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This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," July 14, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


It's not a partisan talking point or really any kind of exaggeration at all to say that Joe Biden has opened this country's borders to the world. Since Biden's inauguration in January, the Border Patrol has apprehended close to a million foreign nationals coming into this country overland through Mexico. How many people is that?

Well, it's more people than live in the entire cities of San Francisco or Denver or Seattle or Indianapolis or Boston or Charlotte, and we can keep going -- and that's all in just six months. That is enough people to change this country forever.

They may argue that's a good thing. America will benefit from this mass influx of new people from foreign countries. If so, we'd love to hear that argument in detail. No one so far has explained how that works. But what you can't argue is that opening the borders was legal or that anyone in this country voted for it.

The current mass movement of foreign nationals into the United States was never approved by Congress. No one passed a law demanding it. The Biden administration just did it, unilaterally without asking Americans what they thought of it. They probably already knew.

Every poll we've ever seen shows clearly that voters of all backgrounds oppose open borders. That policy is highly unpopular, so the administration couldn't say out loud what they were doing, instead they operated in secrecy. They hid it. They're hiding it right now.

So, what exactly are they doing? Tonight, we have new information for you that answers that question, at least in part.

This show has confirmed that the Biden administration has enlisted the U.S. military to move illegal immigrants secretly around our country. That is happening at Laughlin Air Force base in Texas. We know it is happening there because a man called Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Burrows sent his subordinates an e-mail spelling it out very clearly, quote: "Over the next few days, weeks, or months," the note began, " ... you may see passenger aircraft on our ramp transporting undocumented non-citizens. Please review the attached Public Affairs guidance on the issue."

Burrow's e-mail then instructed uniformed military personnel to hide what was happening on the base from the country they are sworn to serve. Quote: "Do not take photographs and refrain from posting anything on social media."

Now, Lieutenant Colonel Burrows offered no national security justification for keeping any of this secret because there is no national security justification for keeping it from the rest of us. He just told the people who work for him not to talk.

Now, we got his e-mail from a whistleblower and at first, we doubted it could be real. During the last administration, you'll remember, The Pentagon firmly refused to protect America's southern border. "That's not our job," they said. "It's too political. Send us to Syria."

And yet, according to this document, here was the very same U.S. military leadership at The Pentagon helping the Biden administration with maximum enforced stealth, with secrecy to subvert this country's core immigration laws. It was hard to believe that could be happening, but it is happening.

The Pentagon has confirmed it to us.

Spokesman Chris Mitchell described the flights from Laughlin as noncitizen movement, part of what he called the U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement's mission. He told us then to direct any further questions to I.C.E., so we did. We called I.C.E. multiple times.

I.C.E. did not deny they were using Laughlin Air Force base to relocate large numbers of foreign nationals into the interior of our country and do it secretly. The question is: where are all these people going?

Several times, I.C.E. promised us additional details, but in the end, we never heard back. Apparently, Americans do not have a right to know where foreign nationals are being resettled in their own country.

We do know, thanks to the Center for Immigration Studies, that the administration, the Biden administration has been sending illegal migrants all over the United States for some time now. Watch this.


TODD BENSMAN, SENIOR NATIONAL FELLOW, CENTER FOR IMMIGRATION STUDIES: What's happening most of the time is that they are boarding buses and heading into America's heartland. A conveyor belt of commercial and charter buses just like this one in Del Rio, Texas are carrying tens of thousands, a sight unseen from Texas, Arizona, and California borderlands northward, and they are dropping their Haitian, Venezuelan, Cuban, and Central American family units in Florida and New Jersey, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, and to large cities in Texas such as Dallas and Houston.


CARLSON: Oh, changing the electoral map, are we? Serving the businesses that paid for you to get elected, are we? Yes, we are.

Now, those are buses you just saw. Now, the administration is using aircraft and Air Force bases and that ought to give you some sense of the scale involved here. What you're watching is demographic transformation in our country, without our consent, and in violation of our laws. That is happening.

Now, our job is to shut up and accept it. We know that they will call us names if we don't accept it, but no thanks. What's happening, what they're doing is wrong. It is moreover a violation of the most basic promise of democracy, which is that citizens get to control who runs the government.

We, as citizens have an absolute right to know what exactly they are doing and we're going to try to learn.

To learn more tonight, we're joined by Stephen Miller, a former White House adviser who has deep knowledge of immigration law and of this.

Stephen Miller, thanks so much for coming on.


CARLSON: So, it is now beyond dispute that the Biden administration is moving very large numbers of foreign nationals who are here illegally into the interior of the country without the consent of the neighborhoods into which they are resettling them.

Is that legal?

MILLER: No, it is absolutely not legal. It violates a wide series of immigration laws that delineate in great depth the precise rules and conditions for how you can enter the country and how you cannot enter the country. That's why in fact my organization, America First Legal just argued alongside Texas in Federal Court that these policies must be enjoined.

But what I want to get across to your audience to really advance this story is to understand that what is happening now is unprecedented and the whole conversation about border security up to this point in time has been wrong. This is not about an administration that is unable to protect the border. This is about an administration that in a very purposeful, planned, deliberate, painstaking fashion has turned our Border Patrol and I.C.E. agencies into resettlement agencies.

That is the word that everyone needs to know and repeat. This is a planned resettlement. The largest of its kind, I would suggest perhaps in the history of the world in terms of the number of illegal border crossers being resettled into the interior of our country in violation of plain law.

CARLSON: So, there's very little -- I mean, you have an organization that is using the law to try and stop this. It is happening in real time, it's been happening for six months without the knowledge of the 320 million American citizens whose country this is, but there is someone who can stop it and that's Greg Abbott who is the Governor of Texas, who commands the Texas National Guard, and of course it's his border over which a lot of these people are coming.

Why wouldn't he shut the border tonight with Mexico and stop this?

MILLER: Well, I would argue that the appropriate constitutional remedy is Article IV Section 4, which says that the government clearly has the obligation to protect any state in this country against invasion and domestic violence. It does not say that that has to be in the form of a nation-state actor.

In other words, the Constitution doesn't say it has to be a state-led invasion. It is any large-scale unwelcome uninvited entry into a country that ordered to a state, that would provide the constitutional predicate for exactly what you're describing.

I would also suggest it would provide the constitutional predicate for the Supreme Court if they had the moral courage to strike down this entire scheme, which is a blatant violation of our entire Constitutional Republican form of government.

Let's be very clear, when Joe Biden put his hand on the Bible and swore an oath to take care of the laws we faithfully executed to uphold, protect, and defend the Constitution, to ensure a Republican form of government to every state, he has violated every single one of those commitments.

I'll also add this, if that's not an impeachable offense, I can't imagine what would be.

CARLSON: No, that's right and you know that this is core to their governing plans because when you mention it, they go crazy and they call you the worst kind of slurs, when in fact I don't think there is a large group of people anywhere in this country of any color, of any political affiliation who is in favor of this.

I mean, if people are in favor of this, why isn't there a bill in the U.S. Congress just to admit a million new foreign nationals every six months?

MILLER: Exactly. I mean why isn't there -- what they are doing is they are doubling, tripling whatever the number is at the end of the year -- who knows it keeps going higher and higher and higher there's no ceiling to hit yet -- the number of migrants being admitted into our country every single year above the already sky high levels authorized in Federal law.

And you're right, nobody is going out publicly, not Senator Manchin, not Senator Mark Kelly, not even Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer saying, America, here is why we think we need millions and millions and millions more migrants every single year than we already have.

CARLSON: Exactly.

MILLER: And by the way, if possible, we'd like them not to have health insurance, we'd like them not to have college education, and we'd like them to rely on large amounts of Federal government benefits including free health care services.

Nobody is making that argument because nobody could make that argument because there isn't any principled argument for it and there never could be; and to your point about race, Hispanic Americans, black Americans, Asian-Americans, white Americans -- every category of American -- and by the way every person in every country in the world that has ever lived wants a secure border and a controlled immigration policy. Period.

CARLSON: You must be a white supremacist. Yes, it's about consent. Look if we want to do this, let's tell the public, let's have a debate about it. Let's do it democratically. They're doing it in the manner of an authoritarian government that is doing it and hurting you if you disagree. We're not putting up with it.

Stephen, I appreciate you coming on tonight, thank you.

MILLER: Thank you.

CARLSON: So, the election was more than a half a year ago and we haven't spent a lot of time talking about what happened then. We want to be responsible. We want to be fact-based and we plan to be.

But we've taken a look at what happened in Fulton County, Georgia. Thanks to a lawsuit there, we have some new numbers that illustrate what exactly Election Night looked like at the vote counting centers.

It's worth hearing. We'll tell it to you after the break.


CARLSON: On a Saturday night in late May of this year, an alarm sounded in a big nondescript warehouse in Fulton County, Georgia. The warehouse was an unlikely place for a burglary. It was under round-the-clock surveillance by both private security and local law enforcement including armed deputies with the Fulton County Sheriff's Office.

Any unauthorized person entering from the outside would have to get past a locked 100-pound steel door, as well as a maze of motion detectors -- not easy -- but someone tried to do it, anyway and at just the perfect moment, 20 minutes after the deputies in charge of guarding the warehouse left their posts.

By the time those deputies returned to check out the alarm, someone had opened the 100-pound door to the warehouse. So, what happened that night? And why? We still don't know.

It's also not clear why the deputies left the warehouse or who took advantage of their absence? We do know that a lot of people might have had reason to try to get inside the warehouse.

Depending on who you ask, the building contains evidence that either confirms or refutes the claim that voter fraud affected the outcome of the 2020 election in the state of Georgia. Georgia is a place that Joe Biden won by fewer than 13, 000 votes. That warehouse holds more than 140,000 absentee ballots.

Now, what's interesting is that for reasons that are difficult to understand, Fulton County officials have refused to let the public see any of these ballots.

An attorney called Bob Cheeley has been pushing for transparency. He has filed suit for the right to see those ballots. He hasn't seen them all yet, but what he has found so far demands an explanation.

All of us, no matter who you voted for should want to hear that explanation. You can't have a democracy if the public doesn't believe election results. Increasingly, many people in this country don't believe them.

The solution to that problem and it's a significant problem is not to scream at these people, call them lunatics or throw them in jail. The solution is to tell the truth about what happened. The only way to restore trust in our system is with facts.

So what are the facts about the election in Fulton County, Georgia? Well, here's the official version.

In May, the Chairman of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, a man called Robb Pitts explained that it was not necessary to look at the ballots, in fact it was ridiculous even to ask to look at the ballots because there had already been plenty of recounts and all the recounts reached the same conclusion.

Here is what Pitts said -- and if it sounds familiar as you hear it, that's because so many other people in authority have been saying pretty much the same thing.


ROBB PITTS, FULTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: I mean, I'm really baffled about this. What do they want? We've had three counts already.

The elections in Fulton County, Georgia, they were open, they were fair, and they were transparent.

The votes have been certified. The election has been certified, so it's over.

This will be the fourth one, and I can guarantee you that the results will be -- of this one will be just like the results were for count one, count two, and count three. No change.

Again, our elections are open, fair, and transparent.


CARLSON: "I can guarantee you." We already know what happened, we've counted those same ballots four times. The election has been certified. Stop already.

And that's the argument that Fulton County has used in court to keep those ballots locked away in a warehouse, except it's not true. It now appears there actually was meaningful voter fraud in Fulton County, Georgia last November.

That is not a conspiracy theory. It's true.

From the beginning, this show has tried to be fact-based when we talk about the 2020 election results. So here's what we know tonight, factually. At least 36 batches of mail-in ballots from the November election were double counted in Fulton County. That's a total of more than 4,000 votes. Those numbers come from a group called Voter GA which along with Bob Cheeley sued to get them.

The final tally from the double counts we know about amounts to more than 3,300 votes for Joe Biden and 865 votes for Donald Trump.

Now before you dismiss Bob Cheeley and Voter GA as dishonest partisan actors, keep in mind that the strongly left of center "Atlanta Journal Constitution" appears to agree with this at least in outline. The newspaper reviewed the available digital ballot images independently and concluded that hundreds of ballots were improperly duplicated.

What does that look like exactly? Well, here's what it looks like.

At a press conference yesterday, a consultant with Voter GA called David Cross showed how we can be certain that votes in Fulton County were counted more than once. Watch.


DAVID CROSS, CONSULTANT FOR VOTER GA: What I'm going to show you here is two ballots side-by-side, one of them is marked for Jason Shaw, it's got a little squiggle mark next to it, you can see it's got the identical mark on the second one and the ballot image is stored up here on the top left.

So, this one over here is Scanner 5162. That's scanner number three, batch number 235, image number 19 and that matches 234 image 59.

So you have the same ballot counted twice in the images and counted in the audit. How that's possible, I don't know.


CARLSON: "How's that possible? I don't know." Every American should want to know because the answer gets to the heart of the integrity of our elections, otherwise known as our democracy. We're not talking about a couple of ballots here. We're talking about a lot of ballots, at least hundreds of ballots involved, enough potentially to affect the outcome of the election.

Here's another example.


CROSS: Here's one of the next ones, all right, so same facts, number 234, image number two, and 235, image number 61, Republican, Republican, Republican, Republican all the way down to the point where this little spot up in Fani Willis matches this one over here.

So, no question that that ballot was counted twice.


CARLSON: So, what's the explanation for this? Well, if you ask Fulton County, these discrepancies, the ones you just saw on the screen were isolated incidents, just a handful of bad ballots. It happens all the time.

The county claims that any errors were caught in previous recounts. The problem is that neither one of those claims is true. Surveillance footage obtained by Voter GA appears to show large numbers of ballots being scanned multiple times.

Pay attention to the tape we're showing you to the woman wearing yellow at the desk. According to Voter GA, she slides ballots into a scanning machine, removes the ballots and then reinserts the same ballots. This happens multiple times.

The question is, how many times were those ballots counted? Was each vote counted more than once? Fulton County won't answer that question.

Now one way to know the answer would be to check what are called audit tally sheets. Tellingly for months after the presidential election, Fulton County failed to provide more than a hundred thousand of those tally sheets including 50,000 of them for mail-in ballots.

When Voter GA finally forced Fulton County to turn over the tally sheets, the conclusion was stunning. Here's what the audit found, quote: "Seven falsified audit tally sheets containing fabricated vote totals. For example, a batch containing 59 actual ballot images for Joe Biden and 42 for Donald Trump was reported as a hundred for Biden and zero for Trump. The seven batches of ballot images with 554 votes for Joe Biden, 140 votes for Donald Trump and 11 votes for Joe Jorgensen had tally sheets in the audit falsified to show 850 votes for Biden, zero votes for Trump, and zero votes for Jorgensen."

Wait, did you just follow that? How is that not flat-out criminal fraud? We'd love to know because it certainly sounds like flat-out criminal fraud.

We've obtained photographs showing what went on during the recount process for mail-in ballots in Fulton County. These pictures were taken by a whistleblower who participated in the recount. She said she noticed something odd as she did. None of the ballots that she saw had any creases on them. You can see the stacks of unfolded ballots on your screen now.

That's strange because of course mail-in ballots need to be bent in order to be mailed in. These ballots clearly had never been inside an envelope. And then the whistleblower noticed something else, all of the ballots, the whistleblower tells us have been filled out by a printer, not by hand and many of them supported the exact same candidates -- Democrats including Joe Biden.

Voter GA detected a series of other apparent irregularities in the recount. The group's audit found for example that quote: "Over 200 Fulton County mail-in ballot images contained votes that were not included in the hand count audit results for the November election." Now, why is that? We don't know.

Keep in mind, once again, the results in the State of Georgia were decided by fewer than 13,000 votes. It was a close race. Every vote mattered.

And then there's this. An elections expert called Mark Davis analyzed data from the Post Office. He found that nearly 35,000 Georgia voters moved out of their county of residence more than a month prior to Election Day. They were ineligible to vote, and yet they did. They still voted in their old county. That is illegal. It's not a small thing, violating election law is something we should care about.

And by law, their vote should have been excluded from the total, but they were not excluded. Why are we okay with that? Why are we okay with any of this?

We're okay with it because we've been told we have to be okay with it. We're undermining democracy if we ask questions about what happened during the 2020 election; and of course that's a perfect inversion of the truth.

Without answers to legitimate questions like the ones we just posed, and those are legitimate questions democracy dies.

People begin to understand the system they've been told that is on the level is in fact rigged, and when they believe that, God knows what they do next.

So, let's find out what actually happened. Let's find out immediately. Let's find out without shame. It's our right to know, it's our responsibility to know.

Jon Voight is one of the best known actors in the world. We talked to him at great length. We thought we were going to be talking about politics, but then it took a direction we didn't expect and we've been thinking about ever since.

That interview is next.


CARLSON: Jon Voight is one of the most famous actors in Hollywood. He has been famous for more than 50 years, so we sat -- and he's a conservative. There aren't a ton, so we decided we would talk to him about what it's like to be conservative in Hollywood and that conversation lasted about a minute and then it turned into the direction of him and his faith and what that's meant to him in his life.

It was not something we expected to talk about at all, but we're glad we did.

The full conversation on "Tucker Carlson Today" on FOX Nation, but here's part of it.


JON VOIGHT, ACTOR: I was in a lot of trouble at one point. I had a divorce, had some problems, and I was in this little house that I had. And I was really suffering for many reasons. My career was a little bit in flux at that time and lots of things were going on -- my relationship to my kids and my wife and stuff.

And I was on the floor, I found myself on the floor saying, "It's so difficult, it's so difficult." I said it out loud and I heard in my ear, "It's supposed to be difficult." Can you imagine? Can you imagine --

CARLSON: Like a separate voice telling you that.

VOIGHT: Yes. "It's supposed to be difficult." A voice of wisdom, kindness, you know clarity. I mean, it had so much resonance this voice.

CARLSON: What a message? It's supposed to be difficult.

VOIGHT: It's supposed to be difficult. Can you imagine? I mean this -- and I went boom, "What?" And I got up and I can tell you, Tucker, that moment in time, at that time, I knew. I said, you know what it meant was I'm not alone.


VOIGHT: Everything is known. Everything is known. I am known. That's what it meant to me. Whoa. This is --

CARLSON: Did you expect it? Were you calling out for God?

VOIGHT: Did I expect it? No. Not out. Now, I have to proceed with my life, right? But I felt tremendous energy. It is something -- somebody is rooting for me. It's like don't give up. It's like, you know there's a purpose here. You know, you've got some ways -- you got a ways to go, son. You know what I'm saying?

Whatever it -- whatever you might imagine it meant, it meant. Do you see? And I felt great, whew.

And the next morning, I am not a person who really prays with the idea that anybody is listening up to that moment.


VOIGHT: Now, I know we're covered, man. Everything we think, everything we say -- everything. You're known. You know, like they say, that God knows every bird that falls.


VOIGHT: This is us two kids, we all are known. We're being observed and helped and loved, and we're expected to get up, and you know do battle, do something, do what's right, whatever it is, you see. There's a purpose here.

And the purpose here is to learn our lessons and grow and what's the big deal? To give to each other. You know, to be here to be of help.

I mean, this is what you figure out, but anyway then at that moment, I was just interested in me surviving and so, the next morning, I get up, I say, "What have you got for me today?" And so, I turn on the radio and here's what came up -- I swear this is what happened when I turned the radio on.

Having some fun, I'm having fun, you know what I mean? Because I'm not taking myself too seriously, but it's serious. I turn on the radio it says, "I'll build a stairway to paradise with a new step every day." What? It's another one. Wait a minute. I mean, what's going on here?

Anyway I had that kind of thing going on for several days. You know, things were happening to me and then I started -- I was kind of drawn to certain things from that point on and I've had many, many experiences, but that was the beginning.

CARLSON: So, that's the moment when you realize that God is real, He knows you, and is on your side.

VOIGHT: Right.

CARLSON: What were the implications of that?

VOIGHT: Well, I had to straighten out if I'm going to be a vessel for God, I mean, I better be cleaner than I was. You know what I mean? I better be a righteous fellow.

CARLSON: How hard was that?

VOIGHT: Well, you know I've always had good examples in my life. My dad as I said was a very righteous man. My mother and I've had many good people in my life, so I just got off track a little bit and I realized it at that time and so I've worked since then to be a better fellow.

CARLSON: What did it do for your joy levels for the way you feel every day?

VOIGHT: That's interesting. You know, I said some -- just a couple of days ago, I was asked about something and I said, then I have fear of the Lord. You know they say, have fear of the Lord?


VOIGHT: I got it. I am really afraid. I'm afraid of offending God, right? Because God is everything. God is love. God is, you know, all these beautiful things -- beauty -- everything. And I'm going to -- how can I live up to that? I need a lot of help.

But, I think that's the fear of the Lord. It keeps you on the track, you know what I'm saying?

It is not a fear of -- frightened of getting, you know attacked by anything. It's a fear of offending, fear of not living up to.


VOIGHT: A fear of doing the wrong thing, you know, of making a terrible mistake. So, all of that you know, but I've been a happier fellow. I'm a much happier -- I mean, I may not look like it right now, I don't know what I look like, but I'm a happy fella.


CARLSON: Jon Voight, what a conversation. When God speaks to you, it's not, you're great, good job. It's, "It's supposed to be difficult." I've been thinking about that ever since.

That conversation went on for nearly an hour, we talked about a lot of things. It was great.

The full episode is on right now.

Well, you may have noticed that a lot of people in the administration including Joe Biden himself are very focused on a particular war, in fact the only one that ever took place between Americans on our own soil, the Civil War. There was a good side and a bad side. Guess which side they think you're on? We have that story, next.


CARLSON: This is a FOX News alert. At the top of the show, we told you that the same Pentagon that refused during the last administration to protect our borders, is assisting this administration, the Biden administration in illegally moving illegal migrants throughout the country using military resources specifically at Laughlin Air Force Base, but maybe not just Laughlin Air Force Base. So, that's what we told you at the top.

We've just received, during the show, a statement from I.C.E. confirming what we reported. There have been flights of illegal immigrants for nationals from Laughlin Air Force Base to other destinations within the United States and we are quoting, "On June 17, 2021, a memorandum of agreement or MOA between D.H.S. and DoD was signed by all parties and finalized." Wish we'd known then.

"On June 29, 2021, I.C.E. air operations utilize Laughlin Air Force Base for the first time pursuant to the MOA to transport noncitizens from C.B.P. custody to I.C.E. custody. Since June 29th, approximately 780 noncitizens (here illegally) were transferred via I.C.E. air on six I.C.E. air flights departing from the military installation," end quote.

I.C.E. also added that quote, "Collaboration with Federal partners enables I.C.E. to transfer noncitizens safely and humanely to I.C.E. field offices with the appropriate level of custody and supervision will be determined. I.C.E. air conducts selfless border flights which involve the transfer of migrants from C.B.P. custody to I.C.E. custody," end quote. End of bureaucratic statement.

But more questions remain, for example, one of their military resources are being used to conduct this, an operation that most Americans know nothing about, that they did not consent to, that Congress never voted on, and which is clearly illegal.

And more presciently, where are these people going? They're being moved to another form of custody, and then their fate will be determined. But where did they end up? Into what communities were they placed? How many Federal dollars were spent doing this? Do the people into whose neighborhoods they were placed have any say in it at all? And what's the total number? Fewer than 800 they say from Laughlin Air Force Base between those dates, but what's the total number nationally?

Why don't we know this? Whose country is this? Who's in charge?

You can't just change the composition of the country breaking Federal law as you do it without asking the people's permission if you care about democracy, which they clearly don't. Maybe we can get some answers like immediately. Maybe Republicans in Congress could wake up and do that. I know we care about Cuba, but what about our country?

And now to our breaking news. It just came in before the show, Britney Spears's life and finances have been legally controlled by conservatorship for more than a decade, and that was her father. There have been major developments today in the effort to end that agreement. FOX's Trace Gallagher has the details for us right now. Hey, Trace.

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Tucker. The big headline of the day is that a Judge will now allow Britney Spears to hire her own attorney. The singer appeared at the hearing by cell phone filling the court with the sounds of anger, tears, even some foul language.

Spears told the Judge she wants to get rid of her dad as her conservator and then charge him with conservatee abuse. She broke down in tears saying her dad is ruining her life and that she suffers abandonment issues quoting here, "I was always extremely scared of my dad and worried he was going to show up drunk somewhere."

She then talked about things she is not allowed to do like drive and take vitamins saying quote, "That's not abuse, but that's effing cruelty." Her dad's lawyer said many of Britney's characterizations and memories are incorrect because she has a lack of recollection, information, and understanding. Spear says she is confident about the future and is apparently awaiting a marriage proposal from her boyfriend.

Fear not if there is breaking Britney News, Tucker, I'll be happy to jump back in.

CARLSON: Trace Gallagher, thank you.

That's not a story we ever thought we would be interested to report, but actually it is interesting. And I think it probably has relevance to all of us. You're crazy. We're now in control. Got it?

Well, you may have noticed that the Biden administration and some Members of Congress are very involved in the Civil War. They're not reading Shelby Foote histories. They're claiming that you're a Confederate, and that asking for voter ID is the greatest threat to our nation since Shiloh and Gettysburg.

But before that, the greatest threat since the Civil War was the insurrection of January 6, we're trying to keep track here.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): The greatest attempted insurrection since the Civil War.

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: The worst challenge to our democracy since the Civil War.

ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: A hundred and fifty days since the worst single act of political violence since the Civil War --

CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC ANCHOR: The worst attack on American democracy, arguably probably since the Civil War.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is the biggest, you know, kind of the biggest threat to our democracy since the Civil War.

BIDEN: We're facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War. That's not hyperbole -- since the Civil War.


CARLSON: It's not hyperbole, but it's more common than we expected. A lot of things are as bad as the Civil War. How many? Mark Steyn has kept a list. He joins us tonight to read it. Mark, great to see you.

MARK STEYN, AUTHOR AND COLUMNIST: Yes, it's almost like they want a Civil War. I mean all this is rubbish, the worst act of political violence since the Civil War says Anderson Cooper, and immediately Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy say, "What am I? Chopped liver?"

You would not normally compare an insurrection or citizenship laws with a Civil War. The reason they're doing this is they want a new Civil War, but they don't want to have to fight it. They'd rather just have a media campaign Civil War that results in half the country being turned into Confederate statues torn down and tossed in the garbage can of history.

This is preposterous, and the most preposterous thing is that on January the 6th, half the respectable right went along with the idiotic Democrat media narratives and helped them weaponize it.

CARLSON: They certainly did. I have to see this on a human level, maybe as a citizen. Now, if you're President, maybe the last thing you compare a contemporary political debate to is the Civil War, maybe the last phrase you ever use in a speech is Civil War.

I mean, I'm not overstating it, it's dangerous to talk that way. Why is he doing this?

STEYN: Well, because as I said, they actually -- I think they're actually doing this to create the conditions where they can win a kind of cold Civil War. They've reached the state of the last Civil War, they think it's time for one side to win and one side to lose, but as you say, it is grossly irresponsible. It's stupid. It's the domestic equivalent of making stupid Hitler comparisons, because he's the only guy you've heard of.

The reason they're doing this is precisely because they know it demonizes half the population.

CARLSON: Yes, well, they've got a very ugly reconstruction in mind, I have the feeling. Mark Steyn, great to see you tonight. Thank you.

STEYN: Thanks a lot, Tucker.

CARLSON: So the Secretary of State who really is beneath contempt, just demanded an investigation, a new investigation not into the Chinese government or any foreign government, he told the United Nations that the United States should be investigated for your sins. We'll tell you what those sins are, though you can probably guess. We'll be right back.


CARLSON: Well, in April, the new administration's Ambassador to the United Nations, a woman called Linda Thomas Greenfield publicly declared that the Constitution is a white supremacist document. Then a month later, in an unrelated development, the Secretary of State, Tony Blinken posted a video explaining that you live in a racist country.


ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: For the United States to be an incredible force for human rights around the world, we have to face the realities of racism and hatred here at home. We can't sweep our shortcomings under the rug, or pretend they don't exist.

We need to face them openly and honestly, even if that's ugly, even if that's painful.

That's how we live up to our values.


CARLSON: So he is not including himself in that, of course, the problem is you, now Tony Blinken has invited the United Nations to investigate this country for its systemic racism.

James Craig is the former Police Chief of Detroit, Michigan. He joins us tonight. Chief, thanks so much for coming on. So, there are a lot of problems in the world. I wonder if we need like, say the Representative from Zimbabwe showing up in the U.N. to investigate our sins. Do you think?

JAMES CRAIG, FORMER POLICE CHIEF OF DETROIT, MICHIGAN: It's absolutely wrong, Tucker. It is misguided, it is irresponsible. They should just go to Cuba. That's what they should do.

Go to Cuba and find out what's going on over there. We don't need this. It's divisive and it really benefits status quo and the liberal elite. That's exactly what it does.

CARLSON: Right. It benefits the status quo. I think that's a really important point to make. They're not actually calling for change. They're trying to stop change, I think. It's very smart.

CRAIG: You know, it's sad what we're going through. It feels so much like the critical race theory, that issue and so I've got to tell you, I'm unapologetic. This is wrong. It shouldn't happen.

Maybe they should call me in and let me do the investigation.

We know that the vast majority of American police officers do it right. But Tucker, I know we're short on time. I've got one thing I've got to get out before I end this.

Hope we can do it again next week. Because guess what? I have an important announcement for Michigan's future right here and I promised you, I'm going to do it on your show.

CARLSON: Man, I love that state, I married a girl from that state and that state badly needs new leadership. This is not a setup and if it's you -- if you announce for Governor, we will be very excited and so will the desperate, but hopeful citizens of Michigan. So, Chief, thank you. I hope that's what it is. And I hope so -- if it is, then we'll see you next week. Great to see you tonight.

CRAIG: I'm come on your show. That's my commitment to you. You remember, we said it weeks ago. I'm doing it on your show.

CARLSON: Yes. Boy, no place needs better leadership than your state. James Craig, former Police Chief of the city of Detroit. Thank you.

CRAIG: Thank you, Tucker. Appreciate you.

CARLSON: Thank you.

We're at a time, sadly, but we'll be back.

In the meantime, a new "Tucker Carlson Today" episode with Jon Voight is available on

In the meantime, have a great evening. We'll rejoin you tomorrow, which by our count is Thursday. It'll be a different day, but our position on the world will remain unchanged, which we think is good.

Have a great night.

Sean Hannity takes over now.

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