Police: Maine man nearly decapitated neighbor with machete
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Law enforcement officials say a Maine man used a machete to nearly decapitate a neighbor after a series of disagreements, including an accusation of stolen alcohol.
The Portland Press Herald reports that a police affidavit filed Monday says 57-year-old Bruce Akers, of Limington, called police a day before the victim was reported missing to accuse him of stealing a six-pack of alcoholic beverages.
Akers was charged with murder after police questioned him and found the body of 55-year-old Douglas Flint under a pile of rotting dear carcasses.
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Flint's relatives reported him missing Friday and his body was found over the weekend. The affidavit details disagreements and unusual behavior by Akers, who allegedly trespassed and bathed in Flint's swimming pool.
It was unknown if Akers had a lawyer who could comment on the accusations.