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This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 13, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Judge Jeanine Pirro, Leslie Marshall, Emily Compagno, and Tyrus. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is THE FIVE.


UNKNOWN: Are you satisfied with administration's response so far?

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: If we been better mind readers, I guess we could have. But if we moved as quickly as the problem became apparent to us. And we have to move with caution as well as speed. Because we got to make sure what we're getting is in fact first rate product.


WATTERS: President Biden finally taking time to address the baby formula crisis before jetting off to Delaware this weekend. Joe deflecting blame after dropping the ball but that's not the only thing he is screwing up. Inflation raging. The economy in turmoil and the American people aren't buying what Biden is selling.

Almost 80 percent say the country is headed in the wrong direction. Biden who promised to be the adult in the room and to always have a plan is once again caught off guard by a crisis he should've seen coming. American families can't get baby formula, but there are pallets of it for migrants at our southern border.

Over 50 percent of supplies are out in some states and if you are concerned parent Joe Biden says don't worry. He's making a government web site to help you find baby formula.


BIDEN: This is a process we're working on it very, very hard. There's nothing more urgent. We are working on that right now. We have set up a system where you can contact HHS, you can go to We just launch this web site to help parents find resources obtain formulas including contact with companies and food banks and health providers that in fact may have access to the particular formula that they need.


WATTERS: All right, Jeanine, start with what he says, he didn't see this coming. That's not true, is it? They knew this was going to be an issue but they didn't do nothing about it.

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: He didn't see it coming. I mean, first of all, do you believe anything he says at this point?


PIRRO: First of all, the first complaint was made in October of a whistleblower at the plant. It took them two months December to get somebody from the FDA to the plant. Then they decide on January 13th that they're going to go to the plant, and then they shut the plant down on February 17th.

Did they have a plan in place once they made a decision knowing that the plant would be shut down? Now I told you yesterday my daughter can't get formula for her babies, 10 months old. She just can't get it. Now here is a problem with Biden, there is food at the border, OK. And they say don't bully border patrol, don't put those pictures in your lying eyes. Don't leave a congresswoman and don't believe Governor Greg Abbott but you better believe Joe Biden.

Well, I don't believe Joe Biden and the people in Washington and it gets better, you know why? Because the administration now says that you deny that we have to follow the Flores decision. You denied that we have to be morally responsible? No, I want all babies to have it, but I want Americans to have it too.

WATTERS: In a way they are stockpiling formula and they are using it, the government, for illegal immigrants. Isn't that right? Couldn't that be one of the causes, Leslie, of the shortage? The pallets being stockpiled by the feds?

LESLIE MARSHALL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: No. I know you'd like it to be.

WATTERS: Well, it's true.

MARSHALL: But this is a bigger picture --

WATTERS: It is true.

MARSHALL: -- and I know everybody likes to blame so I'll show you the table, Joe Biden. But let me tell you why we're not going to blame -- I'm not going to blame Biden on this one. OK? Here's the few things. One, when you look at the original reason for the recall its bacteria and contamination, OK?

And we have had bacteria and contamination of other products like lettuce, OK? We didn't have a shortage of lettuce and then company and what would happen? These companies would produce more.


WATTERS: You don't have to eat a salad, Leslie.

MARSHALL: Wait, wait, wait. Yes, you do.

WATTERS: You could skip the salad and go right to the entree.

MARSHALL: My teenagers are watching, don't do this. You have to eat salad. Don't listen to Jesse, kids.

WATTERS: All right.

MARSHALL: So here are some things, OK? A couple of things. Monopolies. There are only four companies that make almost a hundred percent of the baby formula and the plant that stopped is owned by the company, Abbott, that produces the most of these four, one.

Two, now I'm going to get my feminist (Inaudible) I know you're going to get, Tyrus, again side for this. Listen, when you -- when you have, you know, a couple of weeks to a couple of months maternity leave many women do turn to formula, I did, because they can't breastfeed for the duration that they should, which is the best for the child.

And I know everybody can't breastfeed, I adopted the child, I used lactation pills, those didn't work, I get it. But a lot of women especially women, you know, in the workforce, especially lower income women, they have to have formula because they can't stay home because we don't have maternity leave six months to a year like countries like Germany or Australia do.

So, this to me is a much bigger thing when you look at monopolies, when you look at the lack of maternity leave for women and the duration that it takes to breastfeed.


PIRRO: Wait a minute, wait a minute, is this about big meat and big companies? Is that what you're saying? It's everybody's fault. I'll tell you whose fault it is, the Biden administration won't even responded to Abbott saying we can start up again in two weeks. The CDC said in a Wall Street Journal report that there was no connection between this plant and the contamination.

So, what are we talking about? This is the government not giving approval to Abbott to open up.

WATTERS: Yes, and the -- Leslie, also --


MARSHALL: You want the F -- you want the FDA to make sure there isn't bacteria contamination --


PIRRO: How long does it take?

WATTERS: All right.

MURDOCH: -- before we have --


WATTERS: If we're relying on the FDA, we're in big trouble, Tyrus.

GEORGE 'TYRUS' MURDOCH, FOX NEWS POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: You know, two things. It goes back to they just don't know how to handle it. We've seen it from every possible situation from Afghanistan, to baby formula. You're going to make -- you're going to take the time and taxpayers dollars to make a web site to help you find formula when just about every American and illegal immigrant has a cell phone and when they type in baby formula near me, a whole bunch of choices will pop up.

And they're tell you what time it's open when you can get there. And if you're really feeling ingenuous that day you can type in the specific type you're looking for. It's called the internet.

Every time they make a web site it malfunctions, it doesn't work, but it goes back to one thing up that I've been saying the whole time. When you hire people to run this country on how many boxes they check, and how many D's and experience they have, you continually will have the same problems.

So, it doesn't matter what you put in. It could be like, where can we get ties for Jesse? If this administration is in charge of it, you're not going to have ties.

WATTERS: Brooks Brothers. What about you, Emily?

EMILY COMPAGNO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: This is just a typical incompetence bloat (Ph) coming out of this president, that party, and this administration. So yes, they knew about it months ago. Why did it take four months for the FDA to even open an investigation into Abbott Laboratories? It doesn't matter if there's three or four companies that are creating all the baby formula. That's natural competition. You want to have more, go ahead.

But the reality is that they're all bogged down by the bureaucracy emanating from this administration that doesn't release or levy those regulations at all to make it easy.

WATTERS: We should have a strategic baby formula reserve, you're saying.

COMPAGNO: That would be amazing. Elise Stefanik sent a letter back in February demanding more action. What is your plan, Biden? She asked. Clearly nothing. Clearly no plan until now his feet has been held to the fire.

You know, I talked to a dad from Texas recently, he has a 7-month-old baby girl and about three times a week upon encountering empty shelves for formula because she has a specific set of dietary needs and relies on formula. He needs to get in the car and drive around in big Texas at $4 a gas, $4 a gallon to try to find a store that has the formula on the shelves.

He tracks the web site. When they say they have in stock you'll go, then he'll go to the next one, and the next one.


COMPAGNO: He says how long can this last --

MARSHALL: Find it.

COMPAGNO: -- when I can't afford gas, right? And meanwhile, people who are purchasing it, baby formula from overseas it's getting held up in customs.


COMPAGNO: Because there are tariffs to it and it's getting held up by those agents.

WATTERS: Yes, they should be dropping these tariffs and these restrictions from overseas.

COMPAGNO: Yes, they should.

MURDOCH: And it's across the board.


COMPAGNO: Nancy Mace is introducing a bill to do.

MURDOCH: I mean, both sides of the aisle need to do something.

COMPAGNO: Yes. And quick final point.


COMPAGNO: When Biden says, when he was asked by Peter Doocy what message do you have for parents, and he said nothing. Right now, I'm going to phone with them. Why doesn't he say I see you and I'm here for you and I will take action? He can't because he is incompetent and he is (Inaudible).

PIRRO: OK. I have the fact sheet. When he said go to the web site so you can find out where you can get baby formula, I have it right here, OK? That's the first thing so go look it up. Go to your local food bank, OK? Call Abbott's consumer hotline. Abbott is the company you will not respond to that you shut down who's dying to open up again.

And weak eligible families, what I'm reading is the weak families, which I'm happy for them, they're able to get them at their local office to get them. It's the middle class who's always getting squeezed.

WATTERS: Yes. Well, Leslie was saying that men can breastfeed so maybe they can make up the difference.

MARSHALL: I wish -- I wish --


WATTERS: Yes, you did.

MURDOCH: Pete Buttigieg did.

MARSHALL: -- when I was breastfeeding, that men could breastfeed.

WATTERS: That's right.

MURDOCH: Buttigieg did.

WATTERS: That's right. He has no trouble now. Coming up, will he or won't he, a major plot twist in Elon Musk's Twitter takeover plans. Find out what's happening next.


PIRRO: Another huge twist in the Elon Musk Twitter saga. The world's richest man is putting his $44 billion Twitter takeover temporarily on hold, but then insisting he is still committed to completing the acquisition. Quote, "Twitter deal temporarily on hold pending details supporting calculation that spam/fake accounts so do represent less than 5 percent of users."

Musk needs to act fast. Biden new disinformation czar already think she is qualified to start editing your tweets.


NINA JANKOWICZ, DIRECTOR, WHITE HOUSE DISINFORMATION GOVERNANCE BOARD: Verified people can essentially start to edit Twitter the same sort of way that Wikipedia is so they can add context to certain tweets.


PIRRO: And speaking of disinformation, the White House sure knows how to traffic in it. They tweeted out a bogus claim that there was no vaccine available when Biden took office which is a flat-out lie. Hit it, Jesse.

WATTERS: Well, first of all, that woman is a snub, Jankowicz, but there's nothing worse than being a snob. It's a snub that works in government. That combination is really deadly. I don't know what Musk is trying to do, you can't monetize a bot, you can't make money off of bot. So, if they're boosting the bot count then he's paying overprice for the platform.

So, he needs to figure it out or he's trying to cut loose from the deal because the market is tanking, especially tech. Rates are going up, maybe he can't get the financing a thought. I don't know what he's trying to do but I like what he's trying to do here.

You're able to get paid for certain tweets. And I love that idea. If you have a tweet that goes viral, like this tweet went viral, a quarter million people liked it. Here's a funny tweet. She says, I've started reading before bed instead of scrolling Twitter and not only am I sleeping really well, but I also think I'm better than everyone.

So that got a quarter million likes and that's pretty funny so she should be able to get paid for that.

MURDOCH: Yes, I agree.


WATTERS: You don't think that's funny? You just told me you read before bed last night.

PIRRO: I did. But I don't --


WATTERS: And you think you're better than everybody.

PIRRO: -- think it's worth any money. I know.

MURDOCH: She doesn't think, Watters, she knows.

WATTERS: Two hundred fifty-thousand.

PIRRO: Get (Inaudible) --

COMPAGNO: You said I don't know. I know of them.

MURDOCH: Big difference she knows.

PIRRO: All right. Tyrus, let's get back. Look, Elon Musk, the speculation that he wants to get out of the deal, but there's also speculation that he's just trying to get the price down. What do you think?

MURDOCH: I don't think either of those things. I think he is exposing more of their -- what's the --

WATTERS: Shenanigans?

MURDOCH: There we go. Or B.S. So, they're saying it's less than 5 percent. And I do think it's a lot bigger number than that. I think a lot of those things that we see on Twitter are pushed by fake accounts, bots, and fake algorithms. So, he is going to expose it and people will start seeing that maybe that number is like 20 percent which makes a huge difference when you look at how information is been pushed forward.

It only furthers his cause to why he needs to buy it. And because let's face it, the woke are a lot of things but the woke aren't going broke. Every one of those stockbrokers they want those chips.


MURDOCH: But he's going to -- before you go the people are going to see your real face. And that's what I think this is about.

PIRRO: Emily, don't you think that more than anything Elon Musk is a guy who knows how to negotiate?

COMPAGNO: A hundred percent. Right? He's been called an erratic visionary and manic, he can be a lot of things, but I think he knows what he's doing to the tune of his $43 billion. And I think, you know, to route this down the whole purpose is his duty to the shareholders and to the value, right? So, if you learn after you proffered 43 billion that it's actually worth 20 because 20 percent of those account are fake --


COMPAGNO: -- then why should he fork over all of those billions? Right? So, I think that the rumors about him wanting to back out are inaccurate. I think he wants to get the value for his dollar because after he takes this private then he's going to want to drive it up because for him that's where the profit is.

And I think the added bonus is the dedication to that public square of free speech that we are all on board with, but the bottom line is it's about that bottom dollar.

PIRRO: OK. So, the White House the verified account tweets today that COVID vaccine wasn't available until Joe Biden came in. Now let me ask you a question, Leslie. Why is it still off?

MARSHALL: Yes, Judge Jeanine.

PIRRO: Why didn't they -- why they didn't content moderate that? Because it's a lie.

MARSHALL: Please. People -- people lie about it. I'm not an important person, people lie about like me every single day, there are lies out there coming from everywhere and Twitter is not -- Twitter is a business.

PIRRO: But the White House wants to --


MARSHALL: They know how to make money. They're not out there to decide who is telling the truth or lying.

PIRRO: But that's what they say they want to do.

MARSHALL: And if we're going to tweet it for truth then we have a problem. You know what I mean?

PIRRO: Wait a minute. Leslie, the White House has his Nina Jankowicz or whatever her name is who is the disinformation czar and they are actually tweeting out a lie. And they're not even -- and they are still on Twitter. Why isn't -- why can they lie on something as important as when the vaccine was available? Can't you admit that's a lie? Is that a lie? Yes, or no?

MARSHALL: It's not an accurate statement. It's not an accurate statement. But can I say something about Elon Musk?

PIRRO: Sure.

MARSHALL: Because of course no surprise I'm going to be saying something different than the rest of you, but somebody agrees with me and I actually said it first that Elon Musk wasn't going to buy this for the price tag. And the person who said that is Donald Trump.

Mr. Trump after at Leslie Marshall told that. So, I told you so, he's not going to buy that, I disagree with you. I think this is somebody who likes attention, I think it's a circus. I think he's having fun. It was an outrageous amount of money and I just don't think the deal is going to happen especially --


WATTERS: Well, if he doesn't do the deal, I think he owes a billion.


PIRRO: Yes, if the deal doesn't go through, he sanctions the billion dollars.

MARSHALL: It's a wreck.

COMPAGNO: It's the worst kind of pre-nup out there.


PIRRO: Yes. That's the truth.

MURDOCH: Or best.

PIRRO: I'm going to say one more thing. Elon Musk is hit with an SEC investigation over tardy Twitter stakes disclosure. I mean, it took him 10 days to say he was buying it or whatever the claim is. But don't you think a guy like Elon Musk is a target for everyone on the left?

Barack Obama to come out and say I'm in favor of content moderation and this is disinformation board. I mean, they are gunning for this guy big time.

MARSHALL: You know I'm on the left and I don't care whether Donald Trump is on Twitter or not. I don't put as much importance in Twitter as perhaps some of my fellow Democrats do and what Elon Musk does or doesn't do really, I'm sorry, it doesn't really affect my life.

PIRRO: No, but that's -- it affects the left.

MARSHALL: He is some rich guy who likes --


PIRRO: Tyrus, 30 seconds. It affects the left. They hate this guy.

MURDOCH: Well, it's been, they've been able to say whatever they want and then anyone who disagrees with them they're being punish or vanish, so yes. And again, even if he doesn't buy it, he is exposing and the American people are going to see how little actual real effect Twitter has.

Where you've been -- he is ripping off the curtain for the wizard of oz. He's not waiting, he's ripping the curtain off, and while they're doing the bangs and whistles, they're finding out that it was mostly just propaganda. So, that's -- that's -- even he doesn't buy it, it's a win for Americans.

PIRRO: OK. Up next, a deadly gas station ambush caught on tape as Biden braces for a summer of crime and chaos.

WATTERS: That video is crazy.


COMPAGNO: President Biden trying to get out in front of what most experts say is going to be a summer of increased crime. Shocking new footage out of Philadelphia underscoring the problem showing a pair of gunmen with assault rifles murdering a man at a gas station in broad daylight.

And look at this wild scene out of Chicago. An impromptu street party for teens descending into chaos, with hundreds blocking traffic and jumping on top of vehicles.

The president is now trying to break away from far-left members of the party who wants to defund police departments with him asking states to use federal money for more cops. Watch.


BIDEN: We all agreed as I've said from the outset that the answer is not to defund the police. The answer is to fund the police with the resources and training they need. We provided $350 billion directly to cities, counties, and states independently with one another.

Money that can be used to hire back police officers. Not a single Republican member of Congress voted for the money for the law enforcement, public safety and to stabilize these and to stabilize these budgets. Not a single one.


COMPAGNO: But Biden also defending so-called bail reform. Watch.


BIDEN: I think bail reform in the negative side of bail reform is vastly overrated. The idea that if you have no ability to make bail because you're poor it should relate to the severity of the crime and what you -- what the problem is related that you're accused of.


COMPAGNO: Judge, I think this president is vastly overrated and when he talks about that he said from the outset but he was for refunding the police and supporting them, that's another lie I'm sure Twitter has since amplified.

From the outset he's been nothing but tepid in his support for law enforcement, nothing but vocally supportive for cop killers and those left out on the streets to recidivist deranged and engage in a continued crime and violence plaguing our cities.

While mocking at the time you recall when then President Donald Trump called for federal funds to support local police departments, he mocked him. And now look what he's doing now. Too little, too late, President Biden.

PIRRO: What a difference a midterm makes. The truth is when he says that the negative side of bail reform is overrated, I would dare him to speak to the mother of a child who has been killed as a result of someone being allowed out on bail.

Joe Biden doesn't have a clue of what's going on or he's totally controlled by the left that he is not in it for the rest of us look. Look, this claim that they can take $350 from each state and telling he's meeting with state and local government leaders to use that money to refund police, which is something that he never said in 2020. Something he never said in 2021. And now what month this is, May, how many months before the midterm?

If you get a grant, you know, I know you have to say what you're going to use the money for, they come in they monitor the grants. You have to fulfill the reason they gave you the grant and if they gave you this grant money, its COVID money, who claim they were going to be using the money to pay for police?

And so, this claim is, they can use it for whatever they want even if they made certain budget plans. That's his quote. Look, all he's trying to do that is trying to anticipate what's going to happen this summer. Crime is going to go up, either they are to be blaming him and he's going to say you know what, they could use this money.

Now he wants to be a champion of policing, he should be us ashamed of himself. This is money that is already being spent for other issues that the government has approved. He can't change those issues now and say, you can use it for police. That's not the way grants are done.

COMPAGNO: That's right. And this sort of self-imposed identity, Leslie, that this president has been putting forth for so long. It's so tired. It's such a recycled pack of lies that he's the moderate, pro-law enforcement guy. He has been that for years and he certainly hasn't been that as president whatsoever. So, who do you think is buying this now strategy of his where he's changing his mind about pretending, he was always there?

MARSHALL: Actually, in 2020 2021 2022, the President has been very clear, as the majority of my party have, myself included, that defund the police comes from the left -- far-left progressive faction of our party and is not something we thought was a good idea.

Barack Obama spoke about it. And Joe Biden, when he ran for president, talked about funding the police. Joe Biden has said numerous times and every time he comes out, people will say, oh, now he wants to -- he's always wanted to fund the police. And there are opportunities whether it is the $139 million to police department specifically from the DOJ or whether it's at $358 million.

Look, I know -- Joe Biden said it best. You know, they're going to blame me or they're going to blame Democrats because we're the ones in power right now. Absolutely. But on a state level, governors are responsible for crime in their states. Mayors are responsible for crime in their cities. You know, how many people would have known Lori Lightfoot's name if you didn't have the crime rate in Chicago, unless she lived in Chicago where she was your mayor, right?

So, you know, look, crime is not where it should be, certainly. I don't think that any one political entity, a party, just the mayor, just the president, just the governor can be blamed. It's a multifaceted problem and needs multifaceted solutions. But money helps with some of those solutions.

COMPAGNO: But I disagree respectfully, because the majority for example, Jesse, in large cities, that's why the DA is who were sort of committed to bail reform, criminal justice reform had this living in not reality point of view that has led to the increase in crime in the majority of those metropolitan cities.

And I remember when our president said, give me a couple of days, man, to someone who shouted abolish ICE to him near the border. He's absolutely never taken a hard stance, one of real action. It's just lip service.

WATTERS: He blew it on the bail reform answer. If he had come out strong against bail reform, that would have woken up these stupid DA is in the state legislatures. And now when he gives license to it, they have covered to keep running with it. Uncle Larry Krasner, you know, the DA in Philly -- they call him Uncle Larry because those two guys with the long guns at the gas station, they'll probably get booked and walk out of there same day.

And that's what's wrong with these cities. They're run by Democrats. That peels off to Biden. Biden is in the 30s on crime. He is in the 30s on crime. A little bit better than he is on immigration, but in the 30s on crime is terrible. And that's just going to set back the Democratic Party I think for a decade on crime. You're never going to trust this party again with crime.

Talking about all this money going out the door, Biden is sending more money to Ukraine to fight the Russians than he's sending the police here to fight crime. That's what people care about, crime and safety in this country. And the psychological effect in 2000, this defund crap, that caused so many police retirements. And you're seeing massive retirements at the same time you're seeing no one applying to be a police officer.

And you can't have that kind of process go on at the same time of a crime wave. It's just going to get worse until it gets better.

COMPAGNO: That's right.

TYRUS: Well, first of all, if you go back and you watch that video, that is an organized, embolden attack. It's not at night. They're not even concerned about the cameras because you have turned criminals into heroes. I don't understand President Biden -- he used to be so tough on crime, it was almost too much.

He -- Mr. President, you beat the progressives. They couldn't get in the White House without you. So, our hope was that this moderate president would turn them away and do his job. He's not. And now is the point where you can hire 100,000 more policemen, it's not going to change anything.

You should take those Pelotons that you gave to the House members, give them to the police department so they can be in shape because they got to catch the guy, the same guy two or three times in a week. You've got to change -- you got to change -- you got to give judges power again. Repeat offenders don't get bail reform.

And it starts with an apology. You spit in the face of our law enforcement. And the only way I see us getting our streets back, honestly, is if we start seeing bringing in troops in our neighborhoods and stuff because that is happening in every neighborhood.

PIRRO: Oh, yes.

COMPAGNO: That's right.

TYRUS: I got a best friend who lost his cousin who was beheaded with a machete at a gas station. It never been made it -- never made it in the news. And the guy who did it was -- just got out.


TYRUS: So, think about that.

WATTERS: That's crazy.

PIRRO: And you know what? If I might, Jesse. I just found when did Biden first call to refund the police, and it says March 1, 2022 U.S. President Joe Biden says he wants additional funding for police with major U.S. cities. It's just -- every article, Biden funds -- says fund the police March 2022. Let's not kid ourselves.

COMPAGNO: There you go. He is a vessel -- a vessel for the far left. And I also think the real step that's going to work as well is all these recall elections going on with the district attorneys throughout the country, when those are successfully recall, that will be a step in the right direction too.

All right, up next -- hopefully -- Netflix is cracking down on woke workers who tried to silence Dave Chappelle. Stay with us.


MARSHALL: Netflix firing a warning shot at some workers after employee staged a walkout over Dave Chappelle specials on the platform. The streaming giant publishing an update to its corporate culture memo for the first time in nearly five years, making it clear that the streamer will not censor specific artists or voices even if employees consider the content to be harmful.

And it gives them this ultimatum, "If you'd find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you." I'm going to start with Emily and -- because of your legal background. I know you have a legal background too so I got to you. Talk to me about freedom of speech within companies, right, because Dave Chappelle is freedom of speech, the employees of freedom of speech, I mean, are -- you know, where are the -- are there any hooks here that helped Netflix to be so bold?

COMPAGNO: Well, short of a government employer than your right to absolute free speech is definitely circumscribed in a private employer situation. But I think what's interesting here is that the position that Netflix is taking is one -- they're taking a bit of separation from the content.

So, they're taking the same position that social media platforms did when they were -- when people tried to have them be held accountable for the content, which was then saying, look, our audience is diverse, our content has a diverse breadth, and therefore love it or leave it right. But they're not saying that they agree with or subscribe to something specific within it, they're just saying, we host it.

And I think what we've seen is a pressure coming from two places, one woke employees, and the other from public pressure. We've seen obviously everything from Dukes of Hazzard, to Paw Patrol, to the Golden Globes in some way form or another, make decisions or cancel altogether certain aspects of how they're run due to those two forces of pressure.

But I love that Netflix is saying love it or leave it and especially because it's to those woke employees who, with the power of the keyboard, think that there's some type of actual activist when really, they're just probably Generation Z annoying, avocado toast-eating snowflakes.

WATTERS: Hey, I like avocados.

MARSHALL: I like avocados too.

COMPAGNO: But you're not Z.


MARSHALL: Tyrus, I wanted to ask you, if you think this is similar to Spotify with Joe Rogan, and are you surprised that Netflix is backing Chappelle so heavily?

TYRUS: I'm not surprised at all because -- that's why I was like, finally, you know, I was about to cancel my Netflix subscription. This right here, I'm going to keep it a while. But one good reason, they -- here's the deal. The American people spoke. You know how they did? They started canceling subscriptions.

Nobody wanted any more woke documentaries of how bad we are and how great some individual is, or some fake story of victimism how they survived somebody not waving to them every morning. So, it was amazing. And Netflix like wow, we're losing money and subscriptions.

And then the one old white man in the back smoking a cigarette still going, well, you took out all the good movies away. Of course, they're leaving. Like, you know what, Johnson, it's about time you spoke again. So, we're going to start doing movies again and not make it about woke feelings. And that's what this is all about. And I'm not a lawyer. I'm just a dude who watches a lot of TV.

MARSHALL: OK, I want the two of you to answer this quickly. You can fight over the answer. Is it what Tyree says or is it that Netflix A, increase their prices, and B, you have so many other platforms, Hulu, Apple, Amazon Prime.

PIRRO: You want to know for me? I'll go first, Jesse.

WATTERS: Go ahead, Jeanine.

PIRRO: Here's the thing. Once they said, if Netflix may not be the place for you, I did what he did. I'm like, yes. You know what? Now, I'm keeping my subscription. I know the prices went up. I know there's competition, but I'm sick and tired of those whooshes. And you know what I call them when I'm not on television.

MARSHALL: Oh, yes, I do.

PIRRO: I'm sick of that. All right. And that's all I have to say. You know -- go ahead, Jesse. That's it.

WATTERS: I just think of all the things that are on Netflix, serial killers, war propaganda, slasher movies. They get upset about a guy that tells a joke about a girl that gets a -- you know, something in between her legs. What is that? That's not offensive? It's a joke from a comedian. Lighten up.

I think this is a shift in corporate posture towards the mob. You saw what happened at Disney. They stepped in it big time. You've seen what's happened with other companies. They get involved in the culture war. I think Major League Baseball got rocked at Atlanta when they went over there. They don't want to deal with this anymore.

They want to be like Jordan. Remember, Jordan? Republicans buy sneakers still.

TYRUS: You can buy shoes still.

WATTERS: Exactly. Stay neutral. Be Switzerland, if you're a Fortune 500 company. You could deal with the internal H.R. situation internally. You don't have to showcase how woke you are to the world. Look what happened with Black Lives Matter. They just spent what, millions of dollars paying off that charity. Look what happened to the money. It got stolen. I think they're waking up.

PIRRO: You know what forget about Switzerland. Be American, First Amendment, free speech. I'm done.


MARSHALL: And I liked those serial killer programs.

WATTERS: Yes, you would.

MARSHALL: Coming up, it's the end of an era. Jen Psaki signing off as White House Press Secretary. We're going to circle back on that next.


TYRUS: Today was Jen Psaki's last day as White House Press Secretary. She's likely headed for a liberal safe haven of MSNBC. And in her honor, let's circle back to her most cringe-worthy moments.


PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Why is the administration flying thousands of migrants from the border to Florida and New York in the middle of the night?

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Well, I'm not sure that's in the middle of the night.

DOOCY: Does President Biden ever been to the southern border?

PSAKI: In his life?


PSAKI: I will have to get -- look back in my history books.

In terms of specific conversations, I'd refer you to the State Department. They would have more specifics.

I would send you to DHS for any more specifics.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is there's going to be a softer, I guess, approach in dealing with Senator Manchin.

PSAKI: I would doubt he's a withering flower on the side of the road.

I'm happy to circle back with our team on that specific report. Circle back, circle back, circle back, circle back.

I hate to disappoint conservative Twitter, but I'm going to circle back.


TYRUS: Wow, that was liberating. So, since we're running a little short on time, I think it'd be nice if we all maybe helped her with a new name of her new show, since it hasn't been announced yet. My pick of course is Psaki's World. I think that's available.

WATTERS: Psaki's world.

TYRUS: Judge?

WATTERS: Jen Psaki Primetime.


PIRRO: How about Make It All Up by Jen Psaki?

TYRUS: I like it. I like it.

MARSHALL: Oh, Psaki Bomb. But can I just say something? OK, two people who I love dearly, Dana and Kayleigh, who were press secretaries, have done a great job changing their career into television career. So, I think she can do a good job and I think we should wish her well.

TYRUS: Yes, but you just said bomb.


TYRUS: I never want to be called bomb.

MARSHALL: No, the bomb, Psaki Bomb.

TYRUS: Or bomb like ratings.

MARSHALL: Oh, no, no, no.

WATTERS: Listen, I --

TYRUS: The Psaki Factor.

WATTERS: It is easy to decide. I think it's very easy to be a press secretary for a Democratic president, right?

TYRUS: Right.

WATTERS: It's a fan club when you get into the briefing room. It's very difficult to be a Republican press secretary because there are just a bunch of vipers who want your throat. With that said, she did a decent job. There's been worse, let's put it that way. But I think she got out at the right time. And it tells me she's getting out now, that means Hunter is about to get indicted. Because she doesn't want to be at the podium when that happens.

Plus, she's living at the perfect time. This is as worse as it gets for Joe. The market is tanking, you got record high gas prices, and people can't get baby formula. She's had it.

COMPAGNO: Yes. Do you guys remember when you graduated high school and in the yearbook you had like your wills section or whatever, where you could leave things to other people. So, in the reverse, I leave for her -- I bless upon her for her new show the gifts of transparency, a commitment to truth and facts. And to answer your question in terms of the names of the show, then I would just her back to herself and I would name it Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

PIRRO: Can I say one other thing?

TYRUS: Yes, the judge, go right ahead.

PIRRO: She was very effective at her job.

MARSHALL: I agree.

TYRUS: All right.

PIRRO: I didn't agree with her. She was effective.

TYRUS: And that was effective. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.


WATTERS: It's time now for "ONE MORE THING. Big interview this weekend. "FOX AND FRIENDS" exclusive on Sunday morning with former First Lady Melania Trump. Here's a little sneak peek. Watch.


PETE HEGSETH, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Being out of D.C. and having that time, what do you make of the state of the country right now?

MELANIA TRUMP, FORMER FIST LADY: I think it's sad to see what's going on if you really look deeply into it. I think a lot of people are struggling and suffering, and what is going on around the world as well. So, it's very sad to see and I hope it changes best.

HEGSETH: It's been in the news. As someone who loves children and is dedicated so much to their betterment, how do you feel when you see shortage baby formula and families just struggling to get basic items like that.

M. TRUMP: It's heartbreaking to see that they are struggling and the food is not available for children in 21st century in United States of America.

HEGSETH: Why is it happening?

M. TRUMP: Leadership.

HEGSETH: Leadership or lack thereof?

M. TRUMP: Yes.


WATTERS: All right. So, check that out on Sunday morning. Also, check me out tonight. We have in the sink or swim competition Kats Timpf versus Will Cain. No one knows what's going to happen who will sink or who will swim. I know who's going to swim. Judge, take it away.

PIRRO: So, my friend Bark Twain wrote this book Go The Bark To Work, OK. It's a funny look at life during the pandemic from a dog's perspective. So, many of you were home as I was 24/7 with our dogs firesides, but have you ever wondered what your pet was thinking?

Take this for example. This is the dog speaking. I'm trying to come up with my girlfriend, the hot poodle next door, before she leaves me for the neighbor's Labrador go to bark to work. Or one mess, two mess, three mess, four. Put them all on and get your butt out the door.

Anyway, this is a funny, quick read that will have you in stitches. Go online or head to your nearest bookstore today. It's written by Bark Twain, my friend, A.J. Rice.

WATTERS: Bark Twain, that is great. Tyrus, you're up.

TYRUS: Oh man, this is something we can all relate to. Take a look at this 8-year-old running her first relay, her mile relay.






TYRUS: Her father wrote on TikTok that she was part of a three-person relay of local schools and was clearly not having the best time. The crowd cheered her on and she proclaimed I hate this. You know, my son recently had to do something like that and he -- his I hate this was a little more whimpering. And then, my other daughter told me I had to pay her 20 bucks per lap.


TYRUS: She ran 40 laps. Yes. She just drove by me and kept going cha-ching.

PIRRO: Smart girl.

COMPAGNO: Exactly.

WATTERS: All right, Emily.

COMPAGNO: All right, guys. Last night, I had the honor of being included in a surprise get-well event for NYPD Detective Dominic Libretti (PH) on Staten Island. Now, we know these brave officers sacrifice everyday for our safety. But on January 20, his exceptional heroism saved his entire field team.

They were executing a search warrant and Detective Libretti was shot twice, and yet continue to hold up his ballistic shield protecting his entire team from the hail of gunfire. So, today especially, we are grateful to him for his heroism and all he represents which is New York's finest indeed. Learn more and support @BlueLivesMatterNYC. Thank you and bless you, Detective Dominic Libretti.

WATTERS: All right, Libretti. Take it home.

MARSHALL: OK. This is in Florida. These Good Samaritans. Check this out. They rushed to help an unconscious driver drifting through traffic. And this made me cry because my mom didn't have that, but good Samaritans helped my mom and she wouldn't be alive without those people. So, I love when I see people being people.

WATTERS: So, I had a similar situation this morning. I went for a walk in the park. And you know how they have that big pool? Some dumb puppy jumped in the pool to go chase after the ducks and it got stranded.

COMPAGNO: Oh, my God.

WATTERS: So, all of these good Samaritans came around.

PIRRO: Did you go in?

WATTERS: No, I watched. And someone picked up the dog and brought it to the --

TYRUS: He reports it. He was there to report it.

WATTERS: Yes, I'm reporting it. All right, have a great weekend, everybody. We'll see you on Monday.

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