANNITY: You're going to bubble wrap the governors?

INGRAHAM: Yes. Yes, all of them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We want to unite everybody, not divide people.

GOV. RON DESANTIS, (R) FLORIDA: The country has had more opportunity for more people than any country in the history of the world.

INGRAHAM: It's time for an American call to action. This is no time to be silent or afraid.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was a decision I knew that was right for me.

INGRAHAM: Parents have a lot more power than you think. You have power in numbers. I'm tell you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My daughter was sexually assaulted at the end of school. I went to the school board meeting to see what was going on. The next thing I know, I'm tackled to the ground.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My son was viciously taken from me, burnt alive in the garbage. And no mother should have to deal with that.

INGRAHAM: Never forgot Demetrius, not one day since last year. And it's a $15,000 reward. It's $20,000 now.



INGRAHAM: What do you pray for when you pray for this country?

TRUMP: Peace. Really, peace.

INGRAHAM: Back with me now is Raymond Arroyo.

I love this two shot. I don't know why I think this is fun.

ARROYO: Smile! Do we have it?

INGRAHAM: Go to the edge. Go to the edge.

The ACLU used to care about the rights of the accused.

ARROYO: You threw me down in such a cruel fashion. Heartless.

INGRAHAM: My hand slipped a little bit.

ARROYO: You pushed me.


ARROYO: Happy Mardi Gras. Is this unbelievable? Look at this crowd, Laura.

Wait, is there --

INGRAHAM: Oh. Raymond knows that if a see a bug, I can't help but scream. I officially hate you. I am so embarrassed.

I'm here with Raymond Arroyo for our watch party, with party favors being handed out.

What do you have say to America from Oxford, Mississippi?





INGRAHAM: I can't believe it's been four years. Raymond, is that not scary? It seems literally like yesterday. If you told me we're on the air for two years, I would say, yes, two years. Four years?

ARROYO: It's a total blur. But Laura, I kept thinking of Paris, Normandy, those great moments, being at that historic moment, the 75th anniversary of Normandy. But the moment that stuck out to me that we don't have, sadly, on video, is when you returned to the studio and were locked in the bathroom just moments before showtime, we thought we would have to send a demolition crew in to remove the door. It's those moments that live strongest in my heart.

INGRAHAM: I wouldn't be surprised if Sam (ph) somehow did get that on video. I know by the time the fifth anniversary rolls around, Tommy (ph) and Sam (ph) will say, by the way, we did have a small camera as you emerged from the bathroom.

ARROYO: Security cam.

INGRAHAM: Yes, coming up. This was just a few weeks ago because we opened up our studio again in Washington. And it was a brand new latch. And something happened, the latch wouldn't open. And I tried to pry it open with a Lysol can and a plunger, and it didn't work.

ARROYO: Yes, I heard you were ready to slip under the wall there.

INGRAHAM: We are always going to persevere to get on the air every night. Tommy (ph), Sam (ph), David (ph), Michael (ph), I will miss people. Mike we have multiple Mikes. Everyone, Elisa (ph) is on maternity leave. But we have so many great people.

ARROYO: Jessica (ph).

INGRAHAM: Jessica (ph), who else am I missing? This is like the Academy. It's the Academy Awards. There's going to be a hook taken. But everyone knows how important they are on this show. And Raymond, you have been integral to keeping me laughing and informed.

ARROYO: Thank you for making me a part of the fun. It's been a joy.

INGRAHAM: Absolutely fun every night. We love everyone, and especially you, the viewers. Thank you for what you have done for this show, and I think we have helped the country understand these issues and laugh along the way, which we all need to do.

A sneak peek of my new project. The Last Bite is next.


INGRAHAM: My new FOX Nation special, California on the edge, is out now. It takes you on a tour of some of the worst parts of the once shimmering state. And in this sneak peek, we reveal how drug abusers are treated more favorably than homeless vets.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's definitely ridiculous that this is going on. These guys are out here on the street.

INGRAHAM: For activist Robert (ph) Reynolds (ph), this issue is very personal.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I went through this myself in 2018 and 2019. I didn't like what I saw. I came here with a service dog to get in. I was in Iraq, and the V.A. told me if I got rid of the dog, I could come inside. And I was like, I'm not going to get rid of the dog. So I ended up out here on the sidewalk. And I saw all these veterans that were constantly being turned away from the V.A. and ending up out here on the street. And it was just -- it was heartbreaking to see. And there was no outrage or anyone checking on them.


INGRAHAM: You can watch the entire thing exclusively on FOX Nation right now.

That is it for us tonight. Thank you for watching. Remember, it's America now and forever. Gutfeld is next.

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