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El presidente Joe Biden aborda los impuestos, la delincuencia, el aborto, la inflación y mucho más durante su discurso SOTU

Esta noche, Biden se dirigió al Congreso en el Capitolio de Washington D.C. para hablar del estado actual de la nación. El presidente abordó los logros y fracasos de la administración Biden, la inflación, los impuestos, el aborto y mucho más.

08:21 AM, March 08, 2024

Sen. Katie Britt says Biden used ‘none of his time to bring America together’

Sen. Katie Britt, R-Ala., who delivered the Republican rebuttal to President Biden’s State of the Union address last night, told 'Fox & Friends' on Friday morning that she thought Biden’s “anger and bitterness, what seemed to be some type of rage was unbecoming of the President of the United States.” 

“Unfortunately, he used none of his time to bring America together and tell us how we could move forward,” she said. “Instead, he used divisive language and tried to put every party firmly in their corner.” 

Britt also took aim at Biden’s handling of the economy. 

“Yesterday, when I had gone to the grocery store and actually picked up my children from school, I thought ‘he doesn’t get this,’” she added. “He’s not sitting in these carpool lines, he’s not checking out at the grocery store, seeing the prices go up. He’s not pumping gas and seeing that going through the roof. So he just doesn’t understand what real families are dealing with.” 

Publicado por Greg Norman
09:18 AM, March 08, 2024

George Santos anuncia por sorpresa su segunda candidatura al Congreso durante el discurso del SOTU

Former New York Rep. George Santos announced a surprise comeback campaign while in attendance at the State of the Union address.

"I just witnessed a weak, frail president deliver spin and lies to the American people from inside the chambers. I have made several personal sacrifices in the name of serving the American people. My promise is that I will never back down because of my love for this country," Santos wrote in a post on X.

"New York hasn’t had a real conservative represent them since I left office arbitrarily, thanks to RINO, empty suits like Nick Lalota," the former congressman continued. "He is a willing to risk the future of our majority and the future of this country for his own political gain. After a lot of prayer and conversation with my friends and family, I have made a very important decision that will shake things up."

Santos wrote, "Tonight, I want to announce that I will be returning to the arena of politics and challenging Nick for the battle over [New York 1st Congressional District]. I look forward to debating him on the issues and on his weak record as a Republican. The fight for our majority is imperative for the survival of the country."

Posted by Timothy H.J. Nerozzi
08:41 AM, March 08, 2024

Joe Concha: Biden was going to be 'thrown bouquets of flowers' regardless of his SOTU performance

Fox News contributor Joe Concha told ‘Fox & Friends First’ on Friday that “the president was going to be thrown bouquets of flowers” from the media following his State of the Union speech “regardless of how this address went.” 

“Just go back and read the headlines from a year ago, 2023. Same deal, Biden showed passion, vigor, stamina, commanded the facts,” Concha said. “Look, if Joe Biden did a 70-minute press conference with actual journalists asking the questions, then I think you could apply all those terms around vigor and stamina and passion.” 

“But last night was simply a matter of him reading a speech that he practiced for nearly a week off of a teleprompter. He beat expectations because that is easy to do when the expectations are a speed bump,” Concha continued. 

“For all the praise Biden is receiving this morning, I can safely bet that if you went out on the street... asked anyone who watched that speech if they could remember one major policy announcement or change from Biden’s first three years... what would make the American people believe that anything will be any different?” Concha also said. 

Publicado por Greg Norman
08:03 AM, March 08, 2024

Democrats angered at Biden after he calls Laken Riley's alleged killer an 'illegal' during speech

Democratic lawmakers and leaders rebuked President Biden for not calling the Venezuelan illegal immigrant who allegedly murdered Laken Riley in Georgia an "undocumented" immigrant.

Biden referred to the suspected murderer as an "illegal" at his State of the Union address. When asked about Biden's reference to Riley, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi corrected Biden's language choice. 

"Now he should have said undocumented, but that’s not a big thing, ok? What’s the big thing?" she said during an interview on CNN Thursday night, immediately following the address. 

Other Democrats vented on social media about Biden using the term, which some liberals view as dehumanizing.

"As a proud immigrant," Illinois Democratic Rep. Chuy García wrote Thursday, "I'm extremely disappointed to hear President Biden use the word ‘illegal.’" 

"Let me be clear: No human being is illegal," Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., wrote. 

Posted by Jeffrey Clark
07:31 AM, March 08, 2024

Mom of child allegedly killed by illegal immigrant: Biden 'did not say anything about border crisis'

A Maryland mother whose daughter was raped and killed by an alleged MS-13 gang member who is an illegal immigrant told 'Fox & Friends First' on Friday that President Biden “did not say anything about the border crisis” during his State of the Union speech last night. 

Tammy Nobles, whose 20-year-old daughter Kayla Hamilton was killed in her mobile home in Maryland in 2022, said Biden’s speech “just seemed like it was a pep rally.” 

Nobles added that she shouted her daughter’s name from the audience while Biden held up a button with Laken Riley’s name on it. Nobles was a guest of House Speaker Mike Johnson.

“I did what I was meant to do, and he did not even acknowledge anything,” Nobles said. 

Fox NewsAdam Shaw ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Greg Norman
07:02 AM, March 08, 2024

Biden hace un breve reconocimiento al periodista del WSJ Evan Gershkovich, detenido en Rusia

President Biden gave a brief acknowledgment during his State of the Union address of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who has been considered wrongfully detained in Russia for nearly a year. 

The shoutout for Gershkovich came as he addressed the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, making his vow to do everything he can to bring American hostages home from Gaza.

"We'll also work around the clock to bring home Evan and Paul [Whelan], Americans being unjustly detained by the Russians and others around the world," Biden said Thursday night before continuing on about the Middle East conflict.

Seen in the gallery were Gershkovich's parents, Ella Milman and Mikhail Gershkovich, wearing "Free Evan" buttons. They were invited guests of House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Gershkovich was arrested last March as Russian authorities leveled dubious espionage charges against him. He has been kept in Moscow for nearly a year. 

Posted by Joseph A. Wulfsohn
06:52 AM, March 08, 2024

Capitol Police arrest Gold Star father shouting about Afghanistan, Abbey Gate attack during SOTU

U.S. Capitol Police have arrested a Gold Star father who interrupted President Biden during the State of the Union address by shouting about Afghanistan and the deadly 2021 suicide bomb attack outside the Abbey Gate at Kabul's airport during the military's evacuation from the country, according to Fox News Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram. 

“America is safer today than when I took office,” Biden said at one point during the speech before the father began yelling in the audience. 

Authorities then arrested Steven Nakoui, 51, whose son Kareem, a Marine, was one of the victims of the Abbey Gate attack. 

Nakoui was attending the State of the Union as a guest of Florida Rep. Brian Mast, a Republican. 

Nakoui was shouting “Abbey Gate” and “2nd Battalion, 1st Marines.” He was asked to stop, but did not and later was charged with disrupting Congress, Pergram reports. 

Publicado por Greg Norman
06:25 AM, March 08, 2024

¿Ha aprobado o suspendido Biden? Ex redactores de discursos presidenciales califican el discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión

President Biden went for the jugular last night as he delivered the State of the Union address with eight months to go until the November general election rematch with former President Trump.

Biden early and often took aim at Trump, whom he only referred to as "his predecessor," and also fired numerous salvos at Republican lawmakers sitting directly in front of him as the president delivered his address to a joint session of Congress.

While Democrats applauded the tone and tenor of the president's address, Republicans savaged the speech for crossing the line.

"This was the most partisan State of the Union I’ve heard in my lifetime," said Bill McGurn, who served as chief speechwriter for then-President George W. Bush.

"Attacking his opponent directly in the first minutes of his speech is unprecedented and perhaps the most partisan start to a State of the Union address in modern memory," Marc Theissen, who also served as a speechwriter for Bush, emphasized in a social media posting.

It was a very different take from Dan Cluchey, who served as a speechwriter for the president in the Biden White House.

"With energy and vigor, the President laid out the clear choice facing America — a choice between two starkly different visions for our future.  Will we expand freedom, or restrict it?  Will we defend democracy, or attack it?  Will we continue to grow the economy for all, or rig it on behalf of billionaires and the wealthiest corporations?  President Biden made it crystal clear where he stands — and he did it while commanding the room with equal parts sharp oratory, disarming banter, and matter-of-fact moral authority," Cluchey told Fox News.

Fox News' Andrew Murray contributed to this report.

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser
02:07 AM, March 08, 2024

What Biden did wrong, and what he got right in the 'speech of his life': Opinion

President Joe Biden gave the speech of his life on Thursday night, belting out what was in effect a Democratic convention speech under the guise of the State of the Union, carefully timed after Super Tuesday to frame the presidential race as a progressive future against "a predecessor" of hate and revenge.

Here are some things that went right and wrong in the speech.


When I worked on State of the Union speeches with President Clinton, the goal was to bring the country together and entice swing voters because it was a rare bipartisan audience.

One rule was to use no words or slogans that we would use in a political speech, as this was history, not politics. 

The idea here going into the election season was the opposite, and so the White House achieved its goal and showed that Joe Biden is ready to run an aggressive campaign that will take on both Trump and the Republicans based on the values of  "Honesty. Decency. Dignity. Equality." 

Polls in the next week or so will tell us whether he failed to connect with everyday Americans on their problems or instead successfully rallied the base enough to begin a comeback. 

This is an excerpt of an opinion column from Fox News contributor Mark Penn.

Posted by Thomas Phippen
01:58 AM, March 08, 2024

Republicans blast Biden's SOTU as stump speech from 'old angry man;' Dems praise 'strong' address

Republican and Democratic lawmakers walked away from President Biden’s State of the Union address with very different impressions on Thursday night — as expected.

"It sounded more like a campaign speech than it did a State of the Union," one Republican lawmaker told Fox News Digital following the speech.

GOP legislators in the House and Senate called the 81-year-old president an "old man" while blasting his speech for frequent references to his 2024 Republican opponent, former President Trump.

But for many Republican lawmakers, their takeaway was Biden's heavily-scrutinized mental faculties

"A lot of the time it was hard to understand what he was saying," said House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good, R-Va. "He was kind of mumbling and slurring." 

"No podíamos entenderle. Estaba tan enfadado", coincidió el senador Roger Marshall, republicano de Kan. "El volumen subía y bajaba".

Democrats, meanwhile, praised Biden’s energy and "strong" address.

"I’ve been here for 12 years, that was probably the best State of the Union I've ever heard," Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, told Fox News Digital.

Fox News' Liz Elkind and Julia Johnson contributed reporting.

Posted by Thomas Phippen
01:10 AM, March 08, 2024

In SOTU speech Biden showed America his entire presidency is based on one word: Opinion

Walking into the House chamber, the first thing that strikes you is how small it is. 

The room where the president delivers the State of the Union looks cavernous on television, but when you’re standing there, you realize it’s not much bigger than a high school gymnasium with a balcony. 

As I watched President Joe Biden, I couldn’t help but be reminded of that fact on Thursday night. 

He raced through the speech like he was reading a bedtime story. Talking over the applause lines and stopping only to catch his breath between snappy lines designed to rev up his base. 

"My predecessor," this.

"My predecessor," that.

Publicado por Brandon Gillespie
01:04 AM, March 08, 2024

Biden, in State of the Union, uses term for illegal immigrants that his DHS warned against in 2021

During his State of the Union address Thursday, President Biden referred to the alleged killer of Georgia student Laken Riley as "an illegal" — but the term is in contrast to guidance from his Department of Homeland Security, which had told staff to stop using terms like "illegal alien.

"Biden was heckled by Republican lawmakers to say the name of Laken Riley, who was allegedly murdered by a Venezuelan illegal immigrant last month in Georgia. Republicans have cited the death as a consequence of the border crisis, which they blame on Biden policies. Biden in turn used the address to restate his calls for Congress to pass a bipartisan border bill.

But Biden picked up a button with Riley’s name on it that lawmakers had been given out and made reference to her — although he misstated her first name.

"Lincoln Riley [sic]," he said. "An innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal, that’s right."

The use of the term "illegal," even in reference to an alleged illegal immigrant murderer, rankled some Democrats.

"Que quede claro: ningún ser humano es ilegal", dijo la congresista demócrata Ilhan Omar en X, antes conocido como Twitter.

Publicado por Adam Shaw
01:00 AM, March 08, 2024

Cruz likens Biden to an 'angry old man' screaming at children

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, on Thursday said that President Biden's State of the Union performance reminded him of an "angry old man" yelling at children to get off his lawn.

"Joe Biden was angry, he was bitter, he was screaming," he told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "He was radical, and extreme and he was completely out of touch with the American people."

"Frankly, tonight Joe Biden reminded me like an angry old man standing on his porch screaming to the kids 'get off my lawn!'"

Publicado por Adam Shaw
12:45 AM, March 08, 2024

Sen. Eric Schmitt says Biden SOTU speech was 'bizarre' and 'divisive'

FIRST ON FOX: Sen. Eric Schmitt, R-Mo., said President Joe Biden side-stepped on several key issues during his “bizarre” 2024 State of the Union address.

"I thought it was the most divisive State of the Union from the most out of touch president in American history. I thought it was bizarre," Schmitt told Fox News Digital in an exclusive interview after the speech.

The Senator added that the president “didn’t seriously address” illegal immigration, a top issue to voters going into 2024.

"It felt like he was yelling at the time. So the delivery was weird, and then it fell short on substance. He really didn't seriously address the number one issue in the minds of the American people, which is illegal immigration. An hour in, he just blamed other people,” Schmitt said, referring to the president pointing to Congress for the crisis at the southern border. “And so I think the American people see that for what it is: totally phony."

Schmitt also called out the president for beginning his speech talking about conflict overseas, specifically the Russia-Ukraine war, rather than the crisis at the U.S. border.

"I'm also tired of lectures that lead with Ukraine. I'm tired of him spending the first ten minutes of that speech on the importance of the Ukrainian border and doesn't do anything to address the invasion at our southern border."

Publicado por Aubrie Spady
12:44 AM, March 08, 2024

MIRA: 5 puntos clave del discurso SOTU del Presidente Biden

President Biden delivered his State of the Union speech for over an hour on Thursday night, delivering a number of highlights and key moments that elicited reactions from the crowd and on social media.

Biden utilizó los primeros minutos del discurso para hablar de la agresión de Putin en Rusia, la guerra en Ucrania y la entrada de Suecia en la OTAN.

"What makes our moment rare is freedom and democracy are under attack both at home and overseas at the very same time," Biden said. "Overseas, Putin's Russia is on the march, invading Ukraine and sowing chaos throughout Europe and beyond. If anybody in this room thinks Putin will stop at Ukraine, I assure you he will not."

A continuación, Biden criticó a quienes bloquean la financiación de Ucrania y destacó la reciente entrada de Suecia en la OTAN como prueba de que Biden ha fortalecido la alianza.

Biden mentioned Trump several times during the speech — which drew criticism from conservative pundits who said the address sounded like a campaign speech — and often referred to him simply as "my predecessor."

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller
12:30 AM, March 08, 2024

Biden jokes about being 'cognitively impaired' after SOTU

President Biden appeared to be in a joking mood after delivering his State of the Union address to Congress Thursday night.

Democratic New York Representative Jerry Nadler approached the president following his speech, stating that "nobody's going to talk about cognitively impaired now," in reference to Biden.

Another individual cut in complimenting the president, stating that he was, "on fire tonight."

Exchanging some laughs with his fellow Democrats, Biden responded to Nadler's comment saying, "I kind of wish sometimes I was cognitively impaired."

Posted by Emily Robertson
12:22 AM, March 08, 2024

Biden accused of threatening SCOTUS over abortion ruling

Republicans accused Biden of threatening the Supreme Court during his speech Thursday, where he warned justices that they don't know the electoral power of women.

Biden directly addressed the justices attending his speech, telling them that they are "about to realize" just how much political power women have.

Biden also promised in his speech to establish a right to abortion, which had been longstanding precedent under Roe v. Wade.

His remarks to the justices were condemned by numerous Republicans following the speech.

"It's disgusting that Joe Biden threatened the Supreme Court for upholding the constitution at the State of the Union," House GOP conference chair Rep. Elise Stefanik posted on X.

Posted by Thomas Phippen
12:15 AM, March 08, 2024

Rising GOP star Katie Britt shreds Biden on border, rising costs in SOTU rebuttal

Republican Alabama Sen. Katie Britt  pulled no punches as she delivered her party's rebuttal to President Biden's State of the Union address Thursday night, ripping him for his "despicable" job handling the border crisis, as well as his promotion of "Bidenomics" amid the rising consumer costs plaguing American families.

A rising star within the GOP, the 42-year-old Britt's selection to deliver the rebuttal last week was met with widespread praise — even from some Democrats — as she continues to build a national profile despite never holding elected office prior to her election in the 2022 midterms.

Britt began her remarks with a reference to Biden's age and his decades as a career politician, blasting his speech as "the performance of a permanent politician who has actually been in office for longer than I've been alive."

"The country we know and love seems to be slipping away, and it feels like the next generation will have fewer opportunities – and less freedoms – than we did. I worry my own children may not even get a shot at living their American Dreams," Britt said.

Publicado por Brandon Gillespie
12:08 AM, March 08, 2024

Trump blasts Biden as ‘angry, mentally disturbed’ during SOTU address: ‘He did a terrible job’

EXCLUSIVE: Former President Donald Trump blasted President Biden and his State of the Union address Thursday night, telling Fox News Digital that Biden clearly "suffers from a terminal case of Trump derangement syndrome." 

The former president and presumptive Republican nominee, in an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, reacted to Biden’s address.

"He was angry, mentally disturbed, and misrepresenting a lot of the facts concerning almost every subject he discussed," Trump said.

"But he got through it. He is still breathing, and they didn’t have to carry him out in a straight jacket," Trump said. "Other than that, I think he did a terrible job."

Publicado por Brooke Singman
12:05 AM, March 08, 2024

El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Mike Johnson, dice que Biden "no dio en el clavo" en su introducción al SOTU

House Speaker Mike Johnson said President Biden "missed his cue" when he began his State of the Union address before being introduced by the former, as is custom.

"Listen, I was prepared to do it, but he jumped the gun. He missed his cue," Johnson told Fox News' Sean Hannity in an interview following Biden's speech.

Biden began speaking immediately after the applause subsided before giving Johnson a chance to welcome him.

"He was about 15 or 20 minutes late upon arrival. I haven't yet heard why that was, but, yeah, he jumped in their and began his speech," he said.

"I was going to do it formally but I never got the opportunity, and I didn't want to interrupt the president and be disrespectful. But it wasn't the Speaker of the House who missed his cue, it was the president," he added.

Publicado por Brandon Gillespie
11:33 PM, March 07, 2024

GOP strategist sees Biden as a drag on Dems in 2024 elections despite SOTU 'spin'

President Biden's "spin" at the State of the Union address Thursday evening won't help Democrats running in tight House races in November, according to a GOP strategist.

“There's no greater asset to Republicans in toss-up seats than Joe Biden being on the Democratic ballot in November," Aaron Evans, president of Winning Republican Strategies, told Fox News Digital in a statement.

"He's more focused on building a port for the Hamas terror regime in Gaza than building a wall at our Southern border, and the only thing rising faster than inflation under his watch has been crime."

Biden mentioned immigration in his speech to Congress, as the border situation has become one of the most contentious political issues in the U.S. Biden scolded Congress for not approving a bipartisan immigration bill that Republicans said did little to secure the border.

"We can fight about fixing the border or we can fix it," Biden said in his speech.

"His team can spin whatever they want to, but Americans feel the reality every day at the pumps and grocery stores across our country," Evans said. "One of the most failed presidencies in the history of our country can only be a boon to Republicans.”

Posted by Thomas Phippen
10:43 PM, March 07, 2024

El SOTU de Biden tachado de discurso de campaña "abiertamente partidista": Una auténtica vergüenza

President Biden’s State of the Union speech was trashed by prominent political pundits for its political nature, with some likening it to more of a campaign speech than an overview of the state of the country."

Attacking his opponent directly in the first minutes of his speech is unprecedented and perhaps the most partisan start to a State of the Union address in modern memory," AEI Senior Fellow and former speechwriter for President George W. Bush Marc Thiessen wrote on X during Biden’s Thursday night speech.

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller
10:37 PM, March 07, 2024

Biden interrupted at State of the Union speech

President Biden was interrupted by a man who appears to be a Gold Star dad during his State of the Union address.

When Biden was talking about crime, a man yelled “Abbey Gate, Abbey Gate” -- in reference to the terrorist attack outside Kabul Airport in 2021.

Thirteen soldiers were killed in the attack, which came as part of the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The dad who yelled was with 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines. His identity was not clear.

Fox NewsChad Pergram ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Adam Shaw
10:25 PM, March 07, 2024

Marjorie Taylor Green confronts Biden on House floor about Laken Riley's death : 'Say her name'

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., confronted President Biden on the floor of the House ahead of his State of the Union speech concerning the death of college student Laken Riley, allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant.

"I'll say her name," Biden is heard telling Greene, accepting from her a commemorative pin including a photo of Riley.

It's unclear exactly what Greene said before handing the Biden the pin, but she added, "Laken Riley. Say her name, Mr. President," before the president moved on.

Biden later held up the pin and said Riley's name during his speech, referring to her alleged murderer as an "illegal."

Publicado por Brandon Gillespie
10:20 PM, March 07, 2024

Biden mentions Laken Riley amid disruption at SOTU

President Biden directly mentioned Laken Riley, a Georgia student recently murdered allegedly by an illegal immigrant, after heckling by Republicans to do so.

A reference to Riley wasn't in prepared remarks, but when Republicans urged Biden to "say her name" Biden had a button prepared by his side

However, he appeared to misstate her name, calling her "Lincoln Riley...an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal."

"But how many thousands of people have been killed by illegals?"

"To her parents I say my heart goes out to you, having lost children myself, I understand."

Riley was killed on the University of Georgia campus last month. An illegal immigrant from Venezuela has been charged with her murder.

Publicado por Adam Shaw
10:16 PM, March 07, 2024

Biden repeats claim about deficit in SOTU that has been fact checked and labeled false

President Biden said during his State of the Union address on Thursday night that in his first couple years as president "we cut the deficit."

"I've been delivering real results in fiscally responsible ways," Biden said. "We've already cut the federal deficit. We've already cut the federal deficit over $1 trillion."

That claim has been fact checked numerous times including by the Washington Post who gave it a "bottomless Pinocchio" rating in 2023.

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller
09:57 PM, March 07, 2024

Biden SOTU address an 'utter disgrace': Former White House speechwriter

A former White House speech writer ripped President Biden's State of the Union speech as an "utter disgrace," and "the most partisan" in modern history.

Biden used the opening of his speech to rail against former President Donald Trump, Jan. 6 protestors, and those he said were a threat to democracy.

"Attacking his opponent directly in the first minutes of his speech is unprecedented and perhaps the most partisan start to a State of the Union address in modern memory," Marc Thiessen, a Fox News contributor and former speech writer in President George W. Bush's administration.

"As someone who helped write several SOTUs and who reveres this important presidential institution, I’m stunned by this address. It’s an utter disgrace," he wrote.

"This man should never be allowed to take the rostrum of the House and deliver a State of the Union address again," he added.

Publicado por Brandon Gillespie
09:57 PM, March 07, 2024

Todos los sitios web del DHS se caen brevemente mientras Biden pronuncia el discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión

As President Biden is giving his State of the Union address, all websites of the Department of Homeland Security briefly went down.

Websites for DHS, as well as Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Secret Service are all down.

Biden is expected to address the ongoing border crisis during his address.

DHS said it was "investigating and working to resolve an outage" and later said that the issue "has been resolved."

Publicado por Adam Shaw
09:53 PM, March 07, 2024

Biden quotes Reagan to attack Trump as he opens SOTU talking about Ukraine

President Biden began his State of the Union address by quoting former President Ronald Reagan to launch an attack on former President Donald Trump over his stance on Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He told Congress that Ukraine "could stop Putin if we stand with Ukraine and provide the weapons it needs to defend itself."

He then compared Reagan's appeal to then-President Gorbachev when he said in front of the Berlin Wall: "Tear down this wall."

"Now my predecessor, a former Republican president, tells Putin 'do whatever the hell you want,'" Biden said of Trump.

Publicado por Adam Shaw
09:48 PM, March 07, 2024

House 'Squad' Reps wear symbol of Palestinian nationalism to Biden's SOTU

Several members of the House “Squad” of far-left progressives appeared to mount a subtle and silent protest in support of Palestinians during President Biden’s State of the Union address on Thursday night.

Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., Cori Bush, D-Mo., and Summer Lee, D-Pa., all attended Biden’s primetime speech wearing keffiyehs, a traditional symbol of Palestinian nationalism.

The trio hardly applauded when fellow Democrats rose to clap for Biden, and Fox News Digital did not observe them joining any standing ovations.

Tlaib, the only Palestinian-American in Congress, has led progressive criticism of Biden for failing to take a harsher stance on Israel’s invasion of Gaza. The conflict was set off on Oct. 7 when Hamas militants invaded southern Israel in a surprise attack that killed over 1,000 people – mostly civilians.

Israel’s resulting ground invasion has killed over 30,000 Palestinians according to the Hamas-run Gaze Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between fighters and civilians.

Last week Tlaib was one of the most vocal proponents of the movement to vote “uncommitted” in the Michigan Democratic primary in protest of Biden for not calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Publicado por Elizabeth Elkind
09:44 PM, March 07, 2024

Biden invokes Trump multiple times, referring to him as 'my predecessor'

President Biden invoked former President Trump, his 2024 opponent, multiple times during his State of the Union address.

Biden referred to him multiple times throughout the speech as his "predecessor," but did not mention Donald Trump by name.

First, Biden invoked Trump related to Russia's war with Ukraine.

"My predecessor, a former Republican President, tells Putin, 'Do whatever the hell you want,'" Biden said. "A former American President actually said that, bowing down to a Russian leader."

Next, Biden invoked Trump related to Jan. 6, 2021.

"My predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth of January 6th," he said. "I will not do that. This is a moment to speak the truth and bury the lies."

He added: "And here’s the simplest truth. You can’t love your country only when you win."

Biden then invoked Trump related to Roe v. Wade and female reproductive rights.

He also raised "his predecessor" related to mental health; claimed he "failed to buy American" and more.

Publicado por Brooke Singman
09:24 PM, March 07, 2024

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona serves as SOTU 'designated survivor'

This year's SOTU designated survivor is Education Secretary Miguel Cardona.

During every State of the Union, one member of the president’s cabinet is ushered away from Washington, D.C., and labeled the "designated survivor" with the intention of ensuring that someone in line for presidential succession is kept safe in the event of a catastrophic event during the speech.

The precaution, which dates back to the Cold War, is "taken to provide continuity in the presidency in the event a catastrophe were to result in the death or disablement of the President, the Vice President, and other officials in the line of presidential succession gathered in the House chamber," according to a Congressional Research Service report earlier this year.

Click to read more on FoxNews.com.

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller
09:17 PM, March 07, 2024

Ex rehenes de Hamás, activistas provida y otros invitados al SOTU

Members of Congress started unveiling their guests this week to President Biden's Thursday State of the Union address, with many of their invitees relating to abortion and in vitro fertilization (IVF), border security and foreign policy in Israel.  

As Congress grapples with critical issues, such as the southern border and illegal immigration, differing state laws regarding abortion and IVF, and the amount of additional aid to Israel and Ukraine as they face wars at home, prominent lawmakers have chosen to bring guests highlighting each point of disagreement. 

Fox News Digital took a look at some of the guests expected for Biden's big speech.

Ex-Hamas hostages and families of those still held in Gaza, Gold Star families of Kabul blast victims, IVF and pro-choice activists, Pro-Life activists, parents of American journalist detained in Russia, Alexei Navalny's widow and NYPD officers attacked by migrants in Times Square are expected to attend.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Julia Johnson and Elizabeth Elkind 

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
09:15 PM, March 07, 2024

UAW's Shawn Fain makes State of the Union guest list in nod to organized labor

United Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fain made the guest list to attend President Biden's State of the Union (SOTU) address tonight, landing an invitation to sit in first lady Jill Biden's viewing box.

The White House's honor to Fain is a nod to organized labor and to the UAW after the union endorsed President Biden's re-election campaign in January.

In addition to the union boss, other White House invitees to the SOTU include an Alabama woman who is seeking in vitro fertilization (IVF) and Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson.

"Each of these individuals were invited by the White House because they personify issues or themes to be addressed by the President in his speech, or they embody the Biden-Harris Administration’s policies at work for the American people," the White House guest announcement said.

Biden has repeatedly touted himself as the most pro-union president in modern history, and the White House hailed Fain for the UAW's simultaneous strike against Detroit's Big Three automakers — Ford, General Motors and Stellantis — last fall. 

This is an excerpt from an article by FOX Business' Breck Dumas

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
09:12 PM, March 07, 2024

Snapshot of Obama's 2009 State of the Union address

"There are also those who claim that our reform efforts would ensure illegal immigrants," former President Barack Obama said during his 2009 State of the Union address. "This, too, is false." 

Behind Obama sat now President Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. A crowd of attendees can be heard causing commotion in the background as Obama speaks on immigration reforms. One attendee yells out to the former president as Biden and Pelosi look hastily in the direction of the individual.

"The reforms I am proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally," Obama said. "It's not true."

In 2009, Obama pushed for an immigration reform bill.

"This is not going to be a free ride. It's not going to be some instant amnesty," Obama said at the time. "What's going to happen is you are going to pay a significant fine. You are going to learn English. You are going to go to the back of the line so that you don't get ahead of somebody who was in Mexico City applying legally. But after you've done these things, over a certain period of time you can earn your citizenship."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
09:10 PM, March 07, 2024

Biden to use State of the Union to stress 'historic achievements'

The president is expected to deliver his State of the Union address Thursday at 9 p.m. ET. 

A White House official told Fox News Digital the president will "lay out the historic achievements he has delivered on for the American people and his vision for the future." 

"President Biden got more done in the first three years than most presidents have accomplished in two terms," a White House official told Fox News Digital. 

The president is expected to discuss "protecting and implementing his agenda" during the last year of his term and in what he hopes will be a second term. 

The official said Biden will discuss infrastructure and investment in U.S. semiconductor manufacturing, lowering drug prices and "getting rid of junk fees." 

But, at the heart of the speech, the president is expected to discuss "whose side he is on," the official said, and "the work ahead to make life better for every American." 

The president will discuss lowering costs, lowering health care premiums and "taking on the drug companies to lower the cost of prescription drugs." 

Biden is also set to discuss ways he intends to put the middle class "first." 

Publicado por Brooke Singman
09:10 PM, March 07, 2024

Trump trolls Biden on Truth Social for being 'very substantially late' to State of the Union

Former President Trump trolled President Biden for being "very substantially late."

"Not a good start, but let's give him the benefit of the doubt," Trump posted on his Truth Social. "I'm sure he had very important things to do, but he is just now getting into the car."

"They will have to drive very, very quickly, you just don't want to be late to the State of the Union," he said.

Trump added: "They will need Mario Andretti to be at the wheel of the Limo."

Publicado por Brooke Singman
09:04 PM, March 07, 2024

Biden arrives 15 minutes late for State of the Union

President Biden was 15 minutes late arriving to the House of Representatives for his third State of the Union address.

He was announced on the floor of the House of Representatives around 9:17 p.m. ET when he was due to arrive at 9:01 p.m. ET.

It's unclear why the president was running late, but he departed the White House well after he was expected to.

His late arrival runs contrary to the usual precise timing for State of the Union addresses, although previous president's have delayed their speeches for days, including Ronald Reagan in 1986 after the Challenger explosion.

Publicado por Brandon Gillespie
08:55 PM, March 07, 2024

GOP Sen claims fence is to 'protect' Biden from Dem 'base' as protesters gather near Capitol

Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., reacted on Thursday night to pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrating near the Capitol ahead of President Biden's State of the Union address in an effort to disrupt it.

"So, the wall outside the Capitol is to protect @TheDemocrats from their base. #SOTU2024," he wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

"Biden's legacy is Genocide," read a banner held by the protesters.

Earlier on Wednesday it was revealed that Biden would announce in his SOTU address that the U.S. military will be building a port in Gaza, which will have the capability of receiving "large ships carrying food, water, medicine and temporary shelters," according to a senior administration official.

Publicado por Julia Johnson
08:51 PM, March 07, 2024

Mike Johnson will host Evan Gershkovich's parents at State of the Union

House Speaker Mike Johnson will host the parents of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich – who has been wrongfully imprisoned in Russia for nearly a year – at President Biden’s State of the Union address tonight.

En una declaración a Fox News Digital, la oficina de Johnson confirmó que Ella Milman y Mikhail Gershkovich serían los invitados especiales del orador.

"Es un honor para mí recibir a Ella Milman y Mijail Gershkovich en el discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión", declaró Johnson en un comunicado. 

"By hosting Evan’s parents, Congress will shine a spotlight on the unjust detention of their son," he said.

The Republican speaker of the House said that the Biden administration "must bring Evan home."

"Estados Unidos debe defender siempre la libertad de prensa en todo el mundo, especialmente en lugares como Rusia, donde está siendo asaltada", declaró Johnson. "La Administración debe traer a Evan a casa".

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Sarah Rumpf-Whitten 

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
08:48 PM, March 07, 2024

Pro-Palestinian protesters attempt to disrupt SOTU near Capitol: 'Biden's legacy is genocide'

Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside President Biden’s State of the Union on Thursday night in an apparent attempt to disrupt proceedings.

About 100 protesters showed up at the intersection of Constitution Avenue and 3rd Street in Washington, D.C. on Thursday night, about an hour before Biden was set to deliver his State of the Union address.

Se pudo ver a manifestantes sosteniendo un cartel que decía: "El legado de Biden es el genocidio".

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller
08:40 PM, March 07, 2024

El discurso de Ronald Reagan sobre el Estado de la Unión se retrasó debido a la explosión del Challenger en 1986

The State of the Union address has been delayed during past presidencies. In 1986, then-President Ronald Reagan delayed his address due to the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion, which claimed the lives of seven astronauts on the night of the scheduled speech.

Also, back in 2019, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told then-President Donald Trump that the address should be postponed due to security concerns while the government was experiencing a partial shutdown. The speech was delayed until the first week in February after the partial government shutdown ended.

Two U.S. presidents did not serve long enough to submit a State of the Union address — late Presidents William Henry Harrison and James Garfield, according to the Congressional Research Service.

Harrison died of an acute illness on April 4, 1841, just 31 days after his inauguration. Garfield, who also did not give an address, served just 199 days before he was assassinated in 1881.

Publicado por Brooke Singman
08:30 PM, March 07, 2024

El asiento junto a la primera dama es un lugar destacado desde 1982, cuando Reagan era presidente

The State of the Union itself is a national tradition, though it only began as we know it in 1965, when then-President Lyndon Johnson delivered the nationally televised address as it’s currently named in prime time.

President Biden is continuing that tradition by making his big speech at 9 p.m. ET Thursday. And while the president is expected to give a yearly update on the state of the union, the commanders-in-chief have given the same assessment almost every year for four decades: “Strong.”

“Because the soul of this nation is strong, because the backbone of this nation is strong, because the people of this nation are strong, the State of the Union is strong,” Biden said last year.

The invitation of special guests is also a notable yearly tradition, though the seat next to the first lady is typically an especially honor-designated place. That tradition began with former President Ronald Reagan in 1982, when he invited a federal worker who jumped into the Potomac River in the middle of January to save a woman after a plane crashed there during a failed takeoff.

Publicado por Elizabeth Elkind
08:20 PM, March 07, 2024

Biden, interrumpido durante el discurso del SOTU de 2023, promocionó el mercado laboral desde que asumió el cargo en 2021

Last year, President Joe Biden endured intense heckling by far-right Republican members of Congress after he accused them of wanting to cut Medicare and Social Security benefits.

The heckling prompted then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., to shush members of his own party.

Biden made a claim about the number of total jobs he created since he took office in 2021, which he numbered at about 12 million.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, however, the economy under Biden had only added 2.7 million overall jobs, because the rest had been lost during the COVID-19 pandemic.

While he did receive bipartisan praise for acknowledging the death of Tyre Nichols, a 29-year old Black man who died in Memphis at the hands of police, he also received flak for using the speech as an opportunity to call for a nationwide ban on assault weapons.

Republicans also criticized him for failing to mention Iran, Afghanistan, the tens of thousands of people killed by devastating earthquakes in Turkey, or the scandal surrounding his mishandling of classified documents.

Fox NewsJessica Chasmar ha contribuido a este informe

Publicado por Brandon Gillespie
08:10 PM, March 07, 2024

Trump: Biden's 'first statement' at SOTU should be about terminating the 'witch hunt' against him

Former President Trump posted on his Truth Social Thursday evening that President Biden should dedicate his "first statement" in his State of the Union address to promising to "immediately terminate" the "witch hunt" against him.

"The first statement that Crooked Joe Biden should make tonight when addressing the Nation is that he will immediately terminate the Witch Hunt against his Political Opponent, ME." Trump posted.

"Prosecutors and Judges have teamed up as though we were a third world nation!"

Trump has repeatedly blamed Biden for his legal challenges, saying the White House and Democrats are committing "election interference."

Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges against him in all jurisdictions.

Next month, the Supreme Court is expected to hear arguments on presidential immunity and whether Trump is immune from prosecution in Special Counsel Jack Smith's 2020 election interference case.

Publicado por Brooke Singman
08:10 PM, March 07, 2024

Biden destrozado por un vídeo publicado en X con los actores Morgan Freeman, Bill Pullman, Geena Davis y otros

President Biden shared a video of himself getting advice from Hollywood A-listers who have played presidents on how to handle his upcoming State of the Union address tonight.

In a video posted to the president’s official X account on Thursday, Biden had a virtual meeting with actors Morgan Freeman, Bill Pullman, Geena Davis, Michael Douglas and Tony Goldwyn, asking them for their perspectives on playing fake presidents in order to get ready for the annual address.

Biden’s account captioned the clip, stating, "You may’ve heard I’ve got a big speech coming up. So, I thought I would hear from some folks who have done the job before – sort of."

The video opened with Biden in his office, joking with the five famous faces on the screen, saying, "I’ve never spoken to so many presidents all at one time."

"Some of you might know what a big speech like I have to do is coming up – the State of the Union. Any advice you have for me in my delivery of my speech?" he asked.

This is an excerpt of a story by Fox News' Gabriel Hays

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
08:02 PM, March 07, 2024

Manifestantes propalestinos intentan interrumpir el SOTU cerca del Capitolio

Pro-Palestine protesters gathered at the intersection of Constitution Ave and 3rd Street in Washington, D.C., a few blocks from the Capitol, in an attempt to disrupt the proceedings surrounding President Biden's State of the Union.

Protesters held up a banner saying "Biden's legacy is Genocide."

About 100 protesters were gathered in total.

"MPD is monitoring First Amendment activity at this location and no arrests have been made at this time," D.C. police told Fox News Digital in a statement.

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller
08:00 PM, March 07, 2024

House Republican says Americans will be 'taking notes' on Biden's border plans in SOTU address

Republican Mississippi Congressman Michael Guest released a statement calling out President Joe Biden's handling of crime and illegal crossings at the southern border, just hours before the State of the Union.

The GOP representative who serves as the Vice Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, highlighted the mass number of illegal migrants that have poured into the country under Biden's presidency.

"Since President Biden took office, there have been nearly 9 million illegal crossings into the United States, which is three times the number of people who live in Mississippi," the Congressman pointed out.

Citing a Monmouth University Poll, 6 out of 10 Americans view illegal immigration as the most important issue that the nation currently faces.

“Tonight, as the President addresses the nation, Americans are watching and taking notes to see if the President will offer solutions to address the border crisis or if he will continue to ignore the problem that he created," Rep. Guest said.

President Biden will address Congress tonight at 9 p.m. ET.

Posted by Emily Robertson
07:48 PM, March 07, 2024

Ousted ex-Rep. George Santos spotted in Congress ahead of Biden's State of the Union

Expelled former Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., was seen back in the U.S. Capitol on Thursday night to attend the State of the Union address.

“Why not? It’s a privilege,” Santos told reporters after revealing he’s attending President Biden’s speech. As a former member of Congress, Santos still has "floor privileges" meaning he can attend proceedings when the House is in session.

He said it was “great to be back” and a “humbling experience” to return to the House of Representatives after his colleagues voted to boot him in December, shrinking the House GOP’s already perilously slim majority.

Asked whether he’d run for office again, Santos did not rule it out.

“I don’t put anything past my desire to run for office at this point but at this point… I’m just watching,” he said.

Santos was kicked out after a push by his fellow New York Republicans last year. It came in the wake of a damning House Ethics Committee report that found he misused campaign funds. He’s also under federal indictment over similar accusations.

Publicado por Elizabeth Elkind
07:42 PM, March 07, 2024

¿Se espera que Biden aborde la crisis fronteriza durante el SOTU?

President Biden is expected to talk about the ongoing crisis at the southern border, as it becomes a top political issue in 2024.

The crisis, now into its third year, has seen record numbers encountered at the border and polling suggests it has become a top issue of concern for voters.

Both President Biden and former President Donald Trump visited the border in Texas last week.

President Biden and his administration have sought to shift the blame for the crisis onto the shoulders of Republicans. The administration says that it is working with a broken system that needs significantly more funding and comprehensive immigration reform. Republicans say it is the fault of the administration and its policies.

Biden is likely to promote a bipartisan bill negotiated in the Senate which is yet to drum up enough support. 

The deal includes additional staffing at the border and in asylum offices, an increased $1.4 billion in funding to cities and NGOs receiving migrants, took action to tackle fentanyl smuggling and would limit asylum claims. It would also increase detention beds to 50,000 and provide additional immigration judges.

Sin embargo, no ha conseguido el apoyo suficiente en el Senado, ya que los legisladores conservadores han advertido de que un mecanismo de limitación que sólo entrara en vigor tras una media de 5.000 encuentros diarios normalizaría unos niveles de inmigración ilegal ya de por sí elevados.

Biden however has said it is "the toughest set of border security reforms we've ever seen."

Publicado por Adam Shaw
07:32 PM, March 07, 2024

How to watch Biden's State of the Union address on Fox News

Bret Baier y Martha MacCallum copresentarán la programación especial del CanalFox News en torno al discurso del Presidente Biden sobre el Estado de la Unión 2024 y la respuesta republicana de la senadora por Alabama Katie Britt, el jueves a las 9 p.m. ET. 

Dana Perino, John Roberts y Harold Ford Jr. se unirán a Baier y MacCallum, mientras que el analista político jefe Brit Hume, el presentador de Fox Business Network Larry Kudlow y el analista estratégico senior General Jack Keane proporcionarán comentarios adicionales. 

Peter Doocy, corresponsal en la Casa Blanca, y Aishah Hasnie, corresponsal en el Congreso, informarán en directo desde la Casa Blanca y el Capitolio.

Fox Business Network emitirá simultáneamente la cobertura especial del discurso del Canal Fox News , a partir de las 21.00 h ET, y los suscriptores de FOX Nation también podrán transmitir la cobertura de la programación especial en la plataforma. 

Fox News Digital ofrecerá actualizaciones al minuto en su blog en directo durante toda la noche, junto con reportajes originales y análisis políticos. 

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Brian Flood

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
07:20 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

Los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes afilan sus cuchillos antes del discurso de Biden y dicen que esperan "más gaslighting" (más gasificación)

Los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes están agudizando sus ataques contra el presidente Biden antes de su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión en horario de máxima audiencia. 

Los líderes republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes organizaron una ofensiva de contraprogramación para el gran discurso de Biden del jueves, alineando a legisladores de base en un acto de "fila de medios" en el que promovieron un mensaje de unidad republicana contra la Casa Blanca demócrata. 

Los miembros llevaban chapas que decían "Detengamos la crisis fronteriza de Biden" mientras hablaban con los medios de comunicación, entre ellos Fox News Digital, en una cavernosa sala de reuniones salpicada de carteles que señalaban que se habían producido "más de 8,7 millones de cruces ilegales en todo el país" desde que Biden llegó a la presidencia. Otros acusaron a Biden de no estar "mentalmente capacitado" para ser comandante en jefe.

Cuando se les preguntó por sus expectativas ante el discurso, una frase escapó de los labios de los legisladores más que el resto: "gaslighting".

"Creo que va a ser "Luz de Gas de la Unión". Va a decir a Estados Unidos que todo es de color de rosa, que la economía es estupenda, que la frontera es segura, como si los estadounidenses fueran idiotas. Y eso me parece bastante insultante", dijo la diputada Nicole Malliotakis, republicana de Nueva York, a Fox News Digital.

Publicado por Elizabeth Elkind
07:10 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

Instantánea del discurso de Biden sobre el Estado de la Unión en 2023

"Algunos de mis amigos republicanos quieren tomar la economía como rehén. Lo entiendo", dijo el presidente Joe Biden durante su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión de 2023. "A menos que acepte sus planes económicos. Todos los que estáis en casa deberíais saber cuáles son esos planes. En lugar de hacer que los ricos paguen su parte justa, algunos republicanos quieren que el medicare y la seguridad social se extingan".

Detrás de él se sentaron la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris y el ex presidente de la Cámara de Representantes Kevin McCarthy. Se vio a McCarthy moviendo la cabeza y diciendo "no" a las palabras de Biden.

La multitud discrepó verbalmente con Biden cuando éste continuó: "Quien lo dude, que se ponga en contacto con mi oficina, le daré una copia de la propuesta".

Mientras la multitud seguía abucheando a Biden, éste continuó: "Me gusta la conversión".

Las cámaras enfocan a Marjorie Taylor Greene, a quien se ve gritar "mentiroso" a Biden.

"No digo que sea una mayoría de vosotros", dice Biden antes de ser cortado de nuevo. "Pero lo proponen algunos. Educadamente, no voy a nombrarlos, pero algunos de vosotros lo proponéis".

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
07:00 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

El diputado Jim Banks escribió a Biden para que reconociera a Laken Riley en el discurso de la SOTU

El representante Jim Banks, republicano de la India, escribió el lunes una carta al presidente Joe Biden, pidiéndole que reconozca la muerte de Laken Riley, estudiante universitario de Georgia, durante su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión de esta noche. 

Riley, estudiante de enfermería de 22 años de la Universidad de Augusta, fue asesinada el mes pasado y el sospechoso acusado en relación con su muerte es José Ibarra, de quien se descubrió que había inmigrado ilegalmente a Estados Unidos en 2022. 

"Con sólo seis años, Laken sabía que quería ser enfermera para poder ayudar a la gente. Estaba viviendo su sueño hasta que lo hizo añicos la frontera abierta de par en par de Joe Biden", declaró Banks a Fox News Digital en un comunicado. "Fue una tragedia totalmente evitable. El presidente Biden le debe a su familia y al pueblo estadounidense decir su nombre".

Banks imploró a Biden en la carta que "reconozca públicamente la tragedia de la familia Riley" hablando de la muerte de su hija Laken durante el discurso anual ante el Congreso. 

Este es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Julia Johnson

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
06:50 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

Un fragmento del discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión de George W. Bush en 2002

"Irán persigue agresivamente estas armas y exporta terror mientras unos pocos no elegidos reprimen la esperanza de libertad del pueblo iraní", declaró el ex presidente George W. Bush durante su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión de 2002. 

"Irak sigue haciendo alarde de su hostilidad hacia Estados Unidos y apoyando el terror. El régimen iraquí lleva más de una década conspirando para desarrollar ántrax, gas nervioso y armas nucleares. Se trata de un régimen que ya ha utilizado gas venenoso para asesinar a miles de sus propios ciudadanos, dejando los cadáveres de madres acurrucadas junto a sus hijos muertos. Es un régimen que aceptó las inspecciones internacionales y luego echó a los inspectores. Es un régimen que tiene algo que ocultar al mundo civilizado. Estados como éste, y sus aliados terroristas, constituyen un eje del mal, que se arma para amenazar la paz del mundo buscando armas de destrucción masiva."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
06:42 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

El presidente Johnson honrará a las familias de los ángeles y a los policías de Nueva York atacados por una turba de migrantes en el Estado de la Unión

El portavoz Mike Johnson, republicano por Laos, está ofreciendo a los legisladores lazos blancos para que los lleven al discurso del Presidente Biden sobre el Estado de la Unión de esta noche, en honor de las "familias ángel" que perdieron a sus seres queridos a causa de crímenes perpetuados por inmigrantes ilegales.

La oficina del portavoz dijo a Fox News Digital que los lazos eran opcionales, pero que estaban disponibles tanto para republicanos como para demócratas.

Johnson ha hecho de la crisis fronteriza y la inmigración ilegal su principal prioridad desde que asumió la presidencia en octubre. A principios de año encabezó una delegación de más de 60 republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes que visitó la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México.

Para arrojar luz sobre la crisis en el discurso del jueves, Johnson también invitó como invitados a dos agentes de la policía de Nueva York que fueron vistos en un vídeo ahora viral siendo agredidos por un grupo de migrantes en Times Square, el corazón del turismo de Nueva York.

Johnson invita a los funcionarios junto a los representantes republicanos de Nueva York. Nicole Malliotakis y Anthony D'Esposito.

Otro republicano de la Cámara de Representantes, el representante Mike Collins, republicano de Georgia, va a dejar libre su escaño de invitado en honor de Laken Riley, una estudiante de enfermería de 22 años que presuntamente fue asesinada por un inmigrante ilegal.

Publicado por Elizabeth Elkind
06:40 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

Extractos de la respuesta del Partido Republicano de Katie Britt sobre los fracasos de Biden en materia de fronteras y delincuencia: Bendito sea su corazón

Se espera que la respuesta de la senadora republicana por Alabama Katie Britt al discurso del Presidente Biden sobre el Estado de la Unión no se ande con rodeos en cuanto a los fracasos de su política fronteriza y contra la delincuencia, según muestran extractos del discurso compartidos con Fox News Digital.

"El verdadero y auténtico Estado de nuestra Unión empieza y acaba con esto: Nuestras familias están sufriendo. Nuestro país puede hacerlo mejor", se espera que diga Britt.

"La crisis fronteriza del presidente Biden es una vergüenza. Es despreciable. Y es casi totalmente evitable", añadirá.

Los extractos muestran que Britt abordará a continuación el aumento del coste de la vida en todo el país, concretamente los "altísimos" tipos hipotecarios y los "altísimos" costes del cuidado de los niños.

"¡El pueblo estadounidense se las arregla a duras penas mientras el Presidente proclama con orgullo que la Bidenomía funciona! Bendito sea. Sabemos que no es así", se espera que diga.

Publicado por Brandon Gillespie
06:30 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

Jill Biden invitó al discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión a una mujer de Texas que solicitó un aborto ilegal

Kate Cox, una madre de Texas, abandonó el estado para abortar después de que a su bebé le diagnosticaran trisomía 18, una enfermedad a veces mortal.

El presidente Biden y la primera dama hablaron por teléfono con Kate Cox a finales de enero, cuando Biden intentaba hacer del derecho al aborto un tema emblemático de su campaña de reelección. Cox, de 31 años y madre de dos hijos, saltó a los titulares nacionales tras solicitar al Tribunal Supremo de Texas permiso para abortar cuando se diagnosticó una enfermedad mortal a su hijo nonato. Se le denegó y posteriormente abandonó el estado para abortar a su bebé en otro lugar.

Los Biden "agradecieron [a Cox] su valentía al compartir su historia y hablar sobre el impacto de la prohibición extrema del aborto en Texas", declaró el miércoles a los periodistas la secretaria de prensa de la Casa Blanca, Karine Jean-Pierre.

"La primera dama invitó a Kate a acompañarla como invitada al Estado de la Unión y Kate aceptó", dijo.

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Chris Pandolfo

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
06:20 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

La primera dama ucraniana declinó la invitación de Biden al discurso SOTU

La primera dama ucraniana , Olena Zelenska, ha declinado la invitación para asistir al discurso del presidente Biden sobre el Estado de la Unión, según los informes. 

Estaba previsto que Zelenska se sentara junto a la primera dama estadounidense, Jill Biden, en el acto del jueves, según The Washington Post. 

Las dos primeras damas también se habrían dispuesto junto a la activista Yuliya Navalnaya, viuda del fallecido líder opositor ruso Alexei Navalny.

No se ha dado ninguna razón por la que Zelenska se negara a comparecer en la dirección, pero la decisión de sentarla cerca de Navalnaya pareció extraña a muchos expertos en inteligencia.

El difunto Alexei Navalny no es popular entre los ciudadanos de Ucrania debido a sus declaraciones pasadas de apoyo a la anexión rusa de Crimea en 2014.

"El hecho de que el Equipo Biden quisiera alojar a Yuliya Navalnaya y a Olena Zelenskaya en la misma habitación es una prueba a gritos de que no tienen ni idea de la dinámica cultural, étnica y política entre rusos y ucranianos, Moscú y Kiev, etc.", declaró Rebekah Koffler, analista de inteligencia militar estadounidense nacida en Rusia, a Fox News Digital.

Este es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Timothy H.J. Nerozzi 

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
06:10 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

¿Quién pronunció el discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión más breve de la historia y en qué consistió?

El discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión más breve, en minutos, fue pronunciado por el ex presidente Richard Nixon en 1972. El republicano habló durante menos de media hora ante una sesión conjunta del Congreso, en 28 minutos y 55 segundos.

Durante sus declaraciones ante la mayoría demócrata de la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado, Nixon aplaudió sus logros en política exterior. Elogió la capacidad del gobierno para evitar "una guerra mundial durante más de 25 años".

Nixon reconoció además que aún quedaba trabajo por hacer, y animó a aumentar el gasto en defensa, diciendo al Congreso: "Las defensas militares fuertes no son enemigas de la paz; son guardianas de la paz."

Señaló que EEUU no debe intervenir en conflictos extranjeros, sino "utilizar nuestra influencia para evitar la guerra".

Gran parte del discurso de Nixon abordó la política exterior de EEUU, y el presidente destacó los "alentadores progresos" en las negociaciones de EEUU con la Unión Soviética sobre la "limitación de las armas estratégicas". Hizo hincapié en la necesidad de centrarse en la investigación, la innovación y el avance tecnológico para "hacer frente al creciente desafío tecnológico del exterior" y también para crear más puestos de trabajo en el país.

Publicado por Julia Johnson
06:00 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

Espectáculo de terror": Trump arremete contra las políticas fronterizas de Biden antes del Estado de la Unión

El ex presidente Trump arremetió contra el presidente Biden antes de su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión del jueves por la noche, publicando un vídeo en X, antes conocido como Twitter. 

"Joe Biden huye de su historial y miente como un loco para tratar de eludir su responsabilidad por la horrible devastación que él y su partido han creado, mientras continúan con las mismas políticas que están provocando este espectáculo de horror", dijo Trump en el vídeo. "No podemos soportarlo más como país". 

Trump dijo que el discurso de Biden del jueves por la noche será una "triste excusa para un discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión".

El favorito y presunto candidato del Partido Republicano para 2024 dijo que, cuando dejó el cargo, dejó a Biden con la frontera más segura de la historia de Estados Unidos.

"Le dimos Permanecer en México, muy difícil de conseguir pero lo conseguí....an prohibición de asilo, título 42, 571 millas de muro fronterizo, deportaciones rápidas y mucho más", dijo Trump. "La frontera más segura de la historia de nuestro país. Nada más entrar, Crooked Joe y sus lunáticos de la izquierda radical desmantelaron deliberadamente todas y cada una de esas políticas que eran tan buenas."

"Lo que ha ocurrido ahora es un espectáculo de horror: se están riendo del país, de nuestro país, en todo el mundo", dijo Trump. "Biden ha ayudado activamente a la importación de millones y millones de inmigrantes extranjeros ilegales y los ha reasentado en vuestras comunidades".

Trump arremetió contra "Crooked" como el "presidente más incompetente que hemos tenido".

"Está manteniendo a las hordas de inmigrantes ilegales y extranjeros ilegales que entran en el país", dijo, y añadió que muchos inmigrantes ilegales proceden de "instituciones mentales y prisiones".

"El primer proyecto de ley que Joe Biden envió al Congreso era un plan para convertir a los extranjeros ilegales en ciudadanos con derecho a voto", dijo Trump, añadiendo sarcásticamente: "eso es justo lo que necesitamos".

Trump también arremetió contra la política económica de Biden y declaró

"Es hora de decirle al corrupto Joe Biden: estás despedido".

Publicado por Brooke Singman
06:00 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

Biden presentará la economía como "la mayor historia de recuperación jamás contada" en su discurso SOTU

Se espera que el presidente Biden pregone sus políticas económicas en el discurso del jueves por la noche sobre el Estado de la Unión y se refiera al progreso del país en los últimos años como la "mayor historia de recuperación jamás contada".

"Llegué al cargo decidido a hacernos superar uno de los periodos más difíciles de la historia de nuestra nación. Y lo hemos conseguido", se espera que diga Biden en su discurso ante el Congreso. "No sale en las noticias, pero en miles de ciudades y pueblos el pueblo estadounidense está escribiendo la mayor historia de remontada jamás contada".

"Así que contemos esa historia aquí y ahora. La recuperación de Estados Unidos consiste en construir un futuro de posibilidades estadounidenses, en construir una economía desde la mitad hacia fuera y desde abajo hacia arriba -no desde arriba hacia abajo-, en invertir en toda América -en todos los estadounidenses- para asegurarnos de que todos tienen una oportunidad justa y de que no dejamos a nadie atrás."

Fox News Jacqui Heinrich, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller
06:00 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

¿Cuál es la disposición de los asientos durante el discurso del SOTU?

El Presidente Biden se dirigirá al Congreso el jueves por la noche con motivo de su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión en la Cámara de Representantes del Capitolio de Estados Unidos, donde los congresistas se sentarán por orden de llegada. 

Los miembros del gabinete de Biden, los jueces del Tribunal Supremo y los líderes militares tendrán asientos reservados.

Dos escaños detrás del presidente Biden se reservarán para el presidente republicano de la Cámara de Representantes, Mike Johnson, y la vicepresidenta, Kamala Harris.

Según el Servicio de Investigación del Congreso, los asientos en la tribuna de la Cámara son sólo para los titulares de entradas y están coordinados por el Sargento de Armas de la Cámara.

El Jefe del Ejecutivo suele invitar a invitados especiales al discurso, tradición iniciada por el Presidente Ronald Reagan en 1982.

Hasta ahora, la Casa Blanca sólo ha revelado la identidad de una invitada, Kate Cox, una mujer de Texas que afirma que no pudo abortar en su estado a pesar de que su salud corría peligro y su feto padecía una enfermedad mortal. 

Associated Press ha contribuido a este reportaje

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller
05:50 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

¿Cómo se comporta Biden en las encuestas frente a Trump?

El ex presidente Donald Trump ha mantenido una ligera ventaja sobre el presidente Biden en varias encuestas recientes sobre las elecciones presidenciales de 2024.

Una encuesta deFox News publicada a principios de esta semana daba a Trump una ventaja de dos puntos sobre Biden, 49%-47%.

La ventaja de Trump en la encuesta proviene de un apoyo récord o casi récord entre grupos demócratas clave, al tiempo que mantiene un fuerte apoyo entre sus propios electores.

Por ejemplo, el 28% de los votantes negros apoyan a Trump en el cara a cara contra Biden, 7 veces más de los que le apoyaban hace cuatro años (4% en febrero de 2020). Además, Trump tiene un apoyo significativo entre los votantes menores de 30 años (51%) y los demócratas (8%), con un apoyo casi récord entre los hispanos (48%) y las mujeres de los suburbios (43%).

Algunos de los grupos más fuertes de Trump son los cristianos evangélicos blancos (68%), los hombres blancos sin titulación universitaria (64%) y los votantes rurales (60%), mientras que para Biden son los votantes negros (66%), los votantes urbanos (59%) y los titulados universitarios (57%).

Fox NewsVictoria Balara ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Brandon Gillespie
05:40 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

Bill Clinton ya advirtió en 1995 de que la inmigración abrumaba "todos los lugares" de Estados Unidos

El ex presidente Bill Clinton abordó específicamente dos cuestiones importantes durante su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión en 1995: la economía y la inmigración.

Mientras que sus comentarios sobre la economía -es decir, animar a los legisladores a "recortar más el gasto" y a "capacitar al pueblo estadounidense para triunfar en la economía global"- han sido repetidos regularmente por sus modernos demócratas, sus comentarios sobre la inmigración y la seguridad de la frontera son un contraste asombroso.

"Todos los estadounidenses, no sólo en los Estados más afectados, sino en todos los lugares de este país, están preocupados, con razón, por el gran número de extranjeros ilegales que entran en nuestro país", dijo el entonces presidente Clinton desde el hemiciclo de la Cámara de Representantes.

Y añadió: "Los puestos de trabajo que ocupan podrían ser ocupados de otro modo por ciudadanos o inmigrantes legales. El servicio público que utilizan impone cargas a nuestros contribuyentes. Por eso nuestra administración ha actuado agresivamente para asegurar más nuestras fronteras contratando un número récord de nuevos guardias fronterizos, deportando al doble de extranjeros delincuentes que nunca, tomando medidas enérgicas contra la contratación ilegal, prohibiendo las prestaciones sociales a los extranjeros ilegales."

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Lawrence Richard 

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
05:30 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

¿Qué hace el superviviente designado durante el discurso del SOTU?

En 1947, el presidente Harry Truman firmó la Ley de Sucesión Presidencial, que restablecía la línea de sucesión en caso de que el presidente muriera en el cargo. Poco después, y ante la creciente amenaza de guerra nuclear con la Unión Soviética, la Oficina del Presidente puso en práctica el concepto de "superviviente designado".

El superviviente designado es un miembro del gabinete del presidente que, durante actos importantes como inauguraciones o el discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión, es relegado a un lugar secreto y seguro mientras dure el acto. El propósito de esto es garantizar que, si un ataque terrorista o nuclear aniquilara a la mayoría de los funcionarios de alto nivel, siempre habría alguien en la línea de sucesión presidencial que pudiera tomar el mando.

En particular, el superviviente designado no hereda automáticamente el papel de presidente, a menos que alguien de rango superior sobreviva al incidente. Suelen ser el último recurso. 

Durante eldiscurso discurso presidencial ante el Congreso tras los atentados terroristas del 11 de septiembre, el vicepresidente Dick Cheney fue nombrado superviviente designado, y durante el discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión de 2023 del presidente Joe Biden, el entonces secretario de Trabajo Marty Walsh fue el designado. Aunque la selección es a veces aleatoria debido a la naturaleza de estos importantes acontecimientos, los supervivientes designados suelen estar más abajo en la lista de sucesión presidencial, como los Secretarios de Trabajo, Energía e Interior, etc.

"Designated Survivor", una serie de televisión protagonizada por Kiefer Sutherland, se emitió en ABC en 2016 y seguía la historia ficticia de Thomas Kirkman, Secretario de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano que, tras un ataque terrorista que acaba con la mayor parte del gobierno, asume la presidencia. 

Publicado por Matteo Cina
05:20 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

¿Por qué un miembro del gabinete debe saltarse el discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión?

Durante los grandes acontecimientos políticos, como el discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión, a un funcionario de la línea de sucesión presidencial se le asigna el papel de "superviviente designado" y debe permanecer alejado del acto.

Esta precaución se toma para asegurar la continuidad en la presidencia.

Si se produjera un suceso catastrófico en el Capitolio que provocara la muerte o la incapacidad del presidente, el vicepresidente, el presidente de la Cámara de Representantes u otros funcionarios de la Casa Blanca, el "superviviente designado" podría asumir el cargo de comandante en jefe en funciones.

Sólo los secretarios confirmados por el Senado (y ciudadanos de nacimiento) en la línea de sucesión a la presidencia pueden asumir el control para garantizar la continuidad del gobierno.

La tradición se remonta a la década de 1960, en medio de la preocupación por un posible ataque nuclear durante la Guerra Fría.

Durante el Estado de la Unión de 2023, el Secretario de Trabajo Marty Walsh fue el superviviente designado; durante el Estado de la Unión de 2022, la Secretaria de Comercio Gina Raimondo fue la superviviente designada.

Publicado por Brooke Singman
05:10 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

Los legisladores reparten chapas en memoria de Laken Riley antes del SOTU

Miembros del Congreso están repartiendo chapas antes del Estado de la Unión en honor de la víctima de asesinato Laken Riley, presuntamente asesinada por un hombre que vivía ilegalmente en Estados Unidos.

"Alex Mooney] está manteniendo viva la memoria de esta excelente joven, después de que el presidente y los demócratas le dieran la espalda", dijo Craig Shirley, presidente del PAC conservador Ciudadanos por la República, en un comentario facilitado a Fox News Digital.

"Encuesta tras encuesta se identifica la inmigración ilegal como el asunto número 1 que preocupa a los estadounidenses. ¿Cuántas tragedias más tendremos que soportar antes de que el gobierno de Biden se tome en serio estas preocupaciones?"

La representante republicana de Georgia Marjoire Taylor Greene también fue vista llevando y repartiendo chapas con una foto de Riley, y otra que dice: "Di su nombre Laken Riley", según muestran las publicaciones en las redes sociales.

Riley, estudiante de enfermería de 22 años, fue descubierta muerta a golpes el mes pasado tras salir a correr por el campus de la Universidad de Georgia. La estudiante de la Universidad de Augusta se cruzó con el inmigrante ilegal José Antonio Ibarra, según las autoridades, y murió de un traumatismo craneal por objeto contundente.

Ibarra, de nacionalidad venezolana, entró ilegalmente en Estados Unidos en 2022 y se le concedió "libertad condicional" en la frontera, según han declarado las autoridades.

Los botones se repartieron antes del discurso anual del presidente Biden, el jueves por la noche, ante una sesión conjunta del Congreso. Anteriormente, el jueves, la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos aprobó la Ley Laken Riley, que obligaría a las autoridades federales a detener a los inmigrantes ilegales acusados de hurtos o robos locales.

Fox NewsEmma Colton ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
05:00 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

¿Quién está invitado al discurso del SOTU?

En el Estado de la Unión, tanto la Casa Blanca como los legisladores invitarán a invitados al discurso, a veces para llamar la atención sobre un determinado asunto o política.

De momento, la Casa Blanca ha dicho que ha invitado a Kate Cox, una mujer de Texas que no pudo abortar en Texas. Es probable que el presidente Biden la reconozca cuando hable de ampliar los derechos a este controvertido procedimiento.

Los republicanos están trayendo a los policías que se enfrentaron a los migrantes en Time Square y Nueva York, como parte de un esfuerzo para llamar la atención sobre la actual crisis en la frontera sur.

Fox News Digital informó esta semana de que entre los invitados del portavoz Mike Johnson figurarán una madre que perdió a su hijo por una pastilla con fentanilo y la madre de una mujer de Maryland violada y asesinada en 2022, presuntamente por un miembro de la banda MS-13.

Associated Press ha contribuido a este reportaje

Publicado por Adam Shaw
04:52 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

Lo que hay que saber sobre el discurso del Estado de la Unión de esta noche

El discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión comenzará el jueves por la noche a las 21.00 h ET. Es el tercer discurso del presidente Biden ante una sesión conjunta del Congreso desde que se hizo cargo de la Casa Blanca en enero de 2021.

Prácticamente todos los altos funcionarios nacionales de Washington, D.C., desde jueces del Tribunal Supremo a miembros del Congreso y del gabinete de Biden, salvo una notable excepción: un miembro del gobierno de Biden no asistirá al acto como "superviviente designado" para garantizar la continuidad del gobierno en el peor de los casos.

Los legisladores también han invitado a asistir a invitados, desde los agentes de policía de Nueva York que fueron grabados en vídeo siendo atacados por una turba de inmigrantes en Times Square, hasta familiares de rehenes cautivos de Hamás en Gaza.

Habrá fanfarria antes y después del acto, cuando los funcionarios y el comandante en jefe lleguen por fin, pero es probable que el discurso en sí dure algo más de una hora. El discurso más largo de Biden ante el Congreso fue el del año pasado, de aproximadamente una hora y 13 minutos, mientras que el más breve fue de poco menos de una hora y dos minutos en 2022.

Fox News Channel y Fox Business Network retransmitirán en directo el acto el jueves por la noche. También puede verse en YouTube y en varios servicios de streaming.

Publicado por Elizabeth Elkind
04:43 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

Biden no anunciará la acción ejecutiva sobre inmigración durante el Estado de la Unión: funcionario

El presidente Biden no anunciará ninguna orden ejecutiva sobre inmigración o seguridad fronteriza antes o durante su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión del jueves, dijo un funcionario de la Casa Blanca a Fox News. 

Un funcionario de la Casa Blanca dijo que la "preferencia" de la administración seguía siendo que el Congreso legislara esta cuestión.

En relación con un informe de la CNN en el que se afirmaba que Biden dijo al gobernador de Montana, el republicano Greg Gianforte, durante un reciente acto en la Casa Blanca que anunciaría medidas sobre la frontera en el Estado de la Unión, el funcionario de la Casa Blanca dijo el jueves a Fox News que el informe era falso y que tal interacción "nunca ocurrió". 

El funcionario de la Casa Blanca afirmó que lo estaba comprobando con personas que estaban en la sala, pero la administración negó la exactitud del informe. 

El informe de la CNN afirmaba: "Los demócratas dijeron a Biden que tenía que mostrar más el fuego que exhibió en una reunión a puerta cerrada con gobernadores cuando el gobernador de Montana, Greg Gianforte, le entregó una carta exigiendo más acción en la frontera sur. Biden esbozó una sonrisa, según dos de los gobernadores allí presentes".

"'Estado de la Unión', dijo Biden, burlonamente".

Este es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Jacqui Heinrich y Danielle Wallace

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
04:31 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

¿Por qué debe preocupar a los estadounidenses el discurso del presidente en el SOTU?

El discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión es una de las mayores piezas de teatro político de cada año y tiene su origen en un simple requisito de la Constitución de EE.UU. que ordena al presidente "dar al Congreso Información sobre el Estado de la Unión, y recomendar a su Consideración las Medidas que juzgue necesarias y convenientes". 

Pero en los tiempos modernos, es una extravagancia televisada en la que cada detalle se examina cuidadosamente.

En el discurso, el presidente Biden pregonará sus logros durante el último año y desde que asumió el cargo. Históricamente, los miembros del partido del presidente aplauden ruidosamente durante el discurso, mientras que el partido de la oposición permanece sentado o incluso expresa su descontento con determinados puntos de discusión.

Se espera que la edad del presidente Biden esté en el punto de mira el jueves por la noche, cuando el presidente de 81 años intente disuadir a algunos de la percepción pública de que su agudeza mental ha disminuido hasta el punto de que no es apto para el cargo.

Las cámaras de televisión recorrerán la cámara durante el Estado de la Unión, por lo que también tendrás una visión clara de todos los asistentes. Esta es una oportunidad para que los legisladores y los invitados envíen su propio mensaje con su ropa o sus expresiones faciales.

Las mujeres demócratas vistieron de blanco, el color del movimiento por el sufragio femenino, durante el Estado de la Unión de Trump en 2019. En 2022, algunos legisladores llevaron lazos azules y amarillos para mostrar su apoyo a Ucrania.

Tras el discurso de Biden, la senadora por Alabama Katie Britt dará la réplica republicana a sus comentarios.

Associated Press ha contribuido a este reportaje

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller
04:21 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

Los estadounidenses pueden apostar por meteduras de pata, confusiones e incluso una "congelación cerebral" en el discurso de Biden en el SOTU

Los votantes estadounidenses que quieran sacar provecho del del Presidente Biden pueden apostar sobre si el presidente tiene un "congelamiento cerebral", o si confunde a Nikki Haley con cualquier otra persona, así como apuestas más tradicionales como la duración máxima y mínima del discurso. 

Biden se enfrenta desde hace tiempo a las críticas sobre sus capacidades cognitivas, y recientemente se refirió al presidente egipcio Abdel Fatah El-Sisi como "presidente de México" y confundió "estado rojo y estado azul" con "estado rojo y estado verde" mientras hablaba en la Conferencia sobre Cuestiones del Caucus Demócrata de la Cámara de Representantes.

En lugar de preocuparse, algunos estadounidenses pueden esperar beneficiarse prediciendo la próxima metedura de pata de Biden. BetOnline ha creado una plétora de oportunidades de ganar dinero en torno al importante discurso del jueves, ya que el presidente de 81 años espera acallar las preocupaciones nacionales sobre sus capacidades cognitivas y su aptitud mental.

Este es un extracto de una historia de Fox NewsBrian Flood

Posted by Thomas Phippen
04:15 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

7 de marzo: la fecha más tardía en la que se ha pronunciado un discurso SOTU

El presidente Biden pronunciará hoy su segundo discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión, en el que se espera que pregone los logros de su administración y establezca objetivos para el futuro ante un Congreso que es uno de los más fracturados políticamente de la historia moderna.

Biden expone sus argumentos ante un Senado dominado por los demócratas, que en gran medida han seguido su ejemplo en leyes importantes, y ante una mayoría republicana de la Cámara de Representantes, que le investiga activamente por delitos susceptibles de impugnación.

La fecha del discurso, el 7 de marzo, es la última en que se ha pronunciado un discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión.

Es la segunda vez que un presidente no pronuncia su discurso en persona ante una sesión conjunta del Congreso en enero o febrero. Biden pronunció su primer discurso ante el Congreso el 1 de marzo de 2022.

La senadora por Alabama Katie Britt pronunciará la respuesta republicana al discurso del Presidente Biden sobre el Estado de la Unión, y dijo en una declaración que se sentía "verdaderamente honrada y agradecida por la oportunidad".

Este es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Elizabeth Elkind

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
04:04 PM, 07 de marzo de 2024

¿Qué es el discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión?

El Estado de la Unión es un discurso anual del Presidente de Estados Unidos ante una sesión conjunta del Congreso sobre la situación actual de la nación. 

El discurso suele tener lugar cerca del comienzo del año natural y se considera una oportunidad para que el presidente comparta los éxitos, los objetivos políticos, los logros y los fracasos de su administración. Curiosamente, este discurso no ha surgido de alguna tradición esotérica, sino que es una responsabilidad constitucional literal de la Oficina del Presidente.

El Artículo II, Sección 3, Cláusula 1 de la Constitución dice: "El presidente debe informar al Congreso sobre el 'Estado de la Unión' 'de vez en cuando'". Aunque "de vez en cuando" permite cierta discrecionalidad personal, desde la década de 1930, el discurso se pronuncia anualmente.

El informe del presidente al Congreso sobre el estado de la Unión no siempre ha sido un discurso ante una sesión conjunta del Congreso. Antes de la historia moderna de Estados Unidos, algunos presidentes enviaban una carta. Pero desde hace casi un siglo, los presidentes optan por dirigirse al Congreso en directo.

El Estado de la Unión ha sido el origen de algunos de los discursos más famosos de la historia estadounidense. El discurso de Abraham Lincoln de 1862 codificó el sentimiento de EEUU como la "última esperanza de la tierra". El discurso de Franklin Delano Roosevelt de 1942 avanzó sus objetivos de "cuatro libertades" en tiempos de guerra para EEUU mientras luchaba contra las potencias del Eje, y en 2003, George W. Bush avanzó su afirmación de que Irán, Corea del Norte e Irak formaban un "Eje del Mal" que perseguía "armas de destrucción masiva".

Presidente Joe Biden pronunciará su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión el jueves 7 de marzo a las 9 p.m. EST.

Publicado por Matteo Cina

La cobertura de este evento ha finalizado.