Por Michael Ruiz, Louis Casiano
Publicado el 09 de enero de 2024
El último conjunto de documentos relacionados con Jeffrey Epstein en una demanda de 2015 entre el acusador Virginia Giuffre y su cómplice Ghislaine Maxwell reveló que la demandante había acusado a Bill Richardson, Marvin Minsky y Les Wexner de traficar con ella con fines sexuales en una declaración de 2016.
Their names had been redacted in a previous version of the 223-page filing unsealed in May 2022. Jean-Luc Brunel, who died in a French jail while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges of his own, is also accused of victimizing her in the latest filings. So is Glenn Dubin, but the allegations against him were unsealed previously, and he has denied them.
Richardson fue gobernador demócrata de Nuevo México y embajador del ex presidente Clinton ante las Naciones Unidas. Murió en septiembre. Minsky fue un destacado informático del Instituto de Tecnología Massachusetts fallecido en 2016. Wexner es el fundador de Limited Brands y antiguo miembro de Victoria's Secret CEO. La Fundación Wexner no respondió inmediatamente a una llamada en busca de comentarios.
Jeffrey Epstein en conversación con el profesor Marvin Minsky, conocido como "el padre" de la Inteligencia Artificial, en 2004. (Rick Friedman/Corbis vía Getty Images)
Wexner has not been charged with a crime and previously said he cut ties with Epstein in 2007. Giuffre claimed she'd had sex with him on multiple occasions including at least once at the same time as another of Epstein's victims, Sarah Kellen.
The judge later ordered Giuffre's deposition to be stricken from the record and re-filed with new redactions. It was not immediately clear what needed to be redacted.
Wexner negó anteriormente tener conocimiento de otras acusaciones relacionadas con Epstein, y en 2019 un abogado que representa a las víctimas de Epstein dijo que es poco probable que Wexner tuviera conocimiento de la conducta de Epstein, según ha informadoFOX Business .
Giuffre también dijo que había sido víctima de trata sexual por parte de un "conocido primer ministro", cuyo nombre no se mencionó, y acusó a Alan Dershowitz, un destacado abogado penalista, que ha negado repetidamente haber cometido delito alguno. Giuffre y Dershowitz se habían demandado mutuamente con anterioridad y luego acordaron abandonar sus casos, ya que ella dijo públicamente que "cometió un error al identificar al Sr. Dershowitz".
Dershowitz told Fox News Digital he approved of the unsealing and that he has nothing to hide. He has denied all wrongdoing.
Comparación del último documento desprecintado con el mismo pasaje publicado en mayo de 2022. (SDNY)
"Nobody's name should be redacted," Dershowitz said. "All the names should be out there."
Still, some names continue to be redacted in Giuffre's transcript, including at least one belonging to someone she accused of trafficking.
Giuffre said former President Bill Clinton would have witnessed the sexual abuse of minors and knew why she was acquainted with Epstein during a line of questioning about the model Hedi Klum.
She said she saw the pair together at parties before noting that she couldn't say whether Klum had witnessed any sexual abuse of minors.
"Is Bill Clinton a witness to the sexual abuse of minors," she was then asked.
Virginia Roberts Giuffre sostiene una foto suya de adolescente, cuando dice que sufrió abusos de Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell y el príncipe Andrew, entre otros. Emily Miami Herald/Tribune News Service vía Getty Images)
"Yes, he would be a witness because he knew what my purpose there was for Jeffrey and he visited Jeffrey's island," Giuffre said. "There's pictures of nude girls all around the house at all of his houses and it's something that Jeffrey Epstein wasn't shy about admitting to people."
Clinton has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and last week his spokesperson disputed other claims in the documents that the former president had a close personal relationship with Epstein.
Giuffre also claimed she was paid $15,000 to have sex with British Prince Andrew and that she was later paid $160,000 for a photo showing them together.
Yes, I did receive $15,000.
"Were you paid 10 to $15,000 by or on behalf of Jeffrey Epstein for having sex with Prince Andrew?" Giuffre was asked, according to the transcript.
"Yes, I did receive $15,000. I don't know what equivalent that is to pounds," she replied. "I received it in American dollars."
El entonces gobernador de Nuevo México Bill Richardson, se dirige a los trabajadores de casino durante un mitin celebrado el 23 de marzo de 2007 en Las Vegas. Richardson fue uno de los cuatro candidatos presidenciales demócratas que hablaron en el gran acto sindical. GABRIEL AFP vía Getty Images)
The final unsealing included nearly 1,500 pages of documents, including the "highly confidential" deposition of Epstein accuser Sarah Ransome, in 2017, and depositions of Maxwell and Giuffre.
Maxwell, in one filing, denied awareness of Jean-Luc Brunel's alleged sexual activities at Epstein residences – despite appearing in photographs alongside him on the sex-trafficking financier's plane and at his private island. Brunel, like Epstein, died in a jail cell while awaiting trial.
In Ransome's deposition, she identified a man named Peter Lambrakis as a cocaine supplier and possible witness.
Les Wexner habla en el escenario de los Premios 2016 Fragrance Foundation presentados por Hearst Magazines - Show el 7 de junio de 2016 en Nueva York. (Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images para Fragrance Foundation)
Lawyers for Giuffre initially expected to disclose about 240 previously redacted or sealed documents, identifying more than 170 John or Jane Does who came up in the lawsuit, which ended in a settlement in 2017. The final sum was about 215 documents.
La juez de distrito Loretta Preska ordenó que se desclasificaran los nombres en diciembre, dando un plazo de dos semanas para que las personas recurrieran la publicación de sus nombres.
She has not yet decided on whether the court should identify two Does who requested the court continue to withhold their identities from the public, including one woman who argued she believes her life could be in danger if her name comes out.
In a separate criminal case, Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years behind bars for sex trafficking Epstein's victims. She is appealing that conviction and has declined to comment on the document dump.
Epstein murió bajo custodia federal en 2019. Una investigación del Departamento de Justicia acusó a la Oficina de Prisiones de EE.UU. de negligencia al permitirle suicidarse entre rejas, privando "a sus numerosas víctimas, muchas de las cuales eran menores de edad en el momento de los presuntos delitosde su capacidad de buscar justicia a través del proceso de justicia penal".
Ghislaine Maxwell asiste a la proyección privada de Kung Fu Hustle en Sony Screening Room el 2 de marzo de 2005 en Nueva York. (Jimi Celeste/Patrick McMullan vía Getty Images)
Maxwell has said she believes he was killed.