Opinion March 3 The predictable outcome of California’s green energy policies has arrived and it's a disaster California's green energy mandates undermine it with businesses. Regulations have spiked costs and the state has the second-highest electricity rates. Businesses may move elsewhere.
Politics February 19 Green New Headache: Dems flee gov’s green ‘Energy Master Plan’ as election approaches Former NJ state Sen. Steve Sweeney called for an immediate halt to Gov. Phil Murphy's Energy Master Plan, citing cost concerns ahead of spiking utility rates.
Politics February 18 Kathy Hochul does apparent about-face on natural gas as NYC utility signals major rate hikes New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, who has denounced fossil fuels and promoted green energy, appeared to do an about-face after projections of ConED rate hikes.
Opinion February 14 Trump’s order was the last straw – at least, the last paper one. We should rejoice The second Trump administration has begun and Americans are lucky to be getting rid of the silliness that Biden gave us -- including the paper straw mandate. Nobody wants that.
Opinion February 10 Climate lawfare is running into a powerful force liberals didn’t expect Just as radical climate activists try major protests, others have pursued lawfare. More than two dozen suits have been filed with the aim of forcing major change on the energy industry.
Politics November 13 Democratic stronghold state votes to protect natural gas and gas stoves, a Biden administration bugaboo Voters in Washington state appeared to have approved a ballot measure that would restrict future regulations on natural gas and gas stoves.
Opinion October 30 Biden-Harris still hate your gas stove, you won't believe how much The Biden-Harris administration claimed they were done targeting gas stoves. No chance. They continue the regulatory assault on a home appliance preferred by nearly 40% of Americans.
Opinion October 25 3 ways Kamala Harris promotes chaos with her energy message Energy is on the ballot this election, and Vice President Kamala Harris has bungled her energy positions, leaving everyone from oil speculators to Green New Deal advocates thoroughly confused.
Massachusetts September 30 Nantucket group appeals to Supreme Court to end offshore wind projects and protect endangered whales A group of Nantucket, Massachusetts, residents are appealing to the Supreme Court to challenge windmill projects which they argue put endangered whales at risk.
OPINION September 25 See what Berkeley is cooking up in renewed attack against natural gas On Nov. 5, Berkely residents will vote on a ballot measure that proposes taxing the owners of buildings of 15,000 square feet or larger based on the amount of natural gas consumed each year.