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Llegan las reacciones al debate sobre la vicepresidencia y los críticos dan la victoria a Vance sobre Walz

El gobernador de Minnesota, Tim Walz, y el senador de Ohio, JD Vance, se enfrentaron en el debate vicepresidencial de CBS News en Nueva York. Los críticos dijeron el miércoles por la mañana que Vance salió vencedor, debido en gran parte a algunas respuestas titubeantes de Walz.


actualización entrante...

La cobertura de este evento ha finalizado.


Los votantes de una cafetería de Michigan predicen quién será el próximo presidente

El copresentador de "Fox & Friends" Lawrence Jones sondeó a algunos votantes de Michigan sobre las elecciones presidenciales de 2024 durante una visita a una cafetería local el miércoles.

Jones habló con un puñado de partidarios tanto del ex presidente Trump como de la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris antes de realizar un par de encuestas improvisadas con comensales.

"Levantad la mano si hoy estáis mejor con Joe Biden y Kamala Harris", dijo Jones.

Un puñado de clientes levantó la mano y vitoreó, pero también se oyeron varios abucheos.

Jones pidió entonces a los clientes que levantaran la mano si estaban "peor" con la actual administración, y la inmensa mayoría de ellos levantó la mano.

Jones obtuvo resultados similares cuando pidió a los clientes que predijeran si Trump o Harris ganarían en noviembre.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Tim Walz dice que guardaba una escopeta en su coche para cazar faisanes después de los entrenamientos de fútbol americano

El gobernador de Minnesota, Tim Walz, ha recordado varias veces a los estadounidenses que fue entrenador de fútbol americano en un instituto desde que fue elegido compañero de fórmula de la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris. 

Sin embargo, durante el debate vicepresidencial del martes por la noche, hizo partícipes a todos de los detalles de otro deporte que practicaba después de los entrenamientos cuando trabajaba en el instituto Mankato West. 

Durante un segmento sobre políticas de control de armas, Walz afirmó que cuando trabajaba como entrenador de fútbol americano en Mankato West, guardaba una escopeta en el coche para poder cazar faisanes después del entrenamiento. 

"Tengo una edad en la que mi escopeta estaba en el coche para poder cazar faisanes después del entrenamiento de fútbol", dijo Walz. 

La declaración se produjo cuando se preguntó a Walz si apoyaría una prohibición de las armas de asalto tras haberse opuesto anteriormente a tal medida. Walz, que antes era aliado de la NRA, dijo que su postura sobre el control de armas cambió tras reunirse con los padres de las víctimas de Sandy Hook y entablar amistad con los tiradores escolares. 

"Sí, me senté en ese despacho con esos padres de Sandy Hook. He sido amigo de tiradores escolares. Lo he visto. Mira, la NRA, yo fui de la NRA durante mucho tiempo. Solían enseñar seguridad con las armas", dijo Walz. 

La afición de Walz a cazar faisanes es algo de lo que ha hablado y presumido en el pasado. En julio, Walz presumió de que sus habilidades para cazar faisanes eran superiores a las de Vance durante una entrevista en "Anderson Cooper 360".

"Ese es el palo de JD Vance, hablar de armas. Te garantizo que no sabe disparar faisanes como yo", dijo Walz. 

Walz es también uno de los principales organizadores de la Caza de Faisanes del Gobernador de su estado. Celebró el evento de 2023 el pasado octubre, cuando se declaró cazador de faisanes de toda la vida. 

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Jackson Thompson

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

La respuesta del debate de Vance sobre la crisis de la inmigración polariza a los votantes

El argumento del senador de Ohio JD Vance de que Estados Unidos necesita "detener la hemorragia" en la frontera durante el debate del martes suscitó una respuesta mixta de los votantes.

"Antes de hablar de deportaciones, tenemos que detener la hemorragia", argumentó Vance durante el debate del martes. "Tenemos una crisis histórica de inmigración porque Kamala Harris empezó y dijo que quería deshacer todas las políticas fronterizas de Donald Trump".

Según los diales de debate de Fox News , que miden cómo responden los votantes republicanos, demócratas e independientes a determinadas respuestas de los candidatos durante el debate, la respuesta de Vance recibió respuestas mixtas.

Mientras que las opiniones republicanas sobre las respuestas de Vance tuvieron una respuesta positiva inmediata, los espectadores demócratas del debate fueron en dirección contraria, según mostraron los diales. Los independientes, por su parte, rondaron el 50% de aprobación con la respuesta de Vance.

Los votantes empezaron a ver la respuesta de Vance de forma más positiva cuando se refirió a las políticas fronterizas del ex presidente Donald Trump, argumentando que la próxima administración debería volver a manejar la frontera de forma similar a como lo hizo Trump durante sus cuatro años en el cargo.

Publicado por Michael Lee

El portavoz Johnson va contra los moderadores de la CBS por su "descarada" comprobación de los hechos de JD Vance

El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Mike Johnson, arremetió contra los moderadores del debate vicepresidencial de CBS News por su "descarada" comprobación de los hechos del senador JD Vance, llamándoles la atención por tener un sesgo anticonservador en "abierta exhibición".

"Es simplemente desvergonzado", dijo Johnson el miércoles en "Fox & Friends". "Su parcialidad, su desprecio por cualquier candidato republicano está a la vista. Todo el mundo puede verlo... Eran tres contra uno y aun así JD ganó".

A pesar de que la CBS anunció que no permitiría la comprobación de hechos en directo durante el debate, la moderadora Margaret Brennan intervino para corregir a Vance después de que éste sugiriera que los inmigrantes ilegales están desbordando los recursos de Springfield (Ohio).

"Sólo para aclarar a nuestros telespectadores, en Springfield, Ohio, hay un gran número de inmigrantes haitianos que tienen estatuto legal, estatuto de protección temporal", dijo Brennan.

Cuando Vance intentó rebatir la comprobación de los hechos, Brennan y su comoderadora Norah O'Donnell intentaron hablar por encima de Vance, insistiendo en que tenían que pasar a la siguiente pregunta.

"Las normas eran que vosotros no ibais a comprobar los hechos", les recordó Vance. "Y ya que me estáis comprobando, creo que es importante que diga lo que realmente está pasando".

Mientras explicaban el proceso de obtención del estatus legal y lo vinculaban a una política de inmigración respaldada por Harris, los moderadores volvieron a hablar por encima de Vance, dándole las gracias por "describir el proceso legal" antes de cortarle el micrófono mientras el gobernador demócrata de Minnesota, Tim Walz, intentaba discutir con él.

"Senadora, tenemos mucho a lo que llegar, muchas gracias por explicar el proceso legal", dijo Brennan antes de instar de nuevo a O'Donnell a pasar a la siguiente pregunta.

"El público no te oye porque tienes los micrófonos cortados", añadió cuando Vance siguió respondiendo.

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Bailee Hill

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Vance aborda sus anteriores críticas a Trump: 'Me equivoqué sobre Donald Trump'

Uno de los momentos más importantes del debate del candidato republicano a la vicepresidencia, JD Vance, fue cuando explicó su completa inversión de sentimientos respecto a su compañero de fórmula.

A Vance le preguntaron el martes en el Debate Vicepresidencial de CBS News cómo pasó de llamar a Trump potencialmente "el Hitler de América" y un "idiota" a unirse a la candidatura del ex presidente para 2024.

"A veces, por supuesto, he estado en desacuerdo con el presidente, pero también he sido extremadamente abierto sobre el hecho de que estaba equivocado sobre Donald Trump. Me equivoqué, en primer lugar, porque creí algunas de las historias de los medios de comunicación que resultaron ser fabricaciones deshonestas de su historial", dijo Vance el martes por la noche. 

Y continuó: "Pero lo más importante es que Donald Trump ha conseguido para el pueblo estadounidense un aumento de los salarios, un aumento del sueldo neto, una economía que ha funcionado para los estadounidenses normales, una frontera sur segura. Un montón de cosas, francamente, que no creía que fuera capaz de cumplir".

Fox NewsEl sistema de retroalimentación de la audiencia de Debate Dial mostró que los índices de aprobación de los espectadores se dispararon en distintas direcciones durante la explicación de Vance sobre cómo llegó a ser partidario de Trump. 

La aprobación del público republicano superó el 80% y en un momento dado incluso el 90%, manteniendo un sólido apoyo durante toda la declaración de Vance.

Mientras tanto, los telespectadores demócratas expresaron su descontento: los índices de audiencia de los demócratas cayeron por debajo del 40% y en un momento dado tocaron fondo cerca del 20%.

Los datos de Debate Dial mostraron que los independientes fueron más moderados en sus reacciones al segmento, oscilando mayoritariamente entre el 40% y el 60% de aprobación.

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Timothy Nerozzi

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Los votantes reaccionan ante la afirmación del gobernador Tim Walz de que el aborto es un "derecho humano básico

Los votantes del grupo de marcación de debates de Fox News Digital tuvieron reacciones contradictorias en tiempo real al argumento del compañero de fórmula de la VP, el argumento del gobernador Tim Walz a favor del aborto durante el debate vicepresidencial de CBS News contra el senador JD Vance.

Cuando se le preguntó a Walz si apoyaba el aborto hasta el noveno mes, ya que Minnesota es uno de los estados menos restrictivos para el aborto, respondió: "Eso no es lo que dice el proyecto de ley".

Mientras que los votantes republicanos bajaron significativamente mientras Walz hablaba, los votantes independientes y demócratas se mantuvieron mayoritariamente en la zona de aprobación.

"Lo que hicimos fue restaurar Roe contra Wade, nos aseguramos de poner a las mujeres a cargo de su atención sanitaria", dijo Walz.

La aprobación de los independientes descendió ligeramente, mientras que la de los votantes demócratas se disparó durante su declaración. Al final, ambos se igualaron y se mantuvieron en la zona de aprobación. 

"Se trata de un derecho humano básico", dijo más tarde.

Los votantes independientes se mantuvieron ligeramente por debajo de la línea de aprobación demócrata, ya que los republicanos la desaprobaron significativamente.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Los votantes reaccionan ante la afirmación de JD Vance de que él y Donald Trump apoyan "el aire y el agua limpios

Los votantes republicanos, demócratas e independientes reaccionaron de forma diferente cuando el candidato republicano a la vicepresidencia, el senador JD Vance de Ohio, afirmó que él y el ex presidente Trump apoyan "el aire limpio, el agua limpia" al responder a una pregunta en el escenario del Debate Vicepresidencial de CBS News sobre el cambio climático, según mostró el Fox News Debate Dial. 

"Mira, mucha gente está justificadamente preocupada por todos estos locos patrones meteorológicos. Creo que es importante que, en primer lugar, digamos: Donald Trump y yo apoyamos el aire limpio, el agua limpia. Queremos que el medio ambiente sea más limpio y seguro", declaró Vance.

El Fox News Debate Dial mostró que el apoyo entre independientes y demócratas bajó cuando Vance hizo esa declaración. El apoyo entre los republicanos se mantuvo bastante constante. 

Pero el apoyo entre los espectadores independientes empezó a subir de nuevo cuando Vance hizo referencia a cómo los demócratas sacan a relucir las emisiones de carbono cuando discuten el cambio climático. 

"Esta idea de que las emisiones de carbono impulsan todo el cambio climático. Bueno, digamos que es cierta sólo por el bien del argumento. No estamos discutiendo sobre ciencia extraña. Digamos simplemente que es verdad", dijo Vance. "Bien, si crees eso, ¿qué querrías hacer? La respuesta es que querrías deslocalizar toda la fabricación estadounidense posible, y querrías producir toda la energía posible en Estados Unidos de América, porque somos la economía más limpia de todo el mundo". 

El dial de los independientes se mantuvo plano cuando Vance pasó a criticar a Kamala Harris en política energética. Por el contrario, el apoyo entre los demócratas cayó en picado. 

"Lo que han hecho las políticas de Kamala Harris en realidad es llevar más producción de energía a China, más fabricación en el extranjero, más hacer negocios en algunas de las partes más sucias de todo el mundo", dijo Vance. "Cuando digo eso, me refiero a la cantidad de emisiones de carbono que están haciendo por unidad de producción económica. Así pues, si realmente nos preocupamos por conseguir un aire y un agua más limpios, lo mejor que podemos hacer es redoblar los esfuerzos e invertir en los trabajadores estadounidenses y en el pueblo estadounidense. Y, por desgracia, Kamala Harris ha hecho exactamente lo contrario". 

Este es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Danielle Wallace

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

El panel de votantes reacciona al enfrentamiento de Vance con los moderadores del debate y al corte del micrófono: "Me estáis comprobando los hechos

Un grupo de debate formado por republicanos, demócratas e independientes reaccionó a la interrupción del micrófono del ex compañero de fórmula del presidente Trump, el senador JD Vance, durante el debate vicepresidencial de CBS News el martes por la noche.

Los votantes independientes y republicanos desaprobaron la interjección, pero los votantes independientes bajaron significativamente cuando Vance empezó a explicar su postura.

A pesar de que la CBS anunció que no permitiría la comprobación de hechos en directo durante el debate, la moderadora Margaret Brennan intervino para corregir a Vance después de que éste sugiriera que los inmigrantes ilegales están desbordando los recursos públicos en Springfield (Ohio).

"Sólo para aclarar a nuestros telespectadores, en Springfield, Ohio, hay un gran número de inmigrantes haitianos que tienen estatuto legal, estatuto de protección temporal", dijo Brennan.

"Las normas eran que vosotros no ibais a comprobar los hechos", les recordó Vance. "Y ya que me estáis comprobando, creo que es importante que diga lo que realmente está pasando".

Cuando Walz intentó intervenir, la aprobación independiente también disminuyó durante un breve momento. 

Mientras explicaban el proceso de obtención del estatus legal y lo vinculaban a una política de inmigración respaldada por Harris, los moderadores volvieron a hablar por encima de Vance, dándole las gracias por "describir el proceso legal" antes de cortarle el micrófono mientras el gobernador demócrata de Minnesota, Tim Walz, intentaba discutir con él.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Los votantes reaccionan a la pregunta del gobernador Tim Walz sobre la Plaza de Tiananmen: "A veces soy un cabeza hueca".

Un grupo de debate de demócratas, independientes y republicanos reaccionó al momento en que el gobernador Tim Walz se calificó a sí mismo de "cabeza de chorlito " por afirmar haber estado en Hong Kong durante la masacre de la Plaza de Tiananmen.

Los moderadores interrogaron a Walz sobre esta afirmación durante el debate vicepresidencial de CBS News del martes por la noche. Walz admitió que sólo viajó a Asia en agosto de 1989, varios meses después de la masacre del 15 de abril. El grupo de debate descubrió que los votantes se mostraron inicialmente escépticos ante la respuesta de Walz, pero finalmente se recuperó.

"¿Puedes explicar esa discrepancia?", preguntó un moderador, mientras el grupo de discusión permanecía neutral.

"Mira, crecí en la pequeña Nebraska rural, un pueblo de 400 habitantes. Un pueblo en el que montabas en bicicleta con tus amigos hasta que se encendían las farolas, y estoy orgulloso de ese servicio. Me alisté en la guardia nacional a los 17 años, trabajé en granjas familiares y luego utilicé la ley GI para hacerme profesor. Me apasionaba. Profesor joven. En mi primer año fuera, tuve la oportunidad en el verano del 89 de viajar a China, hace 35 años, de poder hacer eso", dijo Walz.

"Volví a casa y puse en marcha un programa para llevar a jóvenes allí. Llevábamos equipos de baloncesto, de béisbol, bailarines, e íbamos y veníamos a China", añadió.

El grupo de discusión mostró el apoyo de republicanos, independientes y demócratas a Walz durante la primera parte de su respuesta.

Sin embargo, Walz se recuperó entre los independientes y los demócratas cuando pasó a admitir que puede ser "un cabeza de chorlito a veces".

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Varias preguntas sobre el historial de Walz no se plantearon durante el debate vicepresidencial

El gobernador de Minnesota, Tim Walz, no fue preguntado por varias noticias muy comentadas en el primer y único debate vicepresidencial del martes, incluido su servicio militar, que Walz tampoco invocó con insistencia. 

El debate vicepresidencial de la CBS en Nueva York mostró a los candidatos republicano y demócrata respondiendo a preguntas sobre diversos temas, pero no se preguntó por el servicio militar de Walz, sobre el que ha recibido duras críticas de los republicanos y de algunos veteranos por supuestamente adornarlo.

Walz sólo mencionó brevemente su servicio militar durante el debate, cuando se vio obligado a rectificar sobre si estuvo en China en las protestas de la Plaza de Tiananmen.

En otro momento del debate, Walz se refirió a sí mismo como un "buen soldado".

A Walz tampoco se le preguntó durante el debate cuántas veces ha visitado China.

En el pasado, Walz ha afirmado que fue "docenas de veces" y una vez dijo que fue "unas 30 veces". Esta semana, la campaña de Harris-Walz se retractó y dijo que la cifra real está "más cerca de las 15 veces".

Otras preguntas que no se hicieron a Walz durante el debate incluyen sus controvertidas afirmaciones sobre el tratamiento de fecundación in vitro de su mujer y su afirmación de que llevó armas "en la guerra".

A pesar de que la CBS anunció que no permitiría la comprobación de hechos en directo durante el debate, la moderadora Margaret Brennan intervino para corregir a Vance después de que éste sugiriera que los inmigrantes ilegales están desbordando los recursos de Springfield (Ohio).

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Andrew Mark Miller

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Los críticos de los medios de comunicación critican la "inestable" actuación de Walz en el debate: "Clara falta de preparación y ejecución

Los miembros de los medios de comunicación heredados parecen estar de acuerdo en que el gobernador demócrata de Minnesota, Tim Walz, rindió por debajo de sus posibilidades en el debate vicepresidencial de CBS News. 

"Creo que hubo una clara falta de preparación y ejecución por parte de Walz", dijo la presentadora de la CNN Abby Phillip. 

Linsey Davis, de ABC News, destacó los "momentos incómodos y chirriantes" de Walz, y relacionó su actuación en el debate con la desastrosa actuación del presidente Biden en el debate de la CNN.

"Me recordó un poco al debate del 27 de junio, cuando Kamala Harris dijo aquella noche de Joe Biden: 'Fue un comienzo lento, pero un final fuerte'. Y eso es lo que me ha parecido que ha hecho Tim Walz esta noche", dijo Davis. 

"Los demócratas tienen suerte de que los debates presidenciales tiendan a importar mucho más que los debates de vicepresidentes", reaccionó en X el redactor jefe de Cook Political Report, Dave Wasserman.

"¿Dónde está el Tim Walz que se hizo viral persiguiendo a los republicanos 'raros'? Hasta ahora no ha aparecido en el escenario del debate esta noche..." publicó Susan Glasser, redactora del New Yorker. 

"El gobernador Walz no está enjuiciando el caso, sino que es un bonito festival. Si está de acuerdo con Vance en tantas cosas, ¿por qué deberíamos votarle?". preguntó la presentadora de MSNBC Symone Sanders Townsend al gobernador. "El senador Vance está dando una historia revisionista sobre la agenda de Trump y lo que haría y, como los moderadores no comprueban los hechos, parece cuerdo".

"Las respuestas de Walz son inteligentes y sustanciosas. Pero lamento decirlo, pero su forma de hablar es un poco rara: no es tan atractivo como suele ser. Espero que se ponga un poco más enérgico y menos nervioso a medida que esto avance", dijo la columnista liberal Jill Filipovic. 

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Joseph Wulfsohn

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

David Axelrod critica a Tim Walz por esquivar las entrevistas televisivas antes del debate: "Es desconcertante

El ex asesor de Obama, David Axelrod, criticó a Tim Walz, el candidato a vicepresidente de Kamala Harris, por esquivar las entrevistas televisivas, y añadió que estaba "perplejo", ya que ello ponía a Walz en desventaja en el debate. 

El comentarista político de alto nivel fue preguntado por el presentador de CNN Jake Tapper sobre cómo Walz desapareció repentinamente de la televisión en el transcurso de la campaña.

"Me ha desconcertado un poco la ausencia tanto del candidato a la presidencia como del candidato a la vicepresidencia en televisión desde que se convirtieron en los nominados, porque así es como la gente llega a conocerte. Y realmente no han pasado mucho tiempo con ninguno de los dos hasta ahora", dijo Axelrod.  

"Estaba por todas partes antes de convertirse en el candidato, cuando hacía campaña para vicepresidente", añadió. 

Axelrod concluyó que Walz se puso en desventaja. 

"Así que también creo que puede ser un pequeño problema para Waltz no haber hecho esto. Sentarse con [los medios de comunicación] es una buena preparación para los debates. Es una buena práctica de bateo para estos eventos. Waltz no lo ha hecho. Así que lo pongo en duda", dijo, "es desconcertante". 

Harris ha recibido críticas por evitar en gran medida a la prensa. Por ejemplo, en los 72 días que lleva como candidata demócrata oficial, aún no ha dado ni una sola rueda de prensa oficial. 

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Hannah Grossman

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Vance admite que estaba "nervioso" durante el debate, dice que Walz tenía "un trabajo difícil

El senador republicano por Ohio, JD Vance, admitió haber sufrido algunos nervios durante su debate contra el gobernador de Minnesota, Tim Walz, el martes por la noche.

En declaraciones a Sean Hannity, presentador de Fox News , tras el enfrentamiento, Vance rechazó las críticas a su oponente por estar visiblemente nervioso, sobre todo al principio del debate.

También dijo que Walz tenía un "trabajo duro" al tener que representar la plataforma política de la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris, que los republicanos han pintado como radicalmente progresista.

"Sinceramente, no me di cuenta, tío. La adrenalina sube tanto que estaba nervioso", dijo Vance a Hannity cuando le preguntaron por el comportamiento de Walz.

"Diablos, hago muchas de estas entrevistas, Sean, pero estaba nerviosa. Es el mayor escenario de mi vida, así que no me centré tanto en su comportamiento. Sólo intenté centrarme en lo que decía.

"Y mira, para ser justos con Tim Walz, tenía un trabajo muy duro, y es defender las políticas de Kamala Harris".

Publicado por Elizabeth Elkind

Vance dice a Hannity que no abordaron "quién es el presidente de EEUU" en el debate

El senador JD Vance, republicano de Ohio, puso en duda la condición de comandante en jefe del presidente Biden en una entrevista con Sean Hannity en Fox News tras el debate vicepresidencial del martes por la noche.

"Bueno, mira, creo que es difícil, Sean, porque no tenemos un presidente en el que realmente podamos confiar", dijo. "Ni siquiera sé quién es el presidente de Estados Unidos".

"Y eso es algo en lo que en realidad no entramos [en] el debate y sobre lo que realmente quería machacar a Kamala Harris: que durante tres años y medio, Estados Unidos ha tenido que cargar con un presidente de Estados Unidos que no sabe hacer su trabajo".

Añadió que esto se debe a que el vicepresidente Harris "mintió y dijo que estaba capacitado para el trabajo de presidente. Y por supuesto que no lo estaba".

Vance debatió con el gobernador Tim Walz, demócrata de Minnesota, en su único cara a cara antes de las elecciones.

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Legisladores y líderes del GOP reaccionan al debate entre Vance y Walz

Los legisladores republicanos y las principales voces reaccionaron mientras el gobernador de Minnesota, Tim Walz, y el senador de Ohio, JD Vance, se enfrentaban en Nueva York.

"El senador JD Vance escupiendo la cruda VERDAD en el escenario del debate", escribió en X la secretaria nacional de prensa de Trump 2024, Karoline Leavitt.

"Dominio total y sólo llevamos 20 minutos.

El debate en Nueva York en CBS News fue el único de Walz y Vance antes de las monumentales elecciones del 5 de noviembre.

"Tim Walz es tan radical como el que más en la cuestión de la inmigración", escribió en X el representante Tom Emmer, republicano de Minnesota.

"Como gobernador de Minnesota, apoyó la asistencia sanitaria gratuita, la matrícula universitaria gratuita y los permisos de conducir para los inmigrantes ilegales. Estadounidenses inocentes han sido agredidos y asesinados a causa de esta crisis fronteriza".

"La respuesta de Tim Walz sobre Israel fue incomprensible. Al igual que Kamala... Walz no tiene ni idea de lo que habla", escribió en X el senador Tom Cotton, republicano de Arkansas.

"Kamala y Walz empeorarían el caos en Oriente Medio".

"Irán hizo llover misiles sobre Israel HOY, a los 1.350 días del mandato de Kamala Harris como vicepresidenta, así que, naturalmente, Tim Walz dice que es culpa de Donald Trump", escribió en X el asesor principal de la campaña de Trump, Tim Murtaugh. 

Publicado por Charles Creitz

Trump felicita a Vance tras el debate vicepresidencial


- Ex Presidente Trump

El ex presidente Trump encabezó a los republicanos que felicitaron al senador republicano de Ohio JD Vance por su actuación en el debate vicepresidencial del martes por la noche.

"¡GRAN TRABAJO JD - HAREMOS A AMÉRICA GRANDE DE NUEVO!" escribió Trump en su aplicación Verdad Social.

Antes, durante un acto de campaña en Wisconsin, dijo a los periodistas que quería que Vance "se divirtiera", cuando le preguntaron qué consejo tenía para su compañero de fórmula.

Se produce tras las dudas iniciales de algunos miembros del Partido Republicano sobre si Vance y Trump serían una candidatura atractiva para los votantes en noviembre.

Pero los republicanos salen del debate de Vance contra el gobernador de Minnesota, Tim Walz, con la cabeza bien alta, elogiando a Vance por una actuación comedida y reflexiva.

En el bando demócrata, sin embargo, los aliados de la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris están alabando a Walz por su auténtica actuación en el debate, mientras acusan a Vance de mentir en múltiples ocasiones.

En un momento dado, el copresidente de la campaña de Harris, el diputado Robert García, publicó una imagen en X del personaje de Disney Pinocho, refiriéndose en broma al dibujo animado como Vance. 

Publicado por Elizabeth Elkind

El ex asesor de Obama envía un 'consejo a Walz' sobre el comentario de los 'expertos' durante el debate: 'Dirige con la barbilla'

El ex asesor de Obama David Axelrod está enviando consejos al gobernador Tim Walz sobre su sugerencia de que la gente debería escuchar a los expertos en economía antes que al ex presidente.

"Consejo para Walz: Confiar en los expertos económicos es dirigir con la barbilla. A la gente le dan bastante asco los "expertos". A Vance no se le escapó eso", dijo Axelrod en un post en X durante el debate.

Walz dijo durante el debate vicepresidencial contra el senador JD Vance que la gente debería escuchar a los expertos cuando busque soluciones a cuestiones clave.

"Hiciste una pregunta sobre los expertos dijo esto, tomé nota de esto, "no se puede confiar en los economistas. No se puede confiar en la ciencia. No se puede confiar en la gente de seguridad nacional" - Mira, si vas a ser presidente, no tienes todas las respuestas. Donald Trump cree que sí las tiene. Mi consejo profesional del día es el siguiente: si necesitas operarte del corazón, escucha a la gente de la Clínica Mayo de Rochester, Minnesota, no a Donald Trump", dijo Walz.

Vance contraatacó al comentario, diciendo que los votantes deberían escuchar la "sabiduría del sentido común" por encima de los "expertos".

"Dices que confiemos en los expertos. Pero esos mismos expertos dijeron durante 40 años que si trasladábamos nuestra base manufacturera a China, obtendríamos productos más baratos. Mintieron al respecto. Dijeron que si enviábamos nuestra base industrial barata a otros países, a México y a otros lugares, la clase media sería más fuerte. Se equivocaron al respecto. Se equivocaron con la idea de que si hacíamos a Estados Unidos menos autosuficiente, menos productivo en nuestra propia nación, eso de alguna manera nos haría mejores. Y se equivocaron. Y por primera vez en una generación, Donald Trump tuvo la sabiduría y el valor de decir a ese consenso bipartidista: ya no lo vamos a hacer", dijo Vance. "Mira, muchos de los medicamentos, de los productos farmacéuticos que metemos en el cuerpo de nuestros hijos son fabricados por naciones que nos odian. Esto tiene que parar, y no vamos a pararlo escuchando a los expertos. Vamos a pararlo escuchando la sabiduría del sentido común, que es lo que gobierna Donald Trump".

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Vance y Walz prometen una nueva dirección y un nuevo camino para EE.UU. en sus declaraciones finales

Tanto el demócrata Tim Walz como el republicano JD Vance prometieron a los votantes una nueva dirección para Estados Unidos en sus comentarios finales del debate vicepresidencial.

"Kamala Harris nos está trayendo una nueva forma de avanzar", dijo Walz. "Nos trae una política de la alegría. Nos trae soluciones reales para la clase media. Y te está situando en el centro de todo ello, al tiempo que pide a todo el mundo que se una a este movimiento. Haced oír vuestras voces".

Vance también dio un mensaje de cambio a los votantes.

"Necesitamos un cambio. Necesitamos una nueva dirección. Necesitamos un presidente que ya haya hecho esto una vez y lo haya hecho bien. Por favor, votad a Donald Trump. Y tanto si me votáis a mí como si votáis a Tim Walz. Sólo quiero deciros que estoy muy orgulloso de hacer esto y que os apoyo".

Ambos candidatos han intentado ganar la carrera para ser vistos como la candidata del cambio, una carrera en la que Harris puede tener un camino especialmente difícil debido a su actual papel como vicepresidenta en la actual administración.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Walz corrige su declaración de que estuvo en China en las protestas de la Plaza de Tiananmen

El candidato demócrata a la vicepresidencia , el gobernador de Minnesota Tim Walz, se vio obligado a responder a preguntas sobre sus polémicos viajes a China, y a declaraciones erróneas sobre esos viajes, durante el debate del martes por la noche. 

Walz ha dicho que estuvo en Hong Kong durante las mortales protestas de la Plaza de Tiananmen en la primavera de 1989. Pero la Radio Pública de Minnesota y otros medios de comunicación informan ahora de que, en realidad, Walz no viajó a China hasta agosto de ese año. 

La moderadora de CBS News, Margaret Brennan, pidió a Walz que explicara la discrepancia. 

Walz dijo que como "joven profesor apasionado" tuvo "la oportunidad en el verano del 89 de viajar a China hace 35 años". 

"Volví a casa y entonces empecé un programa para llevar a jóvenes allí. Llevábamos equipos de baloncesto, de béisbol, bailarines, e íbamos y veníamos a China", dijo Walz, señalando que los viajes eran "para intentar aprender".  

"Mira, mi comunidad sabe quién soy am. Han visto dónde me encontraba. Seré el primero en decirles que he volcado mi corazón en mi comunidad, y he intentado hacerlo lo mejor que he podido, pero no he sido perfecto", continuó Walz. 

Este es un extracto de un artículo de Brooke Singman, de Fox News Digital.

"Y a veces soy un cabeza hueca", dijo Walz. 

Publicado por Adam Shaw
Noticias de última hora

Trump arremete contra Walz por sus comentarios sobre su amistad con los tiradores escolares: "¿Está loco?

El ex presidente Donald Trump arremetió contra el candidato demócrata a la vicepresidencia Tim Walz por unas declaraciones que hizo sobre su amistad con los tiradores escolares

Walz dijo en el debate que "se ha hecho amigo de los tiradores escolares".

No quedó claro de inmediato si Walz se expresó mal, pero provocó una feroz reacción del ex presidente.

"Es la segunda vez que dice: 'He sido amigo de tiradores escolares'. ¿Qué quiere decir con eso? ¿Está loco? dijo Trump en Verdad Social.

También suscitó las críticas de un padre de una víctima de un tiroteo escolar.

"Mi hija murió en el tiroteo de la escuela de Parkland. Es absolutamente aberrante que Tim Walz se haya hecho amigo de los tiradores escolares. Descalificante", dijo Andrew Pollack en X.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Vance achaca los altos precios de la vivienda a la crisis fronteriza de Harris

JD Vance estableció una clara conexión entre la crisis de la vivienda y la crisis fronteriza, achacando el problema a la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris y a sus políticas.

"En realidad, eso realmente profundiza en la conexión entre el aumento de los niveles de inmigración, especialmente la inmigración ilegal, y el aumento de los precios de la vivienda", dijo Vance cuando se le presionó sobre si los inmigrantes son parte del problema en lo que se refiere a la vivienda.

"Ese no es todo el motor del aumento de los precios de la vivienda: También es el régimen regulador de Kamala Harris", dijo Vance. "Mira, somos un país de constructores. Somos un país de hacedores".

"Somos un país de exploradores, pero cada vez tenemos más una administración federal que dificulta la explotación de nuestros recursos, dificulta la construcción de cosas y quiere meter a la gente en la cárcel por no hacer todo exactamente como Kamala Harris dice que tienen que hacer", añadió.

Vance insistió en que el país tenía que dejar de tratar la vivienda como una mercancía, algo que Tim Walz había argumentado que era un problema central de la crisis, pero subrayó que la naturaleza de la vivienda como mercancía se agrava al "regalarla a millones y millones de personas que no tienen derecho legal a estar aquí". 

Publicado por Peter Aitken

Vance y Walz discuten sobre el derecho a la vida

El senador de Ohio JD Vance y el gobernador de Minnesota, Tim Walz, discutieron sobre el aborto durante el debate vicepresidencial de CBS News del martes por la noche, en el que Walz afirmó que la candidatura del Partido Republicano impondría un registro federal de embarazos.

"Su proyecto 2025 va a tener un registro de embarazos. Va a hacer más difícil, si no imposible, conseguir anticonceptivos y va a limitar el acceso. Si no eliminar el acceso a los tratamientos de infertilidad para muchos de los que estáis ahí fuera escuchando, yo incluida, los tratamientos de infertilidad son la razón por la que tienes un hijo que no es asunto de nadie más", dijo Walz el martes por la noche.

Vance replicó que una administración Trump-Vance no crearía un registro federal.

"Tenemos que hacer un trabajo mucho mejor para ganarnos de nuevo la confianza del pueblo estadounidense en este asunto, en el que, francamente, no confían en nosotros. Y creo que ésa es una de las cosas que Donald Trump y yo estamos intentando hacer. Quiero que, como Partido Republicano, estemos a favor de la familia en el sentido más amplio de la palabra. Quiero que apoyemos los tratamientos de fertilidad", dijo Vance.

"Quiero que facilitemos que las madres puedan permitirse tener bebés", continuó.

Publicado por Emma Colton

Vance ofrece sus condolencias a Walz por el encuentro de su hijo con la violencia armada: 'Cristo, ten piedad'

El candidato republicano a la vicepresidencia , JD Vance, ofreció sus condolencias a su homólogo demócrata, Tim Walz, al enterarse de que su hijo había presenciado un tiroteo.

Los dos hombres habían hablado de los tiroteos en las escuelas y de sus planes para resolver la violencia armada.

"Tenemos que hacer que las puertas se cierren mejor. Tenemos que hacer las puertas más fuertes. Tenemos que hacer que las ventanas sean más fuertes y, por supuesto, tenemos que aumentar los agentes de recursos escolares. Porque la idea de que podemos agitar mágicamente una varita y quitar las armas de las manos de los malos, no encaja con la experiencia reciente", dijo Vance.

Walz dijo que la conversación era un buen comienzo, pero que tenía que ir más allá.

"Aunque tengan un alto índice de posesión de armas en el país, hay cosas razonables que podemos hacer para cambiar las cosas. No es infringir la Segunda Enmienda. Y la idea de tener algunas de estas armas ahí fuera, simplemente no tiene ningún sentido", dijo.

Al contestar dijo que su hijo de 17 años "presenció un tiroteo en un centro comunitario jugando al voleibol".

"No sabía que tu hijo de 17 años había presenciado un tiroteo. Lo siento... Cristo, ten piedad", dijo Vance.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Trump reitera su oposición a la prohibición federal del aborto y promete vetarla

El ex presidente Donald Trump intervino en el debate vicepresidencial, reiterando su oposición a una prohibición federal del aborto y prometiendo vetarla si llegara a su mesa.



Publicado por Adam Shaw

Los moderadores desconcertados por las respuestas de Walz sobre las protestas de la Plaza de Tiananmen

Los moderadores de la CBS tuvieron que pedir aclaraciones a una respuesta confusa de Tim Walz después de que el gobernador de Minnesota no diera una respuesta clara sobre si estuvo en Hong Kong durante las mortales protestas de la Plaza de Tiananmen.

"Me he expresado mal al respecto", dijo finalmente Walz tras dar una respuesta serpenteante sobre su crecimiento en Nebraska y la obtención de sus escaños en el Congreso y como gobernador.

"Mi comunidad sabe quién soy am, han visto dónde estaba, yo am el primero en volcar mi corazón en mi comunidad, he intentado hacerlo lo mejor que he podido, y a veces soy un cabeza hueca, pero siempre se ha tratado de eso", dijo Walz. "Esas mismas personas me eligieron para el Congreso".

A continuación, Walz relató su historia como legislador antes de decir que estaba "ahí para la gente intentando hacerlo bien".

"Muchas veces hablaré mucho, me dejaré llevar por la retórica, pero estando allí, el impacto que tuvo, la diferencia que supuso en mi vida, aprendí mucho sobre China", dijo Walz.

Después de que concluyera, los moderadores preguntaron: "La pregunta era: ¿Puedes explicar la discrepancia" entre su afirmación de que estuvo en Hong Kong y los informes que indicaban que lo visitó más tarde ese mismo año.

"Estuve en Hong Kong, en China, durante la protesta por la democracia", dijo. 

Publicado por Peter Aitken

Vance se refiere al número de entrevistas que ha concedido, mientras Harris se enfada

El candidato del Partido Republicano a la vicepresidencia, JD Vance, hizo referencia al número de entrevistas que ha concedido a los medios de comunicación en medio de preguntas sobre desacuerdos pasados con el ex presidente Trump, y justo cuando la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris se enfrenta a críticas por su falta de entrevistas.

"Siempre he sido abierto y a veces, por supuesto, no estoy de acuerdo con el Presidente, pero también he sido extremadamente abierto sobre el hecho de que estaba equivocado sobre Donald Trump", dijo.

"Me equivoqué, en primer lugar, por creer algunas de las historias de los medios de comunicación que resultaron ser fabricaciones deshonestas de su historial. Pero lo más importante es que Donald Trump ha conseguido para el pueblo estadounidense un aumento de los salarios, un aumento del sueldo neto, una economía que ha funcionado para los estadounidenses normales, una frontera sur segura, muchas cosas, francamente, que yo no creía que fuera capaz de conseguir", dijo. "Y sí, cuando metes la pata, cuando hablas mal, cuando te equivocas en algo y cambias de opinión, deberías ser sincero con el pueblo estadounidense al respecto".

"Es una de las razones... por las que he hecho tantas entrevistas, es porque creo que es importante explicar realmente al pueblo estadounidense de dónde vengo en los temas y qué ha cambiado", dijo.

Un recuento reciente de Fox News Digital reveló que el ex presidente Trump y Vance se han sentado en al menos 60 entrevistas desde que se formó la candidatura Harris-Walz, en comparación con las 21 entrevistas sin guión de la candidatura presidencial demócrata hasta ahora.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Vance comprueba los hechos de los comprobadores de hechos

JD Vance criticó a los moderadores de CBS News durante el debate, señalando que dijeron que no comprobarían los hechos de los candidatos.

Los moderadores intentaron comprobar los hechos de Vance, diciendo que muchos residentes haitianos en Springfield (Ohio) tienen un estatus legal temporal. Vance intervino para "decir lo que realmente está pasando".

Mientras explicaba el proceso y lo relacionaba con un proceso respaldado por Harris, los moderadores hablaron por encima de él, agradeciéndole sarcásticamente que "describiera el proceso legal" antes de cortarle el micrófono mientras Tim Walz intentaba discutir con él.

"Tenemos tanto a lo que llegar, muchas gracias por explicar el proceso legal", dijo Margaret Brennan antes de pedir a su co-moderadora que formulara la siguiente pregunta.

Publicado por Peter Aitken

Trump arremete contra Walz por tomar "tantas notas" entre respuestas

El ex presidente se burló de Tim Walz en Verdad Social por parecer depender en gran medida de su bloc de notas y garabatear constantemente notas entre las respuestas en el debate vicepresidencial.

"Walz está tomando muchas notas - ¡Nunca he visto a un Candidato tomar más! Necesita las notas para mantener su cerebro intacto", escribió Trump.

Walz miró su bloc de notas después de prácticamente todas las respuestas que dio al principio del debate.

Publicado por Peter Aitken

Vance dice que ha estado en la frontera más que el "zar de la frontera" Harris

La actual crisis en la frontera sur ha sido uno de los temas principales para los votantes, y ya lo ha sido en el debate vicepresidencial, con JD Vance diciendo que ha estado en la frontera más que la persona a la que llama "zar de la frontera".

"He estado en la frontera sur más veces de las que ha estado nuestra zar de fronteras, Kamala Harris, y la verdad es que es desgarrador, porque los agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza sólo quieren que se les faculte para hacer su trabajo", dijo Vance.

La afirmación se produjo en medio de un tira y afloja con su homólogo demócrata Tim Walz. Walz criticó al ex presidente Trump por no respaldar un proyecto de ley fronteriza bipartidista.

"En cuanto estuvo a punto de aprobarse y de abordar realmente esto, Donald Trump dijo que no. Les dijo [a los legisladores] que votaran en contra, porque le da un tema de campaña", dijo. "¿De qué hablaría Donald Trump si realmente hiciéramos algunas de estas cosas?".

Se preguntó a Vance sobre el papel del Congreso en la resolución de la crisis.

"Por supuesto, unos recursos adicionales ayudarían, pero la mayor parte de esto consiste en que el Presidente y el Vicepresidente faculten a nuestras fuerzas de seguridad para decir: si intentas cruzar la frontera ilegalmente, tienes que quedarte en México. Tienes que volver a través de los canales adecuados", dijo.

Walz también atacó a Vance por las afirmaciones que había hecho sobre los inmigrantes haitianos en Springfield, Ohio, diciendo que los había demonizado.

"Mira en Springfield Ohio, y en comunidades de todo este país, tienes escuelas que están desbordadas, tienes hospitales que están desbordados, tienes viviendas que son totalmente inasequibles porque hemos traído a millones de inmigrantes ilegales para que compitan con los estadounidenses", dijo Vance.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Trump vive 'Verdades', dice que Vance es 'firme y fuerte', mientras que Walz es 'nervioso y 'raro'

El ex presidente Trump publicó el martes por la noche reacciones en directo al debate vicepresidencial entre su compañero de fórmula, el senador republicano de Ohio JD Vance, y el compañero de fórmula de la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris, el gobernador de Minnesota Tim Walz.

Trump, en primer lugar, reaccionó a la toma de notas de Walz durante el inicio del debate.

"Walz está tomando muchas notas - ¡Nunca he visto a un Candidato tomar más! Necesita las notas para mantener su cerebro intacto", publicó Trump en su cuenta de Truth Social.

Trump arremetió varias veces contra Walz en los primeros momentos del debate, pero elogió a su candidato a vicepresidente.

"JD lo está haciendo GENIAL - ¡Un nivel de Inteligencia diferente al de Tampon Tim!" publicó Trump.

Momentos después, Trump añadió: "JD está firme y fuerte, Tampon Tim está sudando la gota gorda, está nervioso y 'raro'".

Trump volvió a comentar la toma de notas de Walz.

"¡Más notas! ¿Por qué Walz no puede recordar lo que tiene que decir? Bajo coeficiente intelectual!" publicó Trump.

Publicado por Brooke Singman

Vance critica la "ciencia extraña" en la respuesta al cambio climático

El candidato republicano a la vicepresidencia, el senador JD Vance, dijo que los argumentos demócratas sobre el cambio climático se basan en "ciencia rara" durante el debate del martes.

"Creo que es importante que digamos, en primer lugar, que Donald Trump y yo apoyamos el aire limpio, el agua limpia. Queremos que el medio ambiente sea más limpio y seguro. Pero una de las cosas de las que he observado que hablan mucho algunos de nuestros amigos demócratas es la preocupación por las emisiones de carbono. Esta idea de que las emisiones de carbono provocan todo el cambio climático. Bueno, digamos que eso es cierto sólo por el bien de la discusión, para que no estemos discutiendo sobre ciencia rara", dijo Vance en el debate vicepresidencial contra el gobernador demócrata Tim Walz.

Vance añadió que cree que el cambio climático es una "cuestión muy importante".

"Si los demócratas, en particular Kamala Harris y su liderazgo, si realmente creyeran que el cambio climático va en serio, lo que harían sería más fabricación y más producción de energía en Estados Unidos de América", dijo Vance durante el debate vicepresidencial, presentado por CBS News.

"Está claro que la propia Kamala Harris no se cree su propia retórica al respecto. Si lo hiciera, ahora estaría de acuerdo con las políticas energéticas de Donald Trump", afirmó el senador de Ohio.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Walz, visiblemente tembloroso, dice que el mundo necesita "un liderazgo firme

Un visiblemente tembloroso El gobernador Tim Walz tuvo un comienzo difícil en el debate vicepresidencial, haciendo pausas y tropezando con sus palabras al hablar de la necesidad de un "liderazgo firme" por parte de la Casa Blanca.

Walz se enredó en sus palabras al responder a una pregunta sobre Oriente Medio y los ataques de Irán a Israel. Al hacerlo, dirigió su respuesta al ex presidente Donald Trump.

"Lo fundamental aquí es que el liderazgo firme va a importar. Está claro, y el mundo lo vio en el escenario del debate hace unas semanas, que un Donald Trump de casi 80 años hablando del tamaño de las multitudes no es lo que necesitamos en este momento", afirmó.

Esta semana se informó de que Walz estaba nervioso antes del debate contra el candidato republicano JD Vance.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

El ex presidente Trump llama a Walz "muy infravalorado" en un vídeo previo al debate

El ex presidente Trump dijo que cree que el gobernador Tim Walz está "infravalorado" antes del primer y probablemente único debate vicepresidencial.

"Éste es vuestro presidente favorito", dijo Trump en un vídeo publicado en Truth Social. "Gobernador Walz, no voy a decir nada malo de él porque vamos a mantenerlo muy recto. Vamos a ver cómo lo hace. Creo que, en realidad, Walz está muy infravalorado. Pero será interesante".

Trump, said he will be doing a play by play of the debate, praised his running mate, Sen. JD Vance, as a "tremendous guy."

The former president added that he will be commenting throughout the night to "say good and bad about both."

"We're gonna have some fun," Trump said ahead of Tuesday night's event.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Harris, Trump campaigns hype up opponents ahead of vice presidential debate in battle of expectation

Part of the Harris campaign's strategy ahead of the debate is to raise expectations for JD Vance.

For weeks, they've painted Tim Walz as a regular guy who will be facing off with the Ivy League-trained Vance. What they don't mention is that Walz won six House races and two gubernatorial elections.

La campaña de Trump está jugando al mismo juego.

"Walz is very good in debates. I want to repeat that. Tim Walz is very good in debates. Really good. He's been a politician for nearly 20 years. He'll be very well-prepared for tomorrow night," Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller told reporters on the eve of the debate.

But Trump seemed to undercut this campaign's argument, charging in an interview with Kellyanne Conway's Fox Nation program "Here's the Deal with Kellyanne" that Vance is "going up against a moron. A total moron, how she picked him is unbelievable."

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

Trump tells Vance to 'have fun' at vice presidential debate with Walz

Former President Donald Trump was asked Tuesday evening what his advice for J.D. Vance ahead of his debate against Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz.

Fox News Digital's Julia Johnson asked Trump in Milwaukee, Wis., what his advice would be for his running mate.

"Have fun," Trump said.

"He's a smart guy. He's he's been amazing. He's been a real warrior," Trump said.

"Top student at Yale. He's a very brilliant guy. And so many different ways and, you know, he's a very hard worker. He goes around and he's not afraid of the media. He would stand here and and answer all of your questions. I have a lot of people that wouldn't do that. They don't like doing that. They get shouted at and they don't like being shouted at. But, JD is very much a warrior."

Vance faces off with Walz tonight at 9 p.m.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Trump campaign announces 3-day swing state bus tour

Former President Trump is ramping up his campaign in the final weeks before Election Day, with his campaign announcing the GOP nominee will spend three days touring Georgia, a state narrowly won by President Biden in 2020, by bus.

Ahead of the first vice presidential debate on Tuesday, Trump's campaign announced the former president will participate in a "Team Trump Bus Tour" around the Peach State.

The tour will begin in Georgia on Friday, and the former president will travel around the state until Sunday.

Trump will hold ten events over the course of the weekend, stopping in Columbus, Macon, Athens, Fayetteville, Lawrenceville, Atlanta, Kennesaw, Rome, Woodstock, and Gainesville.

The swing state bus tour will conclude in Gainesville on Sunday, where Trump will hold a Town Hall event.

The bus tour comes just days after Trump visited the state to tour the damage of Hurricane Helene and meet with residents impacted by the storm.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Trump blames Biden, Harris for Iran's attack on Israel: 'Very close to global catastrophe'

Hours before the vice presidential debate, former President Donald Trump addressed a crowd at his campaign rally in Wisconsin and bashed the Biden administration over Iran's historic attack on Israel

"A short time ago, Iran launched 181 ballistic missiles at Israel... I've been talking about World War III for a long time, and I don't want to make predictions because the predictions always come true. We're not going to make [predictions]… but they are very close to global catastrophe," Trump said. "We have a non-existent president and a non-existent vice president who should be in charge, but nobody knows what's going on."

Trump's comments come after Israel said Iran launched 181 ballistic missiles at the country, marking the largest ballistic missile attack in history. 

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said the attack was in retaliation for the killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut, Lebanon, in an Israeli airstrike late last week and the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran in July, according to Fox News Chief Foreign Correspondent Trey Yingst.

La Guardia Revolucionaria de Irán advirtió en una declaración difundida por los medios de comunicación estatales iraníes que si Israel responde a la descarga de misiles, "se enfrentará a ataques aplastantes."

Trump accused President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris of weak leadership on the world stage.

"That's why Israel was under attack just a little while ago. Because they don't respect our country anymore. The so-called enemy doesn't respect our country any longer," Trump said.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Stepheny Price.

Publicado por Peter Aitken

Walz’s false Tiananmen Square claim ‘part of a broader pattern of inaccuracies,’ AP reports

Questions surrounding the accuracy around Gov. Tim Walz's claim of being in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square protests is just one falsehood from his past that has surfaced during his vice presidential campaign, the Associated Press reported.

Walz claimed on several occasions that he was in Hong Kong during the time of the Tiananmen Square massacre. 

However, newly resurfaced local newspaper publications contradict Walz's claim. An April 1989 newspaper article reported that Walz was planning a trip to China that August, while a May 1989 edition of the Alliance Times-Herald shows a picture of Walz touring a Nebraska National Guard store room.

In an article published Tuesday, the day of the first vice presidential debate, the AP highlighted several stories that have been questioned since Walz was tapped as Vice President Harris' running mate, including inaccuracies surrounding his drunk driving arrest and his wife's infertility treatment.

The latest falsehood about his whereabouts during the Tiananmen Square unrest is "part of a broader pattern of inaccuracies that Republicans hope to exploit," the AP reported.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Byron Donalds spars with 'Breakfast Club' hosts over Harris' economic record

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., accused Vice President Kamala Harris of breaking the economy during a heated exchange on "The Breakfast Club," where he sparred with hosts over her role in handling the current inflation plaguing the U.S.

A discussion on Tuesday's episode of the show devolved into a fiery exchange between the lawmaker and the hosts after he blamed Harris for the failed economic policies of the Biden administration.

"I would argue we're not really thriving right now. This inflation, which by the way was brought to us by Kamala Harris, has really slowed people down from being able to excel," Donalds said.

"By Kamala?" host Charlamagne Tha God replied. "She's vice president. There's still a president."

"Oh Charlamagne," Byron said, reminding listeners that Harris cast the tie-breaking vote on the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act in 2021.

"She broke the tie that started this inflation that has hurt so many people in our country," Donalds said.

Guest-host Angela Rye dismissed Byron's argument as "not true."

"You sure you want to go there?" the Florida Republican shot back, pulling out a pamphlet of "facts" from his suit jacket to back up his claim as Rye tried to speak over him.

Donalds argued that experts anticipated "massive inflation" if the American Rescue Plan was passed."

That's what happened," he said.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Yael Halon.

Publicado por Peter Aitken

Trump says he is 'waiting' for an apology from CBS News

Former President Donald Trump said he is waiting for an apology from CBS News after a previous interview in which he was challenged on his claim that Hunter Biden's laptop belonged to Biden.

"Last time I did an interview with them, if you remember, they challenged on the computer. They said the laptop from Hell was from Russia," Trump told reporters in Milwaukee, Wis.

"And I said it wasn't from Russia, it was from Hunter. And I never got an apology. So I'm sort of waiting. I'd love to do 60 Minutes. I do everything. I mean, I do you right now, right?" he said, referring to questioning from the press. "And you're tougher than 60 Minutes frankly."

"The laptop from Hell was from Hunter. It wasn't from me. So I haven't gotten, if you remember, Leslie Stahl, we got into a little bit of an argument on the camera, talking about that and other things. And you know, they really owed me an apology," he said.

He was referring to a 2020 interview in which Stahl told Trump that the laptop "can't be verified" amid concerns it was Russian disinformation.

His comments came after his campaign denied that it had ever formally accepted an invitation for him to sit for an interview after the outlet claimed he had backed out. 

"60 Minutes is scheduled to air a primetime election special on a Monday edition of the broadcast on Oct. 7 at 8 p.m. This year, both the Harris and Trump campaigns agreed to sit down with 60 Minutes," CBS News said in a statement released Tuesday. "Vice President Harris will speak with correspondent Bill Whitaker. After initially accepting 60 Minutes' request for an interview with Scott Pelley, former President Trump's campaign has decided not to participate. Pelley will address this Monday evening."

But according to Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung, that was "fake news.""60 Minutes begged for an interview, even after they were caught lying about Hunter Biden’s laptop back in 2020," Cheung wrote on X. "There were initial discussions, but nothing was ever scheduled or locked in."

Publicado por Adam Shaw

JD Vance mocks MSNBC anchor for fact-checking 'most obvious hyperbole' about his sons' eating habits

Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance ridiculed a post from MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle over-analyzing his recent off-the-cuff comment about how many eggs his sons eat.

On Sept. 21, Vance visited a supermarket in Reading, Pennsylvania, to discuss the rising prices of groceries under the Biden-Harris administration.

He was accompanied by his two young sons, Ewan and Vivek, who interrupted his speech to reach for a carton of eggs."Yes, buddy. Want some eggs? Let's talk about eggs. Because these guys actually eat about 14 eggs every single morning. Is that right?" Vance said.

By Sunday, Ruhle caught wind of his comment and posted her own analysis of it.

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Lindsay Kornick.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

5 conclusiones del debate entre Harris y Trump

Former President Trump and Vice President Harris faced off for the first time in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for a debate moderated by ABC News last month.

The event was technically the second presidential debate of the election but was the first since President Biden ended his campaign and Democrats nominated Harris for president instead. 

A variety of issues were broached during the debate and plenty of shots were taken at one another, but there were several moments that stood out more than others. 

Trump at one point alluded to Harris plagiarizing his policy points so much so that he considered mailing her a MAGA (Make America Great Again) hat.

Trump also claimed that he “probably took a bullet to the head” because of Biden-Harris rhetoric, referring to the first assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump has since survived a second assassination attempt before law enforcement thwarted the plot.

Harris said, "Clearly, I am not Joe Biden," after Trump slammed the Biden-Harris administration's economic policy and said, "She is Biden."

She also stood by her administration's Afghanistan withdrawal despite criticism.

Trump, at one point, used a quip similar to one made famous in 2020 by Harris during the vice presidential debate. 

"Wait a minute, I'm talking now if you don't mind. Please," the former president said.

Read the full story from Julia Johnson on the Trump, Harris debate.

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

CBS News announces Harris will sit for '60 Minutes' interview, Trump denies agreeing to sit-down

CBS News confirmed that Vice President Kamala Harris will sit down for a special “60 Minutes” episode about the election while former President Trump has declined to participate.

The outlet claimed that both candidates had agreed to speak with the TV magazine program for episodes that would air on Oct. 7, but that Trump has changed his mind and will not partake.

However, the Trump campaign denied it had ever agreed to an interview: Campaign spokesman Steven Cheung posted on X that the program had "begged" for an interview, and that initial discussions had taken place, but "nothing was ever scheduled or locked in."

"Fake News," Cheung said. "They also insisted on doing live fact checking, which is unprecedented." He also slammed the outlet for "lying about Hunter Biden's laptop back in 2020."

Trump would have spoken with Scott Pelley, who will address the change in programming when the episode airs on Monday.

CBS News has faced accusations of an anti-Trump bias ahead of hosting the vice presidential debate, especially in light of the criticism leveled against ABC News for how its hosts handled September’s presidential debate between Trump and Harris. 

"60 Minutes" stressed that the program has regularly interviewed both parties' candidates in election years "for over half a century."

Fox News Joseph A. Wulfsohn, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Peter Aitken

Lo más destacado del debate vicepresidencial de 2020 entre Harris y Pence

Then-Vice President Mike Pence and then-Sen. Kamala Harris of California faced off in Salt Lake City, Utah, amid the coronavirus pandemic, in the 2020 election's vice presidential debate.

Due to COVID restrictions amid the worst pandemic to strike the globe in a century, the running mates of then-President Trump and then-former Vice President Biden stood 12 feed apart, with a plexiglass barrier by each candidate.

In a moment that quickly went viral, a fly landed on Pence's head during the debate. Also grabbing plenty of attention - Pence's left eye appeared bloodshot.

Trump and Pence ended up losing the 2020 election to Biden and Harris.

Fast-forward to the 2024 election cycle, and Pence was one of more than a dozen Republicans who unsuccessfully challenged Trump for the Republican presidential nomination. 

Meanwhile, Harris in July succeed Biden atop the Democrats national ticket after the president suspended his campaign following a disastrous debate performance against Trump.

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

Politicians who have thrown their support behind Tim Walz

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has earned the endorsement of several high profile politicians including former President Barack Obama who publicly backed Walz years before he was named the vice presidential nominee.

Two years before winning the Oval Office in 2008, former President Obama was one of the few high-profile Democrats in the nation to campaign for Tim Walz when he first launched a career in politics. 

Shortly after Walz joined VP Kamala Harris on the presidential ticket, Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi said that Harris made a “wonderful” choice and dismissed critics who argued that Walz was not a “moderate.”

Walz also earned the endorsement of Alex Soros, son of progressive mega donor George Soros, and the two were seen standing next to each other at a recent event at the younger Soros’ Manhattan penthouse.

"Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will lead America into a brighter future for everyone. Onward!" House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., wrote on X shortly after Walz was announced as the VP pick.

Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif., called the pick "brilliant."

"No one knows more about the job than the sitting Vice President – who has served for a former two-term VP. Tim Walz is about doing the right thing. Whether it’s free school meals or standing up against gun violence – he’s never been intimidated. He’s about honor and decency, and is exactly the right pick in a campaign about daylight vs darkness," Newsom wrote on X. "He’s been an incredible partner as a Governor, and will make an incredible Vice President. Let's go."

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller

Tim Walz largely silent on Haitian migrants crossing US borders

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz has largely been silent on the issue of Haitian migrants coming into the United States, but has criticized his Republican counterpart.

Recently, Walz reportedly accused Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance of repeating “vicious, hurtful lies about immigrants.” 

This appears to be in reference to claims by J.D. Vance about the town of Springfield, Ohio and claims that migrants there were eating the pets of citizens who lived there.

Officials have said they have found no credible evidence of such claims in the town.

Walz has broadly been pro-immigration, and has made no suggestion he would differ significantly from the Biden administration’s stance on immigration.

The administration has expanded a number of “lawful pathways” including a parole program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans to allow 30,000 to come into the U.S. each month. That’s in addition to other parole policies and an expanded use of Temporary Protected Status.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

JD Vance’s campaign rallies home in on 3 crucial swing states. What does this mean?

​​Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance is focused on campaigning in three of the more crucial swing states – Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

"We’re going to make sure that Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan go red,” the first-term senator from Ohio, who preaches populism, said in a recent Fox News Digital interview in Michigan.

Los demócratas ganaron con seguridad los tres estados obreros en las elecciones presidenciales durante casi un cuarto de siglo, antes de que Trump los ganara por un estrecho margen para hacerse con la Casa Blanca hace ocho años.

Vance dijo que es optimista de que los tres estados "van a ser el muro rojo en noviembre".

Read more from Paul Steinhauser on Vance’s campaign strategy.

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

JD Vance takes a tough stance on border security, similar to Trump's

Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance has taken a tough stance on border security similar to that of former President Donald Trump.

Vance visited the U.S.-Mexico border in August and pushed for the restoration of policies seen during the Trump administration.

"You just have to re-implement some commonsense policies. You've got to re-implement remain in Mexico. You've got to stop catch and release," he said. "You've got to force these asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while their claims are being adjudicated. And you've got to finish this border wall and re-implement deportations." 

He also criticized the Biden administration.

"It's hard to believe until you see it with your own eyes, just how bad the policies of the Kamala Harris administration have been when it comes to the southern border," Vance said. "They started their administration, Kamala Harris came into office... they stopped deportations on day one. They stopped construction of the border wall. 

"We see the border wall sitting here, ready to be completed behind us. And that can't happen because of Kamala Harris's administration. They reinstated catch and release and they stopped remain in Mexico," he continued. "So all these asylum claimants who come to our border, they can now get released into our country because they're not forced to stay in Mexico while we adjudicate their asylum claims." 

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Walz claim he was in Hong Kong during fateful Tiananmen Square protests under scrutiny

Gov. Tim Walz's claim of being in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square protests is coming under scrutiny after resurfaced newspaper reports contradict his whereabouts during the massacre.

In 1989, hundreds of protesters were killed by the Chinese military, known as the People’s Liberation Army, while protesting in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square.

“As a young man, I was just going to teach high school in Foshan in Guangdong, and was in Hong Kong in May of ’89,” Walz, then a Minnesota congressman, said of the protests in a 2014 hearing. "And I still remember the train station in Hong Kong.”

Walz claimed again in a 2019 radio interview that he was in Hong Kong the day of the Tiananmen Square massacre.

“I was in Hong Kong on June 4, 1989, when, of course, Tiananmen Square happened. And I was in China after that. It was very strange ‘cause, of course, all outside transmissions were, were blocked – Voice of America – and, of course, there was no, no phones or email or anything. So I was kind of out of touch. It took me a month to know the Berlin Wall had fallen when I was living there,” Walz said.

However, newly resurfaced local newspaper publications contradict Walz's claim. An April 1989 newspaper article reported that Walz was planning a trip to China that August, while a May 1989 edition of the Alliance Times-Herald shows a picture of Walz touring a Nebraska National Guard store room, according to MPR News, who first broke the story.

Fox News Digital reached out to Walz's office and campaign for comment.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

¿Cuáles fueron las declaraciones de JD Vance sobre RFK Jr. diciendo que 'no tomará partido en el 11-S'?

In an interview in August, Ohio Sen. JD Vance said he did not agree with Robert F. Kennedy’s remark that he “won’t take sides” on 9/11. 

"I certainly have taken sides in 9/11. I'm the pro-America side," Vance said. "I don't know what RFK said there. But what I do know is that RFK said a lot of very interesting and important things – that the Democratic Party has become too pro-censorship."

Kennedy, in July, had attempted to address conspiracy theories that surround the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

“My take on 9/11: It’s hard to tell what is a conspiracy theory and what isn’t. But conspiracy theories flourish when the government routinely lies to the public. As president, I won’t take sides on 9/11 or any of the other debates,” Kennedy said. “But I can promise that I will open the files and usher in a new era of transparency.” 

Family members of the victims of 9/11 have long been calling on the U.S. government to declassify files they believe could link the attackers to the Saudi government of the time. A CBS report at the time had detailed alleged Saudi involvement through a “casing” scheme. 

“Referring here to the CBS ‘60 Minutes’ segment last Sunday revealing possible Saudi involvement in 9/11, sparking all kinds of speculation on X,” Kennedy later clarified.

Posted by Morgan Phillips

¿Apoya la familia de Tim Walz a Donald Trump?

Distant cousins of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, created a firestorm online after they posted a photo of themselves wearing t-shirts with big, bold lettering that read, “Walz’s For Trump.” 

The photo showed eight smiling people, purportedly members of Walz’s family, coming out in favor of former President Donald Trump. While Tim Walz’s sister, Sandy Dietrich, said she doesn’t recognize the supposed family members, it was eventually uncovered that they are descendants of Francis Walz, the brother of Tim Walz’s grandfather.

While Walz’s sister came to her brother’s defense, the vice presidential candidate’s other sibling, Jeff Walz, does not appear to be as supportive. “I’m 100% opposed to all his ideology,” Walz’s younger brother declared in a series of social media posts in August. When someone urged the vice presidential candidate’s brother to come out publicly in support of Trump and against his brother, Jeff Walz said he had considered it but ultimately decided to keep his thoughts and opinions private. 

Posted by Alec Schemmel

¿Qué dijo Gwen Walz sobre Trump?

Gwen Walz, the wife of Gov. Tim Walz, Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, has adopted her own rallying cry on the campaign trail: “turn the page.”

Walz’s wife was slammed after she used the metaphor at a rally in Wisconsin on Sept. 14, with critics calling her “cringe,” “weird” and saying she was the “living embodiment of Trump Derangement Syndrome.” The rallying cry has also included Gwen Walz asking the audience to join her in pantomiming the act of “turning the page,” which she has quipped looks like saying “Bye, bye, Donald Trump.”

Gwen Walz claimed the rallying cry originated from Harris, who she said made the comment about turning the page during the single presidential debate held in September.

“I kind of liked it when she did this: Turn the page,” Gwen Walz said at the Sept. 14 rally, before coaching the audience on how to make the gesture.

“Can you all turn the page with me?” Gwen Walz asked at a rally with a local Arizona teachers union. “Teachers know how to turn that page, right?” she continued. “When we are all door knocking, we are turning the page! When we are making calls, we are turning the page! When we are recruiting volunteers, we are turning the page!”  

“CONFIRMED,” wrote the Trump campaign on X, formerly Twitter. “Gwen Walz is just as cringe as Tampon Tim.” 

Posted by Alec Schemmel

Respuesta de JD Vance al apoyo de Taylor Swift a Kamala Harris

Vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance shrugged off Taylor Swift as "fundamentally disconnected from the problems of most Americans" after the pop superstar endorsed Democratic nominee Kamala Harris for president.

Swift endorsed Harris immediately after the first presidential debate between the Democratic nominee and Vice President Donald Trump, taking a jab at Vance in her announcement by signing off as "Taylor Swift, Childless Cat Lady."  

The reference was to a comment made by Vance in 2021 when he declared that the U.S. was effectively being run "by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they wanna make the rest of the country miserable, too." He has since defended the remark as a "joke" that was "willfully misinterpreted" by Democrats.

"Admiramos la música de Taylor Swift, pero no creo que la mayoría de los estadounidenses, tanto si les gusta su música como si son fans de ella o no, vayan a dejarse influir por una celebridad multimillonaria que creo que está fundamentalmente desconectada de los intereses y los problemas de la mayoría de los estadounidenses", dijo Vance el miércoles en "The Story". 

"Cuando los precios de los comestibles suben un 20%, afecta a la mayoría de los estadounidenses, no afecta a Taylor Swift. Cuando los precios de la vivienda se vuelven inasequibles, no afecta a Taylor Swift ni a ningún otro multimillonario", continuó Vance. "Sí afecta a los estadounidenses de clase media de todo el país".

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

¿Qué estados son indecisos?

Based on recent trends, demographics, and polling data, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are likely to be competitive and potentially swing states in the 2024 election.

Former President Donald Trump is leading Vice President Kamala Harris in Arizona by 5 points in a 50%-45% spread, and he holds a similar 49%-45% lead in Georgia. Harris is closer to the former president in North Carolina, however, where the race sits at 49%-47%, according to a New York Times poll.

In Michigan, Harris is up 3 points over Trump, 48% to 45%, according to a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll of 500 likely voters in the Great Lake State. 

The poll was taken Sept. 16-19, after the first and possibly only debate between Harris and Trump, and after a second assassination attempt against Trump on Sept. 15. It has a 4.4% margin of error. 

In Pennsylvania, polls show Harris and Trump in a deadlock.

In Wisconsin, Harris stands at 48% support among likely voters, with Trump at 45% in an AARP poll conducted Sept 11-14.

Fox News Digital’s Paul Steinhauser and Chris Pandolfo contributed to this report.

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

Políticos que han apoyado a JD Vance

Ohio Sen. JD Vance quickly earned the support of many top Republicans after he was announced as the vice presidential pick of former president Donald Trump.

“JD Vance is a young and dynamic individual who is a great communicator, he’s a veteran, he has an amazing personal story, he relates to regular American people all across the country, and I think he will certainly add to the ticket,” GOP Rep. Nicole Malliotakis told Fox News Digital earlier this year. 

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called Vance a “great choice” shortly after he was announced as the vice presidential nominee. 

“OHIO’s J.D. Vance is a great American!” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan posted on X the day Vance was announced as the VP pick.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., applauded the decision, saying in a statement that Vance "possesses a profound understanding of the anxieties of working families and has both the lived experience and the policy expertise to help President Trump deliver a government worthy of the people it is supposed to serve."

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller

Notable takeaways from the vice presidential debate in 1988 between Quayle, Bentsen

One of the most famous lines in vice presidential debate history came in 1988, when Democratic Sen. Lloyd Bentsen of Texas, Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis' running mate, faced off against Sen. Dan Quayle of Indiana, Vice President George H.W. Bush's running mate.

Quayle, who was 41-years-old when he debated the 67-year-old Bentsen in Omaha, Nebraska, had faced questions on the campaign trail regarding his age and his ability to lead the nation should something happen to incapacitate the president.

“I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency,” Quayle said when asked repeatedly during the debate about his qualifications, as he compared himself to the late President John F. Kennedy, who had a similar length of tenure in Congress before winning the White House in 1960. 

Bentsen, in a line that went down in debate lore, responded, saying “Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.”

Dukakis and Bentson lost the election, but the comment also went on to become a part of political vocabulary, as a way to deflate a rival politician perceived as too full of themselves.

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

CBS News arroja una larga sombra de sesgo anti-Trump antes de su debate vicepresidencial

CBS News is the latest network under the spotlight as it prepares to host the vice-presidential debate between Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, and Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz

The debate on Tuesday, being led by outgoing "CBS Evening News" anchor Norah O'Donnell and "Face the Nation" moderator Margaret Brennan, will face intense scrutiny, particularly after the fury sparked by ABC News for its partisan handling of the first presidential debate between former President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. 

La cobertura anterior de la cadena sugiere que Vance, al igual que Trump, puede entrar en un enfrentamiento político de uno contra tres.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Joseph A. Wulfsohn.

Publicado por Peter Aitken

Vance on student loan debt: 'Ohio workers are paying off the loans of Harvard Law students'

Ohio Republican Sen. JD Vance has historically been foursquare against forgiving student loan debt, outside of rare exceptions, his previous remarks show. 

“Forgiving student debt is a massive windfall to the rich, to the college educated, and most of all to the corrupt university administrators of America,” Vance posted on X in 2022. “Republicans must fight this with every ounce of our energy and power.”

Vance did, however, introduce bipartisan legislation in May that would forgive student loan debt for parents of children who become disabled. 

“No parent should be forced to shoulder the burden of FFEL loans while caring for their disabled child,” Vance said in May. 

In another X post in 2022, Vance said due to Democratic policies, “Ohio workers are paying off the loans of Harvard Law students. If this seems unfair and illegal, it's because it is.” 

Publicado por Emma Colton

CBS debate telecast to feature QR code for live fact checking

CBS News, the network moderating the first vice presidential debate of the 2024 cycle, will allow its viewers to participate in live fact checking during the highly anticipated event on Tuesday night.

During the debate, pitting Republican Sen. JD Vance against Democratic Gov. Tim Walz, CBS's telecast will have a QR code on the screen that viewers can scan.

Once scanned, the code will direct the viewer to a CBS News fact checking page who will be updated throughout the event. The QR code will only appear on the CBS News stream.

The purpose is to allow fact checking to take place separate from the debate stage itself, according to CBS.

“The idea is to give people that second-screen experience," Claudia Milne, the senior vice president for standards and practices at CBS News, said of the feature according to the New York Times. “The audience can get the takeaway they need in a responsible and smart way.”

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Usha Vance reveals how she deals with negative press coverage of her husband

Sen. JD Vance's wife, Usha Vance, revealed how she deals with negative press coverage of her and the Vance family after her husband was chosen as Donald Trump's running mate during an exclusive interview with "Fox & Friends." 

"That can be hard. And, you know, sometimes I don't see it all, and sometimes I do see it and I look at and think, well, this is not the JD I know, this is not accurate. And other times it might span discussions or thoughts about what we should do next or how we should live. But I think we've been doing this now for a little while, and I've gotten kind of accustomed to it and grown a bit of a thick skin to it. And so I just try to not let it affect the way that I live," Vance told Fox News' Ainsley Earhardt in an interview airing Monday.

Trump chose the Ohio senator as his running mate in last month. Vance has been subjected to an intense drumbeat of negative coverage in the weeks since and has a negative net favorability rating.

Vance also said she's gotten a lot of good advice from their friends about how to deal with the press. 

"One really good piece of advice that someone gave me is just not to read the news that much, and it's not burying your head in the sand or anything like that. It's just JD is out there. He's talking about all sorts of things. He's thinking all sorts of things and I just think he deserves to have someone in his life who hears it straight from him and doesn't just hear what other people are saying about him all the time. And so I think that really helps," she said. 

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Hanna Panreck.

Publicado por Peter Aitken

Trump says Biden, Harris brought US to 'brink of World War 3'

Former President Donald Trump, in a speech in Wisconsin on Tuesday, accused President Biden and Vice President Harris of taking the U.S. to the brink of World War 3, amid new attacks in the Middle East.

"So now war, or the threat of war, is raging everywhere, and the two incompetent people running our country, or I don't actually think they're even running it, are leading us to the brink of World War 3, " Trump said.

He spoke hours after Iran launched dozens of missiles against Israel on Tuesday, a barrage of strikes it says are in response to the deaths of Hezbollah and Hamas leaders.

"This is what the policies of weakness and appeasement have brought to the world. And as I've been saying for a long time, you know, terrible things can happen when you have incompetent leadership. Really bad things can happen," he said.

He also accused the Biden administration of "flooding" Iran with cash.

"They had no money left. They had no money for Hamas. They had no money for Hezbollah, the people they're fighting now, they would have been willing to make any deal. You could have made any deal, but Kamala flooded them with American cash," he said.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

JD Vance's former debate opponent rips senator as 'scared little boy behind the beard'

JD Vance’s former rival Tim Ryan has labeled the senator a “scared little boy behind the beard” ahead of Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate.

“To me, he's just a scared little boy behind the beard, and he wants everyone else to be as scared as he is,” Ryan said during an interview with Slate’s “What Next” podcast, which released Tuesday ahead of the debate.

Ryan served as the U.S. representative for Ohio from 2003 to 2023, at which point he had run for the Senate. He lost to Vance after former President Trump endorsed him.

Ryan claimed during the interview that the upcoming debate would prove an “interesting contrast” between the candidates.

“I think Tim Walz is a good contrast to JD Vance. There's an authenticity there. There's a real ness there. There's a likeability there,” Ryan said.

When the host noted that Walz seemed “happier” than Vance, Ryan agreed and quipped that it was a “low bar” for Walz to clear. 

Publicado por Peter Aitken

Proyectos de ley controvertidos de Minnesota que Tim Walz firmó

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has signed several controversial bills that have drawn the ire of conservatives during his tenure as the state’s top executive.

Walz was one of the first governors to sign into law a bill making Minnesota a "sanctuary state" for children seeking transgender surgical procedures and hormone prescriptions. This laid the groundwork for several of his more progressive LGBTQ policies. 

Walz also signed the "Protect Reproductive Options Act" into state law in January 2023. The legislation codified a Minnesota resident’s right to an abortion, or any other form of "reproductive health care," without any restriction or regulation from local government.

Walz also signed a law that grants driver's licenses to illegal immigrants in 2023.

"When you look at the political agenda and the policies they passed, he is not what's good for Minnesota,” Minnesota GOP State Sen. Mark Koran told Fox News Digital earlier this year. 

“He's not good for the country. He's already agreed to throw out the Constitution. Our basic system of governance and even though the vice president doesn't have a significant defined role, he's already agreed to be complicit with the most radical agenda that is anti-American, anti-hardworking legal U.S. citizen, and that's what we can't have in the White House."

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller

Walz's debate performance expectations lowered ahead of Vance showdown

Some Democratic allies of Gov. Tim Walz are concerned about how he will fare in the vice presidential debate between him and Sen. JD Vance, worrying that the Minnesota governor remains untested.

"We’ve never seen him on the national scale before," a Minnesota Democrat told Politico. The outlet reported that Vance hasn't been tested in a scenario like a debate, where he will face direct questioning and attacks from the other side. 

Walz and Vance are set to clash on Tuesday during the first vice presidential debate, which will be moderated by CBS News' Norah O'Donnell and Margaret Brennan. 

"He can be very: ‘That’s it I’m done,’" a Minnesota state lawmaker told the outlet. Politico reported that Walz shuts down conversations and gets defensive when he's asked to discuss "missteps" in private, and it noted Walz was "still largely untested and has never faced the intense, direct questioning that Vance is sure to launch."

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Vance fumes over liberal media ignoring Angel Mom testimony from border crisis hearing

Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance is irked that a House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Biden-Harris border crisis and its impact on American families on Tuesday was largely ignored by the mainstream media. 

Many major news outlets ignored testimony from victims of crimes stemming from illegal immigration, including the mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old girl found strangled to death in Texas in June by two Venezuelan illegal immigrants, according to authorities.

"Kamala Harris' open border policies have taken countless American lives. The liberal media is doing all they can to cover it up, even ignoring the heartbreaking testimony of angel mothers who have lost their children at the hands of illegal immigrants. It's disgusting," Vance told Fox News Digital. 

The name "Nungaray" and the hearing itself were not mentioned on CNN or MSNBC from Tuesday’s hearing through Friday afternoon, according to a search of transcripts using Grabien. 

A search of The New York Times archives doesn’t reveal any coverage of the hearing, either. A search of CNN and MSNBC websites also shows no coverage.

CNN, MSNBC and the Times did not immediately respond to requests for comment. 

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Brian Flood and Stephen Sorace.

Publicado por Peter Aitken

Los expertos ven el debate Vance-Walz y dicen que esta vez "podría ser diferente".

Next week's highly anticipated vice presidential debate between Republican Ohio Sen. JD Vance and Democrat Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, while sure to generate buzz, is unlikely to make much difference in pushing undecided voters toward either presidential candidate, former President Trump or Vice President Harris, insiders agree.

Aun así, los expertos que hablaron con Fox News Digital dijeron que podría haber algún impacto indirecto que no puede descartarse por completo en una carrera tan reñida.

"Los debates de vicepresidentes suelen ser bastante [discretos], no suelen recibir tanta atención como los debates presidenciales", dijo en una entrevista a Fox News Digital Christopher Devine, autor de "Do Running Mates Matter?: The Influence of Vice Presidential Candidates in Presidential Elections" (¿Importan los compañeros de fórmula?: La influencia de los candidatos a vicepresidente en las elecciones presidenciales).

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Jamie Joseph.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Los demócratas proyectan imágenes sobre la Torre Trump en Nueva York antes del debate sobre la vicepresidencia

The Democratic National Committee projected images on Trump Tower in New York City on Monday evening, on the eve of the vice presidential debate between former President Trump's running mate Sen. JD Vance of Ohio and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate.

The images being projected by the DNC - which were shared first with Fox News Digital - include an eight-year old critical comment of Trump that Vance wrote on social media.

"Vance on Trump: ‘What an idiot’" read the projection, which was a portion of a direct quote from Vance's 2016 social media post.

Vance was a one-time Trump critic when the former president first won the White House. But Vance became a major supporter, and after winning election to the Senate in 2022 with Trump's support, has become a top Senate ally of the former president and his America First agenda.

Another projection charges that "Trump is a chicken," as the DNC continues its attacks on the former president – launched recently on mobile and stationary billboards – for saying he won't debate Harris a second time. 

Trump has said that it's too late for another debate because early in-person and absentee voting is already underway in a growing number of states across the country. 

A third projection from the DNC being illuminated on Trump Tower says "Project 2025 HQ."

Project 2025 is a political initiative published by the well-known Heritage Foundation, a top DC-based conservative think-tank. While some of the authors who worked on the initiative - which includes some controversial planks - are veterans of the Trump administration, the former president and his campaign have pushed back vehemently against repeated attempts by Democrats to link him to Project 2025.

Another projection from the DNC is less controversial. It merely says "Go Coach Walz!"

Walz was a longtime high school teacher and coach in Nebraska and then Minnesota before entering politics.

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

Power outage doesn't stop Vance's prep for Walz VP debate

Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance didn't let a power outage derail his preparations for Tuesday's debate with Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic Party's running mate.

A source familiar with the senator's debate prep tells Fox News Digital that over the last month, former President Trump's running mate took part in a series of murder board sessions with his team.

For those not familiar with the term, a murder board is a group of people who ask tough questions and have candid discussions to help someone prepare for a difficult examination or test, or in Vance's case, a vice presidential debate.

According to the source, Vance conducted a mock debate over the past week, with Rep. Tom Emmer of Minnesota, the House majority whip, playing the role of Walz, Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate. Former Trump administration Treasury Department assistant secretary Monica Crowley played the role of one of the moderators from CBS News, which is hosting the debate in New York City.

Halfway through the mock debate, the power went out, as a strong storm slammed through the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio, where Vance lives and where the prep session was held. But according to the source, who shared the details first with Fox News, Vance and the team continued on, using lanterns for lighting and cellphones for timers.

This is an excerpt of an article from Fox News' Paul Steinhauser

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Fox News Media will present special live programming of Vance-Walz debate

Republican Ohio Sen. JD Vance and Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz will face off in a vice presidential debate Tuesday evening, with Fox News airing special programming across its key platforms, including the Fox News Channel and Fox News Digital. 

Vance and Walz will travel to New York City for their first and only scheduled debate of the election cycle. The debate will be held at 9 p.m. EST. The debate will be moderated by "CBS Evening News" anchor Norah O'Donnell and "Face the Nation" moderator Margaret Brennan. 

The Fox News Channel, FOX Business Network, Fox News Digital, Fox News Audio and Fox Nation will air special programming of the debate. 

Fox News will begin broadcasting special coverage at 8 p.m. Tuesday, kicking off with debate preview analysis from "Jesse Watters Primetime" until 8:20, when the Fox News Channel will then air "FOX News Democracy 2024," which will be hosted by Bret Baier, Martha MacCallum, Jesse Watters and Laura Ingraham. 

Fox News' Sean Hannity will also join the coverage live from the debate's spin room. Congressional correspondent Aishah Hasnie and senior White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich will also report live from the spin room. 

The Fox News Channel will present "FOX News Democracy 2024: CBS Vice Presidential Debate" between 9 and 11 p.m. Tuesday, which is a simulcast of CBS’s vice presidential debate. 

The debate will last 90 minutes and wrap up at 10:30 p.m. It will include two four-minute commercial breaks, and campaign staff will not be permitted to interact with their respective candidates during the breaks, per debate rules. 

Publicado por Emma Colton

Walz on student loan debt to Michigan State students: 'You should be super concerned'

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has signaled his support for student loan debt forgiveness, though he has not been as vocal on the topic as his running mate, Vice President Kamala Harris

Walz, a former public school teacher, signed into law a student debt forgiveness program for nurses and healthcare workers last year as governor. The program pays eligible health workers 15% of the average loan debt in their specific field, if they fulfill a two-year contract in a certain area or teach. 

In September, Walz campaigned near the Michigan State University campus, where he focused on student loan debt and climate change.

"When I went to school, you could work a minimum wage job in the summer and pay an entire year’s tuition at the University Minnesota," Walz said.

Publicado por Emma Colton

Vance culpa de la crisis de la vivienda a la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris

Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, has blamed the housing crisis on Vice President Kamala Harris, claiming on the campaign trail, "Kamala Harris let in 20 million illegal aliens to compete with Americans for scarce homes.”

He tied the issue of housing to the issue of illegal immigration, pointing to the strain being placed on the housing market by the influx of migrants.

Former President Donald Trump and Vance have vowed to begin mass deportations of illegal immigrants if elected, which could take many of the migrants competing in the housing market out of the equation. 

Further, the Trump-Vance ticket has suggested opening up federal lands for the creation of new housing. 

“Regulation costs 30% of a new home, and we will open up portions of federal land for large-scale housing construction,” Trump told attendees at an event this month at the ​​the Economic Club of New York. “These zones will be ultra-low tax and ultra-low regulations — one of the great small business job creation programs.”

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Walz-Harris presentó un plan para cubrir 25.000 dólares de enganche en viviendas

The Harris-Walz campaign recently laid out a plan to cover $25,000 down payments on homes for hundreds of thousands of people, in addition to boosting housing production across local governments.

Some of the Democrats' proposals have essentially been expansions of current policies in the Biden-Harris administration. This has led critics to slam the ideas as potentially fueling further housing price increases.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz signed a housing bill as governor of Minnesota, directing $1 billion to be spent on various projects. The measure included $200 million to assist with down payments, $200 million for housing infrastructure, $95 million for workforce housing, and a permanent fund to address additional housing needs in Minnesota. Much of the billion-dollar spending law was geared towards the creation of affordable housing.

At the time, Walz said, “As one of the most basic human needs, housing provides a foundation for safety, stability and economic growth."

Publicado por Julia Johnson

JD Vance on taxes: 'I'd love to see a child tax credit that's $5,000 per child'

Sen. JD Vance has called for several tax breaks for working Americans, including offering his support to former President Donald Trump’s idea to end taxes on overtime wages.

"When you work over time in this country, beyond 40 hours, you get time-and-a-half," the Ohio Republican said during an appearance on “Face the Nation” last week. “And the President's saying, 'if you're one of those select hard workers that's really busting your rear end to try to make good in Kamala Harris' economy, then you should get a tax cut.'"

Vance has also supported raising the childcare tax credit to $5,000, a large boost from its current $2,000.

"I'd love to see a child tax credit that's $5,000 per child," the GOP vice presidential nominee said on a different appearance on “Face the Nation” in August. "President Trump has been on the record for a long time supporting a bigger child tax credit, and I think you want it to apply to all American families."

Publicado por Michael Lee

Tim Walz as an 'outlier' on tax reform in recent years

Gov. Tim Walz has been an “outlier” on tax reform in recent years, with Minnesota being one of only a few states to raise taxes.

Twenty-eight states have cut taxes in some form at least once since 2021, but Minnesota under Walz became one of the rare states to raise taxes, including imposing a surtax on long-term capital gain income and other investments, according to an analysis by the Tax Foundation.

The Democratic vice presidential nominee has also signed a new law that will partially phase out standardized and itemized deductions for the state’s high earners and signed another law that expanded the scope of the corporate income tax, allowing the state to capture more international business income.

“These tax increases came against the backdrop of a $17.6 billion budget surplus, suggesting that they were driven less by perceived revenue needs than by their contribution to greater tax progressivity,” the analysis reads.

Publicado por Michael Lee

Tim Walz apoya el acceso al aborto, aprobó una ley escudo para evitar el retroceso del aborto legal

VP Kamala Harris tapped Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, a staunch proponent of abortion access, to drive home her platform’s promise of expanding access to abortion in every state.

Walz expanded abortion access during his administration by signing into law a bill that cemented abortion access following the groundbreaking Dobbs ruling in 2022 that overturned Roe v. Wade.

Walz also passed a shield law to prevent abortion providers and patients from legal backlash in states with more restrictive abortion laws.

Minnesota’s abortion laws have no gestational limit on when an abortion procedure can be done, meaning an abortion is permitted up until birth. 

As such, Jeff Evans, CEO of the conservative Minnesota Family Council, called the Harris-Walz campaign ticket as “the most radical on abortion ... in American history,” according to an Axios report.

Walz also supports access to IVF treatment, noting how he and his wife had struggled with infertility for years, he said. 

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

JD Vance on abortion: 'We proudly stand for families and Life'

Former President Trump’s running mate, Sen. JD Vance, is an advocate for pro-life policies, but agrees with the 2022 Dobbs decision reversing Roe v. Wade and leaving the issue up to the states.

The Ohio Republican says he would oppose a federal abortion plan — although in 2022 he said he wanted abortion ‘to be illegal nationally’ — and said if elected, President Donald Trump would veto any proposed national ban.

The Republican Party’s 2024 platform mentions abortion just once, a significant change from previous years’ platforms, and reads in full:

"We proudly stand for families and Life. We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights. After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given to the States and to a vote of the People. We will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments).”

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Walz on immigration: 'The role of law enforcement is to enforce state and local laws'

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz pursued a number of liberal policies in Minnesota on immigration.

Walz controversially signed legislation granting drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. Also during Walz’s time as governor, Democrats passed measures to make illegal immigrants eligible for a tuition-free college program and also expanded access to the state’s MinnesotaCare to include those in the country illegally. In 2018, he appeared to voice support for "sanctuary policies."

"My position on Minnesota becoming a sanctuary state boils down to who has the responsibility for enforcing immigration laws," he told CBS News in 2018. 

"Here's what I believe: Congress has given federal agencies the authority to enforce immigration laws in Minnesota, and I support their doing so. Congress has not given local law enforcement that same authority. The role of law enforcement is to enforce state and local laws, not federal immigration laws, and I strongly believe that they should not do so."

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Whatley, presidente del RNC, dice que Vance está "absolutamente preparado" para el debate de esta noche

Republican National Committee Chair Michael Whatley spoke to Fox News Digital about Tuesday night's vice presidential debate on CBS and said Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, is "absolutely prepared." 

"What's on the line is an opportunity for JD Vance to talk directly to the American voters in every single battleground state, frankly, in every state around the country, and deliver the message," Whatley said. 

"We want to talk about the issues that really matter to them. Talk about whether America is going to be strong or going to be weak. Are we going to have a strong economy? Are we going to have a strong southern border? Are we going to have a strong standing in the world? That really is what this election comes down to." 

Whatley observed that Vance is well-prepared for the debate, noting how the Republican candidate for vice president has done multiple press interviews and visited with voters. 

"Look, there's not been an election in our lifetime that's going to be so consequential as this. At every single level. And we're ready for the moment," said Whatley. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

JD Vance on immigration: 'An illegal action from Kamala Harris does not make any alien legal'

Republican presidential nominee J.D. Vance has echoed the stance of the Trump administration and the Trump campaign on the question of immigration.

In addition to his hawkish stance on the southern border, Vance has embraced the positions of limiting immigration programs, including Biden-era parole programs.

The Biden administration used a number of protections to bring in hundreds of thousands of migrants using humanitarian parole.

Conservatives, including Vance, say those programs are illegal. Vance recently commented on how the media refers to some migrants as being here “legally.”

"And what they mean is that Kamala Harris used two separate programs, mass parole and Temporary Protected Status. She used two programs to wave a wand and to say, we're not going to deport those people here," he said. "Well, if Kamala Harris waves the wand illegally and says these people are now here legally, I'm still going to call them an illegal alien. An illegal action from Kamala Harris does not make any alien legal. That is not how this works. "

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Tim Walz on Hamas, Israel: 'We can’t allow what’s happened in Gaza to happen'

Tim Walz has echoed Kamala Harris on Israel, namely that “Israel has the right to defend itself, and the atrocities of Oct. 7 are unacceptable, but Palestinian civilians being caught in this … has got to end.” 

“We can’t allow what’s happened in Gaza to happen,” he said in September during a radio interview. “The Palestinian people have every right to life and liberty themselves.”

Walz has condemned Hamas as “a brutal terrorist organization” and voted in support of Israel multiple times while a member of Congress, including a condemnation of the U.N. resolution that declared Israeli settlements in the West Bank illegal. 

He also told the Jewish Community Relations Council earlier this year that “failure to recognize the state of Israel is taking away that self-determination. So it is antisemitic.” 

Walz, however, has supported those protesting American support for Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza, claiming they are doing so for “all the right reasons.” 

Fox News Digital’s Michael Lee and The Associated Press contributed to this update.

Publicado por Peter Aitken

Vance on Israel, Hamas: 'We want the Israelis and the Sunnis to police their own region'

Ohio Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, has followed in former President Trump’s footsteps when discussing Israel and Hamas, taking a strong stance in favor of the Jewish state and insisting upon the total annihilation of Hamas for the good of the region. 

“Our goal in the Middle East should be to allow the Israelis to get to some good place with the Saudi Arabians and other Gulf Arab states,” Vance told CNN in May. “There is no way that we can do that unless the Israelis finish the job with Hamas.”

“We want the Israelis and the Sunnis to police their own region of the world,” Vance said in a speech to the Quincy Institute that same month, according to The Hill.

Vance views Israel as a critical piece of U.S. interest and policy in the Middle East, saying during his Quincy Institute speech that “the idea that there is ever going to be an American foreign policy that doesn’t care a lot about that slice of the world is preposterous.”

Publicado por Peter Aitken

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy rejected JD Vance's plan for Kyiv to give up joining NATO

All eyes are on Russia’s war in Ukraine as the conflict persists with no end in sight, U.S. aid continues – though not at a rate Kyiv needs to win – and American voters remain divided on what future aid should look like. 

GOP vice president nominee JD Vance continues to turn heads in his opposition to U.S. aid and in a September interview said Donald Trump would establish a “peaceful settlement” by giving Moscow the land it has illegally seized.

He called on Kyiv to give up plans to join NATO – a proposal that critics say would be a win for Putin.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy rejected the plan, calling Vance “too radical” and warning he should not be taken seriously.

Zelenskyy said Vance would set a dangerous precedent and would be “responsible for potentially starting a global war.”

The proposal is unpopular with security experts, European allies and among some in the GOP.

Posted by Caitlin McFall

Tim Walz apoya firmemente a Kiev en medio de la guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania

Following the decision by Kamala Harris to name Tim Walz as her running mate, headlines across Ukraine have reflected a more hopeful tone as Kyiv looks to maintain support in its war against Russia.

Headlines proclaiming “Good news for Ukraine” circulated in Ukrainian media and NATO allies signaled a sigh of relief behind closed doors.

As governor of Minnesota Walz has strongly backed Kyiv by meeting with Ukrainian dignitaries, blocking state agencies from doing business with Russia, and naming March 6, 2022 Ukrainian Solidarity Day in Minnesota.

Walz has called Russia’s invasion an “attack on democracy” and Ukraine's Ambassador to the U.S. Oksana Markarova in August praised Walz as a “reliable friend of our country."

Posted by Caitlin McFall

JD Vance desató la polémica este verano con comentarios sobre los inmigrantes haitianos

JD Vance sparked controversy with claims about Haitian migrants, including claims that migrants in a town in Ohio have been eating pets. 

Vance fueled viral claims that migrants from Haiti in Springfield, Ohio are eating animals – claims that were also fueled by former President Donald Trump. Officials say they have found no evidence of that happening.

"I trust my constituents more than I do the American media that has shown no interest in what's happened in Springfield until we started sharing cat memes on the Internet, which is disgraceful that the American media ignored this town," Vance told NBC "Meet the Press" host Kristen Welker. 

He has also said that he will continue to call migrants from Haiti illegal immigrants.

"The media loves to say that the Haitian migrants — hundreds of thousands of them, by the way, 20,000 in Springfield, but hundreds of thousands of them all across the country — they are here legally."

"And what they mean is that Kamala Harris used two separate programs, mass parole and Temporary Protected Status. She used two programs to wave a wand and to say, we're not going to deport those people here," he said. "Well, if Kamala Harris waves the wand illegally and says these people are now here legally, I'm still going to call them an illegal alien. An illegal action from Kamala Harris does not make any alien legal. That is not how this works. "

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Tim Walz roasted for declaring at campaign rally, ‘We can't afford four more years of this’

Democratic vice presidential candidate and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz told rally goers in Pennsylvania last month, “We can't afford four more years of this,” despite his ticket-mate being in the White House since 2021.

During his speech in Bethlehem, Walz was discussing gun violence when he became distracted by an audience member who appeared to need water. Walz, the running mate of Vice President Kamala Harris, strayed from his speech to call attention to the rally goer. 

"I'll bring her home here quick, folks: Look, Kamala Harris made it clear these guys want to instill fear," Walz said at the rally. "They want to tell you that [you should] just get over it, it's a fact of life. This is the way it is."

"[Harris] simply has said it doesn't have to be this way," he added. "It doesn't have to be this way. We can't afford four more years of this."

Although Walz may have been referring to gun violence or Trump's rhetoric when he cited "four more years of this,” the ambiguity of his statement led conservative commentators to roast the Minnesota governor on social media for what appeared to be a criticism of the Biden administration.

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

¿De qué trata el libro de JD Vance "Hillbilly Elegy"?

“Hillbilly Elegy” is Ohio Sen. JD Vance's 2016 memoir that Netflix later made into a movie starring Glenn Close and directed by Ron Howard.

In the book and film, Vance describes growing up in Ohio after his mother's family moved from Appalachian Kentucky after World War II.

Vance writes about a turbulent childhood marked by his mother’s addiction and instability. His grandmother, played by Close in the film, was his guiding force at times -- and despite these challenges, a young Vance later went on to graduate high school, join the Marine Corps, and even attend The Ohio State University and earn a degree from Yale Law School.

The story also delves into other cultural and socioeconomic issues facing the white working class who live in the Appalachian community along the Rust Belt region, such as occasional instances of people lacking work ethic and hope for overcoming hardships at home.  

Publicado por Charles Creitz

¿Qué sabemos de Tim Walz antes de convertirse en político?

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is well-known as having made a living as a high school teacher before hitting the national political scene as a member of the House of Representatives.

Walz was born in Nebraska to a public school administrator and community activist, according to a congressional biography still online from his days in Washington.

He spent a year teaching in China through a program led by Harvard University before returning to his home state of Nebraska for a classroom job there.

After getting married to his wife Gwen, Walz moved to Minnesota where he taught and coached high school football at Mankato West High School. He’s since used the former title to add to his “Midwest everyman” brand, with even Vice President Kamala Harris referring to him as “Coach Walz.”

Walz served 24 years in the Army National Guard , though the details of his deployment and other facts of his service have since been scrutinized for being misleading.

Publicado por Elizabeth Elkind

¿Por qué Kamala Harris eligió a Tim Walz como compañero de candidatura?

Vice President Kamala Harris liked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz's biography, his record of winning tough races, and his progressive record as governor of a swing state. 

And equally important, despite having any real relationship with Walz prior to naming him as her running mate on the Democratic Party's 2024 ticket last month, she appeared to quickly click with him.

Walz, a son of the Midwest, was a longtime teacher and coach and served a quarter-century in the Army National Guard, before entering politics. A Democrat in a red congressional district, he had a history of reaching across the aisle to get things accomplished, 

Having the plainspoken and energetic Walz on the national ticket not only helps Harris in Minnesota - a reliably blue state in presidential elections that the Trump campaign has flirted with trying to flip - it also benefits the vice president in two crucial Midwestern battlegrounds - neighboring Wisconsin and nearby Michigan.

In naming Walz as her running mate, Harris emphasized that "one of the things that stood out to me about Tim is how his convictions on fighting for middle class families run deep." 

"It’s personal," she added. "He grew up in a small town in Nebraska, spending summers working on his family’s farm. His father died of cancer when he was 19, and his family relied on Social Security survivor benefit checks to make ends meet. At 17, he enlisted in the National Guard, serving for 24 years. He used his GI Bill benefits to go to college, and become a teacher." 

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

¿Qué sabemos de JD Vance antes de que se convirtiera en político?

Republican Ohio Sen. JD Vance had a national profile even before being elected to Congress, having written the hit book, “Hillbilly Elegy : A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis,” based on his childhood in rural America.

The book was famously turned into a feature film directed by Ron Howard and starring Amy Adams, Glenn Close, and others.

Vance served in the U.S. Marine Corps for four years and was deployed to Iraq, after which he enrolled in Ohio State University using funds granted in the GI bill. After graduating with his bachelor’s degree, Vance enrolled in Yale Law School where he met his wife, Usha.

He briefly worked for Sen. John Cornyn, R–Texas, and clerked for a federal judge after graduating. 

After clerking and law school, Vance quickly made his way up the corporate ladder. He lived in San Francisco for a period of time and made a living as a venture capitalist. One of his most notable roles there was as a principal for Peter Thiel’s firm, Mithril Capital.

Publicado por Elizabeth Elkind

¿Por qué eligió Donald Trump a JD Vance como compañero de fórmula?

With an eye toward the future of a Republican Party dominated by Donald Trump and his legions of MAGA supporters, the 78-year-old former president in July named now 40-year-old Sen. JD Vance of Ohio as his running mate on the GOP's national ticket.

The former president decided to share the Republican Party ticket with one of his top supporters in the Senate and a one-time Trump critic who has transformed into a leading America First disciple.

Vance grew up in a working-class family in a small city in southwestern Ohio. He enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps after graduating from high school, and served in the Iraq War.

Vance, a former venture capitalist and the author of the bestselling memoir, "Hillbilly Elegy," before running for elective office, hails from Ohio, a one-time battleground state the former president comfortably carried in the 2016 and 2020 elections. 

But the first-term lawmaker - who was elected to the Senate just two years ago - is on a mission to boost the GOP ticket among working class voters, especially across the Rust Belt, who otherwise might support the Democratic Party ticket.

Trump, in naming Vance, said the senator would be “strongly focused on the people he fought so brilliantly for, the American Workers and Farmers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, and far beyond.”

During the vetting process for the GOP vice presidential nominee, Vance had a major ally in Donald Trump Jr. The former president's eldest son and popular surrogate in the MAGA world is a close friend of Vance.

Posted by Paul Steinhauser

How has New York State voted in the past?

The Empire State has been a liberal bastion for the last few decades: It has voted Democratic in the last nine presidential elections, six of which were by margins over 20%.

Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump by 23% in 2020, but Republicans in the House picked up three seats that were previously held by Democrats. 

The state is largely more red than the overwhelmingly more Democratic City of New York. Its congressional delegation has 26 members, 10 of which are Republicans. The State Assembly is made up of 102 Democrats and 48 Republicans, while the state Senate has 42 Democrats and 21 Republicans. New York’s last Republican governor was George Pataki, who served from 1995 to 2006. 

In November, New York is set to have six competitive House races, as Republicans fight to hold onto its razor-thin margin in the lower chamber. Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is up for reelection in November, a race she is largely expected to win. 

Posted by Morgan Phillips

¿Por qué el debate vicepresidencial es esta noche en Nueva York?

The vice presidential candidates agreed to debate in the fall. Originally, sites including Easton, Pa., among others, were considered for a location for the debate. Ultimately, according to an Aug. 14 statement by CBS News, that particular network chose New York City as the site of the debate.

“CBS News invited both vice presidential candidates to participate in a debate in New York City. We provided the campaigns with four dates as options: Sept. 17, Sept. 24, Oct. 1 and Oct. 8,”  a spokesperson for the network said in a statement.

“We look forward to their responses and providing voters with an opportunity to hear directly from the vice presidential candidates,” the statement concluded.

New York City is also considered the media capital of the U.S. With that in mind, New York City would be a realistic choice for the location for a major broadcast network to conduct a presidential debate. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox News all have headquarters in Manhattan.

Publicado por Charles Creitz

Heightened 'significance and importance' as Vance, Walz face-off in VP debate

With a second face-to-face showdown between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Trump unlikely - and with a margin-of-error race with five weeks until Election Day in November - there's a lot on the line in the vice presidential debate.

While debates between the running mates are the undercard of a White House race and have rarely moved the need much in the past, when Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance of Ohio and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democrats' nominee, face-off on Tuesday, there will be heightened stakes.

Cualquier golpe de efecto importante -o un paso en falso agónico- podría convertir lo que tradicionalmente se considera un acontecimiento de segundo nivel en un enfrentamiento impactante.

"Dado que sólo es probable que tengamos un cara a cara entre los principales candidatos y que éste es el último encuentro entre las dos candidaturas directamente antes de las elecciones, aumenta la importancia y el significado de este debate", dijo a Fox News Ryan Williams, estratega y comunicador republicano veterano de múltiples campañas presidenciales.

Most political pundits said that Harris bested Trump last month in their first and likely only debate. And flash polls of debate watchers agreed. 

Así que una buena actuación de Vance en el debate vicepresidencial del martes podría dar un impulso a Trump. 

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

Cómo sintonizar el primer debate presidencial entre Walz y Vance

The Oct. 1, 2024 vice presidential debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz will be aired on CBS and CBS News at 9 p.m. ET in New York City. You can catch the live broadcast on CBS and stream it on platforms where CBS News 24/7 and Paramount+ are available.

In New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, the debate will air on channel 2. In the Philadelphia area, it will air on channel 3.

Check your local listings for the CBS affiliate in your area.

The debate will also be available for simulcast across Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, Fox News Digital, Fox News Audio and FOX Nation. Fox News Digital will have up to the minute coverage of the debate available at FoxNews.com.

Follow along as well on Fox News Channel for breaking coverage of the debate, including pre- and post-coverage featuring your favorite Fox News Channel personalities like Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Jesse Watters, Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino, Bill Hemmer, Martha MacCallum, Bret Baier and Brit Hume.

Publicado por Charles Creitz

La cobertura en directo comienza aquí