Drew Peterson now in federal custody, officials say

Ex-cop and convicted wife-killer Drew Peterson was transferred from the Illinois Department of Corrections to federal custody on Tuesday, according to IDOC officials.

IDOC officials said Peterson was transferred into federal custody Tuesday evening after it was initially being reported he was out of state custody for several hours.

"For safety and security purposes, the IDOC does not discuss details concerning the placement of offenders who are transferred under the terms of the Interstate Compact Agreement," an IDOC spokesman said via email.

Previous coverage...

Peterson was serving out a lifetime sentence at Menard Correctional Center in Randolph County, Ill.

A former Bolingbrook police officer, Peterson was sentenced to 38 years in prison in 2013 for killing his third wife, Kathleen Savio. Peterson was sentenced to 40 more years in prison in July 2016 for trying to arrange the murder of a Will County state's attorney.

Read more at FOX32Chicago.com.