Opinion February 13 SENS. BERNIE SANDERS AND JOSH HAWLEY: Cap credit card interest rates at 10% Sens. Bernie Sanders and Josh Hawley agree it's time to help Americans dig out from debt. They are working together to limit credit card interest rates, where people owe $1.17 trillion.
Opinion January 19 SEN BERNIE SANDERS: My plan for the Trump presidency. What I will--and won't--do There are many areas where I am in agreement with President-elect Trump. They include prescription drugs, capping interest rates on credit cards and trade.
Opinion January 8 SEN. BERNIE SANDERS: H-1B visas hurt one type of worker and exploit another. This mess must be fixed Let's be clear: Multi-billionaire oligarchs in Big Tech should not be allowed to hire guest workers to fill entry-level and mid-level Information Technology jobs.
Opinion December 27 SEN BERNIE SANDERS: Two Americas, the people vs. the billionaires Our country is evolving into two Americas. One consists of less than a thousand billionaires who have an unprecedented amount of wealth and power and have never ever had it so good.
OPINION May 22 US dental care crisis: It should not be a luxury to keep your teeth in your mouth Today in America, nearly 70 million adults and nearly 8 million children have no dental insurance. Many who do have insurance find it to be totally inadequate.
OPINION March 4, 2024 Our retirement system is a disaster for working people. We can fix it The US retirement system doesn't work for working people. They used to get pensions and healthcare. Now, almost 45% of older Americans have no savings at all. We can fix it.
OPINION January 31, 2024 Big Pharma will have to answer to the American people As a nation, we spend almost twice as much per capita as any other country on health care. And one of the major reasons is the cost of prescription drugs.
OPINION September 22, 2023 Americans, stand with the UAW and me and fight out-of-control corporate greed Americans should stand with the UAW and me to fight out-of-control corporate greed. The company CEOs make hundreds of times more than autoworkers. That needs to change.
OPINION August 8, 2023 Climate change is a threat to the planet: We must address it Climate change not real? The last eight years have been the eight hottest on record. This year is on track to be the hottest year in recorded history.
OPINION June 23, 2023 The greed of Big Pharma cannot continue The greed of Big Pharma means the industry is bringing in billions of dollars, while new and existing drugs are spiking in cost. I have some ways to fix that.