Opinion March 2 ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR.: Measles outbreak is call to action for all of us Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr., tells readers what his agency is doing and what they can do to stop the measles outbreak that has claimed a child's life in Texas.
OPINION June 27 Treatment of Assange was a shameful stain on our First Amendment Tuesday’s release of Julian Assange from 14 years of confinement is to be celebrated on humanitarian grounds. But as we celebrate his return to his wife and children, let us take this moment to examine how our nation, once the global champion of press freedom, came to persecute this brave journalist.
OPINION November 22, 2023 JFK's assassination cut short my uncle's vision but we must revive it, not forget it My uncle, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22 in 1963. It has been 60 years since his death and yet his vision of America as a peaceful nation is incomplete.
OPINION October 9, 2023 I'm a Kennedy from a Democrat family. But I'm running for president as an independent The Kennedy family has a long history with the Democratic Party. On Monday, October 9, I shared with the American people that I am running for president as an independent candidate.