NASA October 13 NASA spacecraft to scour Jupiter's icy moon in search of life-supporting conditions A massive NASA spacecraft is ready to set sail for Jupiter and its moon Europa. The craft, named Europa Clipper, will determine if conditions there could support life.
This Day in History January 7, 2024 On this day in history, January 7, 1610, Galileo discovers the moons of Jupiter Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system with 80 moons. Galileo was the first to discover the moons of Jupiter on this day in history, Jan. 7, 1610.
Jupiter November 29, 2023 Join 900,000 others who are sending names into space on NASA spacecraft to Jupiter's moon, Europa NASA wants to bring your name to space — Jupiter, to be more precise. The Europa Clipper spacecraft is set to launch in October 2024, and your name could blast off with it.
LIFESTYLE October 26, 2023 NASA spacecraft snaps 'face figure' on Jupiter during close flyby of the planet: See the photos NASA released an image taken of Jupiter in which the clouds appear to form a human face. The Juno mission image has scientists believing it has a "face" effect.
NASA May 16, 2023 NASA’s Juno spacecraft will fly by Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io In the latest of more than 50 flybys, NASA's Juno spacecraft is slated to pass Jupiter's volcanic moon Io on Tuesday. The agency said this will be the closest flyby to date.
Jupiter April 12, 2023 Europe's JUICE mission will explore Jupiter system, planet's ocean-bearing moons The European Space Agency's JUICE spacecraft is slated to launch on Thursday to study the gas giant Jupiter and its three ocean-bearing moons in new detail.
Asteroids January 5, 2023 Green comet will pass by Earth for first time since Neanderthals roamed Earth The green-colored comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF), which was first discovered by astronomers in March 2022, will make its closest approach to Earth later in the month.
Jupiter December 16, 2022 Striking NASA image reveals Io's volcano-laced surface NASA scientists said this week that they would continue to focus on Io, Jupiter's volcano-laced moon, with multiple close flybys of their Juno spacecraft.
Jupiter September 27, 2022 NASA's Juno spacecraft will take photos of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa On September 29th, NASA's Juno spacecraft will come within 222 miles of the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa to collect data.
SCIENCE October 16, 2021 NASA's Lucy launches to Trojan Asteroids NASA's Lucy mission launched early Saturday from the agency's Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Fla.