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This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," April 4, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


It's a good day in America, maybe a rare good day, we're going to celebrate no matter what. Here's the context for why it's good. Censorship.

Censorship is essentially the hallmark of neoliberalism. Have you noticed that? Our leaders seem to spend a lot more time trying to control what we say and think than trying to improve our country, and that means that anyone who orders the wrong words even accidentally gets fired or banned or ostracized or even charged with a crime, we've seen that too.

We don't need to give you more examples of it. They are literally everywhere. If you live here, you're deeply familiar with it. But censorship now defines America's public conversation. We spent an awful lot of time complaining about that on the show. We probably don't spend enough time asking what is this all about? Why are the authorities suddenly so intent on controlling our words?

Why are they so afraid of free speech? This is a new thing. And the answer is pretty simple. It's an act of self-preservation. If voters were allowed to think for themselves, the entire system would teeter and possibly collapse. Sound like an overstatement? Okay.

Consider the ideas that the people in power used to justify their power and the rule over you. Here are some of their slogans, not one of which you're allowed to disagree with. Here they go: America is a racist country. White supremacy is our biggest threat. January 6th was a coup. Ukraine is a vitally important ally. Gender is a social construct. Climate change is an existential crisis. This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated and so on.

These phrases are so common now that you might not even think about them anymore. You hear Biden or Pelosi repeat them for the fifth time in a single day, and you just start to go numb. But take a break from the numbness, pause and think about it. Consider each of these slogans on its merit. Are the words actually true? Do they correspond to reality -- observed reality? No, they don't. None of them do. In fact, they're ridiculous. They're laughable.

And that would be very obvious to all of us if we were allowed to think about it, but we're not allowed to think about it. Effectively, all rational scrutiny of the regime's claims have been banned with the help of so-called news organizations.

Our social media platforms, which once promised to give every American a voice now function like the North Korean state news agency, they are organs of propaganda. This crept up on us and it caught a lot of people by surprise, particularly conservatives.

Conservatives were taught from a very young age to support Big Business because Big Business was a bulwark against government overreach. And that made sense and it was true for quite a while. But very few imagined what it would look like if Big Business harnessed monopoly power, and then joined that power with government power to strip us of our constitutional rights. Again, this happened incrementally, but now it's here.

So these aren't really free market companies. They resemble repressive governments. They're too big. They're too powerful for you to do anything about it. You can't resist.

So if you want to talk in public in 2022, you have to submit to their censorship. It's depressing. It doesn't seem like there's a solution. That's what America looked like we woke up this morning.

But thankfully, it is very nice to be able to say this on a Monday, things are changing, and they appear to be changing fast.

Elon Musk, who is the head of Tesla and SpaceX, famously, a billionaire just announced he has bought an almost 10 percent stake in Twitter. That makes him the largest shareholder in Twitter.

So, why does this matter? Well, because Twitter matters, whether you want it to or not. Twitter is hardly the largest social media platform, but Twitter sets the tone for all news coverage, for all information. Twitter is where our professional class goes to learn which opinions are acceptable, and which are forbidden.

And the effect is obvious to everybody. If our public conversation suddenly seems stilted and one-sided, it is because in part, Twitter itself is so stilted, and so one-sided. Anyone who dares express a heterodox opinion, even if it's true, gets banned. We found that out last week the hard way.

So whatever you think, or think you think of Elon Musk, he certainly understands that, quote, "Given that Twitter serves as the de facto public town square," he wrote recently, "Failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy." End quote. That is true.

Twitter shares surged nearly 30 percent on the news of Elon Musk's purchase. So for him, it turned out to be a pretty good buy. But it's hard to imagine that Musk bought Twitter shares for the investment. He is already the world's richest man, he does not need the money.

Could this be the first move in a hostile takeover of Twitter that transforms Twitter into a platform for free speech? It seems that way.

Elon Musk is not an orthodox conservative, but he sees the people in power with devastating clarity. A few months ago, he described wokeness that is to say the ideology at the heart of Twitter's business operations as quote, "One of the greatest threats to modern civilization." Watch.


ELON MUSK, CEO, TESLA: It is a prevalent mind virus and arguably one of the biggest threats to modern civilization. So do we want a humorless society that is simply rife with condemnation and hate basically?

At its heart, wokeness is divisive, exclusionary, and hateful.

It basically gives mean people a reason -- it gives them a shield to be to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue.


CARLSON: When was the last time you heard a crisper and more precise definition than that? "Wokeness gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue" end quote. Not a lot of CEOs talk this way. In fact, none. They're not allowed.

The fact that a CEO who does talk this way may take over one of the most important communications platforms in the United States is cause for celebration, real celebration. Censors are powerful. But it turns out, they may not be all powerful.

So what happens next? Let's be very clear. This is not a business transaction. It's much bigger than that Elon Musk is a massive threat to the way things are. So by definition, it will not be long before they are calling him a racist. You can mark your calendar.

Tonight, there are democratic operative studying everything Elon Musk has ever said in public. They're preparing one of the nastiest campaigns of character assassination in memory. They have no choice, but to do this. Restoring free speech to Twitter is the greatest possible threat to the people in charge. They have to control the information. If they don't, they fall.

So you're going to be hearing a lot about Elon Musk in coming days, and all of it will be negative. At some point, they're going to unearth this clip from "The Babylon Bee's" podcast back in December. They'll tell you this is some kind of fascist talk or dangerous ethno nationalism.

We will let you judge for yourself.


MUSK: There are not enough people, I can't emphasize this enough, there are not enough people, and I think one of the biggest risks to civilization is the low birth rate and the rapidly declining birth rate.

It is -- and yet so many people, including smart people think that there are too many people in the world and think that the population is growing out of control. It's completely the opposite. Please look at the numbers.

If people don't have more children, civilization is going to crumble. Mark my words.


CARLSON: Okay, so the first tip that what you just heard is forbidden is that it's real. He's not talking about something ephemeral. He's not talking about the Academy Awards. He's talking about perpetuating the species, something that has inherent meaning that we ought to be thinking about, but that by design, we're not.

"Have more children," he said. That's one of the things you're no longer allowed to say in public. Now, Musk himself has already ignored that order. He's got eight kids. The problem with people with eight kids is they're hard to control. Why? Because they're apt to love their own kids more than the corporation they work for or more than the government they live under.

So neoliberal leaders hate the idea of big families in the same way they hate the idea of religious faith because both are a challenge to their power. That's one of the main reasons they despise Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary whose pro-family policies are the most comprehensive in the world.

Because of those policies, we went to see Orban last summer, and here is how he described to us what he is doing in Hungary.


VIKTOR ORBAN, HUNGARIAN PRIME MINISTER: What is going on here is building up a society, which is very successful economically, politically, culturally, even in demography, we have some success, family policy.

So what you can see here could be described as a success story, but the fundamentals of the success is totally different than it is reached and run and created by many other Western countries.

So the Western liberals cannot accept that inside the Western civilization, there is a conservative national alternative, which is more successful at everyday life at the level of the -- than the liberal ones.


CARLSON: A world leader who reads books and talks like it. So he is essentially arguing that Hungary is hated by the leaders of other countries because the contrast is stark. Hungary is conservative, and let's be clear what we mean by conservative. Hungary is conservative in pretty much exactly the same way the United States was conservative in 1998.

Not old fashioned, repressive conservative, whatever that is, but just sort of normal people conservative. The conservative you remember very well before the lunatics took over.

So Hungary has stayed that course thanks to the man you just saw, and as a result, it has turned out to be much more successful by which we mean much more stable and much happier than most of the liberal countries that surround it. That's true. And that's why they hate Viktor Orban so much. He is a living rebuke to their ideas.

And yet, and this is our second piece of good news tonight, Viktor Orban was re-elected yesterday for the fourth time in an electoral landslide. In his speech, Orban described the victory as a win for sensible nationalism, which it certainly is, as well as a rebuke to quote, "The left at home, the international left, the Brussels bureaucrats, the Soros empire with all of its money, the international mainstream media, and in the end, even the President of Ukraine." We should tell you all of those forces and people bitterly opposed Viktor Orban's re-election.

And you can see why, he does the one thing you're never allowed to do. Orban says the obvious things out loud. Last summer, for example, he told us that in order to protect families, you first have to secure your national borders. Watch.


ORBAN: If somebody without getting any permission on behalf of the Hungarian state cross your border, you have to defend your country, and to say: Guys, stop. And if you would like to cross or you would like to come, there is a legal procedure. We have to do it. But you can't cross, you know, without any kind of limitation and permission, and any contribution and control of the Hungarian state. It's dangerous. You have to defend your people against any danger.

CARLSON: And you think you have a right to do that.

ORBAN: Of course. That's got from -- it's coming from the God, the nature, all arguments with us. Because this is our country. This is our population. This is our history. This is our language. So we have to do that.

Of course, if you are in trouble, and there is nobody closer to you than the Hungarians, you have to be helpful. But you can't say simply that, okay. It's a nice country. I would like to come here and to live here because it's a nicer life.

This is not a human right to come here. No way, because it's our land. It's a nation. It's a community, families, historic tradition, language.


CARLSON: Families, history, tradition, language -- find five people who are against those things. Now, people who are against those things are people who hate the idea of countries, who would like to eliminate all distinctions between countries because that would make them more powerful.

But take three steps back. So you just watched a guy who runs a nation of 10 million people in Central Europe and he has got a slightly different, not a radically different, but a slightly different way of doing things. Why is it so threatening that he is running a country that looks like America in 1998? Why are they so mad about that? Because it's a challenge to their monopoly.

They are mad at him for the same reason very soon, they will be every bit as mad at Elon Musk. He is challenging their monopoly, and their monopoly power is the only advantage they have. If there is competition in the marketplace, they lose because their products are terrible.

So immediately, you won't be surprised to learn this, our media is set out to slander Viktor Orban. Must stop Orban, in the name of democracy, the guy who just got elected.

So CNN Today reported that quote, "Viktor Orban, Hungary's authoritarian leader and key Putin ally calls Zelenskyy an opponent after winning re- election." They don't know if that's true, by the way, except the last line, but they don't even explain, it's just prima fasciae. He is terrible. He criticized someone you're not allowed to criticize. So he's a Putin stooge.

So a couple of questions here. No one in Hungary is pro-Russian, by the way. Almost all Hungarian energy comes from Russia. So probably best not to pick a fight with Russia, which is much bigger than Hungary, much bigger than Hungary, multiples of the size of Hungary. But in what sense is he a Putin stooge?

Orban was one of the very first leaders in Europe to denounce the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Oh, that wasn't in the CNN piece. And by the way, how is it that an authoritarian who just won a landslide in a nationwide election? Why is Viktor Orban an authoritarian, a proto fascist and not just an unusually popular Prime Minister elected for the fourth time? So to answer that question, Orban's critics have to make stuff up.

E.U. officials for example reportedly upset that this is the greatest quote ever, quote: "Mr. Orban has used as majority in Parliament to rewrite election laws, redraw voting districts and permit mail-in ballots without identity verification." So Orban -- so it turns out, if you're authoritarian, you might let people vote by mail and then cannot be allowed in Hungary. He's an authoritarian for doing that. Unbelievable.

Now Jason Stanley, a confirmed non-genius who apparently teaches at Yale University offered this assessment which is either equally hilarious. Savor this. Quote: "Hungary shows that if you control the education system, the media, and the Courts, you can rule forever enriching your family and friends." Oh really?

What's interesting is that media and Hungary are far less controlled by one party than they are in the United States. There is much more diversity of view allowed in Hungary than in the United States, much more, just count the publications and their partisan affiliation and you will see it's much more diverse in Hungary.

So there is not a lot of self-awareness on display ever on the left, particularly not today on the subject of Viktor Orban. A senior correspondent at VOX offered this assessment on Twitter quote: "For the whole country to be dumbed down by propaganda, it's crazy. They literally brainwash people. In the countryside, they just repeat the state media stock lies. There are only a handful of independent media outlets, and they are hard to find."

It's just too great. They're always talking about themselves.

Meanwhile, back in the United States, Silicon Valley CEOs openly admit they suppress any speech the Democratic Party doesn't want to hear. Here's, for example, Twitter's new CEO.


PARAG AGARWAL, CEO, TWITTER: Our role is not to be bound by the First Amendment, but our role is to serve a healthy public conversation and our moves are reflective of things that we believe lead to a healthier public conversation.

The kinds of things that we do to work about this is to focus less on thinking about free speech, but thinking about how the times have changed. One of the changes today that we see is, speech is easy on the internet. Most people can speak, where our role is particularly emphasized is who can be heard.


CARLSON: Oh, so that's how we are. So you show up in our country as an adult, become wildly successful, take over one of the most important institutions in American life, the nexus through which all of our ideas flow, and then you announce without shame that you could care less about our Constitution, and you seek to strip us of our constitutional rights.

And you don't seem embarrassed as you say that. What are we watching here?

We're watching someone who has an unassailable monopoly. That's how people with monopolies talk. They don't care what you think, because they have a monopoly.

Here is the good news, and that is why we're celebrating tonight. That monopoly is ending.

Candace Owens is the founder of the Charity, Blexit. We're happy to have her join us tonight.

Candace, thanks so much for coming on. So this -- we're watching two monopolies fall tonight and I for one, am celebrating both.

CANDACE OWENS, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Yes, and we should be celebrating it. Honestly, it was such great news to wake up to on a Monday morning, especially because it's been followed by just back to back abysmal news that it seems like that way at least.

But the one thing that I want to say here is that, it is more than a threat to free speech that we're talking about when you're looking at Twitter, and this is why what Elon Musk is doing is so important.

I mean, we're talking about a threat to free and fair elections. They have censored information that is critical in terms of people being informed about people that they're voting about. When you talk about the Hunter Biden laptop, which still has not been unpacked fully. We are still avoiding the more important parts of the conversation which pertains to that laptop, and they're only now mitigated because it's been years later, and the guy that they wanted in the White House is there.

They labeled this as misinformation, right? You're talking about also a disruption when they censor speech, a disruption to the free markets, right? They censored any and all evidence about things pertaining to the vaccines recently, they knew it caused heart inflammation. But if you said that, if you said my child had heart inflammation, you were banned, your account was censored.

I particularly used my account to talk about all of the women that were talking about irregular menses, and at that time, it was hit and it says misinformation until months later, finally, the F.D.A. decided to acknowledge that yes, this actually is happening, which means that we are not being given control over our own life, because they are deciding on the narrative when it pertains to our health, when it pertains to the conversations.

Even right now, you're seeing that they are forcing us to want World War Three, right? They have decided that World War Three is now the thing that everyone needs to get on board with.

So you cannot say anything critical of Zelenskyy even though two years ago, all they did talk about was critical things regarding Zelenskyy. You had "The Washington Post" writing articles claiming that he was a part of the global elite. You're not even allowed to say the global elite anymore on Twitter without people accusing you of being anti-Semitic despite the fact that this was language that was used by the left two years ago.

They rewrite the rules every single day, and it is impacting our conversation on a national level, but also an international level, which is why I'm so happy to see that Viktor Orban won. It is great because he is standing up for values. He is staring those people in the face and saying, we don't care what you have to say. You are exactly who we are trying to fight. We understand the corruption when you stop looking at what impacts and helps people on a national level, and you instead demand that you have this global monopoly taking shape.

So you know, kudos to the people in Hungary, and hopefully, as you said, this is indicative of a major sea change in America as well.

CARLSON: I hope that's right. If you want to know who the underdog is, ask yourself who is Google and Apple in the State Department not supporting? That's the underdog right there.

Candace Owens, I appreciate your point. Thank you so much.

OWENS: Thank you.

CARLSON: More on Viktor Orban's victory later in the hour. We also found out how much the Secret Service has to pay to protect Hunter Biden while he paints. His highly expensive paintings in Malibu. Amazing report.

Plus, a huge wave of illegal immigrants expected at the border any day. Many will be flown out on secret flights into your country without your permission. That's next.


CARLSON: A lot of Americans are worried about the economy, it feels like there is a downturn on the way. Hunter Biden is not worried. He's rich. He is living in Malibu doing his little paintings, and he's safe, unlike a lot of other Americans because you're paying to protect him.

FOX's Matt Finn has been looking into that story for us tonight. Hey, Matt.


FOX News has confirmed Hunter Biden is paying about $20,000.00 per month to rent a home in Malibu here in Southern California. The home is described as an enchanting resort style house with panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, and the Secret Service is spending more than $30,000.00 a month to rent a nearby property to protect Hunter Biden.

ABC News reports a former Secret Service agent says the rental house is the cost of doing business for the agency since Hunter Biden and other members of the President's family are entitled to around the clock security.

The Secret Service reportedly spent $3,000.00 a month to rent a studio apartment across from Ivanka and Jared Kushner's home during the Trump administration, far less than the $30,000.00 monthly rent of Biden's Malibu property.

A Secret Service spokesperson says it does not comment on the means, methods, or resources used to conduct its protective operations -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Matt Finn for us from Los Angeles. Thanks so much.

FINN: Sure.

CARLSON: So let's say you're the President's son, you had an illegal firearm. Obviously, firearms laws don't apply to you, only to Trump voters. Would the Secret Service protect you? Will they hide your crime? Yes, they would. I think they did.

Next month, the Biden administration announced to end something called Title 42. Now, that's the policy that allowed Border officials to turn away migrants on public health grounds because they weren't vaccinated and that was a pandemic of the unvaccinated, in case you've forgotten.

So already, "The New York Post" is reporting that charter flights carrying illegal aliens from Texas are beginning to arrive again in Westchester, New York, which is a long way away without the consent of the people of Westchester. Who cares what they think? These are pictures from "The New York Post."

This show obtained bodycam footage from the Westchester airport in August of last year. In that tape, a government contractor explains what exactly the administration is doing. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I get the whole secrecy and all that [bleep], but this is even above my [bleep] pay grade.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know what I mean?

Like [bleep]. What the [bleep]. You know what I mean?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And why? You know why?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, I know, but why?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know why, look who is in office. That's why. Come on.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, but what's the big secret? Everybody knows it is happening.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know why? Because if this gets out, this government is betraying the American people.


CARLSON: Miranda Devine is the star columnist of "The New York Post" often censored, never fully suppressed, thank heavens, she's got a new column out about this on, she joins us tonight.

Miranda, thanks so much for coming on. What is going on here?


Well, look, last October, when I came on your show to talk about another series of stories we did showing these secret migrant flights flying into White Plains. We photographed the migrants getting off the planes, we photographed them as they were taken away in charter buses, and we watched as you know, one of those buses drop them off on the New Jersey Turnpike to be picked up by whoever and others were dropped off at orphanages.

These were supposedly minors, unaccompanied minors. They looked quite old to us, you know, maybe there were 17 or 18, but there were certainly people in their 20s in that group, mostly men.

And so then no flights happened for a little while, and then about late February, we noticed that some flights were coming through again. And in fact, last night, Sunday night, just after I filed that column, I got notice that there was a flight from El Paso via Oklahoma City that was going to land at White Plains at about 11:30.

So our intrepid photographer, Chris Sadowski was there, filmed them, but unlike last October, when we had a really good vantage point from the western side of the airport into these planes arriving, disgorging their passengers and getting onto charter buses, the authorities have become sneaky and now, they obviously want to hide from prying eyes what they're doing.

And so the plane landed and taxied over to the other side of the airport, the eastern side of the airport where it was not visible from the road and the charter buses also were not visible, so we didn't actually see the migrants, but it's a pretty good guess because that is the same plane the World Atlantic Airways chartered plane, chartered by the Department of Human Health and Human Services that was ferrying migrants at the rate of pretty much one plane and $950.00 a night from this Southern border to White Plains last year, all from the whole of the summer through to the fall.

And it is the same registration number, same MO.

CARLSON: It's unbelievable. These people are playing with fire. You're not allowed to transform someone's country without the consent of the governed. That's democracy, but they are.

I appreciate your reporting, as always. Miranda Devine, thank you.

DEVINE: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So if it's fashionable, it pays. That's kind of the basic rule of modern American life. It is now possible to get financial incentives if you identify as transgender or non-binary. One city has just announced, you will get a guaranteed income, free money, if you do. That's next.


CARLSON: There was a time in cable news, not that long ago, when we would spend every night debating tax rates or abortion or gun control and no matter how you feel about those issues, there were two sides and you could sort of understand what the other side was saying. That is not where we are now.

We are now in the final self-parodic stage of American neoliberalism where nothing makes sense. All is darkness and the policies are just designed to hurt people.

Another sign of this, Palm Springs, California says it will pay you to be something called non-binary.

Jason Rantz is a radio show host up in Seattle, he has that story for us tonight.

Hey, Jason.


The country's wokist guaranteed income scheme is coming from Palm Springs run by Lisa Middleton. This is the state's first transgender mayor. The plan is effectively meant to help prevent homelessness by giving 20 residents somewhere between $600.00 and $900.00 a month for nearly two years and they can spend the money however it is they want. There is no strings attached.

The only rule at this point is that the recipients have to be transgender or pretend they are genderless or have multiple genders based on one's mood. Gender doesn't actually mean anything anymore and this is not something that really you can prove.

So instead of primarily focusing on using this to end poverty, there has been this focus on paying for what's called gender affirming healthcare, which includes elective surgeries and hormone treatment.

Now the city hopes to use some of a $35 million budget set up by California Democrats to fund various pilot programs around the state. But big picture, this is really a movement by a group called Mayors for Guaranteed Income. They think that redistribution of wealth actually solves poverty.

It's backed by folks like Jack Dorsey who tried to ruin the world with Twitter. Now, he is set on another pretty dangerous idea. Here's one Palm Springs Council member inadvertently pointing out that this is pretty much a huge scam.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE, PALM SPRINGS COUNCIL MEMBER: The bureaucracies that we've set up to fund poverty programs and to staff them are probably much more expensive than giving people the money who need it.


RANTZ: Now she goes on to point out that this is really just about getting the data necessary to prove that this whole scheme works, but much like the people it is supposed to help in Palm Springs, guaranteed income presents as a good idea. It is not actually a good one and all of the data seems to point out that it doesn't quite get us to the point of defeating poverty in a way that is efficient with the use of funding. It's just too expensive.

CARLSON: So well, and of course, it just reflects elite concerns. I mean, you know, we had a hundred thousand people died of drug ODs last year. Like why don't -- you know, if we are passing out money, how about their families? No, they're not fashionable.

RANTZ: Not for treatment of course.

CARLSON: Whatever that is. Jason Rantz, great to see you tonight. Thank you.

RANTZ: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: This is all moving pretty fast. In fact, so fast that it makes you think there is a brick wall ahead because it's just too crazy to continue.

Joe Biden's Justice Department, for example has just threatened to sue any state that blocks quote, "gender affirming care" for children. Now, gender affirming care is a euphemism for chemical castration, radical plastic surgery and other treatments for gender dysphoria. Here is one doctor trying to justify chemically castrating children. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE, TED SPEAKER: We built a multidisciplinary center that provides not only mental health support, but also medical intervention to provide relief during puberty.

Why puberty? If you're transgender, puberty means that it will become harder, sometimes impossible to look like and be seen as the gender you know yourself to be.

So the question is, do you conform the identity to the physical appearance? Or do you conform the physical appearance to the identity? The humane answer is to conform the physical appearance to the identity.


CARLSON: So do the science people have a single long-term study showing the longitudinal effects of chemical castration? Hormone treatment on children? No, not one. They've just been making it all up.

Stephen Miller is one of the few people who is fighting back in an organized way against the Biden administration's efforts to make this mandatory. He is President of American First Legal. He is also a former senior White House adviser, of course. He joins us tonight.

Stephen Miller, thanks so much for joining us. People kind of sitting back and watching this happen, you're not. What are you going to do about it?

STEPHEN MILLER, FORMER WHITE HOUSE ADVISER: So we have a lawsuit in Federal Court right now, and here is the core of the issue.

Last week, the Department of Justice issued a threat to all 50 states saying that doctors are in violation of Federal law if they don't provide gender affirming care, which as you mentioned, means you have to medically drug boys as if they were girls, and girls as if they were boys.

Now, this might have caught some people by surprise, but it didn't catch my group by surprise, because the foundation for this was laid earlier last year with the Health and Human Services Department declaring that the sex discrimination prohibition in Obamacare will forever more be read as preventing discrimination based on gender identity.

So we are suing in Federal Court to say very clearly, that doctors have the absolute right to treat patients as the sex they actually are. You cannot force a doctor to give a male boy estrogen, you cannot force a doctor to give a female girl testosterone. You cannot arrest, delay, or stop their puberty. You cannot be forced to engage in genital mutilation.

These are basic things, Tucker.

CARLSON: May I ask you, Stephen. Since you've been around a while. You worked on the Hill, in the Senate, and everything. You're a student of political language. It was just the other day they were telling us that medical decisions were between a citizen and his or her doctor that it was your body, your choice and politicians should not be telling doctors what kind of medical care to provide. Weren't they just telling us that? But now they are, politicians are telling doctors what medical care to provide?

MILLER: Well, it's a great point. And here's another wrinkle. For two years, we were lectured, you can't give people hydroxychloroquine. You can't give them ivermectin. These have not gone through randomized controlled clinical studies for the application to COVID. Never mind they've been around for four decades and the side effects are minimal.

Tucker, the use of testosterone to change someone's gender is off label. Doctors are being forced to use these drugs in an off label unauthorized fashion to castrate boys and girls. Future generations will look at us today with astonishment and horror.

CARLSON: And it won't be long. I'm laughing because this is -- this is too silly to continue, I do think. I think this is the -- this is not going to work long term.

MILLER: Thank you.

CARLSON: Steven Miller, I appreciate it so much.

MILLER: Thank you.

CARLSON: So Viktor Orban re-elected for the fourth time in a landslide in Hungary last night. Our next guest says this is not just a win for Orban and his party, but it is a win for families around the world, for a new kind of governing idea that serves people, that's straight ahead.


CARLSON: So Viktor Orban's landslide victory in Hungary yesterday raises the question, can there be one small country in the world guided by Christian values? Nothing sectarian or theocratic, but just roughly Christian precepts and that actively cares about supporting families. Well, our leaders say no, there cannot be any country on Earth like that. It's just too threatening. But the voters of Hungary said, yes, we're happy to be that country and why wouldn't they be?

We talked to Orban last summer. He said that Hungary, because of those positions, has become a kind of capital for conservators around the world. Watch.


CARLSON: I've noticed in the last few nights in Budapest, I've run into a number of Americans who have come here because they want to be around people who agree with them, who agree with you. Do you see Budapest as a kind of capital of this kind of thinking?

ORBAN: The capital of that kind of thinking, we are one of the capitals because the other Central European countries are also very competitive in producing very nice ideas and organizing that kind of communities of conservative and Christian Democrats thinkers as we do.


CARLSON: Eva Vlaardingerbroek is a legal philosopher who spent an awful lot of time in Hungary and of course in Europe, where she is from. She joins us now. Eva, thanks so much for coming on. What do you think Orban's fourth victory means for the world?

EVA VLAARDINGERBROEK, LEGAL PHILOSOPHER: Oh, it is a massive win. It's not just a win for Hungary, but it's definitely also a win for Europe. And that's funny, because you can tell that everywhere around Europe, the left has gone completely insane over this massive landslide victory that Orban has had.

And honestly, it really also shows the super anti-democratic nature of our leftist elitist because they don't really want democracy. They only want democracy when it serves them, when the outcome serves their leftist global agenda and that's exactly why we've seen that the media -- the mainstream media, the E.U. bureaucrats and other left-wing politicians have been -- I've done basically everything they could in order to prevent Orban from be re-elected.

As you know they've called him a racist over the years for not wanting mass migration to Hungary. They've called him a bigot for not wanting children to be exposed to harmful LGBT propaganda. And most recently, they of course, called him a pro-Putin shill for not dumping on the train of hate Russia.

And this all, of course, stems from the fact that they hate about him that he stands for the Hungarian people. He doesn't cater to the globalist. He doesn't cater to the bureaucrats, he caters to a Hungary that is strong, that is proud, that's Christian, and that celebrates its own national identity that protects its borders and also supports its families.

And it turns out that if you do that, as a leader, if you stand for your own people first, that those people will in fact, vote for you.

CARLSON: It's just interesting that in the two big national elections in which roughly speaking nationalist one, our country in 2016, yesterday in Hungary, the international left in both cases somehow blames Russia, which wasn't involved in either one as far as I know. That's kind of the go to excuse, isn't it?

VLAARDINGERBROEK: Oh, absolutely. It is their favorite excuse now and there are many more, of course, like I said, these people aren't actually in fact, democratic. And they won't stop now, now that Orban has won.

They use all sorts of arguments to say that the elections were rigged or they were fraudulent, or all sorts of things. So they definitely won't stop. Orban has won, but they will just ramp up the hate campaign, because they are terrified that this sets an example for the rest of the Western world.

And the example of course, is that yes, in fact, we can reject globalism, and we can embrace, a country can embrace national values, can embrace additional values. So this shows that we can turn away from that. And the thing is, is that it's not just about Hungary, this is a choice that we in the West, all right now have to make. We either follow into the steps of the globalist and we submit to their agenda, or we go forward and we embrace our future and stand for it, like the Hungarian people have done.

CARLSON: That's right, and clearly this is the future. I mean, the globalist have destroyed their own future with their response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Joe Biden is destroying globalism, because everything is irony.

Great to see you. Eva, it is great to see you tonight. Thank you.


CARLSON: So as you just heard correctly, in the name of democracy, nonprofits around the world have tried to short circuit actual democracy in Hungary. They're literally complaining about an election result in the name of democracy.

We went there to find out how Hungary resisted all of this. NGOs, people like Soros, et cetera et cetera and made a documentary about it called "Hungry versus Soros: The Fight for Civilization." It is on FOX Nation. The extended preview, free membership at

You may have noticed that something called 5G is coming to the United States. We weren't exactly sure what 5G was. We told some people are worried it could interfere with airplanes. We just had the most interesting conversation of the year with a former telecom executive called, Jonathan Pelson. He said 5G is not actually about your cell phone at all and it is controlled by China.

This is one of these conversations we got increasingly wide-eyed. You should watch this whole thing, but here is part of it.


JONATHAN PELSON, FORMER TELECOM EXECUTIVE: 5G is not, despite the advertisements, is not just faster 4G. The real payoff of 5G is that factories are going to use it to totally interconnect themselves. This thing called the Internet of Things, your traffic systems, license plate readers, facial recognition systems, the way farms operate. There's devices now and sensors, wireless sensors on tractors and on different -- you put sensors in the soil to test moisture levels. All of this is going to be connected.

The 4G network can handle that. 4G network, if they can handle a thousand calls in one sector, 5G can handle 100,000. So even though the commercials talk about how it's a lot faster than 4G, that's almost beside the point.

CARLSON: So I went from being agnostic on 5G to being a blood enemy of 5G because what you just described is a means of total social control.

PELSON: Well, you see why China would be so interested in being a dominant supplier of it. There is a bright line between a license plate reader being used to find some kidnapped child and a plate reader being used to find an opposition leader going to run a rally against the sitting elected officials or ruling officials.

China is interested certainly in the second part a lot more than in the first.


CARLSON: So you've heard the term 5G. If you're like most people, you don't know exactly what it is or what it will mean for your country. That was Jonathan Pelson who has spent a lifetime in telecom explaining it better than anybody we've seen. That's a great, great interview on FOX Nation.

Kamala Harris committed a health violation today while talking to kids. We'll show you the pictures.


CARLSON: Before we go tonight, here is a photograph of Empress Kamala Harris consorting with her masked under aged serfs. It tells you everything.

See you tomorrow.

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