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Trump llega a la segunda noche de la Convención Nacional Republicana centrado en "Hacer a América segura una vez más

La Convención Nacional Republicana se encuentra en su segundo día en Milwaukee, Wisconsin, y JD Vance, el elegido de Donald Trump para la vicepresidencia, ha recibido un apoyo abrumador del Partido Republicano desde el primer día, cuando fue nominado para el cargo.


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Publicado por Landon Mion

Demócrata de toda la vida que habla en el RNC el miércoles dice que los judíos se decantan por Trump y se sienten traicionados por Biden

Un demócrata judío de toda la vida que habló el miércoles por la noche en la Convención Nacional Republicana cree que habrá una oleada de apoyo al ex presidente Trump por parte de los demócratas judíos este noviembre.

"Conozco a muy pocos judíos ortodoxos que hayan votado al presidente Biden en 2020 y piensen volver a hacerlo en 2024", dijo Shabbos Kestenbaum a Fox News Digital. "Creo que veremos una enorme cantidad de apoyo judío hacia Donald Trump de una forma que no hemos visto antes".

Kestenbaum es uno de los varios "estadounidenses corrientes" que intervendrán esta semana en la convención del Partido Republicano en Milwaukee. Es uno de los seis estudiantes judíos que han demandado a su alma mater, la Universidad de Harvard, por discriminación, después de que las protestas antisemitas sacudieran el campus tras el atentado terrorista del 7 de octubre de Hamás contra Israel.

El votante demócrata dijo que él y otros judíos están "enfadados" por la forma en que Biden ha manejado el conflicto entre Israel y Hamás y que eso le perjudicaría en las elecciones.

"Se está desangrando tanto por la izquierda como por la derecha. Creo que es fundamental que sus asesores, los que le rodean, le dejen claro que hay electorados fuera de Dearborn, Michigan", dijo, refiriéndose a la importante población musulmana de esa ciudad.

"Hay electorados en todo el país que están desilusionados y enfadados, por ejemplo, por su retraso en la entrega de munición crítica al Estado de Israel, por su incapacidad para tomar medidas enérgicas contra las protestas ilegales que acosan a los estadounidenses de origen judío y por su incapacidad para conseguir la liberación de ocho ciudadanos estadounidenses", continuó.

En la convención, Kestenbaum dijo que tiene previsto abordar el modo en que las universidades han defraudado a los estudiantes judíos en medio de estas protestas, hacer un llamamiento en favor de los rehenes estadounidenses que aún están en manos de Hamás y pedir reformas en la enseñanza superior para "volver a inculcar el patriotismo y los ideales de la civilización occidental en las aulas."

Fox NewsKristine Parks ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Landon Mion

Zeldin expone la escalada retórica de los demócratas durante años ante el intento de asesinato de Trump

El ex representante republicano de Nueva York Lee Zeldin dijo que está "cansado" de ver a republicanos atacados verbal y físicamente, argumentando que la retórica anti-Trump y anti-GOP ha alcanzado nuevos máximos a lo largo de los años.

"La retórica se ha vuelto tan mala entre, sí, el comentario de la diana, recuerda a Dan Goldman haciendo un comentario sobre cómo hay que eliminar al Presidente Trump. Bennie Thompson quiere quitar la protección del Servicio Secreto. Uno de los ayudantes [de Thompson] se quejaba de que el tirador del sábado por la noche no había visto al presidente Trump. Estoy harto de que se ataque así a los republicanos", dijo Zeldin a Fox News Digital durante la Convención Nacional Republicana del martes.

Zeldin respondía así a la retractación del presidente Biden sobre su comentario de principios de mes de que "es hora de poner a Trump en la diana", afirmando que ese comentario fue un "error" después de que un joven de 20 años intentara asesinar a Trump en Pensilvania durante un mitin el sábado por la noche. Zeldin reflexionó que los ataques verbales y físicos contra los republicanos han sido continuos y han ido en aumento durante años, antes de que un tirador intentara matar al 45º presidente.

"Lo vi con Steve Scalise con el tiroteo de hace unos años, el ataque a Rand Paul, el ataque al juez Kavanaugh, este casi asesinato del presidente Trump. Sí, deberíamos saldar nuestras cuentas en las urnas. Estoy de acuerdo con ello. Es una verdad. Es algo que todo el mundo debería predicar y en lo que todo el mundo debería creer", continuó.

"En última instancia, tenemos que enfrentarnos, sin rodeos, al hecho de que hay un esfuerzo muy amplio que básicamente está lanzando todo lo que puede contra el presidente Trump fuera de las urnas para intentar impedir que asuma el cargo... Ha ido demasiado lejos. Es enfermizo y tiene que acabar", continuó.

Fox NewsEmma Colton ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Landon Mion

Los republicanos de estados indecisos creen que Vance podría ser un atractivo clave para Trump en un bastión azul

Los aliados del ex presidente Trump consideran que su elección del senador JD Vance es un atractivo clave para los votantes del Medio Oeste, y algunos legisladores republicanos de Nueva York esperan que también dé un impulso al Partido Republicano en su estado.

Los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes del estado, bastión demócrata, celebraron el martes un acto con los medios de comunicación al margen de la Convención Nacional Republicana (CNR), un día después de que Trump nombrara a Vance como su compañero de fórmula en las elecciones de 2024.

Los Rep. Nicole Malliotakis y Mike Lawler señalaron las posturas pro-sindicales de Vance, que coinciden con las políticas que han obtenido apoyo también en sus distritos.

Malliotakis señaló que el presidente del sindicato Teamsters, Sean O'Brien, que habló en la convención el lunes por la noche, mencionó a gritos a un puñado de legisladores republicanos, entre ellos ella misma, Vance y Lawler, "como personas que han estado trabajando con los trabajadores".

"Creo que es un área en la que -en Nueva York- tengo uno de los mayores distritos de representación sindical, en afiliación. Y creo que es ahí donde JD Vance va a resonar con los hombres y mujeres trabajadores", dijo Malliotakis. "Los republicanos son los que crean puestos de trabajo para estos sindicatos".

Este es un extracto de un artículo de Elizabeth Elkind, de Fox News Digital.

Publicado por Elizabeth Pritchett

Una madre que perdió a su hijo por envenenamiento con fentanilo dice que "Joe Biden no hace nada" por la epidemia de drogas

Anne Fundner, que perdió a su hijo de 15 años por envenenamiento con fentanilo, afirmó que el gobierno de Biden "no hace nada" para ayudar a la virulenta epidemia de drogas ni a la crisis fronteriza, durante el segundo día de la Convención Nacional Republicana.

"Hago responsables de la muerte de mi hijo a Joe Biden, a Kamala Harris, al zar de las fronteras -qué chiste-, a Gavin Newsom y a todos los demócratas que apoyan la apertura de fronteras", dijo Fundner, lo que provocó una ovación y fuertes vítores de la multitud.

Y añadió: "Sólo por eso, deberían ser expulsados de sus cargos", a lo que la multitud empezó a corear "¡Joe debe irse!".

Fundner, cuyo hijo Weston murió el 27 de febrero de 2022, suscitó mucha emoción entre la multitud durante su discurso, que se centró en la importancia de asegurar la frontera y detener el flujo de fentanilo hacia Estados Unidos.

"Necesitamos un presidente que selle la frontera, persiga agresivamente a los traficantes de drogas e impida que la China comunista envenene a nuestros hijos", dijo. "No es una cuestión roja o azul, es una cuestión roja, blanca y azul".

Según un informe de mayo de los CDC, aproximadamente 74.702 estadounidenses murieron de una sobredosis relacionada con opioides sintéticos, principalmente fentanilo, en 2023.

"Le debemos a nuestros hijos la elección de un presidente que gane la guerra contra el fentanilo de una vez por todas", concluyó.

Publicado por Elizabeth Pritchett

Scott se dirige al alcalde demócrata que dice que no cree que Trump avance con los votantes negros

El senador Tim Scott, republicano por Carolina del Sur, está contraatacando a un alcalde demócrata que dijo que no cree que el ex presidente Trump esté ganando adeptos entre los votantes negros.

Cuando se le preguntó por el acercamiento de Scott a la comunidad negra, el alcalde de Milwaukee, Cavalier Johnson, dijo durante una rueda de prensa el martes que cree que "probablemente hay una razón por la que Tim Scott no fue seleccionado para ser vicepresidente, a pesar de que el Sr. Trump está supuestamente intentando hacer incursiones con los afroamericanos".

Y continuó: "No me lo creo. Simplemente no me lo creo".

Scott respondió a los comentarios de Johnson cuando hablaba con Fox News en la Convención Nacional Republicana de Wisconsin diciendo: "Bueno, el 5 de noviembre tendréis que comprarlo. Se venderá".

El senador, que celebró un acto en el RNC para promover la captación de votantes entre la comunidad negra, dijo a Fox News que "si comercializamos nuestro mensaje", Trump "verá la mayor participación de votantes afroamericanos que hemos visto desde que se presenta a la presidencia".

Scott reconoció que es difícil para los republicanos abrirse camino entre las mujeres negras, a las que calificó como las votantes más "leales" y "feroces" del Partido Demócrata. Sin embargo, argumentó que los hombres negros son "muy diferentes".

Una encuesta de USA Today y la Universidad de Suffolk publicada el mes pasado reveló que el apoyo a Biden entre los votantes negros ha descendido aproximadamente 20 puntos porcentuales en los estados indecisos de Michigan y Pensilvania desde las últimas elecciones.

Fox News encuesta mostraban que Biden aventajaba a Trump en 64 puntos entre los votantes negros en julio de 2020. Hoy, la ventaja de Biden se ha reducido a 42.

Este es un extracto de un artículo de Andrew Mark Miller, Matteo Cina, Tyler Olson y Griff Jenkins, de Fox News Digital.

Publicado por Elizabeth Pritchett

Lara Trump, copresidenta del CNR, comparte la tristeza que siente al ver a alguien "intentar matar a una persona a la que quieres".

La copresidenta del Comité Nacional Republicano, Lara Trump, cerró la segunda jornada de la Convención Nacional Republicana en Milwaukee, Wisconsin, con un discurso de 20 minutos que comenzó abordando el intento de asesinato de su suegro, el ex presidente Donald Trump.

Dijo que tenía planeado un "discurso totalmente distinto" antes del tiroteo del sábado en el mitin de Trump en Pensilvania, que dejó un muerto y tres heridos, entre ellos el propio Trump.

"Nada te prepara para un momento así", dijo. "Nuestra familia se ha enfrentado a nuestra buena ración de amenazas de muerte, polvos misteriosos enviados a nuestras casas, comentarios insípidos y violentos dirigidos a nosotros en las redes sociales, pero nada de eso te prepara como nuera para ver en tiempo real cómo alguien intenta matar a una persona a la que quieres".

Y continuó: "Nada de eso te prepara como madre para coger rápidamente el mando a distancia y apartar a tus hijos pequeños de la pantalla para que no sean testigos de algo que marque la memoria de su abuelo para el resto de sus vidas".

Lara se deshizo en elogios hacia el ex presidente, no sólo por su papel en la política, sino también como padre y abuelo. También se refirió al amor mostrado y sentido entre los partidarios de Trump , especialmente en los últimos días tras el intento de asesinato de Trump.

"Te costaría encontrar y unirte a un grupo más feliz de personas reunidas por su amor al mejor país de la Tierra, los Estados Unidos de América", dijo.

Lara dedicó tiempo a destacar algunos de los éxitos de la administración Trump durante su primer mandato, como unas leyes de inmigración más estrictas, la paz en Oriente Próximo y la reforma integral del sistema penitenciario, rechazando la "indignante narrativa" de que Trump hará "cosas terribles" si es reelegido.

"No tenías por qué amar todo lo que tuiteaba, pero no puedes negar que estabas mejor cuando Donald Trump estaba en el poder", dijo.

Publicado por Elizabeth Pritchett

Cánticos de "Corey" mientras Rubio saluda al "héroe" padre de Pensilvania asesinado en un atentado contra Trump

En la Convención Nacional Republicana se coreó "¡Corey!" cuando el senador Marco Rubio, republicano de Florida,elogió a Corey Comperatore como "héroe" , calificó a Corey Comperatore de "héroe" durante su intervención del martes.

"Los estadounidenses como Corey Comperatore, era un ex jefe de bomberos y un marido cariñoso", dijo Rubio sobre el padre de Pensilvania, que murió durante el intento de asesinato del ex presidente Donald Trump en un mitin el sábado. "Se le describía como el mejor padre que una niña podría pedir, como un hombre de Dios que amaba ferozmente a Jesús y cuidaba de los miembros de su iglesia. Corey era uno de los millones de estadounidenses corrientes que hacen grande a nuestro país".

Rubio, que en su día fue uno de los principales rivales de Trump durante las elecciones de 2016 y se rumoreó que podría ser su compañero de fórmula este año, argumentó que Trump ha "inspirado un movimiento" desde su campaña de 2016.

"Un movimiento de personas que cultivan nuestros alimentos y conducen nuestros camiones, las personas que fabrican nuestros coches y construyen nuestras casas, las personas cuyos impuestos financian nuestro gobierno y cuyos hijos luchan en nuestras guerras", dijo Rubio.

Publicado por Michael Lee

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: "A la izquierda no le importa potenciar a las mujeres

La gobernadora de Arkansas , Sarah Huckabee Sanders, subió al escenario de la Convención Nacional Republicana en apoyo del ex presidente Donald Trump, argumentando que el ex presidente y los republicanos harán más para empoderar a las mujeres.

"A la izquierda no le importa empoderar a las mujeres", dijo Sanders tras recordar el trato que recibió cuando era secretaria de prensa de Trump. "Biden y Harris ni siquiera pueden decirte lo que es una mujer, sólo les importa darse poder a sí mismos".

Sanders, que se convertirá en la primera mujer gobernadora de Arkansas cuando asuma el cargo en 2023, también señaló el intento de asesinato de Trump en un mitin en Pensilvania el sábado, argumentando que Dios protegió al ex presidente y que aún no había acabado con él.

Publicado por Michael Lee

La madre de un veterano asesinado incendia a los fiscales "blandos con el crimen" y al presidente Biden por la violencia desenfrenada

Madeline Brame, cuyo hijo, veterano del ejército, murió apuñalado en 2018, arremetió contra los "fiscales blandos con el crimen" que han convertido el país y muchas ciudades estadounidenses en "zonas de guerra", arrancando un atronador aplauso de los asistentes a la Convención Nacional Republicana 2024.

"Mi hijo, el sargento Hason Correa, veterano retirado de la guerra de Afganistán, recibió fuego enemigo de los talibanes, sólo para ser asesinado con un cuchillo en las calles de Nueva York", dijo Brame.

"Los cuatro agresores responsables de su muerte se enfrentaron inicialmente a la justicia, pero eso cambió cuando fue elegido fiscal del distrito Alvin Bragg", continuó. "De repente, a dos de los maníacos homicidas responsables de la muerte de mi hijo se les retiraron por completo los cargos de agresión en grupo y asesinato. ... "Más tarde supe que Alvin Bragg suele sobreseer y reducir a los delincuentes peligrosos. Quiere vaciar las cárceles y devolver a los delincuentes violentos a nuestras calles todos los días".

Brame dijo que la "injusticia" que ella y su familia padecieron "fue devastadora" y señaló que no quería "que nadie más experimentara el dolor sin sentido con el que muchas otras víctimas de todo Estados Unidos de América tienen que vivir cada día."

"Así que decidí utilizar la voz que Dios me dio para ser la voz de los sin voz en toda América", dijo. "Necesitamos justicia para las víctimas, y necesitamos que rindan cuentas los fiscales que no cumplieron con su deber. Fiscales blandos con el crimen como Alvin Bragg en Nueva York, Kim Foxx en Chicago y George Gascon en Los Ángeles, han convertido nuestro gran país y nuestras ciudades en zonas de guerra."

Brame también apuntó al presidente Biden y a la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris, diciendo que han "desatendido a las comunidades pobres y minoritarias de toda América".

"Las comunidades pobres y abandonadas como la mía están sufriendo. ¿Y quién más de aquí está harto de estar harto?", cuestionó. "El Partido Demócrata al que las minorías pobres han sido leales durante décadas, incluida yo misma, nos traicionó. Nos apuñalaron por la espalda. Joe Biden y Kamala Harris, que dicen representarnos, nos han abandonado. Abandonaron a las comunidades pobres y minoritarias de todo Estados Unidos".

"Pero se me han abierto los ojos, como a tantas otras minorías pobres de Estados Unidos", añadió. "Donald Trump comparte nuestros valores: el amor a Dios, a la familia y a la patria. Él ha sido víctima del mismo sistema corrupto en el que he estado yo y mi familia. Se ha comprometido a proporcionar oportunidades económicas, a ayudar a los que sufren adicción con programas de larga duración para pacientes internos drogodependientes."

Publicado por Kyle Morris

La familia de Rachel Morin dice que el gobierno de Biden "abrió nuestras fronteras" a su presunto asesino

La familia de una madre de cinco hijos que fue asesinada, presuntamente por un inmigrante ilegal, apuntó al gobierno de Biden por haber "abierto nuestras fronteras" al hombre acusado de matarla.

"Rachel, una atleta alegre y consumada y madre de cinco hijos, fue violada y asesinada por un presunto inmigrante ilegal", dijo Michael Morin a la multitud en la Convención Nacional Republicana. "Se describió como uno de los delitos más brutales y violentos ocurridos en la historia del condado de Harford, Maryland".

Víctor Antonio Martínez-Hernández, de 23 años, se enfrenta a media docena de cargos, entre ellos asesinato en primer grado, violación y secuestro, en relación con la muerte de Rachel Morin.

Las autoridades lo han calificado de asesino en serie en potencia tras su presunta implicación en una serie de crímenes contra mujeres en Centroamérica y Estados Unidos. Es un inmigrante ilegal sospechoso no sólo del asesinato de Morin, sino también de un par de agresiones sexuales en California y del brutal asesinato de otra mujer en El Salvador, su país de origen.

Morin salió a correr por un sendero cercano a su casa, pero nunca regresó. La policía encontró su cadáver en una alcantarilla, cubierto de magulladuras y con un traumatismo craneoencefálico grave.

"Las fronteras abiertas se presentan a menudo como compasivas y virtuosas. Pero no hay nada de compasivo en permitir la entrada de delincuentes violentos en nuestro país y en privar a los niños de su madre", afirmó Michael Morin.

"Joe Biden y su zar fronterizo designado, Kamala Harris, le abrieron nuestras fronteras a él y a otros como él, dándoles poder para victimizar a los inocentes", afirmó.

Dijo que no habían tenido noticias de la Casa Blanca, pero sí del ex presidente Donald Trump.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Mills propone un comité al estilo del "13-J" para la retórica de los demócratas tras el intento de asesinato de Trump

MILWAUKEE - El representante republicano de Florida, Cory Mills, propuso la idea de un comité "J13" al estilo del comité demócrata del 6 de enero, tras la retórica anti-Trump de los demócratas en el periodo previo al atentado contra la vida del 45º presidente. 

"Mira, creo que tenemos que identificar la hipocresía aquí. Cuando el Presidente Trump dijo el 6 de enero: "Volved a casa pacíficamente", pero estaba molesto por las cosas, no tiene control sobre lo que hace la gente que es malvada o tiene intención de causar daños corporales. Pero aun así le ridiculizaron, y siguen utilizando el argumento del 6-J como forma de intentar vilipendiar a los republicanos", dijo Mills a Fox News Digital desde la Convención Nacional Republicana de Milwaukee. 

"Bueno, ¿y qué hay de otra retórica que ha dicho Maxine Waters? 'Poneos en la cara de vuestros cargos electos'", dijo, parafraseando el comentario que la representante demócrata por California Maxine Waters hizo en 2018 animando a sus partidarios a acosar al presidente Donald Trump en aquel momento.

"'Pon una diana en Trump'", dijo, parafraseando el comentario que el presidente Biden hizo este mes a unos donantes justo antes del atentado contra Trump del sábado, durante un mitin en Butler (Pensilvania). Biden se retractó del comentario después de que Trump recibiera un disparo en la oreja en Pensilvania. 

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Los delegados de Arizona se ponen vendas en las orejas en solidaridad con Trump

Varios delegados de la Convención Nacional Republicana, entre ellos los de Arizona Stacey Goodman y Joe Neglia, fueron vistos con vendas en las orejas que reflejaban la que llevaba el ex presidente Trump tras resultar herido durante un intento de asesinato en su mitin de Pensilvania el sábado.

"Ayer, cuando entró, y hubo esa erupción de amor en la sala, pensé: '¿qué puedo hacer para honrar la verdad? ¿Qué puedo hacer?" dijo Neglia a Fox News Digital. "Y entonces vi la venda y pensé, puedo hacerlo. Así que me la puse simplemente para honrar a Trump y expresar simpatía y unidad con él".

Neglia dijo que hizo las vendas de camino a Milwaukee, donde se celebra esta semana la convención.

"Hay una versión masculina y otra femenina, ¡porque sólo hay dos géneros!". dijo Neglia.

Fox News Elizabeth Elkind, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Eric Trump dice que su padre "casi pierde la cabeza" por la incompetencia del Servicio Secreto

Eric Trump dice que está "enfurecido" por la respuesta de los funcionarios del gobierno al intento de asesinato del ex presidente Donald Trump.

Eric Trump respondió a las declaraciones del director del Servicio Secreto de que el edificio en el que se encontraba el pistolero tenía un "tejado inclinado" y había que tener en cuenta un factor de seguridad.

"Mi padre casi pierde la cabeza por culpa de esa incompetencia", dijo Trump a Fox News' Jesse Watters.

"Mi hija de 4 años podría haber subido por ese tejado", dijo. "Es exasperante, es un acto de Dios que haya sobrevivido".

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Los demócratas ven cómo las victorias "se desvanecen" ante ellos, dice el candidato al Senado por Montana antes de su discurso en el RNC

MILWAUKEE - El candidato al Senado por Montana Tim Sheehy dijo que el Partido Demócrata está preparado para seguir viendo "desvanecerse" sus victorias en el periodo previo al día de las elecciones.

"Eso de que 'Donald Trump va a secuestrar al gobierno y perseguir a sus adversarios'. Bueno, ¿qué han estado haciendo durante los últimos tres años? 'Donald Trump va a abogar por la violencia contra sus adversarios políticos'. ¿Qué han estado haciendo? Así que creo que es casi un caso de proyección cómica, en el que están diciendo literalmente que Donald Trump va a hacer todo lo que ellos han estado haciendo en realidad durante los últimos tres años y medio", dijo Sheehy a Fox News Digital desde el RNC el martes, cuando le preguntaron sobre la retórica anti-Trump del Partido Demócrata antes y después del atentado contra la vida del 45º presidente.

"Así que, por supuesto, [no] debería sorprendernos que ahora les veamos cambiar de opinión, ya que están viendo cómo sus victorias se desvanecen delante de sus narices en los próximos 90 días. Están intentando decir literalmente cualquier cosa que puedan para aferrarse a una posible victoria, y eso incluye mentiras descaradas", continuó.

El presidente Biden y sus aliados habían calificado repetidamente a Trump de "dictador" y Biden había dicho que "es hora de poner a Trump en la diana", pocos días antes de que un joven de 20 años de Pensilvania intentara disparar y matar a Trump en un mitin en el estado de Keystone. Desde entonces, Biden se ha retractado de sus comentarios.

Sheehy, veterano de los Navy SEAL que se presenta para sustituir al senador demócrata Jon Tester, se dirigirá al RNC el martes, y dijo a Fox News Digital que centrará su discurso en que el GOP consiga una "victoria total" en noviembre.

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Emma Colton.

Publicado por Kyle Morris

DeSantis sube al escenario del RNC y declara que es hora de "devolver a Joe Biden a su sótano

El gobernador republicano de Florida , Ron DeSantis, que buscó la candidatura republicana a la presidencia antes de abandonar para apoyar al ex presidente Donald Trump, declaró el martes desde la Convención Nacional Republicana que es hora de "enviar a Joe Biden de vuelta a su sótano".

"Compañeros republicanos, enviemos a Joe Biden de vuelta a su sótano y enviemos a Donald Trump de vuelta a la Casa Blanca. La vida era más asequible cuando Donald Trump era presidente", dijo DeSantis. "Nuestra frontera era más segura bajo la administración Trump, y nuestro país era respetado cuando Donald Trump era nuestro comandante en jefe".

Y añadió: "Joe Biden ha fallado a esta nación. Como veterano, me sentí consternado cuando 13 de nuestros miembros del servicio murieron en Afganistán debido a la dejación de funciones de Joe Biden. Como ciudadano, como esposo y como padre, me alarma am que el actual presidente de Estados Unidos carezca de la capacidad necesaria para cumplir las obligaciones de su cargo."

DeSantis insistió en que los estadounidenses necesitan un "comandante en jefe que pueda dirigir las 24 horas del día y los siete días de la semana", y que EE.UU. "no puede permitirse cuatro años más de una presidencia de Fin de Semana en Bernie".

Fox News Paul Steinhauser, de Digital, informa desde el hemiciclo: "El discurso de Haley fue bastante bien recibido, pero seamos sinceros. DeSantis está arrasando, ya que estos delegados se lo están comiendo y les encanta".

Publicado por Kyle Morris

Nikki Haley sube al escenario del Congreso Nacional Republicano entre vítores y abucheos: 'Donald Trump cuenta con mi firme apoyo

Nikki Haley, ex embajadora ante la ONU bajo la administración Trump y última rival presidencial de Trump, ocupó el centro del escenario en la Convención Nacional Republicana en el segundo día de la RNC el martes por la noche.

"Donald Trump cuenta con mi firme respaldo", dijo Haley al principio de su discurso.

"Debemos reconocer que hay algunos estadounidenses que no están de acuerdo con Donald Trump el 100% de las veces", continuó Haley. "Resulta que conozco a algunos de ellos y quiero dirigirme a ellos esta noche. Mi mensaje para ellos es sencillo: no tienes que estar de acuerdo con Trump el 100% de las veces para votarle".

"Hazme caso. No siempre he estado de acuerdo con el presidente Trump. Estamos de acuerdo más a menudo de lo que discrepamos", dijo.

Al final de su discurso, Trump mostró a Haley un pulgar hacia arriba.

Hasta la semana pasada, Haley no había sido invitada a hablar en la convención y no pensaba asistir a la reunión de cuatro días, que se celebra en la ciudad más grande del estado indeciso de Wisconsin.

Pero tras el intento de asesinato de Trump el sábado en un mitin en el oeste de Pensilvania, donde el ex presidente estaba visiblemente ensangrentado después de que una bala le rozara la oreja y donde un espectador murió y otros dos resultaron gravemente heridos, el Partido Republicano se unió rápidamente en torno a su abanderado. Y como parte de ese impulso de unidad, Haley fue invitada a hablar en la convención.

Fox News Paul Steinhauser, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Cruz recibe una gran ovación y cánticos de "vuelve al azul

El senador Ted Cruz, republicano de Texas, tras pronunciar un encendido discurso en el que pedía una seguridad fronteriza más estricta y apoyo a la policía, recibe una gran ovación del ex presidente Trump.

Cruz destacó la importancia de la seguridad fronteriza a la luz de las muertes de ciudadanos estadounidenses a manos de inmigrantes ilegales.

Fue recibido con una gran ovación, incluida la de Trump y su compañero de candidatura JD Vance. También recibió cánticos de la multitud de "vuelta al azul".

El tema del segundo día es "Haz que América vuelva a ser segura".

Publicado por Adam Shaw

El RNC se viste como AOC

En la Convención Nacional Republicana, dos mujeres siguieron el ejemplo de la representante Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, republicana de Nueva York, y decidieron llevar vestidos que transmiten un mensaje.

Fox NewsLiz Elkind, de Idaho, habló con Sara Brady, que llevaba un vestido de la bandera de Gadsden con el famoso lema "Don't Tread On Me" ("No me piséis") , y con la senadora estatal de Idaho Tammy Nichols, que actúa como delegada, con un vestido blanco de "Make America Great Again" ("Hagamos a América grande otra vez").

"Es emocionante, ajetreado, divertido, energizante", dijo Brady sobre su asistencia al RNC.

Al parecer, los dos vestidos recordaban a Ocasio-Cortez, que asistió a la Gala del Met de 2021 con un vestido blanco en el que se leía en rojo "Impuestos a los ricos".

Publicado por Michael Lee

Trump y Vance llegan al RNC 2024 Día 2, esta noche se centrarán en el crimen y la inmigración

El ex presidente Donald Trump llegó el segundo día de la Convención Nacional Republicana (RNC) a la ciudad de los estados indecisos, entre vítores y aplausos, mientras sonaba de fondo "What I Like About You". El ex presidente se unió a su vicepresidente, elsenador de Ohio JD Vance en el palco familiar junto a los miembros de su familia, donde ambos escucharán los discursos de varios legisladores republicanos centrados en la delincuencia y la inmigración.

No se espera que Trump hable hasta el jueves, cuando aceptará formalmente la nominación para ser el candidato presidencial del Partido Republicano en la candidatura de 2024. Trump y Vance también tienen previsto dar un mitin juntos el sábado en Grand Rapids, Michigan. Será el primer mitin de Trump desde el tiroteo del sábado.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

El RNC empieza a vender merchandising de Trump y Vance en la convención del Partido Republicano

El Comité Nacional Republicano (RNC) empezó a vender el martes mercancía oficial en la que aparecían los nombres del ex presidente Donald Trump y de su compañero de fórmula, el senador republicano por Ohio JD Vance.

Estantes de camisetas con el logotipo de Trump-Vance junto a la popularizada frase "Make America Great Again" (Hagamos a América grande de nuevo) fueron vistos el martes en una tienda oficial de la Convención Nacional Republicana (RNC) fuera de la sala de convenciones de la Convención Nacional Republicana de 2024 en Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Trump anunció el lunes a Vance, de 39 años, como su compañero de fórmula para las elecciones presidenciales de 2024, afirmando que el senador es "el más adecuado para asumir el cargo de Vicepresidente de Estados Unidos..."

Trump dijo que Vance "se centrará firmemente en la gente por la que luchó tan brillantemente, los trabajadores y agricultores estadounidenses de Pensilvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota y mucho más allá".

Vance, antiguo capitalista de riesgo y autor del bestseller de memorias "Hillbilly Elegy", antes de presentarse a las elecciones era uno de los pocos republicanos considerados principales aspirantes a compañero de fórmula.

Fox NewsBrandon Gillespie y Paul Steinhauser contribuyeron a esta actualización.

Publicado por Kyle Morris

Vivek Ramaswamy: Trump es el candidato para unir al país

Vivek Ramaswamy, antiguo rival en las primarias, dijo a los reunidos en la Convención Nacional Republicana que el ex presidente Donald Trump es el candidato adecuado para unir al país.

"Hay una razón más por la que am voy a pedirte que votes a Trump, y es la más importante. Es de la que los medios de comunicación no hablan, pero es la verdad", dijo Ramaswamy. "Donald Trump es el presidente que realmente unirá a este país, no mediante palabras vacías, sino mediante la acción. Porque, ¿sabéis qué? El éxito unifica. La excelencia unifica, y eso es lo que somos como estadounidenses".

Los comentarios de Ramaswamy se producen sólo tres días después del atentado fallido contra Trump durante un mitin en Pensilvania, que ha provocado llamamientos en todo el país para enfriar la temperatura política.

Por su parte, Trump ha desechado el discurso que tenía previsto pronunciar el jueves y ha optado por redactar nuevas declaraciones centradas en la unificación del país.

Publicado por Michael Lee

Presidente Johnson: la Cámara está llevando a cabo una investigación "exhaustiva" sobre el intento de asesinato de Trump

El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Mike Johnson, dijo que la Cámara Baja está llevando a cabo una investigación "inmediata" y "exhaustiva" sobre el intento de asesinato del ex presidente Trump durante el fin de semana en su mitin en Butler, Pensilvania.

"Y ese trabajo ya ha comenzado", dijo Johnson en su discurso del RNC del martes por la noche. "El pueblo estadounidense merece saber la verdad y garantizaremos la rendición de cuentas. Os lo prometo, os lo prometo".

"Éste siempre ha sido un principio importante para nosotros. En el Partido Republicano, somos el equipo de la ley y el orden. Siempre hemos sido y siempre seremos los defensores del Estado de derecho", añadió.

El lunes, Fox News' Chad Pergram informó de que se esperaba que el Comité de Supervisión de la Cámara de Representantes y el Comité de Seguridad Nacional de la Cámara de Representantes recibieran sesiones informativas virtuales el martes sobre el intento de asesinato.

También el martes, el presidente de Seguridad Nacional de la Cámara de Representantes, Mark Green, republicano de Tennessee, invitó a la directora del Servicio Secreto, Kimberly Cheatle, al secretario de Seguridad Nacional, Alejandro Mayorkas, y al director del FBI, Christopher Wray, a declarar el 23 de julio "para examinar los hechos y las circunstancias" que rodearon el tiroteo, según un comunicado de prensa.

Tras el suceso que estuvo a punto de matar al ex presidente y se cobró la vida de un civil, siguen planteándose preguntas sobre cómo el pistolero burló la seguridad.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

El senador Tom Cotton habla de JD Vance y de la candidatura del Partido Republicano: Será un gran vicepresidente

El senador Tom Cotton, republicano por Arkansas, dijo el martes desde la Convención Nacional Republicana en Wisconsin que cree que el ex compañero de fórmula del presidente Trump, el senador republicano por Ohio JD Vance, será un "gran" vicepresidente.

"JD es un gran amigo. Ha sido un gran senador y va a ser un gran vicepresidente", dijo Cotton a Fox News Digital. "Felicito a Donald Trump por su excelente elección".

"Creo que al pueblo estadounidense le va a encantar escuchar la historia de JD sobre cómo superó la adversidad de joven, se hizo marine, sirvió a su país de uniforme en Irak, y pasó a ser un líder empresarial, y ahora un exitoso líder electo", dijo Cotton.

Cotton, que felicitó al senador de Ohio por haber sido elegido compañero de fórmula del ex presidente, dijo que cree que la candidatura Trump-Vance supone un "gran contraste" con la campaña de reelección del presidente Biden y la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris.

Trump anunció el lunes a Vance, de 39 años, como su compañero de fórmula para las elecciones presidenciales de 2024, afirmando que el senador es "el más adecuado para asumir el cargo de Vicepresidente de Estados Unidos..."

Trump dijo que Vance "se centrará firmemente en la gente por la que luchó tan brillantemente, los trabajadores y agricultores estadounidenses de Pensilvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota y mucho más allá".

Vance, antiguo capitalista de riesgo y autor del bestseller de memorias "Hillbilly Elegy", antes de presentarse a las elecciones era uno de los pocos republicanos considerados principales aspirantes a compañero de fórmula.

Fox News' Paul Steinhauser contribuyó a esta actualización.

Publicado por Kyle Morris

¿En qué noche estás hablando? Gaetz interrumpe la entrevista de McCarthy en la CNN

Se oyó al representante Matt Gaetz, republicano de Florida, burlarse del ex presidente de la Cámara de Representantes Kevin McCarthy en el RNC durante una entrevista en la CNN el martes por la tarde.

Durante la entrevista, se oye de fondo a Gaetz decir: "¿En qué noche estás hablando?".

"Si subieras a ese escenario, te abuchearían", añadió.

El año pasado, Gaetz dio una vuelta triunfal tras desbancar a McCarthy de la presidencia de la Cámara, después de presentar una medida contra McCarthy, conocida como moción de destitución, acusándole de incumplir las promesas que hizo para hacerse con el mazo de presidente en enero. Tras la histórica votación, McCarthy acusó a Gaetz de destruir la mayoría republicana.

McCarthy dimitió de la Cámara en diciembre.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

¿Qué parte del RNC está abierta a la prensa?

Se espera que la totalidad de la Convención Nacional Republicana esté abierta a la prensa, según el programa maestro de actos publicado. Además, varias organizaciones conservadoras o republicanas celebrarán actos en Milwaukee y en el área metropolitana de la ciudad más grande de Wisconsin.

Muchos de ellos también estarán abiertos a la prensa. Los actos incluyen una firma de libros de lacandidata republicana de Arizona Kari Lake un acto de la Fundación Heritage, y un acto patrocinado por la Unión Europea en el Museo Harley-Davidson.

No está previsto que los actos de formación de base, la proyección de una película sobre el ex presidente Ronald Reagan, ni los desayunos de la delegación estatal estén abiertos a la prensa.

Publicado por Charles Creitz

El gobernador Jim Justice sube a "Babydog" al escenario durante su discurso en el RNC

El gobernador de Virginia Occidental, Jim Justice, hizo subir al escenario a un invitado especial durante su discurso en la Convención Nacional Republicana de Milwaukee.

El gobernador republicano llevó consigo a "Babydog" para su discurso en la convención del Partido Republicano. Fue un movimiento que estalló en las redes sociales, mientras los espectadores políticos se regocijaban por la aparición del bulldog inglés.

Justice es el candidato republicano al Senado para el escaño del senador Joe Manchin.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

La candidata al Senado por PA reflexiona sobre el acercamiento de Trump

El candidato republicano al Senado por Pensilvania, David McCormick, subió al escenario de la Convención Nacional Republicana y dio gracias a Dios por la seguridad del ex presidente Donald Trump, que el sábado estuvo a menos de un centímetro de ser asesinado durante un mitin en el estado natal de McCormick.

McCormick, que estaba sentado en primera fila durante el fallido atentado contra Trump, apuntó al presidente Biden durante sus declaraciones, argumentando que la actual administración ha hecho que el país sea menos seguro con políticas fronterizas abiertas que han permitido que las drogas se introduzcan en el país, matando a cientos de miles de personas.

"Sólo el año pasado, inmigrantes ilegales han victimizado a jóvenes inocentes que podrían ser fácilmente tu hija o la mía", dijo McCormick.

Publicado por Michael Lee

Trump elogia al candidato republicano Sam Brown en la principal contienda por el Senado antes de su discurso en la RNC

El ex presidente Trump envió sus elogios al candidato al Senado de EE.UU. Sam Brown, ex capitán del Ejército de EE.UU., en su plataforma de redes sociales Truth Social momentos antes de que Brown tenga previsto dirigirse a los delegados del RNC.

"Sam Brown, que se presenta al Senado de EEUU contra Jacky Rosen, una terrible Senadora del Hermoso Estado de Nevada, ya ha renunciado a más por nuestro País que cualquier Senador que se haya presentado nunca a ese Cargo", escribió Trump el martes por la noche en Truth Social. "Ama a su País. Será GRANDE y nunca os defraudará".

In June, Brown won Nevada's Republican Senate primary and will face a tough battle in November to defeat incumbent Democratic Sen. Jacky Rosen in what is considered a top battleground Congressional race Republicans are vying to flip.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Clay Travis, founder of Outkick, on Vance as VP: 'JD Vance will take care of Kamala Harris'

Clay Travis, founder of Outkick.com, caught up with Fox News Digital about his thoughts on former President Trump selecting Ohio Sen. JD Vance as his running mate.

"I think this is the pick about the Midwest," he said. "JD Vance, Ohio State grad. They want to go after Michigan. They want to go after Wisconsin. They want to go after Pennsylvania. This is an opportunity to make that case, I think in an aggressive, smart, intelligent way."

Travis believes that the age gap between Trump, 78; President Joe Biden, 81; and even Vice President Kamala Harris, 59; creates a generational divide as Vance is 39 years old.

"Trump took down Joe Biden in a major way on June 27," Travis said of the first presidential debate of the 2024 elections.

"JD Vance will take care of Kamala Harris," he said of a debate between the vice presidential candidates.Travis also says that the Trump, Vance ticket sets the table for the "Trump era" to continue into 2028 and beyond.

"I think it's a homerun pick and a confident pick," he concluded.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Biden revela qué le haría abandonar la carrera de 2024

President Biden was asked Tuesday in an interview with Black Entertainment Television (BET) what, if anything, would drive him to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, as a growing number of Democrats call for him to step aside in the race.

"Si tuviera alguna afección médica que surgiera, si alguien, los médicos vinieran y dijeran tienes este problema, aquel problema", dijo Biden a Ed Gordon de BET. "Pero cometí un grave error en todo el debate y, mira, cuando me presenté originalmente, quizá lo recuerdes, dije que iba a ser un candidato de transición. Pensé que sería capaz de salir de esto, de pasárselo a otra persona. Pero no preví que las cosas se dividieran tanto, tanto".

"Francamente, creo que lo único que aporta la edad es un poco de sabiduría. Y creo que he demostrado que sé cómo hacer las cosas por el país, a pesar de que nos dijeron que no podíamos hacerlas. Pero hay más cosas que hacer, y me resisto a abandonarlas", añadió.

The comments from Biden's interview with BET were provided in a preview clip that aired Tuesday evening on CBS Evening News. The full interview, which was recorded in Las Vegas, Nevada, is slated to air Wednesday on BET at 10 p.m. ET.

Read the full report by Kyle Morris on Fox News Digital.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

VP finalist Marco Rubio arrives at RNC with praise for Trump following selection of JD Vance

MILWAUKEE— Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a finalist in former President Donald Trump's search for a vice presidential running mate, arrived at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday with praise for the GOP nominee despite him ultimately picking Ohio Sen. JD Vance to join him on the ticket.

Fox News Digital caught up with Rubio outside the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee where he reacted to Trump's triumphant first public appearance in the convention hall since surviving an assassination attempt on Saturday.

"Nunca he visto tanta energía y entusiasmo detrás de ningún candidato en la historia de Estados Unidos, en el tiempo que llevo vivo", dijo Rubio, prediciendo que veríamos más de esa gran energía y entusiasmo en los días que quedan de la convención.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Brandon Gillespie.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Ivanka Trump to be at RNC alongside her father

Ivanka Trump , 42, the daughter of former President Trump, will be by her father's side on Thursday as he accepts the Republican Party’s presidential nomination on Thursday, according to an exclusive New York Post article Tuesday afternoon.

While she won't have an official role at the convention, she will be accompanied by her husband, Jared Kushner. Trump told Fox News Digital exclusively in 2022 that she would discontinue her political involvement, despite being proud of the administration's "many accomplishments." Instead, she said she would be shifting her focus to her young children and family.

Ivanka remains close to her father, and was reportedly "terrified" when the former president narrowly survived an attempted assasination at a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday.

Of her decision to step away from politics, she said on Lex Fridman's podcast that its a "rough, rough business."

"It was a decision rooted in me being a parent, really thinking about what they need from me now. Politics is a rough, rough business, and I think it’s one that you also can’t dabble in. I think you have to either be all in or all out,” she said.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Rep. Van Orden says he was assaulted at RNC by protester; CODEPINK denies

Rep. Derrick Van Orden, R-Minn. , says he was assaulted by a protester at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, in what he says was an act of political violence.

"While standing in line to enter an event at the RNC today, I was assaulted by what appeared to be a member of the pro-Hamas group CODEPINK. A nearby police officer witnessed this assault and I understand they have been arrested," he said on X, formerly known as Twitter.

This appears to be an incident of political violence and I will never tolerate this. Regardless of the severity of the violence, political violence is political violence.

Republicans have been intimidated and targeted for years including the attempted assassination of President Trump and we will no longer standby and allow lawlessness.

There is no place for political violence in this country and I have repeatedly called for people who choose this path to be prosecuted to the greatest extent of the law.

Nothing will change until these people are held accountable."

In a response, CODEPINK said it was their protester who was shoved past by Van Orden.

"While peacefully waiting in line to enter the event, Nour, a visibly Palestinian woman, was intentionally bumped into by this bald, white member of Congress while he tried to shove past her. Despite not reacting to this, Nour was falsely accused of "assault" by a Texas State police officer on the scene and we are told she will be taken to a Milwaukee Police Department. No charges have been filed as of this release. Notably, two other CODEPINK staff members ahead of her in line passed through without any issues, raising concerns of racial profiling," co-founder Medea Benjamin said.

"It is a microcosm of the misogyny at the RNC that the more gentle non-violent woman, the only Palestinian in line with our group is assaulted and then even when she did not respond she was the one who was arrested," she said.

"CODEPINK unequivocally states that no one from our organization assaulted anyone. We attended the RNC to deliver a message of peace and disarmament, adhering strictly to non-violent protest methods," she added.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Irán califica de "infundadas y malintencionadas" las acusaciones de complot para asesinar a Trump

Accusations that Iran plotted to have former President Trump killed are "unsubstantiated and malicious," Iran's Permanent Mission to the United Nations told Fox News

Digital.Authorities received intelligence in recent weeks from a human source regarding an Iranian plot to kill Trump, which prompted an increase in U.S. Secret Service protection, federal law enforcement sources told Fox News. 

La trama no parece estar relacionada con Thomas Matthew Crooks, de 20 años, el pistolero que disparó a Trump durante su mitin de campaña en Butler, Pensilvania, el fin de semana, dijeron las fuentes. 

The Secret Service increased its protection detail assigned to Trump because of the intelligence. The agency had grown concerned about the former president holding outdoor events and expressed its concerns to the Trump campaign. 

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Scalise says assassination attempt brought back 2017 'emotions'

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise plans to use his Republican National Convention speech Tuesday night to talk about the "warm and compassionate person Donald Trump is" while reflecting on his own near-death experience at the hands of a would-be assassin in 2017, Fox News Digital has learned.

The Louisiana Republican sat down for an interview with Fox News Digital on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention on Tuesday, just hours before he is set to address the convention.

Scalise recalled his immediate reaction to learning of the assassination attempt on former President Trump on Saturday night at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

"I didn’t know how badly President Trump was hit, you know, and you saw him go down, and even when he got up, you just don’t know," Scalise said. "I know what I went through, and when you’re hit, your body just kind of shuts down, so you don’t even know how bad you are, and your body kind of tricks you to hold you together, so you can be in a lot worse shape."

Este es un extracto de un artículo de Brooke Singman, de Fox News Digital.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Abbott sends 100+ law enforcement personnel to Milwaukee: 'We stand together'

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says that the border state will send over 100 law enforcement personnel to Milwaukee to help back security operations at the Republican National Convention.

"As the nation continues to process the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump and grieve the tragic loss of innocent life, now more than ever, it is critical that we stand together to protect our fellow Americans against those who wish us harm," Abbott said in a statement announcing the move.

The law enforcement personnel will be there for a week and includes officers from police departments in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth and McAllen.

Texas has been dealing with the ongoing crisis at the southern border, but numbers have dropped sharply in recent months.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Vance, Harris discuss debate in 'brief and respectful' first phone conversation since VP nod

EXCLUSIVE: Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance spoke with Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday afternoon in what was the pair's first conversation since Vance was named former President Donald Trump's running mate, Fox News Digital has learned. 

A source with knowledge of the call told Fox News Digital that Vance and Harris had a "brief and respectful" conversation.

The source said Vance and Harris both said they look forward to debating, but told Fox News Digital that no specifics were discussed.

Harris left a voicemail for Vance after Trump announced him as his VP pick on Monday afternoon.

Vance called Harris back on Tuesday afternoon.

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Brooke Singman.

Publicado por Kyle Morris

Nikki Haley, ex rival de Trump en las primarias, en el punto de mira de la convención republicana

One day after Donald Trump was formally nominated as the GOP's 2024 presidential nominee and named Sen. JD Vance of Ohio as his running mate, Trump's final rival during the presidential primaries takes center stage at the Republican National Convention.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley,  who served as U.N. ambassador in the Trump administration, will speak at the convention on Tuesday, multiple sources familiar with the decision confirmed to Fox News over the weekend.

Hasta la semana pasada, Haley no había sido invitada a hablar en la convención y no pensaba asistir a la reunión de cuatro días, que se celebra en la ciudad más grande del estado indeciso de Wisconsin.

Pero tras el intento de asesinato de Trump el sábado en un mitin en el oeste de Pensilvania, donde el ex presidente estaba visiblemente ensangrentado después de que una bala le rozara la oreja y donde un espectador murió y otros dos resultaron gravemente heridos, el Partido Republicano se unió rápidamente en torno a su abanderado. Y como parte de ese impulso de unidad, Haley fue invitada a hablar en la convención.

A source with knowledge of Haley's speech told Fox News that she'll "address voters who are uncertain about voting for President Trump.

Read the full report by Paul Steinhauser on Fox News Digital.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Jim Banks: JD Vance es el "futuro" del movimiento America First

Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., told Fox News Digital at the Republican National Convention that Sen. JD Vance is the "future' of the America First movement.

In an interview with Fox News Digital's Liz Elkind, Banks called Trump a fighter, but one who needs backup in the Senate and the House to achieve his America First agenda.

On Vance, who was announced as Trump's running mate on Monday, Banks called him the "future" of the movement.

"I'm excited about JD, JD is the future. Donald Trump is the leader not just of the party but of the America First movement and I think picking JD was not just picking his running mate, not just picking his vice president, but really putting someone forward who is going to represent the future of our party and our movement."

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Sales of JD Vance's 'Hillbilly Elegy' memoir spike after Trump picks senator as VP

Sales of JD Vance's memoir "Hillbilly Elegy" spiked after former President Trump picked the Ohio senator to be his running mate on the Republican ticket in 2024.

The "Amazon Best Sellers" list for books on Tuesday showed the paperback version of the memoir in the top spot. In second place was a hardcover copy of "Hillbilly Elegy."The book posted a massive jump in its position on the Amazon ranking in a matter of hours on Monday, according to The Associated Press.

Vance’s memoir also appeared Tuesday at the top of Amazon’s "Movers & Shakers in Books" list, with the e-commerce giant reporting a 2.6 million percent spike in a paperback edition of the book’s sales ranking in the past 24 hours.

Another bookseller, Books-A-Million, listed "Hillybilly Elegy" among the books included in the "Trending Now: Today’s Top Sellers" category on its website.Vance’s book received a mention Monday as Trump picked the Ohio senator as his running mate and highlighted various aspects of his background. It was first released in 2016 and became a film about four years later. 

Read the full report by Aislinn Murphy on Fox Business.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Trump to hold indoor rally with Vance after surviving assassination attempt

Former President Donald Trump will hold an indoor rally with Ohio Sen. JD Vance, who the former president chose as his running mate Monday, just one week after surviving an attempted assassination.

Trump plans to hold the rally in Grand Rapids Michigan on July 20, Fox News has confirmed, making his first campaign appearance with Vance as his vice presidential candidate.

The rally comes just one week after Trump was grazed in the ear by a gunman at an outdoor rally in Pennsylvania, a shooting the also resulted in the death of one rallygoer and two additional injuries.

The rally will be held inside Van Andel Arena, with Secret Service officals warning the Trump campaign against holding outdoor rallies, the report notes.

Trump made his first public appearance since the attempt on his life during the RNC Monday, with the former president expected to make a speech to close out the convention on Thursday evening.

Publicado por Michael Lee

¿Cómo ha votado Wisconsin en el pasado?

The 2024 Republican National Convention is taking place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, an indication of the state’s increasing importance as a critical swing state for the Republican Party.

Until its election of the late President Ronald Reagan, Wisconsin had been a standard swing state, regularly swapping between Republicans and Democrats every election cycle or so. However, after Ronald Reagan’s presidency the state became reliably Democrat, going blue in every presidential election from Michael Dukakis’ 1988 campaign to President Obama’s 2012 campaign. Surprisingly, as part of former President Trump’s 2016 upset victory, Republicans took the state for the first time in 28 years, breaking the Democrat’s “Blue Wall.” Eager to not repeat this mistake, President Biden spent a good portion of his 2020 campaign focusing on Wisconsin, taking the state back by .63 percentage points.

It is for this reason both parties view Wisconsin as increasingly critical for their victory this November. 

Publicado por Matteo Cina

Secret Service increased Trump's protection after Iranian plot to assassinate him

The Department of Homeland Security has received intelligence from a human source on an Iranian plot to assassinate former President Trump, Fox News has been told by two federal law enforcement sources. 

The development level of the plot is unclear. CNN first reported that there has been an increase in Secret Service protection for Trump in recent weeks because of this intelligence. DHS and Secret Service have increasingly been concerned about Trump holding outdoor events, Fox News is told. 

The Iranian plot is reportedly not connected in any way at this point to the assassination attempt on Trump in Pennsylvania carried out by Thomas Crooks.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Biden campaign, DNC restart RNC counterprogramming after Trump assasination attempt

President Biden's re-election campaign is getting back to business.

After pausing "all outbound communications" and pulling down its TV ads in the aftermath of Saturday's attempted assassination of former President Trump at his rally in western Pennsylvania, Biden's re-election team and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) began resuming campaign activities on Tuesday.

As first reported by Fox News, the DNC launched billboards near the site of this week's Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

The messaging push by the national party committee highlights what they call President Biden's "winning record."

The president is spending Tuesday in the crucial western swing state of Nevada - where he'll address two key constituencies that are part of the Democratic Party base - Black voters at an NAACP conference and Latino voters at a UnidosUS conference.

Read the full report by Paul Steinhauser.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Police shoot, kill person near RNC perimeter in Milwaukee: sources

A person was shot and killed by police on Tuesday near Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee where the Republican National Convention is being held, Fox News confirmed.

The shooting happened near 13th Street and West Vliet Street – about two miles from the Fiserv Forum.

The Milwaukee police association confirmed to Fox News an "outside police agency" was involved in the shooting.

A Columbus police source tells Fox News five of the department's officers fired their weapons and one person was killed.

The source said no officers were hit. It's unclear at this time what led to the shooting.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Ramaswamy says he would 'strongly consider' replacing Vance in Senate if he's asked

Vivek Ramaswamy, who sought the Republican presidential nomination against former President Donald Trump in the primary race, told Fox News Digital on Tuesday that he would "strongly consider" serving as a replacement for Ohio GOP Sen. JD Vance in the Senate if he was asked to do so.

"My top objective is how do we actually revive this country. It's why I ran for president last year," Ramaswamy, an Ohio resident, said. "I think J.D.'s gonna make for an outstanding vice president. The top job, first, is get him and President Trump elected. That's where my focus is."

"That being said, if I was asked to serve, I would strongly consider it, absolutely," he added. "Running for Senate isn't something I thought I was going to be doing, but in the moment that we're in, I'm called to do what I think will allow me to have the maximal impact on saving the country."

After Trump revealed his choice of Vance for his running mate in the November election, speculation quickly began over who might take Vance's place in the Senate.

Vance was elected to the Senate in 2022 and isn't up for re-election until 2028. However, if he and Trump win, and he takes the role of vice president, Gov. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio, will be charged with appointing a replacement. 

Continuing, Ramaswamy said he would "strongly consider" the opportunity "out of my sense of obligation for the country."

Ramaswamy said he has not spoken to DeWine about the subject.

Fox News' Paul Steinhauser and Julia Johnson contributed to this update.

Publicado por Kyle Morris

Boatloads of money’ to be raised at Republican convention

The main missions for the GOP at this week's Republican National Convention in Milwaukee are obvious.

The party officially nominated former President Donald Trump as their 2024 standard-bearer and will also nominate his running mate as the vice presidential nominee. Trump also chose Ohio Sen. JD Vance as his running mate on Monday.

Delegates will also officially pass the party's platform and rules, and will take advantage of the golden opportunity the convention offers to spell out the party's messaging going into the final three and a half months of the presidential campaign.

But a longtime Republican strategist told Fox News, the convention is also “a great opportunity to raise boatloads of money to help fund the last leg of the race.”

Among the fundraising events on tap for the convention week, Trump and Vance will headline a reception on Wednesday titled “Strength in Unity Reception.”

The fundraiser will haul in money for the Trump 47 Committee, the Save America PAC, the Republican National Committee and state GOP chapters.

“This is a prime opportunity for the biggest donors to be writing checks,” the strategist, who asked to remain anonymous to speak more freely, told Fox News. “They’re going out there to meet the next President of the United States.”

The convention is also expected to promote unity in the wake of the assassination attempt on Trump.

The strategist, a veteran of numerous Republican conventions, said the speculation over Trump’s running mate in recent weeks “adds even more interest for top contributors. Donors want to go out and meet that person too. This has built up a lot of anticipation that should draw a lot of folks who can write big checks.”

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Caroline Sunshine on CNN contributor's remarks urging Democrats to turn their fire to Trump

Trump campaign official Caroline Sunshine joined Fox News' Harris Faulkner to discuss the Democrat party and CNN contributor's comments against former President Trump.

"The Democrat party can barely unify themselves let alone have hope unifying this country," Sunshine said. "You have seen the divisive rhetoric from the left for years now, particularly against Donald Trump. CNN, even on their own network last night, had a contributor, of course, Kate Bedingfield, a former Biden staffer said it's time for Democrats to turn their fire on to President Trump."

Following the attempted assassination of Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, Bedingfield posted to X, "This is an awful, frightening moment. I hope that Donald Trump and everyone at the rally is OK. Political violence is never, ever, ever acceptable."

Sunshine went on to remark that her comments on CNN happened just 72 hours after a gunman opened fire on the former president.

"She obviously has since apologized for those comments but they shouldn't be made in the first place," Sunshine said. "But look, the only thing more remarkable than Donald Trump surviving what he survived is, in those moments after when, with blood on his face, and still in the midst of grave danger, he leaps to his feet and he says fight, fight, fight. He didn't say that for a specific voter demographic. He didn't do it for a specific group of Americans. He said it for our country."

She concluded that she believes Americans want unity and are looking to Trump to provide it.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Trump meets with former UK PM Boris Johnson: 'Top form'

Former President Trump met with former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who said his American counterpart was "on top form" after the assassination attempt on Saturday.

Trump and Johnson terms leading their respective countries overlapped between 2019 and 2020, and both had led populist surges. But they had both left office in 2021.

"Great to meet President Trump who is on top form after the shameful attempt on his life," Johnson posted on X.

"We discussed Ukraine and I have no doubt that he will be strong and decisive in supporting that country and defending democracy," he said.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Nikki Haley elogió a Trump por poner "América primero" durante su discurso en el RNC 2020

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has in the past praised former President Donald Trump before they became political rivals.

Haley, who left her post as ambassador to the U.N. in 2018, praised the Trump administration’s move to relocate the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and his decision to exit the Iran nuclear deal.

“This president has a record of strength and success,” Haley said during her address at the Mellon Auditorium in Washington D.C. “The former vice president has a record of weakness and failure. Joe Biden is good for Iran and ISIS, great for Communist China, and he’s a godsend to everyone who wants America to apologize, abstain and abandon our values,” Haley said four years ago.

“We (the Trump administration) cut taxes. They raised them. We slashed red tape. They piled on more mandates,” she said. “And when we brought in good-paying jobs, Biden and Obama sued us. I fought back and they gave up.”

Haley is now expected to speak at the RNC Tuesday.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Union leader's provocative RNC speech draws ire from some in organized labor

Teamsters President Sean O’Brien has kicked up controversy by breaking with tradition and speaking at the Republican National Convention, while his organization indicates it will endorse no presidential candidate during this campaign season.

"No final decision has been made," Kara Deniz, a spokesperson for the Teamsters told Reuters, adding that any reports to the contrary are purely speculative. 

The Teamsters in the past few decades have consistently endorsed Democrats, starting with former President Clinton in 1992 and remaining staunchly blue through the years and up till the 2020 election. The move to remain neutral underscores the trouble President Biden has faced following his poor debate performance.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Cruz vows to make anti-illegal immigration push at GOP convention

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, will use his Republican National Convention speech to push for stronger border control and fewer migrant releases in the wake of the death of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Texas last month – as he highlighted a number of deaths allegedly at the hands of illegal immigrants.

"Tomorrow I will be speaking for Jocelyn. And I will be speaking for Laken Riley. And I will be speaking for Rachel Morin and all the others whose lives had been needlessly stolen by illegal immigrants released by Joe Biden and the Democrats," he told Fox News Digital in an interview.

Two illegal immigrants, Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, face capital murder charges in the death of 12-year-old Nungaray in Houston. They are accused of luring her under a bridge, tying her up and killing her before throwing her body into a river. 

Officials confirmed they were in the country illegally. Martinez was apprehended by Border Patrol in March and Pena was apprehended in May. Both were released on an order of recognizance pending their immigration court hearings. 

"Had Joe Biden and the Democrats followed the law, put them on a plane and sent them home, Jocelyn Nungaray would still be alive," Cruz said. "Jocelyn was a beautiful 12-year-old girl, she loved animals, she dreamed of being an actress."

"This is happening over and over and over again, every damn day. We see another story of a person killed, a child raped, of a woman assaulted by illegal immigrants released by [President] Joe Biden and the Democrats," he said, calling Nungaray’s death "entirely preventable."

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Houston, Texas, preparada para acoger el RNC de 2028 antes de las elecciones generales

The Republican National Committee named Houston, Texas, as host city for the party’s 2028 presidential nominating convention.

The news was announced following a vote by the RNC's 168 committee members. Houston was one of three finalists to host the 2028 convention, along with Miami, Florida and Nashville, Tennessee.

Houston last hosted a presidential convention in 1992, when then-President George H.W. Bush was re-nominated as the GOP standard-bearer in the now-shuttered Astrodome. Houston last hosted a Democratic National Convention in 1928.

The RNC's vote took place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 2023— a year before the RNC used the city to host this cycle’s 2024 convention.

The Republicans and Democrats often — but not always — hold their presidential conventions in key general election battleground states.

While Houston is a Democratic-leaning city, Texas has long been a reliably red state, producing two Republican presidents and last voting Democratic in a presidential race in 1976.

Publicado por Brooke Singman

Kellyanne Conway supports Vance as VP stating he has 'has distinguished himself' as US Senator

Kellyanne Conway, former Trump senior counselor and Fox News contributor, caught up with Fox News Digital to discuss her thoughts on his selection of Ohio Sen. JD Vance as the vice presidential running mate.

"President Trump made very clear that he's impressed with the story of JD Vance," she said. "Senator Vance, in less than two years, has distinguished himself as a United States Senator on foreign policy and national security, on domestic and economic concerns."

Vance was one of the first Ohio lawmakers to travel to East Palestine, Ohio, in early February 2023 following the Norfolk Southern train derailment that spilled hazardous materials onto the land and in the water of local resident's homes.

"As we saw with his exclusive interview with our own Sean Hannity last night, he is fluid in all of the issues.," Conway added. "He is unafraid to tackle them and I think he showed great humility in admitting that, Senator Vance, like millions of Americans, did not think President Trump had what it took in 2016, didn't think he could win or govern as a conservative. JD Vance, like many Americans, gave Donald Trump a second glance, a second chance, and said 'This guy is delivering.'"

Conway continued that the most important thing to follow the Republican National Convention's official nomination of the Trump, Vance ticket is a debate between Vance and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

CNN’s Van Jones calls Black model’s speech at RNC ‘most dangerous’ for Democrats

CNN senior political commentator Van Jones warned that TV personality and model Amber Rose’s address to the Republican National Convention in support of former President Trump was the "most dangerous speech" for the Democratic Party.

The pundit expressed trepidation over the fact that Rose, a person of color with mainstream fame, spoke at the RNC, noting that she’s appealing to people in liberal circles who may be frustrated with Democratic policies."

That was probably the most dangerous speech for the Democratic coalition," Jones said about Rose’s speech while covering the first night of the convention in Milwaukee. 

Rose’s speech at the GOP convention provided a story of her own political conversion, explaining how she went from thinking Trump was a "racist," to supporting his movement.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

JD Vance on 2024 ticket could help Republicans in 'vulnerable Rust Belt states' this election cycle

Sen. JD Vance, running on the GOP ticket alongside former President Trump, could help Republicans in "vulnerable Rust Belt states" this cycle , but he might not play as big a role in his home state of Ohio, according to strategists familiar with campaigns.

Vance currently serves as the junior senator from Ohio, a state where vulnerable Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown is defending his congressional seat in one of the Republicans' best pickup opportunities of the cycle. 

"I think Trump looked at the map and realized JD Vance could be of help in the vulnerable Rust Belt states though word was he has been trending this way for a few weeks," Mark Penn, Democrat strategist and CEO of Stagwell Inc., told Fox News Digital of the vice presidential pick.

Charlie Cook, political analyst and founder of the Cook Political Report, an independent nonpartisan elections handicapper, said that historically, vice presidential picks do not make a big difference in their home state races.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Milwaukee voter vows to vote Trump: 'Haven't gotten anything' under Democrats in decades

One Milwaukee voter will cast her ballot for former President Donald Trump in November, arguing it's time for "something different" since she is fed up with the Democrats who have run the city for more than six decades.

"Fox & Friends" co-host Lawrence Jones had "Breakfast with Friends" at the Machine Shed in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, as the Republican National Convention (RNC) is underway.

"We've had Democratic control in Milwaukee for the last 65 years, and we haven't gotten anything," she told Jones on Monday. "And so it's like you can't keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. We have to do something different."

Many voters noted that crime and the economy are top of mind as they prepare to cast their ballots in November. One supporter even told Jones only God and Trump can get the United States back on track following the leadership under the Biden-Harris administration. 

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News Digital's Bailee Hill.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

JD Vance tells Hannity what Trump said when he called to offer him the VP position

Vice presidential nominee Ohio Sen. JD Vance joined Sean Hannity Monday night following the announcement that former President Donald Trump selected him as his running mate.

"When the president called me today to actually formally offer me to become, you know, the vice presidential nominee, which just sounds crazy, my son, my 7-year-old son, was sort of making noise in the background," Vance told Hannity. "I'm getting so embarrassed, but then he actually has me put my 7-year-old son on the phone. Think about this, everything that's happened, the guy got shot at a couple days ago, and he takes the time to talk to my 7-year-old. It's a moment I'll never forget."

When Hannity asked him what Trump said when he called, Vance said, "He just said look, I think we gotta go save this country. I think you're the guy who can help me in the best way. You can help me govern, you can help me win, you can help me in some of these midwestern states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, so forth and he said rightfully, that we have been very, very close for a long but especially since I endorsed you in 2022."

Vance told Hannity that he would not have won the senate race without Trump's endorsement and that his trust and partnership has been something he values.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Expert weighs in on Trump VP choice JD Vance

One expert warned that former President Trump's choice of running mate may not help him expand his voter coalition ahead of the November election.

“Voters' concerns about former President Donald Trump may only be reinforced by this selection," claimed Christopher Devine, associate political science professor at the University of Dayton and co-author of "Do Running Mates Matter?"

Trump revealed his running mate choice of Sen. JD Vance in a Truth Social post on Monday during the kickoff of the Republican National Convention.

According to Devine, "Trump could have chosen a much better qualified running mate, such as Marco Rubio or Doug Burgum, but instead seemed to prioritize loyalty above all else."

He pointed to Vance's lack of political bona fides, suggesting voters may not feel assured he is ready to take on the roles of vice president or potentially president on day one.

"Vance will be popular among Republicans, but will have very limited appeal beyond the party base," Devine predicted.

However, Trump felt differently . Vance recalled Trump's words to him on Fox News' Hannity after the announcement. Trump told Vance, "I think you're the guy who could help me in the best way. You can help me govern, you can help me win, you can help me in some of these Midwestern states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and so forth," the senator said.

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Nikki Haley defenderá a Trump ante sus votantes en el discurso del RNC

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley will be encouraging her supporters to vote for former President Trump in her remarks to the Republican National Convention on Tuesday.

According to a source with knowledge of Haley's planned speech, she is going to “address voters who are uncertain about voting for President Trump and make the case for why she is voting for him.”

Haley ran against Trump in the Republican presidential primary race before suspending her campaign in March. It was not until May that the former South Carolina governor revealed she would be voting for her former opponent.

Earlier this month, Haley also urged her earned delegates from the primary races to cast their votes for Trump at the RNC.

It was not revealed until Sunday that she would be speaking at the RNC. The Tuesday planned remarks were confirmed to Fox News Digital by a source familiar. The announcement came shortly after the attempted assassination of Trump at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, which saw one spectator killed.

As of the week prior, Haley hadn't been planning to attend.

Fox News' Sandra Smith and Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report.

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Vivek Ramaswamy floated as possible Senate replacement for JD Vance in Ohio

After former President Trump revealed his choice of Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, for his running mate in the November election, speculation quickly began over who might take Vance's place in the Senate. 

Vance was elected to the Senate in 2022 and isn't up for re-election until 2028. However, if he and Trump win, and he takes the role of vice president, Gov. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio, will be charged with appointing a replacement. 

"Who else wants JD Vance’s Senate seat to be filled by @VivekGRamaswamy?" asked Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, in a post on X.

Vivek Ramaswamy, who ran for the Republican presidential nomination against Trump in the primary race, is a resident of Ohio.

In a statement provided by a spokesperson, Ramaswamy said, "I have rock-solid conviction that JD will be an outstanding VP for President Trump."

"The only negative is this leaves our side missing one of our best fighters in the Senate. If asked to serve, I would strongly consider the position and would discuss with President Trump which path makes the most sense for our country," he continued. 

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Vivek Ramaswamy on Trump's VP selection JD Vance: 'I love him'

Former GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy caught up with Fox News' Brooke Singman to discuss JD Vance as former President Donald Trump's vice presidential pick.

"He's gonna be an awesome vice president," Ramaswamy said. "I've actually known him for over a decade. He and I were law school classmates and we both grew up in Southwest Ohio, like maybe 10-15 minutes from where he grew up was where our parent's first house was."

Ramaswamy announced his run for president in February 2023. In mid January, he endorsed Trump for president.

"I think he is going to be not only a good policy voice but his story is an American dream story and I think that he will give inspiration to a lot of people but he also wants policies that allow a lot of people to live the same dream that he has," Ramaswamy said of Vance. "I love him. He's in politics for the right reasons. He's honest and I just think he's a great choice. He's outstanding."

When asked if Ramaswamy believes Vance will draw young voters' attention, he said, "I think he's gonna attract more than that. I think he's gonna attract a lot of people who are hungry for economic mobility in the country and I think he's gonna attract even a lot of people who aren't traditional republicans."

He concluded with, "I just think he's a great choice."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

JD Vance trabajó en capital riesgo para el megadonante Peter Thiel

After leaving Yale Law School, Vance became a junior investor with Mithril Capital, an investment firm owned by GOP megadonor Peter Thiel, according to Business Insider.

He spent two years at the firm before leaving and joining a different firm, Revolution, which was co-founded by Steve Case, who formerly chaired AOL. 

Vance went on to start his own venture capital firm called Narya Capital, which was based out of his home state of Ohio. Thiel was one of the major financial backers who assisted Vance with raising the $93 million he used to start the firm. 

Thiel was a significant supporter of Vance's foray into politics, breaking records when he gave $15 million in total to a PAC supporting the Republican's candidacy for U.S. Senate. 

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Comentarios anteriores de JD Vance sobre la frontera sur, la inmigración y el fentanilo

In late October 2022, shortly before JD Vance won the Senate race in Ohio, he joined Fox News' Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino to discuss border security and how illegal immigration effects Ohioans.

When asked about the issues important to Ohio voters, Hemmer noted that immigration was the fourth major concern to constituents, below abortion, inflation and the economy and threats to democracy.

However, at the time, Vance was challenging President Joe Biden to continue building the wall former President Donald Trump started during his presidency.

"It's really important to focus in Ohio, Bill, because the southern border is the way that the fentanyl that's coming into the state of Ohio kills a lot of our citizens," Vance said. "So, were actually the third state overall when it comes to fentanyl deaths."

In 2021, there were 5,174 unintentional drug overdose deaths in Ohio and, in 2022, there were 4,915, which was a 5% decline in overdose deaths from the year prior, according to the Ohio Department of Health.

"Certainly, the economy and inflation are top of mind for a lot of voters, but people also want their communities to be safe. They want their children to be safe from this poison that the cartel's are bringing in. We're hamming both of those issues," Vance added. "Unfortunately, Joe Biden and my democratic opponent Tim Ryan, who votes with Biden 100 percent of the time, they've been big, big failures on the border issues and especially when it comes to inflation, the economy and of course jobs."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

JD Vance es un firme escéptico de la ayuda exterior a Ucrania

In the Senate, Vance has established a reputation for being particularly skeptical of foreign aid, specifically to Ukraine, which has been embroiled in a war with Russia for over two years. He voted against the $95 billion foreign aid supplemental to Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific along with several of his Republican colleagues.

He has also introduced legislation to provide better oversight of aid to Ukraine. Ahead of the vote on additional foreign aid this year, Vance remarked, "I served my country honorably, and I saw when I went to Iraq that I had been lied to — that the promises of the foreign policy establishment were a complete joke."

Publicado por Julia Johnson

JD Vance es un senador estadounidense que sirvió en el ejército

Years before being elected, a young Vance enlisted in the Marines and served in Iraq. In the public affairs section of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, he served as a corporal. 

Vance fue elegido senador en 2022, derrotando a su oponente, el ex diputado Tim Ryan, por más de 200.000 votos. Tomó posesión de su cargo en 2023 y desde entonces presta servicio en la cámara alta. 

During the campaign, he racked up the endorsement of former President Trump , despite his past remarks about him. He touted Trump's support, which is widely credited with giving Vance an advantage in the Ohio Republican Senate primary. 

Publicado por Julia Johnson

¿Quién hablará el segundo día de la Convención Nacional Republicana?

Day two of the Republican National Convention (RNC) will feature a wide range of prominent GOP speakers.

Many of Tuesday’s speakers include Republican candidates running in crucial Senate races this cycle, including in Arizona, Michigan, Ohio, Montana, Pennsylvania, and Nevada.

Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley was not expected to speak after sharing she was originally not invited to the event, but was scheduled to speak after the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Haley is expected take the RNC stage Tuesday evening.

Other speakers expected this evening include rising GOP figures, including the following Senate candidates: Kari Lake of Arizona , Jim Banks of Indiana, Mike Rogers of Michigan, Tim Sheehy of Montana, Sam Brown of Nevada, Bernie Moreno of Ohio, Dave McCormick of Pennsylvania, Senate Hung Cao of Virginia, Eric Hovde of Wisconsin. Gov. Jim Justice of West Virginia & Babydog are also expected to speak this evening.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

JD Vance hizo una película sobre su libro biográfico

In 2016, Vance published his memoir , "Hillbilly Elegy," which quickly became a best-selling book. "Hillbilly Elegy" details his less than glamorous childhood, being raised by his mother and grandmother in Kentucky and Ohio, and the toll addiction takes on families.

The story takes readers through the struggles of poverty in rural and Appalachian America. A movie was ultimately made about the book, which was distributed by Netflix in 2020. Glenn Close received a nod for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role at the Academy Awards for her portrayal of Vance's grandmother. 

"I may be White, but I do not identify with the WASPs of the Northeast. Instead, I identify with the millions of working-class White Americans of Scots-Irish descent who have no college degree," Vance said in a 2016 interview about his memoir. 

"Para esta gente, la pobreza es la tradición familiar. Sus antepasados fueron jornaleros en la economía esclavista del sur, aparceros después, mineros del carbón después y maquinistas y trabajadores de fábricas en épocas más recientes. Los estadounidenses los llaman paletos, paletos o basura blanca. Yo los llamo vecinos, amigos y familia", afirmó.

Publicado por Julia Johnson

JD Vance se opuso una vez a Trump

While Vance is one of Trump's most loyal allies now, he was not always so fond of him. Ahead of the 2016 presidential election, he wrote in a text message to his former roommate, explaining that he goes "back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical a--hole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler."

En una ocasión afirmó que Trump es "heroína cultural", escribiendo en un ensayo: "Nunca ofrece detalles de cómo funcionarán estos planes, porque no puede. Las promesas de Trump son la aguja en la vena colectiva de EEUU".

However, Vance has since had a change of heart. He described his transformation on Fox News, remarking, "I was certainly skeptical of Donald Trump in 2016, but President Trump was a great president, and he changed my mind."

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Biden campaign manager says rhetoric on Trump 'hasn’t changed' in light of assassination attempt

A top campaign official for President Joe Biden said that the rhetoric around former President Donald Trump "hasn't changed" after his assassination attempt.

"I would say that we've been focused on talking about the issues, reproductive freedom, workers rights, Social Security, Medicare, the economy, a fair tax code," said Biden Principal Deputy Campaign Manager Quentin Fulks.

"The president and the vice president have been very clear on their vision when it comes to the agenda that they want to put forward for Americans. Our campaign has been talking about that for months since the reelection was announced. And we're going to continue to do so as the president said," Fulks said at a press conference Tuesday.

"This is how democracy works. We're going to continue to have a candid conversation about the stark contrast." Fulks added that "there are two very, very different, visions for this country" on the 2024 ballot.

The press conference came on the second day of the Republican National Convention (RNC), where Trump was officially named the 2024 GOP nominee alongside running mate Sen. JD Vance of Ohio on Monday.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Liz Cheney: 'Trump GOP is no longer the party of Lincoln, Reagan or the Constitution'

In a post on X Tuesday, former congresswoman Wyoming claimed that, "JD Vance has pledged he would do what Mike Pence wouldn’t - overturn an election and illegally seize power. He says the president can ignore the rulings of our courts. He would capitulate to Russia and sacrifice the freedom of our allies in Ukraine."

"The Trump GOP is no longer the party of Lincoln, Reagan or the Constitution," she said.

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

Eric Trump on the emotions he felt nominating his dad for POTUS at the 2024 RNC: 'It was surreal'

"What a beautiful moment," Eric Trump told Fox News Digital of casting the vote to make his father the Republican nominee for President of the United States.

Eric stood on behalf of the 125 delegates of Florida to put his dad "over the top" the number of delegates needed to succeed as presidential nominee.

"The room went absolutely crazy — it was a beautiful moment," he added. "I was hugging my wife and Don and Tiffany and everybody else that's out there."

Former President Donald Trump was officially nominated Monday night, the first night of the Republican National Convention, as the Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election.

"The place is cheering and the music is blasting and 48 hours earlier we almost all lost him to, frankly an assassin," Eric said of the assassination attempt on Trump Saturday in Pennsylvania at a campaign rally. "You kind of have the highs and lows of life and believe me I certainly felt that in a 48-hour period from going from seeing him on a stage having been shot to ultimately making him the Republican nominee for President of the United States."

Eric concluded, "It was surreal, it was emotional, it was beautiful lots of emotions that day."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Los halcones de la inmigración encantados con la elección de Trump JD Vance: "Un copiloto cojonudo

Immigration hawks reacted with delight after former President Trump announced the selection of Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, as his running mate, pointing to his record of staunch opposition to illegal immigration and his votes in favor of additional border security.

"President Trump was first elected to secure our border and enforce our immigration laws after decades of neglect in Washington — and he delivered on his promises," RJ Hauman, president of the National Immigration Center for Enforcement, told Fox News Digital.

"By choosing a fierce immigration reformer like Senator Vance as his running mate , President Trump has reaffirmed to the American people that our borders must be secured and immigration laws aggressively enforced." "The largest deportation effort in American history now has one hell of a co-pilot," he said.

Trump announced the Vance pick earlier Monday, saying he has fought "so brilliantly" for workers and farmers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Minnesota. On Tuesday, the theme for the convention will be "Make America Safe Once Again," when border security and illegal immigrant crime are likely to be hot topics, given the ongoing crisis at the southern border and the massive impact it is having on the presidential race. 

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

El senador Steve Daines dice que JD Vance ayudará a las campañas del Partido Republicano en el Senado en noviembre

Trump's newly selected running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, will help Republicans in down-ballot races, Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., argued during an Axios House event at the Republican National Convention on Monday.

“Republicans want JD Vance campaigning with our Senate candidates, Democrats cannot say the same of Kamala Harris," Dianes told Fox News Digital. "JD knows how to win working class voters, and importantly, will help Republicans appeal to lunch-bucket Democrats who believe Democrat policies have gotten far too radical.”

"I think JD is gonna help us in states like Montana, like Ohio," Daines said Monday

As head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), Daines is responsible for efforts to try and flip the Senate to a GOP majority in November.

"For Trump to win, to get the electoral map sealed, he needs to win the same states he won in 2020, plus Georgia and Pennsylvania," Daines said.

"I think JD Vance would be a big help in winning Pennsylvania," he added.

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

Legalmente, ¿cómo puede Trump seguir presentándose a la presidencia a pesar de una condena por delito grave?

Former President Donald Trump was found guilty of falsifying business records in a New York criminal court last month, but can still run for president. 

A Manhattan jury convicted the 45th president on May 30 of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to payments to a former pornographic actress amid the 2016 election cycle. 

Trump can still run for the White House, as the Constitution does not place restrictions on presidential candidates based on criminal record. It stipulates that those pursuing the White House be natural-born citizens who are at least 35 years old and who have resided in the U.S. for at least 14 years.

Trump has not yet been sentenced in the case, and prison time remains a potential, though unlikely, option. He is the first former president in U.S. history found guilty of committing felony crimes. Trump has maintained his innocence in the case, calling it a “witch hunt” and “sham” promoted by the Biden administration ahead of the 2024 election.

Publicado por Emma Colton

Fox News' Alexis McAdams on the increased security measures at the RNC after assassination attempt

Correspondent Alexis McAdams spoke with Fox News Digital on the increased security measures taking place to ensure safety for all Republican National Convention attendees, but especially former President Donald Trump since the attempted assassination last weekend.

McAdams said 50,000 people are expected to attend the RNC throughout the week and that the schedule is set to proceed as planned despite the attempt on Trump's life Saturday.

"From personal experience, we can tell you the measures include blocks and blocks of street closures in all directions surrounding the arena, bulky barriers and barricades pretty much everywhere you look, regular helicopter flyovers, and let me tell you, there are security personnel everywhere including Secret Service and state and local law enforcement from Wisconsin and surrounding states."

McAdams added, "We have to go through several layers of security every time we enter the venue showing my press credentials, and passing through multiple metal scanners and bag checks."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

El New York Times publica un mordaz ensayo sobre el ex presidente Trump dos días después del asesinato

The New York Times on Monday published a scathing guest essay on former President Trump just two days after an attempted assassination of the Republican nominee.

 "This is not an election with a wrongheaded but well-meaning Republican. It’s an all-out war with an illiberal megalomaniac who will happily destroy American democracy if it buys him one more ounce of power and keeps him out of prison," said Times contributing opinion writer Elizabeth Spiers.

Many opinion pieces are written and edited days in advance of publication, so it's likely it was commissioned before Trump was nearly killed in a shooting in Pennsylvania.

Spiers wrote that Democrats need to "wake up from their West Wing fantasy" in the critical piece. By referencing the television show "West Wing," she suggested that Democrats are too eager to buy into the high-minded notion of politics portrayed on the show, which aired from 1999 to 2006.

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

Trump aventaja a Biden en un estado azul tras el intento de asesinato: encuesta

A new poll shows former President Trump leading President Biden in Virginia by three percentage points as Republicans look to flip the state after Biden trounced Trump by 10 points in the Old Dominion State in 2020.

Virginia has voted for Democrats in each presidential election since President Barack Obama’s first campaign for the White House in 2008.

The new Virginia Commonwealth University-Wilder School poll shows Biden dropping from the 42% support he enjoyed in the last VCU-Wilder poll, released in January, to 36%.Trump was unchanged at 39%, with the poll suggesting a dip in support for Biden, rather than any substantial gains for Trump.

Still, the poll bodes well for the Trump campaign and raises more concern for the Biden camp, who have been battling calls from within their own party for the president to drop out of the race following his disastrous debate performance on June 27.

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

Biden intenta apuntalar el apoyo de los votantes negros mientras Trump intenta abrirse camino

President Biden is focused on maintaining his support from Black voters as the once solid foundational bloc of the Democratic Party begins to waver.

Biden will be participating in an interview for BET on Tuesday to pitch himself as the obvious choice for Black voters. Following the interview, Biden is expected to attend the 115th NAACP National Convention in Las Vegas. He will be delivering remarks during the event. 

Finally, Biden will meet with Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Chairman Rep. Steven Horsford for an economic summit, where he will speak to Black voters and meet with Black members of congress to discuss his vision for a second term.

Members of the CBC who are expected to meet with Biden include Reps. Jim Clyburn, Jonathan Jackson, Yvette Clarke, Robin Kelly, Gabe Amo, Bennie Thompson, Bobby Scott, Troy Carter and Nikema Williams.

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

Focus group of Black men slam the Democratic Party's messaging, comparing it to 'pandering'

A focus group of Black male voters criticized the Democratic Party for their messaging to their community, with one participant calling it "pandering." 

The New York Times interviewed 11 Black men to share their thoughts about the upcoming election and the current political climate. The participants were asked what the Democratic Party understands least about Black men in the United States. 

"It’s the pandering to the Black race, thinking that we are looking for a handout and feeling sorry for us, when we’re capable and culpable," J.D., a 50-year-old coach based in Arizona told the Times. "And I feel like the pandering of ‘all you broken-down people, you need us, and here we are; we’re going to help you’ — it’s not a respectful tone or manner. It’s insulting, actually."

"I think they’re confused," Khaled, a 50-year-old school principal in Pennsylvania said. "I think they went so far to try to do so many different things, and now there’s more of an independent thought with Black men in this country."

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Swing state AG previews VP debate with dire prediction for Harris: 'Poor Kamala'

MILWAUKEE - Ohio Republican Attorney General Dave Yost previewed a potential debate match-up between Sen. JD Vance and Vice President Kamala Harris and predicted it will not go well for the vice president.

"Poor Kamala," Yost told Fox News Digital on Monday when asked about the upcoming debate between Harris and Vance now that the Ohio Republican has been named as Trump’s running mate.

Yost agreed with the narrative promoted by many conservatives on social media that the debate clash will be an uneven match-up.

"It will be interesting to see what the oddmakers in Vegas put together on this, but he’s going to be a chef’s knife and salad tongs to her word salad."

Biden-Harris campaign official  told Fox News Digital that Harris reached out to Vance and left a voicemail congratulating him on his selection, and "expressed her hope that the two can meet in the vice presidential debate proposed by CBS News."

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News Digital's Andrew Mark Miller.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

RNC day 2 to focus on crime and safety as victims' families speak out

Erin Rachwal, who lost her son to fentanyl poisoning and Sheri and Aaron Sparks, who lost their son in the Waukesha parade attack, joined Fox & Friends to talk about the need to hold criminals accountable and stop the influx of illicit fentanyl into the U.S.

Day two of the Republican National Committee (RNC) will focus on rampant crime in the country, with former President Donald Trump's message being: "Make America Safe Once Again."

"Donald Trump wants our community, and our world, and our whole country safe," Rachwal told Fox & Friends Tuesday, pointing to the open southern border as a driving factor of the fentanyl crisis. 

Sheri and Aaron Sparks said the tragic death of their son "absolutely" could have been prevented, given that the offender was felon out on bail.

"Our system is broken in some sense. We need bail reform. We need to be harder on crime," Aaron Sparks said.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Democrats spotlight Biden alter-ego 'Dark Brandon' as they launch billboards near GOP convention

FIRST ON FOX - As GOP delegates, officials, activists, and supporters head to day two of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Democrats have a message for them.

The day after former President Trump was formally nominated as the GOP's 2024 standard-bearer, the Democratic National Committee, in a messaging push shared first with Fox News, is touting what they highlight as President Biden's "winning record."

The DNC on Tuesday is launching eight new billboards in Milwaukee, urging Wisconsinites to "Vote Joe" and showcasing that in Biden's three and a half years in the White House, he has "created more than 15 million new good paying jobs, lowered costs on health care and prescription drugs, and worked to strengthen our democracy, not tear it down."

The new billboards feature "Dark Brandon" - an image of Biden featuring beaming laser red eyes that was created by his detractors and co-opted by his campaign - an alter-ego of the 81-year-old president used by his political team to extoll his policy victories.

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

Kamala Harris felicita a JD Vance y espera "que ambos puedan encontrarse" en el debate sobre la vicepresidencia

Vice President Kamala Harris called Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, whom former President Trump chose as his running mate Monday, and congratulated him after the announcement. 

"Vice President Harris reached out to Senator Vance and left a message to congratulate him on his selection, welcome him to the race and express her hope that the two can meet in the vice presidential debate proposed by CBS News," a Biden campaign official told Fox News. 

After months of teasing his pick, Trump revealed Vance as his running mate selection in a Truth Social post on the opening afternoon of the Republican National Convention. 

In May, Trump accepted a vice presidential debate on behalf of his future running mate to be hosted on Fox News. However, the Biden campaign has only been willing to do the debate on CBS. 

Aunque todavía no se ha confirmado ningún debate vicepresidencial, en caso de que Vance y Harris se enfrenten, podría ser el peor escenario para el vicepresidente. El presidente Biden y el ex presidente Trump acordaron dos debates presidenciales. El primero lo organizó la CNN el 27 de junio y el segundo lo organizará la ABC el 10 de septiembre.

"I think JD Vance would pose the greatest threat [to] Kamala Harris, in some respects. I mean he's an incredible debater," Ashley Etienne, Harris' former communications director, previously told CNN. 

"Creo que tiene esa cualidad que le hace parecer palpable a ese uno o dos por ciento que podría votar o que está indeciso, que realmente prestará atención a los debates porque la mayoría de la gente no presta atención a los debates", explicó. 

Este es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Julia Johnson

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

ex-Trump primary rival Haley in Republican convention spotlight on day after JD Vance named VP pick

MILWAUKEE – One day after Donald Trump was formally nominated as the GOP's 2024 presidential nominee and named Sen. JD Vance of Ohio as his running mate, Trump's final rival during the presidential primaries takes center stage at the Republican National Convention.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who served as U.N. ambassador in the Trump administration, will speak at the convention on Tuesday, multiple sources familiar with the decision confirmed to Fox News over the weekend.

Hasta la semana pasada, Haley no había sido invitada a hablar en la convención y no pensaba asistir a la confabulación de cuatro días, que se celebra en la ciudad más grande de Wisconsin, swing state.

But following Saturday's attempted assassination attempt on Trump at a rally in western Pennsylvania, where the former president was visibly bloodied after a bullet grazed his ear and where one spectator was killed and two critically injured, the GOP quickly unified around their standard-bearer. And as part of that push for unity, Haley was invited to speak at the convention.

Haley launched her presidential campaign in February last year, becoming the first major candidate to challenge Trump, who had announced his candidacy three months earlier. She was the final rival to Trump, battling the former president in a contentious two-candidate showdown from the New Hampshire primary in late January through Super Tuesday in early March.

Haley anunció que suspendía su campaña a la Casa Blanca el 6 de marzo, el día después de que Trump arrasara en 14 de las 15 candidaturas del Partido Republicano en el Supermartes.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

JD Vance brings a wealth of experience from Silicon Valley to the campaign, White House

The GOP vice presidential nominee is only a freshman senator, but has years of experience outside the political arena that is likely to boost the Republican ticket in November. 

On Monday, former President Donald Trump tapped JD Vance of Ohio to be his running mate. Vance is the New York Times bestselling author of Hillbilly Elegy, a Yale Law School graduate, former Marine, and recently elected to the U.S. Senate in 2022.

"I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance of the Great State of Ohio," Trump posted on his social media platform, Truth Social. 

"J.D. has had a very successful business career in Technology and Finance," the former president added.

But before building his political career, Vance was a successful venture capitalist. Yahoo Finance reported that Vance’s Silicon Valley contacts first helped him bring investor dollars to his home state of Ohio, and then helped fund his campaign for the Senate and have already helped contribute to the Trump campaign.

After graduating from Yale Law school in 2013, Vance moved to San Francisco, where he worked at Mithril Capital, a firm co-founded by former PayPal CEO and Republican donor Peter Thiel, the outlet reported. 

Vance also spent time in his early career near the nation’s capital working for former AOL CEO Steve Case's venture capital firm, Revolution LLC. There he spearheaded a project to expand capital opportunities to small towns like Middletown, Ohio — where Vance was born, Yahoo notes. 

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Brianna Herlihy

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Trump VP pick JD Vance: What are his views on taxes, deficits, entitlements?

Former President Trump's selection of Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio , as his running mate and vice presidential nominee, has brought Vance's policy views into the spotlight, given his relatively recent entry into electoral politics.

Vance has served in the U.S. Senate for about a year and a half, having defeated Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan in 2022 and being sworn in as Ohio's junior senator in January 2023. Vance's platform in the Senate race mirrored many of those touted by Trump during his administration, even though he was critical of the former president amid his first run for the White House.

Although he is only in his 18th month as a senator, Vance has been outspoken in several areas of economic policy since his election as well as during his campaign. Vance has also discussed economic policy as it related to the issues of rural poverty and social breakdown that he wrote about in his memoir, "Hillbilly Elegy."

Here's a look at some of Vance's commentary and views about key aspects of economic policy, including his views on taxes, the national debt and budget deficits as well as entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.


In a profile of Vance written by Politico in March, Vance expressed ambivalence about some provisions of the Trump-era tax cuts that were enacted in 2017 through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

"Do I think there was some more standard GOP tax fare, some of which I liked and some of which I didn't? Yeah, absolutely. Do I think cutting the top marginal rate is like a high priority for me? No, I don't," Vance said. Politico noted that Vance acknowledged he would have voted for the bill if he had been in the Senate at the time.

Vance said in an interview with the New York Times last month that he opposes higher taxes for the middle class and, although he isn't inherently opposed to raising taxes on the wealthy, he thinks they could do more harm than good while not addressing structural issues in the economy.

This is an excerpt of an article by Fox News' Eric Revell

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

5 takeaways from day 1 of the 2024 Republican National Convention

Day 1 of the 2024 RNC kicked off the week-long event with a bang as newsworthy moments poured in from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Here are the five biggest moments from the day.

Donald Trump's big entrance

Former President Trump made his first public appearance since the assassination attempt against him on Monday.

The stadium in Milwaukee erupted with thunderous applause and cheers for an extended period as Trump entered the venue. Support for the former president has surged in the days following the attempt on his life, and his reception at the RNC was proof that the GOP has united around a candidate.

JD Vance announced as VP

Speculation around who Trump would pick as a running-mate percolated for months as the former president weighed his options.

Trump leaned into the horse-race mentality, often dropping names of popular candidates but never making any commitments. He continued the suspense into the final hour with his selection of Vance.

Vance is set to hit the campaign trail almost immediately after the RNC concludes this week.

Union boss calls Trump a 'tough SOB'

Moments after Trump arrived to the Milwaukee arena, Sean O’Brien, President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, described him as "one tough SOB" in light of the attempted assassination on the 2024 Republican nominee.

O'Brien's presence showed an uncommon display of unity between the GOP and workers' unions, with many commentators saying it was a sign of a new Republican Party.

Trump details call with Biden after assassination attempt

Trump offered the first details of his phone conversation with President Biden hours after Thomas Matthew Crooks attempted to assassinate him.

Biden had noted on Saturday that he spoke briefly with Trump after the shooting, but he did not offer details. Trump said Biden "couldn’t have been nicer” in the conversation, adding that it was “good, short and respectful.”

Elon Musk pledges $45M per month to Trump PAC

While billionaire Elon Musk was not in attendance at the RNC, he announced massive plans to support Trump's campaign in the final months of the race.

Musk says he will donate $45 million per month to the pro-Trump America PAC. Musk endorsed Trump after the assassination attempt in Butler, PA this weekend. He had previously spoken positively of the former president but had not made a formal endorsement.

Associated Press ha contribuido a este reportaje

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Elon Musk to donate $45M a month to pro-Trump super PAC following endorsement of former president

Billionaire Elon Musk, coming off his endorsement of Trump after the Republican candidate survived an assassination attempt on Saturday, plans to donate about $45 million per month to a super PAC backing the former president, according to a report.

Formed last month in support of Trump with financial help from some of Musk's friends, America PAC includes Palantir Technologies co-founder Joe Lonsdale, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, and former U.S. ambassador to Canada Kelly Craft and her husband, Joe, the chief executive of coal producer Alliance Resource Partners, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The group has spent at least $6.6 million on behalf of Trump, who was nominated at the Republican National Convention on Monday to be the party's candidate for president.

America PAC focuses on registering voters and urging swing state residents to vote early and request mail-in ballots, according to the report. The goal is to counter Democrats' "get out the vote" campaigns and on-the-ground efforts in the months leading up to the November election.

Musk, who is currently the richest person in the world with an estimated fortune of more than $250 billion, plans to make substantial $45 million donations to the super PAC each month leading up to the election, the report states. The largest known donation of the 2024 election cycle comes from the great-grandson of banker Thomas Mellon, who donated $50 million to a pro-Trump super PAC.

A filing made on Monday revealed that America PAC had $8.75 million in contributions for the three-month period ending on June 30, the WSJ reported, and Musk allegedly signaled that he planned to start his donations this month.

Musk reportedly made a donation to the super PAC last week, according to Bloomberg News, although the size of the donation is unknown.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Kamala Harris felicita a JD Vance y espera "que ambos puedan encontrarse" en el debate sobre la vicepresidencia

Vice President Kamala Harris called Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, whom former President Trump chose as his running mate Monday, and congratulated him after the announcement.

"Vice President Harris reached out to Senator Vance and left a message to congratulate him on his selection, welcome him to the race and express her hope that the two can meet in the vice presidential debate proposed by CBS News," a Biden campaign official told Fox News.

Tras meses de bromas sobre su elección, Trump reveló a Vance como su compañero de fórmula en una publicación de Truth Social en la tarde de apertura de la Convención Nacional Republicana.

In May, Trump accepted a vice presidential debate on behalf of his future running mate to be hosted on Fox News. However, the Biden campaign has only been willing to do the debate on CBS.

Fox NewsJulia Johnson ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Landon Mion

Se recaudarán "montones de dinero" en la convención republicana, según un viejo estratega

The main missions for the GOP at this week's Republican National Convention in Milwaukee are obvious, and two were knocked out on the first day of the convention.

The party officially nominated former President Donald Trump as its 2024 standard-bearer and also announced Trump's pick for VP in Ohio Sen. JD Vance.

Delegates will also officially pass the party's platform and rules, and will take advantage of the golden opportunity the convention offers to spell out the party's messaging going into the final three and a half months of the presidential campaign.

The convention is also “a great opportunity to raise boatloads of money to help fund the last leg of the race," a longtime Republican strategist told Fox News.

Among the fundraising events on tap for the convention week, Trump and Vance will headline a reception on Wednesday titled “Strength in Unity Reception.” The fundraiser will haul in money for the Trump 47 Committee, the Save America PAC, the Republican National Committee and state GOP chapters.

“This is a prime opportunity for the biggest donors to be writing checks,” the strategist, who asked to remain anonymous to speak more freely, told Fox News. “They’re going out there to meet the next President of the United States.”

The strategist, a veteran of numerous Republican conventions, said the speculation over Trump’s running mate in recent weeks “adds even more interest for top contributors. Donors want to go out and meet that person too. This has built up a lot of anticipation that should draw a lot of folks who can write big checks.”

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

Haley en el punto de mira de la convención del Partido Republicano un día después de que Trump nombrara a Vance como compañero de fórmula

One day after former President Donald Trump was formally nominated as the 2024 GOP nominee and named Sen. JD Vance of Ohio as his running mate, Trump's final rival during the presidential primaries will take center stage at the Republican National Convention.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who served as U.N. ambassador in the Trump administration, will speak at the convention on Tuesday, multiple sources familiar with the decision confirmed to Fox News.

As of last week, Haley wasn't invited to speak at the convention and wasn't planning on attending the four-day confab, which is being held in Milwaukee, swing-state Wisconsin's largest city.

Following the assassination attempt on Trump at his Pennsylvania rally on Saturday, where one rally attendee was killed and three, including Trump, were wounded, the GOP quickly unified around their standard-bearer. As part of that push for unity, Haley was invited to speak at the convention.

Haley launched her presidential campaign in February last year, becoming the first major candidate to challenge Trump, who had announced his candidacy three months earlier. She was the final rival to Trump, battling the former president in a contentious two-candidate showdown from the New Hampshire primary in late January through Super Tuesday in early March.

In late May, in her first public comments since announcing the end of her 2024 campaign, Haley said she would vote for Trump . She won a total of 97 delegates during the primaries, and last week, released all of her delegates and urged them to support Trump.

Preguntado la semana pasada en una entrevista con Fox News' Brian Kilmeade sobre Haley, Trump dijo que "había mucha mala sangre allí, y ella se quedó demasiado tiempo".

Fox NewsPaul Steinhauser ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Landon Mion

Trump an 'inspiration' after assassination attempt; Vance an 'American Dream story,' Ramaswamy says

Former GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy told Fox News Digital that President Trump was "energetic" after surviving an assassination attempt on Saturday, calling him an "inspiration" and saying he will "be the one to unite the country" while praising his "outstanding" pick of Sen. JD Vance as his running mate.

Fox News Digital spoke exclusively with Ramaswamy shortly after Trump announced on Monday that Vance, R-Ohio, is his pick for vice president.

"He’s going to be an awesome VP," Ramaswamy told Fox News Digital, adding that he has known him "for over a decade."

Ramaswamy and Vance were classmates at Yale Law School and both grew up in southwest Ohio.

"I think he is going to be not only a good policy voice, but his story is an American Dream story, and I think that he will give inspiration to a lot of people, but he also wants policies that allow a lot of people to live the same dream he has," Ramaswamy said. "And I love him."

"He’s in politics for the right reasons. He’s honest. And I just think he’s a great choice, outstanding," Ramaswamy added.

Fox NewsBrooke Singman ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Landon Mion

Vance reforzará "absolutamente" el mensaje de unidad de Trump tras el intento de asesinato: Malliotakis

Ohio Sen. JD Vance is a "dynamic" choice for vice president who will bolster former President Trump’s message of unity, New York Rep. Nicole Malliotakis told Fox News Digital.

"JD Vance es un individuo joven y dinámico que es un gran comunicador. ... Tiene una historia personal increíble. Se relaciona con los estadounidenses normales de todo el país, y creo que sin duda aportará algo a la candidatura, dijo Malliotakis a Fox News Digital desde el RNC.

"Por no mencionar que procede de un estado indeciso, lo que siempre es útil".

Trump announced Vance as his running mate on Monday as the RNC kicked off and delegates from across the nation officially nominated Trump.

"Tras largas deliberaciones y reflexiones, y teniendo en cuenta el tremendo talento de muchos otros, he decidido que la persona más adecuada para asumir el cargo de vicepresidente de Estados Unidos es el senador J.D. Vance, del Gran Estado de Ohio", anunció Trump en su plataforma de Verdad Social el lunes por la tarde.

Vance es senador por Ohio tras haber trabajado anteriormente como capitalista de riesgo y haber dejado su huella en el mapa nacional con sus memorias, "Hillbilly Elegy".

The junior Ohio senator previously made critical comments during Trump’s 2016 run but has since become a loyal ally of the 45th president, including in May when Trump was on trial for 34 counts of falsifying business records.

Fox NewsEmma Colton ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Landon Mion

Vance 'overwhelmed with gratitude' to be Trump's VP, joining campaign trail immediately

Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, said he is "overwhelmed with gratitude" to be chosen as former President Trump's running mate for the 2024 presidential election.

"What an honor it is to run alongside President Donald J. Trump. He delivered peace and prosperity once, and with your help, he'll do it again," Vance wrote on X a few hours after the first night of the Republican National Convention wrapped up.

"Onward to victory!" he continued.

Vance will be hitting the campaign trail immediately, according to Fox News' Aishah Hasnie. He is scheduled to participate in a big fundraiser in Oklahoma on July 26 hosted by U.S. Sen. Markwayne Mullin.

Publicado por Elizabeth Pritchett

President Trump receives applause, walks the RNC floor on day 1 of 2024 RNC

Former President Donald Trump arrived at the first day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee for his first public appearance since a gunman opened fire at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

The gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, shot at Trump and struck him in the ear. Trump survived the attempted assassination. He arrived at the RNC with a bandage covering his gunshot wound.

RNC attendees erupted in cheers as Trump walked the floor and waved to the room filled with Republicans.

As he walked to his seat, he shook the hands of his sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, Mike Johnson and VP pick JD Vance, among others.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Teamsters president calls Trump a 'tough SOB'

Sean O’Brien, President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, described former President Trump as "one tough SOB" on Monday evening, in light of the attempted assassination on the 2024 Republican nominee.

"President Trump is a candidate who is not afraid of hearing from new loud and often critical voices," O'Brien told an audience at the Republican National Convention.

"And I think we all can agree whether people like him, or they don't like him, in light of what happened to him on Saturday. He has proven to be one tough SOB."

The line drew massive cheers from the crowd in Milwaukee. Trump was also in the audience, having walked into the arena with a bandaged ear moments earlier.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

RNC crowd cheers on model Amber Rose: 'I let go of my fear of judgment'

Model and influencer Amber Rose , 40, received loud cheers throughout her RNC speech Monday night, in which she recounted her story of becoming a supporter of former President Donald Trump after her father challenged her to "prove" that he was a "racist" as she had previously said.

"I watched all the rallies, and I started meeting so many of you red-hat-wearing supporters," Rose said. "I realized Donald Trump and his supporters don't care if you're black white, gay or straight. It's all love."

"I let go of my fear judgment, of being misunderstood, of getting attacked by the left and I put the red hat on too," Rose said. "I never felt more free in my love for my country than I do now. I want to thank my father who's in the audience tonight for opening my eyes."

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Trump makes first public appearance since assassination attempt

Former President Donald Trump arrived at the RNC, his first public appearance since an attempt on his life during a rally in Pennsylvania Saturday.

Trump, who was grazed in the ear by the bullet and sported a bandage on the injured ear, had reportedly been in good spirits after the dramatic shooting, showing more concern one dead and two wounded supporters who were in attendance at the event.

The former president also insisted that the RNC go on as scheduled , making his first public appearance just two days after the attempt on his life.

Publicado por Michael Lee

Vance will 'absolutely' bolster Trump's message of unity after assassination attempt

MILWAUKEE — Ohio Sen. JD Vance is a "dynamic" choice for vice president who will bolster former President Trump’s message of unity, New York Rep. Nicole Malliotakis told Fox News Digital. 

"JD Vance is a young, dynamic individual who is a great communicator. … He has an amazing personal story. He relates to regular American people all across the country, and I think that he will certainly add to the ticket, Malliotakis told Fox News Digital from the RNC. 

"Por no mencionar que procede de un estado indeciso, lo que siempre es útil".

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Trump camp rips Biden campaign's immediate attacks on Vance after VP selection

The Trump campaign is pushing back after President Biden immediately took to social media to blast Trump’s newly chosen candidate for Vice President, Ohio Sen. JD Vance.

Shortly after Vance was announced as Trump’s candidate, the Biden campaign posted on X along with a fundraising link,

"Here’s the deal about J.D. Vance. He talks a big game about working people. But now, he and Trump want to raise taxes on middle-class families while pushing more tax cuts for the rich."

Trump 2024 Deputy Communications Director Caroline Sunshine took issue with that attack in an interview with Fox News Digital's Andrew Mark Miller on Tuesday.

"I think that response, given the events that have transpired in this country where President Trump had an assassination attempt on his life, for the sitting U.S. president to be calling for anything other than unity, but instead using this opportunity to attack President Trump's new vice presidential nominee, go after him on policy, it seems really out of touch, really in poor taste," Sunshine said.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Vance responds to past comments calling former President Trump 'America's Hitler' on 'Hannity'

Sen. JD Vance , R-Ohio -- former President Trump's VP pick -- said he was "certainly skeptical" of Trump in 2016 when asked by Fox News' Sean Hannity how he would address critics of his VP candidacy who cite his previous comments in which he called Trump "America's Hitler."

"I don't hide from that," Vance told Hannity exclusively Monday night at the RNC. "I was certainly skeptical of Donald Trump in 2016. But President Trump was a great president and he changed my mind, I think he changed the minds of a lot of Americans, because again, he delivered that peace and prosperity."

Vance also blamed the "media's lies and distortions" in 2016, calling it another thing he "bought into."

"I bought into this idea that somehow he was going to be so different, a terrible threat to democracy," Vance said. "It was a joke."

Instead, Vance said, "Joe Biden is the one who's tried to throw his political opposition in jail," referring to Trump's indictment brought on by Special Counsel Jack Smith, who was appointed by Biden's Cabinet member, Attorney General Merrick Garland. The case, which dealt with Trump's handling of classified documents, was tossed out on Monday by a Florida judge before the RNC kicked off.

"Joe Biden is the one who's trying to undermine American law and order. President Trump did a really good job. And I actually think it's a good thing. When you see somebody you were wrong about, you ought to admit the mistake and admit that you were wrong," Vance said.

Hannity said he asked Trump about Vance's previous comments and told him that Trump said, "But he doesn't think that way now, does he?"

"So he actually had a very good sense of humor about it," Hannity said.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Vance says Trump told him he has to 'save this country'

Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio , told Fox News' Sean Hannity how President Trump asked him to be his running mate on Monday, saying that Trump told him that he has to 'save this country.'

"He just said 'look, I've gotta go save this country. I think you're the guy who could help me in the best way, you can help me govern. You can help me win, you can help me in some of these Midwestern states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and so forth,'" he said.

Vance also noted that they had been close for a while, and that Trump's endorsement had been critical for Vance's Senate bid in 2022.

Trump announced Vance as his running mate on Monday afternoon.

"After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance of the Great State of Ohio," Trump announced on his Truth Social platform.

Trump subrayó que Vance, en campaña, "se centrará firmemente en la gente por la que luchó tan brillantemente, los trabajadores y agricultores estadounidenses de Pensilvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota y mucho más allá....".

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Jesse Watters says he smells 'a winning ticket' in reference to Trump, Vance

Fox News' Jesse Watters is excited about former President Donald Trump selecting Ohio Gov. JD Vance as the vice presidential pick for the 2024 elections.

"Trump, Vance; that's the ticket," Watters said. "Smart pick."He went on, "JD's a self-made man, came out of the middle of nowhere out in a steeltown of Ohio, went to the Marines, Yale. Great best selling author, kind of like myself, and then a venture capitalist, but not a corporate guy."

Watters said that Vance will probably "eloquently wipe the floor with Laffin'" in reference to Vice President Kamala Harris.

He added "And very, very suave when it comes to mainstream media interviews. Cool, calm, and collected and able to deliver the America first punch in the mouth with class."

Watters believes the Trump, Vance ticket will be strong in the Midwest.

"I think, I think I smell a winning ticket," he concluded.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Trump motorcade departs for former president's first public appearance since assassination attempt

Former President Donald Trump's motorcade departed for the RNC, where the former president will make his first public appearance since surviving a assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally Saturday.

Publicado por Michael Lee

¿Cuál es el objetivo de la Convención Nacional Republicana?

The Republican National Convention is an event where Republicans from across the country gather to select the Republican nominee for president.

During political primaries, candidates are vying for delegates, as traditionally allocated via the state’s popular vote. These delegates then go to the convention and cast their vote for the candidate they are assigned to based on who won their respective state.

However, given the fact that most primaries are concluded well before the primary date, conventions have become an increasingly ceremonial formality. Conventions are often seen as an opportunity for the presumptive nominee to fundraise, gain media attention, and do some free campaigning in a potentially relevant state.

In 2024, the Republican convention will take place in Wisconsin, a critically important swing state for the GOP in this election. Wisconsin was key to former President Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 and equally key to his defeat in 2020. Additionally, Trump is expected to announce his vice presidential candidate at the convention, drawing more media attention to his campaign. 

Publicado por Matteo Cina

Elon Musk aportará 45 millones de dólares al mes a un Super PAC pro-Trump: Informe

Elon Musk plans to contribute about $45 million per month to a new Super PAC that is backing former President Donald Trump's campaign.

The PAC, called America PAC, boasts supporters such as Palantir Technologies co-founder Joe Lonsdale, the Winklevoss twins, former U.S. ambassador to Canada Kelly craft and her husband, Joe Craft, who heads coal producer Alliance Resource Partners, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.

The PAC, which was founded in June, will focus on registering new voters and encourage early voting and mail-in balloting in swing states, the report notes.

Publicado por Michael Lee

Sen. Tim Scott, former Trump challenger: 'America is not a racist country'

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., delivered a speech on the first night of the Republican National Convention (RNC) Monday night, declaring "America is not a racist country."

"We are not simply the party of our leaders," Scott, previously one of former President Trump's Republican challengers, said. "We are also a party of a young woman in Wisconsin taking over her family farm, and a Hispanic father working 16 hour days in Nevada, and a black teenager in Philly starving for opportunity."

Scott added, "We're not just the grand old party of the past. We are the great opportunity party of America's future."

"But if you are looking for racism today, you find it in cities run by Democrats," Scott continued. "On the south side of Chicago, poor black kids trapped in failing schools, thousands shot every single year ... But there's good news. It's conservative values that restores hope -- it's Republican policies that lifts people up."

"You see, we are the Republican Party of Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump," he said.

Scott, the only black Republican in the Senate, suspended his 2024 presidential campaign in November 2023. While he didn't immediately endorse any other candidates following his resignation, he later endorsed Trump in January.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

What to expect from Trump's speech on Thursday?

While former President Trump's speech is likely to remain under wraps until the mogul delivers it at the convention, there have been some hints as to what it may or must include.

Commentators and critics have suggested Trump dispatch with his typical bombastic style that has become a favorite at his rallies, and instead deliver a disciplined message to the American people.

While the Trump campaign has been largely silent since President Biden's disastrous debate performance last month, the presumptive nominee is likely to continue his muted though occasionally pithy observations.

Trump will likely remind the country he has challenged Biden to further debates, and lay out the various crises he attributes to the incumbent; including the border and the economy.

He must speak to the "unlikely" voters in his party, who do not regularly vote -- as his margins in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona were narrow enough that those people may make the difference for him in November.

Publicado por Charles Creitz

Famosos que han pronunciado discursos en el RNC y el DNC en el pasado

Celebrity speeches have long been a staple at party conventions, although Democrats have become the party known to attract more big-name stars every four years.

Actresses Tracee Ellis Ross, Eva Longoria, Kerry Washington and Julia-Louis Dreyfus all served as emcees at the 2020 Democratic National Convention (DNC), but sports stars and TV hosts have also made appearances.

The 2020 DNC also saw Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry and the Food Network's Ayesha Curry give speeches. The 2016 DNC also saw its fair share of celebrities, including performances by singers Demi Lovato, Paul Simon, Alicia Keys, and Andra Day, as well as appearances from comedian Sarah Silverman, and actresses America Ferrera, Lena Dunham, Meryl Streep and Elizabeth Banks.

Republican National Conventions (RNC) have also seen their fair share of celebrities, although at a much smaller scale. The 2016 RNC included appearances by actor Scott Baio and "Duck Dynasty" star Willie Robertson.

Multiple celebrities are also expected to appear at each party's 2024 convention, although it’s unclear who all might make an appearance.

Publicado por Brandon Gillespie

Video shows JD Vance receiving vice presidential nomination at RNC

On day one of the Republican National Convention, it was revealed by former President Donald Trump via a post on Truth Social that he selected Ohio Sen. JD Vance as the vice presidential nominee.

Vance accepted the vice presidential nomination by acclimation in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Iowa Attorney General Breanna Bird asked the crowd to nominate Vance by signifying "I", which they did enthusiastically.

"Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table," said Bird.

The crowd full of delegates cheered and chanted "JD" as Vance and his wife, Usha Chilukuri Vance, clapped along with the crowd. Vance is seen placing his hand over his chest in gratitude for the applause.

"Delegates and alternates, ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce that Senator JD Vance has the overwhelming support of this convention to be the next Vice President of the United States," Bird said.

Vance is expected to appear on "Hannity" tonight at 9 p.m. ET.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

JD Vance wasn't informed he would be Trump's VP pick until 20 minutes prior to announcement: Source

A source within Sen. JD Vance's political orbit told Fox News on Monday night that the senator wasn’t informed he was being named as former President Trump's running mate until approximately 20 minutes before Trump made the announcement on his Truth Social platform.

"Tras largas deliberaciones y reflexiones, y teniendo en cuenta el tremendo talento de muchos otros, he decidido que la persona más adecuada para asumir el cargo de vicepresidente de Estados Unidos es el senador J.D. Vance, del Gran Estado de Ohio", anunció Trump en su plataforma de Verdad Social el lunes por la tarde.

"J.D. honorably served our Country in the Marine Corps, graduated from Ohio State University in two years, Summa Cum Laude, and is a Yale Law School Graduate, where he was Editor of The Yale Law Journal, and President of the Yale Law Veterans Association. J.D.’s book, 'Hillbilly Elegy,' became a Major Best Seller and Movie, as it championed the hardworking men and women of our Country," Trump's post continued. "J.D. has had a very successful business career in Technology and Finance, and now, during the Campaign, will be strongly focused on the people he fought so brilliantly for, the American Workers and Farmers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, and far beyond…."

Fox NewsPaul Steinhauser ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Who is Usha Vance, JD Vance's wife?

Usha Vance, the wife of Ohio Sen. JD Vance was thrust into the national spotlight after former President Donald Trump chose her husband as his running mate Monday.

Usha Vance, née Chilukuri, born in 1986, was raised in San Diego, California, and attended Yale Law School, where she met the future Ohio senator, according to a report from the New York Times.

"Éramos amigos, y me gustaba que fuera muy diligente", contó a NBC News sobre cómo conoció a su marido en una entrevista de 2017. "Se presentaba a las citas de las 9 de la mañana que yo organizaba para que empezáramos a trabajar juntos en el sumario".

Before law school, Vance received a bachelor’s degree in history from Yale and a master's in Philosophy from the University of Cambridge.

Se casaron en 2014 y tienen tres hijos: Ewan, de 6 años, y Vivek, de 4, y Mirabel, de 2.

Publicado por Michael Lee

Biden calls Trump's Vance pick as running mate 'not unusual'

President Biden on Monday called former President Trump's selection of Sen. JD Vance as his running mate for the 2024 presidential race "not unusual."

Trump selected the Ohio senator as his running mate, announcing the pick on Monday.

Biden was asked about the choice in an NBC interview due to air on Monday evening.

"Well, it's not unusual: He's gonna surround himself with people who agree completely with him, have a voting record like - support him," Biden said, before adding "even though if you go back and look at some of the things JD Vance said about Trump," and then chuckled. 

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Cruz to make anti-illegal immigration push at RNC after 12-year-old's murder

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas , will use his Republican National Convention speech to push for stronger border control and fewer migrant releases in the wake of the death of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Texas last month – as he highlighted a number of deaths allegedly at the hands of illegal immigrants.

"Tomorrow I will be speaking for Jocelyn. And I will be speaking for Lincoln Riley. And I will be speaking for Rachel Morin and all the others whose lives had been needlessly stolen by illegal immigrants released by Joe Biden and the Democrats," he told Fox News Digital in an interview.

Two illegal immigrants , Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, face capital murder charges in the death of 12-year-old Nungaray in Houston. They are accused of luring her under a bridge, tying her up and killing her before throwing her body into a river. 

Officials confirmed they were in the country illegally. Martinez was apprehended by Border Patrol in March and Pena was apprehended in May. Both were released on an order of recognizance pending their immigration court hearings. 

"Had Joe Biden and the Democrats followed the law, put them on a plane and sent them home, Jocelyn Nungaray would still be alive," Cruz said. "Jocelyn was a beautiful 12-year-old girl, she loved animals, she dreamed of being an actress."

"This is happening over and over and over again, every damn day. We see another story of a person killed, a child raped, of a woman assaulted by illegal immigrants released by [President] Joe Biden and the Democrats," he said, calling Nungaray’s death "entirely preventable."

Publicado por Adam Shaw

'My heart sank,' Eric Trump recounts attempted assassination of his father on 'Ingraham Angle'

Eric Trump, businessman and former President Donald Trump's third child, said his "heart sank" when he watched the attempted assasination of his father at the Butler, Pennsylvania rally on Saturday in his first on-air interview since the incident.

"We were speechless," he told host Laura Ingraham of "Ingraham Angle" Monday night. "And as they rushed him into the car, and obviously there's chaos after that he didn't get in touch with anybody for a little while and he finally called me from the hospital right as he was going in to get a CAT scan, and he was actually incredibly calm and made a couple little jokes."

While Trump commended the Secret Service agents who "would have taken a bullet for him all day long," he said "no one should have gotten on that roof, and they'll figure out exactly what happened there."

"It's inexcusable," Trump said. "It should have never happened."

Trump said he heard a portion of his father's speech that he is scheduled to give on Thursday night on the last day of the RNC, dubbing it "inspiring" and "amazing."

"It's what this country needs right now," he said.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Eric Trump to speak on 'Ingraham Angle' Monday night

Former President Donald Trump's son, Eric Trump, will be on Fox News' "Ingraham Angle" with host Laura Ingraham on Monday night just after 7PM ET.

The interview comes two days after the assassination attempt of his father and hours after Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, was announced as former President Trump's running mate.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

JD Vance's response to East Palestine train derailment put him on the map

On the evening of Feb. 3, 2023, a freight train full of toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, and residents near the site feared long-term health consequences when a large black plume lingered in the area above homes for weeks.

A year later, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, 39, met with struggling members of the community and spoke with reporters. He urged President Biden to fund long-term health screening for residents in nearby areas.

Vance, a Middletown, Ohio native and current Cincinnati resident, first visited East Palestine following the Norfolk Southern train crash less than two weeks after hazardous materials spilled onto land and into nearby water. He implored Biden to "stop blaming Donald Trump" for the train derailment.

Vance’s quick response to the train derailment and advocacy for local residents landed him in the spotlight and earned him a front row seat in the news for months. Trump joined Vance and other Ohio lawmakers on Feb. 22, 2023, to shake the hands of local residents and distribute water, food and other supplies to those desperately in need of necessities.

Vance was officially revealed as the 2024 GOP vice presidential pick by Trump on the first day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Top Trump ally Sen. Tommy Tuberville reacts to JD's selection as VP nominee: 'I hate to lose him'

A top ally of former President Donald Trump is thrilled about Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance's selection as the Republican vice presidential nominee, but says his possible departure from the Senate will be bittersweet.

"Awesome. I've been on JD's side ever since he got in the Senate. I hate to lose him. He's awesome," Sen. Tommy Tuberville told Fox News Digital from the floor of the Republican National Convention immediately after Vance's selection was announced.

"He'll be a very good vice president and a very good future president of the United States," Tuberville said.

He poured water on the suggestion that Vance's nomination would "enhance" Trump's campaign.

"I don't think anybody is going to enhance it. He's going to do what he's going to do, but I'll tell you one thing, he is going to be a great addition to the ticket.

Publicado por Brandon Gillespie

Opinion: I'm open to being surprised by J.D. Vance, Trump's somewhat predictable V.P. pick

Fox News contributor Mary Katharine Ham gives her thoughts on former President Trump's selection of JD Vance as his running mate for the 2024 presidential campaign.

"In a week filled with giant news surprises, I find myself once again surprised that former President Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick wasn’t more surprising.

In the end, the bread crumbs were real, not some reality-show head fake, as Trump chose 39-year-old Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio to be his running mate. The young senator, elected from his home state in 2022, is a writer, a father and a Marine. He is simultaneously a Washington newcomer and a veteran of elite political circles for those who have a long enough memory."

Read more from Fox News Opinion.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Sen. Marco Rubio, previously floated as potential VP pick, congratulates JD Vance

Sen. Marco Rubio, who was previously floated as one of former President Trump's potential VP picks, congratulated Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio on being selected.

Prior to Trump's Truth Social announcement that Vance was his runningmate pick, multiple sources told Fox News on Monday that Rubio - the three-term conservative senator who was considered to be among the names on a short list of contenders for running mate - was informed that he wouldn't be named as the GOP's 2024 vice presidential nominee.

Fox News' Paul Steinhauser and Bret Baier contributed to this report.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

VP Harris says she's prepared to debate JD Vance

A Biden-Harris campaign official told Fox News that VP Harris reached out to Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio -- former President Trump's runningmate -- and left a voicemail congratulating him on his selection, and "expressed her hope that the two can meet in the vice presidntial debate proposed by CBS News."

Fox News Digital has reached out to Trump's campaign for comment.

Harris’ former communications director said last month that JD Vance, today announced as former President Trump's running mate, is the one Republican who would be the "greatest threat" to her vice presidency if chosen.

Meanwhile, the Biden campaign claimed Monday he will "enable" an "extreme MAGA agenda" following the announcement.

Fox News' Adam Shaw and producer Patrick Ward contributed to this report.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Major pro-life organization calls Trump runningmate JD Vance a 'strong pick'

The Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America (SBA) nonprofit organization that supports anti-abortion politicians through its SBA Pro-Life America Candidate Fund political action committee called JD Vance a "strong pick" to be former President Trump's runningmate in a statement provided to Fox News Digital.

"JD Vance is an exceptional selection as President Trump's running mate," SBA president Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a statement Monday afternoon. "His courage in exposing Democrats' agenda of abortion for any reason, even in the seventh, eighth, or ninth month, helped propel him to a decisive victory in the 2022 midterm elections."

Dannenfelser said Vance's "hardscrabble upbrining" informs his "compassionate" approach to certain abortion restrictions.

En 2021, Vance defendió una ley de Texas que prohibía la mayoría de los abortos después de las seis semanas de embarazo. Cuando Spectrum News de Columbus, Ohio, le preguntó si apoyaba las excepciones al aborto en casos de violación e incesto, no estuvo de acuerdo con la premisa de la pregunta y dijo que "dos errores no hacen un acierto".

"At the end of day, we are talking about an unborn baby. What kind of society do we want to have? A society that looks at unborn babies as inconveniences to be discarded? … It’s not whether a woman should be forced to bring a child to term, it’s whether a child should be allowed to live, even though the circumstances of that child’s birth are somehow inconvenient or a problem to the society," Vance said.

He also said during the Ohio Senate debate in 2022 against Democratic opponent Tim Ryan that he was pro-life with "reasonable exceptions." He also said that year he supported Sen. Lindsey Graham's, R-S.C., proposed 15-week abortion ban that included exceptions for rape, incest and the mother's life.

However, a national abortion ban has been left off the Republican National Convention (RNC) platform, and Trump opposes one, too.

Fox News David Rutz, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Flashback: Un asesor de Harris revela los temores de Vance en el debate

Vice President Harris’ former communications director said last month that JD Vance, today announced as former President Trump's running mate, is the one Republican who would be the "greatest threat" to her vice presidency if chosen.

Ashley Etienne, who served as Harris’ communications director in 2021, told CNN that she believes Ohio Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, is an "incredible debater" and could present a challenge to Harris in the upcoming election.

"I think JD Vance would pose the greatest threat [to] Kamala Harris, in some respects. I mean he's an incredible debater," Etienne told CNN . "I think he has this quality that makes him seem palpable to that one to two percent that actually might vote or that is undecided, that will actually pay attention to the debates because most people don't pay attention to the debates."

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Vance to speak on 'Hannity' after selection as Trump's VP

Senator JD Vance will join Fox News' Sean Hannity live tonight at 9pm ET, hours after he was announced as former President Trump's running mate.

This will be Vance's first interview since being announced as Trump's VP pick this afternoon. 

"Tras largas deliberaciones y reflexiones, y teniendo en cuenta el tremendo talento de muchos otros, he decidido que la persona más adecuada para asumir el cargo de vicepresidente de Estados Unidos es el senador J.D. Vance, del Gran Estado de Ohio", anunció Trump en su plataforma de Verdad Social.

Trump subrayó que Vance, en campaña, "se centrará firmemente en la gente por la que luchó tan brillantemente, los trabajadores y agricultores estadounidenses de Pensilvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota y mucho más allá....".

Publicado por Adam Shaw

JD Vance y el ex presidente Trump son escépticos sobre la continuación de la ayuda a Ucrania

Former President Trump and his newly picked running mate, Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, are both skeptical of continued foreign aid to Ukraine's defense against Russia, according to past statements.

In a post on his Truth Social account in April, the Republican frontrunner questioned why the U.S. was sending more money to the Eastern European nation than Europe itself. 

"Why can’t Europe equalize or match the money put in by the United States of America in order to help a country in desperate need?" Trump asked. 

He added that "survival and strength" was important to the U.S. but that it should be a larger concern for Europe.

"GET MOVING EUROPE!" Trump said. "In addition, I am the only one who speaks for ‘ME’ and, while it is a total mess caused by Crooked Joe Biden and the Incompetent Democrats, if I were President, this War would have never started!" 

Meanwhile, Vance previously shared an exclusive memo with Fox News Digital in January he circulated with members in his Senate GOP flank warning them about a Department of Defense (DOD) report that he said detailed the "shortcomings in monitoring U.S. aid to Ukraine."

Vance wrote, "U.S. personnel on the ground could not keep up with the volume of weapons streaming into Ukraine and failed to keep an accurate, timely record of them" and that, "There was no live, comprehensive database of equipment sent to Ukraine, and systemic failures inhibited the proper validation of reports of lost or expended equipment."

Vance was also one of the few lawmakers in April to vote against the $95 billion aid package for Israel and Ukraine, which also included support for Taiwan, in a 79-18 vote. The package allocated $61 billion to Ukraine.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

El Comité Nacional Demócrata reacciona ante el anuncio de JD Vance

The Democratic National Committee reacted to former President Donald Trump's decision to tap Ohio Sen. JD Vance as his running mate, arguing Vance "embodies MAGA."

“This is the most consequential election of our lifetimes, and with Donald Trump’s decision today to add J.D. Vance to the Republican ticket, the stakes of this election just got even higher.," the statement said. "J.D. Vance embodies MAGA – with an out-of-touch extreme agenda and plans to help Trump force his Project 2025 agenda on the American people. Vance has championed and enabled Trump’s worst policies for years – from a national abortion ban, to whitewashing January 6, to railing against Social Security and Medicare. Let’s be clear: A Trump-Vance ticket would undermine our democracy, our freedoms, and our future. There is so much on the line, and it’s more important than ever that we reelect President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris this November.”

Publicado por Michael Lee

Biden campaign slams JD Vance, says he will 'enable' an 'extreme MAGA agenda'

Former President Donald Trump, the expected Republican presidential nominee, on Monday announced Ohio Sen. JD Vance as his running mate, and the Biden campaign is claiming he will "enable" an "extreme MAGA agenda."

In an initial reaction to his contender's choice as vice president, President Biden said Vance "talks a big game" about wanting to support working-class Americans but that he pushes "more tax cuts for the rich."

"Here’s the deal about J.D. Vance," Biden posted on X Monday. "He talks a big game about working people. But now, he and Trump want to raise taxes on middle-class families while pushing more tax cuts for the rich." 

"Well, I don’t intend to let them," Biden said, asking supporters to donate to his campaign. 

Publicado por Adam Shaw

JD Vance and his wife discuss the potential of being picked for Trump's VP ahead of announcement

JD Vance, former President Donald Trump's vice presidential running mate, and his wife discussed the idea of serving in the White House ahead Monday's highly-anticipated announcement.

Usha Chilukuri Vance and her Senator husband joined Fox & Friends for a sit down interview just three weeks before he was announced as Trump's running mate.

"I don't think people understand how hard he works and how creative he is. Everything he says and does is built on a foundation of so much thought. He's always trying to do better," Usha told Fox of her husband.

When asked how she feels about the VP speculation , Usha said "I don't know that anyone is ever ready for that kind of scrutiny. I think we found the first campaign he'd embarked on to be a shock. It was so different from anything we'd ever done before, but it was an adventure."

Usha added, "I believe in JD and I really love him, so we'll just see what happens."

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Vance's name added to Trump campaign jet after VP pick

Sen. JD Vance's name is being added to the Trump campaign's jet, after he was announced as former President Donald Trump's VP pick.

Senior Advisor Jason Miller posted the image of the changes being made on X.

Trump announced Vance as his choice for running mate on Monday. The Ohio senator will be formally nominated at the Republican National Convention.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Donald Trump Jr. says Biden 'is stuck with the worst VP in the history of our nation'

Donald Trump Jr. posted on X Monday after Trump announced Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, will be 2024 his running mate that "Biden is stuck with the worst VP in the history of our nation," referring to VP Harris.

"President Trump has one of the most dynamic, young leaders in the country in [JD Vance]," Trump wrote. "We also have incredible patriots like Governor [Doug Burgum], Senator [Marco Rubio], and countless others who will work their tails off to get my father elected this November!"

He added, "Our party has never been more unified!"

Trump announced his VP pick in aTruth Social post Monday afternoon.

"After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance of the Great State of Ohio," Trump wrote on the social media platform.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Elon Musk praises pick of Vance

Elon Musk took to X to praise former President Donald Trump's pick of Ohio Senator JD Vance as running mate.

"Congratulations," Musk said to Vance. "Excellent decision by @realDonaldTrump."

Trump announced on his own social media platform, Truth Social, his selection of Vance on Monday, picking the Ohio Senator over contenders such as Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgrum.

"After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance of the Great State of Ohio," Trump said of the pick. "J.D. honorably served our Country in the Marine Corps, graduated from Ohio State University in two years, Summa Cum Laude, and is a Yale Law School Graduate, where he was Editor of The Yale Law Journal, and President of the Yale Law Veterans Association."

Publicado por Michael Lee

Sen. Steve Daines, Chairman of NSRC, GOP colleagues congratulate Sen. JD Vance

Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Republican Committee, released a statement Monday congratulating Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, on being selected as former President Trump's running mate.

Daines joins a chorus Vance's GOP colleagues offering strong support for Vance.

"As chairman of the Utah delegation to the Republican National Convention, I just cast all of Utah’s 40 votes for President Donald Trump and for his running mate, my friend and colleague JD Vance," Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, posted to X.

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., called Vance a "friend" and "a conservative chamption who fights for American workers."J.D.

"He’ll make an outstanding vice president," Cotton said. "I commend President Trump’s excellent choice of a patriot who served our nation in uniform."

Sen. Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn.,  a former ambassador to Japan in the Trump administration, called Vance a "true patriot" who will "implement his America First agenda, fight for the forgotten men and women of America, and Make America Great Again!"

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Robert Kennedy to receive Secret Service protection detail, Mayorkas says

Robert F. Kennedy will receive protection from the U.S. Secret Service, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Monday.

The protection is being given to Kennedy, an Independent presidential candidate, following the assassination attempt of former President Trump over the weekend.

“In light of this weekend's events, the president has directed me to work with the Secret Service to provide protection to Robert Kennedy Jr.," Mayorkas told reporters.

Trump joined growing calls for Kennedy to receive Secret Service protection in the days since the assassination attempt.

In a Truth Social post, Trump said it was “imperative” that Kennedy receive the protection detail.

“Given the history of the Kennedy Family, this is the obvious right thing to do!” Trump wrote, referencing the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the 1968 killing of Robert Kennedy, then a presidential candidate.

Publicado por Adam Shaw
Noticias de última hora

Trump officially wins Republican nomination

Former President Trump has officially won enough delegates at the Republican National Convention to make him the Republican 2024 presidential nominee.

Trump secured a majority of the nearly 2,500 delegates gathered at the RNC in Milwaukee after a roll call vote to select the party's presidential nominee.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

¿Quién es el compañero de fórmula de Trump, JD Vance?

Republican Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, former President Trump's running mate, was first elected to the Senate in 2022, having never before held elected office.

Vance first rose to prominence after authoring a 2016 book called “Hillbilly Elegy,” a memoir about his upbringing in a poor Appalachian family that reflects the values of many Americans who support Trump's policies. Prior to his run for office, Vance worked as a venture capitalist at entrepreneur Peter Theil's firm, Mithril Capital, and for a short time at a corporate law firm.

He also served as a U.S. Marine , including on a deployment to Iraq. Vance came out on top in a crowded Republican primary field in his Senate race before facing Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan, a former presidential candidate, in a closely watched November general election that year. 

Publicado por Matteo Cina

Blackburn says 'America First ticket just became stronger' with Vance pick

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., is out with a statement praising the pick of Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio as former President Trump's running mate.

"The America First ticket just became stronger with Senator JD Vance joining President Trump as his running mate,” Blackburn said in a statement.

“JD is a true freedom fighter, who will champion the issues important to Americans: secure borders, safer communities, lower taxes, a lethal fighting force, and the rule of law. It has been an honor to serve with JD in the U.S. Senate and to witness his hard work on behalf of Ohioans."

"I know he will make an incredible Vice President for the American people, and I’m all in for Trump-Vance 2024! Together, we’ll defeat Joe Biden and the Democrats in November and save our country," she said.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

VeepStakes: Rubio y Burgum informan de que no serán compañeros de fórmula de Trump en 2024

MILWAUKEE — Former President Trump has decided on his running mate, and it won't be Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida or North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum.

Multiple sources told Fox News on Monday that Rubio - the three-term conservative senator who was considered to be among the names on a short list of contenders for running mate - was informed that he wouldn't be named as the GOP's 2024 vice presidential nominee.

And sources also told Fox News that Burgum, the two-term North Dakota governor and top Trump surrogate, was also informed that he would not be named as the former president's running mate.

The Trump campaign says that the first time we will see the running mate in-person will be at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, where the Republican National Convention kicked off on Monday, at 4:37PM ET, just ahead of the vice presidential roll call nominating process. 

Además de Rubio y Burgum, el senador JD Vance, de Ohio, también fue considerado favorito para ser compañero de fórmula de Trump.

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser
Noticias de última hora

JD Vance nombrado candidato a vicepresidente de Trump tras meses de especulaciones

Republican Ohio Sen. JD Vance was chosen by former President Trump as his running mate in the 2024 presidential election. The announcement was made on Truth Social during the kick-off of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

"After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance of the Great State of Ohio," Trump wrote on the social media platform.

"J.D. has had a very successful business career in Technology and Finance, and now, during the Campaign, will be strongly focused on the people he fought so brilliantly for, the American Workers and Farmers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, and far beyond….," he continued.

The Ohio Republican was first elected to the Senate in 2022, having never before held elected office.

Vance first rose to prominence after authoring a 2016 book called “Hillbilly Elegy,” a memoir about his upbringing in a poor Appalachian family that reflects the values of many Americans who support Trump's policies.

Prior to his run for office, Vance worked as a venture capitalist at entrepreneur Peter Theil's firm, Mithril Capital, and for a short time at a corporate law firm. He also served as a U.S. Marine, including on a deployment to Iraq.

Vance came out on top in a crowded Republican primary field in his Senate race before facing Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan, a former presidential candidate, in a closely watched November general election that year. 

Publicado por Brandon Gillespie

El RNC arranca con una llamada al orden en Milwaukee

The Republican National Convention was called to order on Monday at 1:59 p.m. ET.

Former President Trump will be officially named the Republican presidential nominee for 2024 at the event.

Trump's campaign has said that the former president plans to call for unity at the convention, following his close call during an attempted assassination at his rally on Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania.

"I’m not supposed to be here, I’m supposed to be dead," Trump said in an interview afterward. "I’m supposed to be dead."

Trump has also said he plans to announce his choice for running mate shortly after the festivities begin on Monday.

There have been several contenders for the vice presidential nominee, but leading the pack have been frontrunners Sens. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, and Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Gov. Doug Burgum, R-N.D.

As speculation continues, Vance was observed leaving his Ohio home in a motorcade en route to the convention. However, a source familiar told Fox News the motorcade was made up of Ohio police and Capitol Police, not Secret Service.

Fox News' Alexas McAdams contributed to this report.

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Rubio, Burgum not chosen as Trump VP

Former President Donald Trump will not choose either Sen. Marco Rubio or Gov. Doug Burgum as his 2024 running mate, sources tell Fox News.

Rubio and Burgum were both floated as top candidates Trump was considering as his vice president.

Trump reportedly has made his decision on who will join him on the 2024 ticket, but sources confirmed to Fox News that is his pick will not be Rubio or Burgum.

The former president is expected to announce his running mate on the first day of the Republican National Convention (RNC) Monday.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Trump has made VP choice ahead of announcement

Former President Trump has chosen his running mate, Fox News has confirmed. He will be revealing his choice at the Republican National Convention.

Ahead of the announcement of Trump's vice presidential nominee, the former president has finally determined his preferred running mate.

Two of the frontrunners, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Gov. Doug Burgum, R-N.D., have received calls informing them that they have not been selected as Trump's running mate, sources confirmed to Fox News.

Another frontrunner for vice presidential nominee has been Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio. However, there are also several other contenders such as former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Gov. Glenn Youngkin, R-Va., who are also being speculated.

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Rep. Wesley Hunt says he is 'appalled' by some 'utterly disgusting' social posts regarding Trump

Rep. Wesley Hunt spoke with Fox News Digital ahead of Republican National Convention events on Monday and relayed his takeaways from watching the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

"What it really articulated in my mind was the idea of what combat really means to me and to watch his courage under fire," Hunt said.

"He knelt down and he wanted to put his shoes back on, stood back up, and then told the crowd to fight because he wanted to walk off that stage with dignity," he added.

Hunt, a West Point graduate and War on Terror combat veteran, said he had seen horrible things while serving in the military.

"But nothing compares to watching a man that I admire, and a man that is fighting for this country, and is fighting for our values, and is fighting for our way of life every single day become a political target. For what? For what?," he asked.

Hunt added that he believes Trump will be President of the United States again and emphasized his disgust for some social media posts regarding Trump surviving the shooting.

"We should all be appalled by what we saw," Hunt said, adding that some tweets were "utterly disgusting."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

El juez Cannon declara "ilegal" el nombramiento de Jack Smith al no haber sido confirmado por el Senado

Fox News' Outnumbered broke down the dismissal of the case against former President Donald Trump's handling of classified documents on Monday.

"Former President Trump’s Motion to Dismiss Indictment Based on the Unlawful Appointment and Funding of Special Counsel Jack Smith is GRANTED in accordance with this Order," U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon wrote in a 93-page ruling. "The Superseding Indictment is DISMISSED because Special Counsel Smith’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution."

Trump had faced charges stemming from special counsel Jack Smith's investigation into his possession of classified materials at Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence. He pleaded not guilty to all 37 felony counts from Smith’s probe, including willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice and false statements.

Trump's classified documents case was thrown out by Judge Cannon Monday on the basis that Special Counsel Jack's Smith's appointment violated the Constitution.

Fox NewsBrianna Herlihy ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Trump puede elegir a Rubio como compañero de fórmula - si uno de ellos cambia su residencia

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida cannot appear on the 2024 ticket alongside former President Donald Trump unless one of them changes their residency from Florida.

Rubio has been floated as one of the top contenders on Trump's shortlist for vice president, however, living in the same state presents a roadblock for potentially running on a ticket together.

Given that both Rubio and Trump live in Florida, the politicians are currently barred from running on a 2024 ticket together under the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution that states that a president and a vice president may not reside in the same state.

However, in the case that either Trump or Rubio moved out of Florida before the election, then they could legally appear on the ticket together.

Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, and Gov. Doug Burgum, R-S.D., are also among the top candidates Trump is reportedly considering as his running mate, an announcement expected on the first day of the Republican National Convention (RNC) Monday.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

No hay papel para el ex presidente del RNC en la convención del GOP

Former longtime Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel is an extremely familiar face in the GOP.

But there's no word yet on whether McDaniel will attend the Republican National Convention this week in Milwaukee.

And if she does make an appearance, it's clear she'll have no formal speaking role at the convention.

But McDaniel would be among scores of friends in a party where she's made plenty of strong relationships during her tenure as Michigan GOP chair and her more than seven years steering the national party committee.

Then-President-elect Trump picked McDaniel to run the RNC after he won the White House in the 2016 election. She was overwhelmingly re-elected to the post in 2019 and 2021, and convincingly won a final re-election in January 2023 over a handful of challengers.

But earlier this year, Trump repeatedly urged changes at the committee – following lackluster fundraising last year and his opposition to the RNC's presidential primary debates.

His criticism of the RNC essentially pushed McDaniel out the door, and she stepped down at a party meeting in Houston in March as Trump clinched the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

'Inclusive for all': First-term Black Republican talks non-White voters ditching Dems for GOP

First-term House Rep. Wesley Hunt, R-Texas, is a part a growing group of young, Black conservative lawmakers who are steadily changing the face of the Republican Party – and he believes that more non-White voters will follow.

"This is what the party is today. This is the future of the party as well," Hunt told Fox News Digital in an interview.

Despite only being elected to Congress roughly a year and a half ago, Hunt – a retired Army captain who served in Iraq – is slated to speak at this week's Republican National Convention (RNC), where former President Donald Trump will be formally declared the party's White House nominee.

Hunt said it was important for more non-White Americans to join the GOP because it reflects the country's own changing demographics. He pointed to his own home state of Texas, for instance, which is projected to be a majority-Hispanic state by the next census, Hunt said.

Fox News Digital's Elizabeth Elkind and Matteo Cina contributed to this report.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Do delegates need to agree on Trump's VP for him to pick the person?

Former President Trump will announce his pick for vice presidential running mate, and delegates are expected to approve that pick via acclamation, not a roll call vote. 

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum are among the contenders on Trump’s short list, but “it's almost an embarrassment of riches that there are so many good people” for Trump to choose from, one senior campaign adviser said on “Fox & Friends” last Monday. “What President Trump has said is that whoever he does pick needs to be able to step in and do the job on day one,” he added.

The process has changed over time. At one point, vice presidential candidates were chosen by the party to balance a ticket either geographically or ideologically. Conventions used to be a place for delegates to negotiate or debate a potential vice presidential candidate.

Now, presumptive presidential nominees choose their own running mates, and typically announce their pick before the convention.

Publicado por Brooke Singman

Protesters gather in Milwaukee to demonstrate against RNC: 'Lock him up!'

Protesters have started to gather at the Coalition to March on the Republican National Convention rally at Red Arrow Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Ahead of the RNC's events kicking off on Monday afternoon, people have begun demonstrating against the GOP. Dozens of signs were seen at protests in the city, including those calling former President Trump and Republicans "racist," and some that called to end support for Israel.

"Ban bombs not books," another sign read.

For months ahead of the RNC, Republicans had fought with law enforcement and Secret Service leaders about the security for the event. The GOP and former President Trump's campaign argued that the protesters were going to pose a security concern if they were allowed to be too close to the RNC site.

Protesters claimed it was a First Amendment violation to prevent them from being within sight and earshot of the RNC.

After the attempted assassination of Trump on Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, the conflict over security was spotlighted again as concerns for safety were elevated.

However, Secret Service said it was confident in its plan for the event, adding that there aren't plans for additional security aside from what was already being provided for.

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Which of Trump's family members are expected to speak at the 2024 RNC?

While no official schedule of the Republican National Convention’s speakers has been released as of press time, several of former President Trump’s family members are expected to attend.

Donald Trump Jr., the nominee’s eldest son and executive vice president of the Trump Organization, reportedly will speak and introduce the yet-unannounced vice presidential nominee.

However, former first lady Melania Trump will attend, along with family members who themselves are also state RNC delegates.

While youngest son Barron Trump was selected but declined to stand as a delegate from Florida, Trump Jr.'s fiancée, Kimberly Guilfoyle, as well as Tiffany Trump – the former president's only child with ex-wife Marla Maples – will serve. Michael Boulos, Tiffany Trump's husband, will represent Florida.

Publicado por Charles Creitz

¿Por qué se celebra el RNC en Milwaukee, Wisconsin?

The 2024 Republican National Convention, to be held the week of July 15, will be hosted in Milwaukee, Wis.

While there are few specifics on the thought process that went into the choice of venue, it is notable that Milwaukee was previously named the convention site in 2020.

However, the coronavirus pandemic rendered most of former President Trump's renomination convention remote that year.

Milwaukee will join the list of cities that have hosted both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions.

The core of the festivities will take place at Fiserv Forum, where Fox News also moderated a 2023 Republican presidential primary debate.

Publicado por Charles Creitz

Melania Trump recordó durante su discurso en el RNC 2020 su "momento de mayor orgullo" al convertirse en ciudadana estadounidense

During her remarks at the 2020 Republican National Convention, then-first lady Melania Trump recalled how thankful her family was that voters in 2016 “were willing to take a chance on the businessman who has never worked in politics” when they chose then-President Donald Trump.

Melania telegraphed confidence in her husband in taking on COVID-19, which was posing a serious problem for people, businesses, and ways of life across the country, assuring listeners that he would tirelessly work to develop treatments and vaccines. She further reflected on her life as an immigrant and growing up in Slovenia under communist rule, noting the wonderful things she heard as a child about America.

“As I grew older, it became my goal to move to the United States and follow my dream of working in the fashion industry,” she said, thanking her parents for their work to get their family to America.

The first lady called becoming an American citizen, “one of the proudest moments in my life.” Melania promised, “Just as you are fighting for your families, my husband, our family, and the people in this administration are here fighting for you.” 

Posted by Julia Johnson

El sobreseimiento del caso de los documentos clasificados significa que la "mayor" "amenaza" legal para Trump "ha desaparecido": expertos

A Florida judge dismissed the case against former President Trump for the handling of classified documents, and some legal experts are calling it a "strongly reasoned" opinion that eliminates the "greatest legal threat" to the presumptive 2024 GOP just ahead of the Republican National Convention. 

On Monday, Florida District Judge Aileen Cannon issued a 93-page opinion dismissing the case on the grounds that the appointment of Special Counsel Jack Smith to oversee the case was unconstitutional. 

"Upon careful study of the foundational challenges raised in the motion, the Court is convinced that Special Counsel’s Smith’s prosecution of this action breaches two structural cornerstones of our constitutional scheme – the role of Congress in the appointment of constitutional officers, and the role of Congress in authorizing expenditures by law," Cannon wrote. 

Jonathan Turley, abogado defensor y profesor de Derecho en la Universidad George Washington, declaró el lunes a Fox News que "de todos los casos que podrían ser desestimados, éste estaría en el primer puesto de la lista". Esta era la mayor amenaza. Y por ahora, al menos, ha desaparecido".

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

Trump reflects on post shooting photo: 'Usually you have to die' to have iconic picture

Former President Trump reflected on the now world-famous photo of him holding his fist in the air after an assassination attempt during an interview published on Monday, quipping you "usually have to die" for it to become iconic.

"A lot of people say it’s the most iconic photo they’ve ever seen," Trump told the New York Post.

"They’re right and I didn’t die. Usually you have to die to have an iconic picture."Trump was shot in the ear on Saturday in an assassination attempt at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

La foto de Trump se ha vuelto a publicar en las redes sociales tras el tiroteo y apareció en las portadas de todo el país y del mundo el domingo. Tras los disparos contra el presidente, los agentes del Servicio Secreto lo rodearon, y se vio al ex presidente bombeando el puño en el aire y diciendo a la multitud que "luchara". 

Trump told the Post that he "wasn't supposed to be here" in the interview following the assassination attempt. Experts have said Trump was extraordinarily lucky to survive, as just a few centimeters and a coincidental head turn were the difference between life and death.

Posted by Hanna Panreck

¿Quién es el presidente del RNC, Michael Whatley?

Recently installed Republican National Committee chairman Michael Whatley is far from a household name.

But those watching the Republican National Convention this week may become quite familiar with Michael Whatley, who will receive plenty of screen time during the four-day confab in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Whatley succeeded longtime RNC chair Ronna McDaniel, who stepped down at a national party committee meeting in Houston, Texas in March as former President Trump clinched the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.

Then-President-elect Trump picked McDaniel to run the RNC after he won the White House in the 2016 election. But earlier this year, Trump repeatedly urged changes at the committee – following lackluster fundraising last year and his opposition to the RNC's presidential primary debates. His criticism of the RNC essentially pushed McDaniel out the door.

Whatley, who had served as the North Carolina GOP chair since 2019, and also as the general counsel for the RNC, was partially handpicked by Trump to succeed McDaniel because of Trump's repeated unproven claims that his 2020 election loss to President Biden was due to massive voter fraud.

Prior to his work with the Republican Party, Whatley served as a federal law clerk, a senior official in the administration of former President George W. Bush and as the chief of staff for former Sen. Elizabeth Dole of North Carolina. He also served as a senior adviser to the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign, Florida Recount and Transition Teams, as well as the Trump-Pence campaign and transition teams.

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

Sen. JD Vance departs Ohio home in motorcade: Report

Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, reportedly departed on Monday before noon from his home in Ohio with a motorcade as speculation continues about his potential status as former President Trump's running mate.

Footage showed the Ohio senator leaving his house in a motorcade, presumably on his way to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, reported Forbes.

The motorcade is not Secret Service detail, a source familiar told Fox News. The security are Capitol Police officers as well as Ohio state police. Gov. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio, approved the added security out of an abundance of caution after the assassination attempt on Trump.

DeWine's office confirmed the approval to Fox News.

Vance is considered a frontrunner for Trump's vice presidential nominee, alongside Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Gov. Doug Burgum, R-N.D.

The Republican is one of the lawmakers who has been supportive of Trump for the longest, even during the early stages of the GOP primary race.

After the attempted assassination of Trump on Saturday during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Vance slammed President Biden for his rhetoric. "The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs," he wrote on X.

"That rhetoric led directly to President Trump's attempted assassination," the senator continued.

Fox News' Alexas McAdams contributed to this report.

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Fox & Friends' Ainsley Earhardt on hearing that Trump was shot at his rally in PA

"Fox & Friends" co-host Ainsley Earhardt recounted receiving the news of the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump.

Earhardt said she received a phone call from a FOX employee to turn on the television as the president had just been shot.

"To see that happen to someone who wants to give so much to our country is just very emotional and something I'd never experienced before," Earhardt said. "When Reagan was shot I was 5 or 6 years old."

She went on to express condolences to the family of Corey Comperatore, the volunteer firefighter, husband and father who lost his life at the rally, "I'm so sorry for the family that did lose their loved one."

Comperatore died shielding his family from bullets. Two others, David Dutch, 57, and James Copenhaver, 74, are fighting for their lives.

"I wish them all the best, lots of prayers going up," she added.

Earhardt concluded, "Stop the vitriol and just move forward as a country the red white and blue is more important than these politics."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Trump says it's 'imperative' RFK Jr. gets Secret Service protection

Former President Donald Trump is demanding independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. "immediately" get Secret Service protection.

"In light of what is going on in the world today, I believe it is imperative that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. receive Secret Service protection — immediately. Given the history of the Kennedy Family, this is the obvious right thing to do!" Trump wrote in a Truth Social post Monday.

RFK Jr. previously said that the Biden administration denied his request for Secret Service protection, but more lawmakers are calling for him to receive the same service as other presidential candidates after Trump survived an assassination attempt.

Gov. Jared Polis, D-Colo., called on President Biden to change his administration's previous decision to deny Kennedy Secret Service protection just hours after the Trump rally shooting."I encourage [Biden] to immediately provide secret service protection for [Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.]," Polis wrote on X.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

El edificio que utilizó el tirador de Trump para disparar contra el presidente era responsabilidad de la policía local: fuente

Local law enforcement had responsibility for the building where Thomas Matthew Crooks fired several shots at former President Trump on Saturday, Fox News has learned.

The building Crooks fired from was a "rally point" for one of the local counter sniper teams, according to a federal law enforcement official familiar with the security plans.

La fuente también dijo que en realidad había un equipo apostado en el edificio o cerca de él. En el mitin de Trump celebrado el sábado en Butler (Pensilvania) había cuatro equipos de francotiradores, dos de ellos del Servicio Secreto y dos de las fuerzas de seguridad locales.

Fox News' Jake Gibson, David Spunt, Stephen Sorace contributed to this report.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Clint Eastwood's 'Dirty Harry' RNC speech from 2012

Hollywood legend Clint Eastwood made a surprise appearance at the 2012 Republican National Convention, where now-Sen. Mitt Romney was nominated as the GOP nominee to challenge then-incumbent President Barack Obama. 

Eastwood opened his speech with the line,  "I know what you're thinking", referencing the number of .44 Magnum rounds his "Dirty Harry" Callahan character fired in the 1971 film. Eastwood improvised much of his speech, addressing an empty chair, which was supposed to represent Obama. The speech lasted 12 minutes, despite being scheduled to last just five. 

After directing the beginning of the speech to the empty chair, Eastwood spoke directly to delegates and the audience, saying:

“We own this country…it's not politicians owning it; politicians are employees of ours ... And whether you're Democrat or whether you're a Republican or whether you're Libertarian or whatever, you're the best. And we should not ever forget that. And when somebody does not do the job, we got to let 'em go." 

The speech ended with another reference to “Dirty Harry.”

Eastwood's speech was seen by more than 30 million people.

Publicado por Brooke Singman

Trump breaks silence on assassination attempt: 'I'm not supposed to be here'

Former President Trump is now breaking his silence on the assassination attempt against him during a rally on Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania.

"No debería estar aquí, debería estar muerto", dijo Trump al New York Post. "Se supone que estoy muerto".

"El médico del hospital dijo que nunca había visto algo así, lo calificó de milagro", dijo también Trump al periódico a bordo de su avión privado mientras se dirigía a Milwaukee (Wisconsin) para asistir esta semana a la Convención Nacional Republicana. "Por suerte o por Dios, mucha gente dice que es por Dios que sigo aquí".

Publicado por Greg Norman

Rep. Wesley Hunt joined Brian Kilmeade on Fox & Friends to discuss attempt on Trump's life

Rep. Wesley Hunt, R-Texas, retired Army captain and West Point graduate, joined Brian Kilmeade on "Fox & Friends" this morning to discuss Secret Service planning to brief lawmakers over concerns with rally safety preparedness following Trump’s assassination attempt.

"The biggest question is, is how does an assailant get on a rooftop that close to the former and future president of the United States?," Hunt asked.

He added that being within 150 yards of anything is an "easy shot."

"With my AR, I could absolutely make that shot," Hunt said.

When Kilmeade asked if he were in Trump's situation, would he return to rally events, Hunt said, "If I know President Trump, of course he's going to."

"God had his hands on him in that moment and I know what it feels like to get shot at," Hunt said. He revealed that after he was fired at during missions, he felt a "reinvigorated spirit" for life and that he expects to see the same from Trump this week at the 2024 RNC.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

When was the first Republican convention held?

While Republicans in Wisconsin and New Hampshire have long traded fire over which state is the birthplace of the GOP - which stands for Grand Old Party - there is no dispute over where the party's first national convention took place.

The party, which was founded in the mid-19th Century, held its first national nominating convention at Musical Fund Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from June 17 to 19, 1856.

The party - formed just two years earlier - nominated then-Sen. John C. Fremont of California for president. Fremont was an explorer who had also served as a military officer in the Mexican-American War. Former Sen. William L. Dayton of New Jersey was nominated for vice president.

Democrat James Buchanan, who defeated then-President Franklin Pierce at the Democratic convention, went on to defeat Fremont in the general election, in a three-way contest that also included American (Know Nothing) Party nominee Millard Fillmore. 

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

¿Qué son los delegados, los superdelegados?

What is a delegate?

During the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, delegates from all over the country gather in one location and elect their respective nominee for president. Delegates are traditionally elected by their state party, mostly including local officials and party members, and they are sent to the convention on behalf of their state. Each party has a set number of delegates available — 4,672 Democrats and 2,429 Republicans — a certain percentage of whom are referred to as “superdelegates.”

What is a superdelegate?

Both parties use superdelegates slightly differently, but the key concept is that a superdelegate is one who is not bound to vote for their assigned candidate. While a Democrat delegate from Texas is bound to vote for the Democrat who won the state of Texas, a superdelegate from Texas can vote for whoever they wish, but only in a contested convention, as established in 2018. Additionally, while Democrat delegates are local party leaders and officials, superdelegates make up members of the Democratic elite. They are senators, representatives, party leaders, prominent officials, etc.

Republican superdelegates are more hamstrung. Each state automatically gets three, assigned by the RNC, and they are bound to vote for the candidate who won their state. They are also not allowed to vote in the first round of voting, limiting any power they have to a contested convention, as established in 2016.

Publicado por Matteo Cina

Biden-Trump poll shows nearly 80% of voters worried about president’s mental, physical fitness

A new national poll conducted in the wake of the Biden-Trump presidential debate has found that nearly 80% of voters are concerned about Biden "not having the necessary mental and physical health to be a president for a second term."

The NBC News survey of 800 registered voters, which was conducted over July 7-9 and before the assassination attempt against former President Trump during a rally in Pennsylvania this past weekend, has Trump leading Biden by 45% to 43% in a head-to-head race. 

While the matchup remains close, the poll found that 62% of Democratic voters wish someone else was at the top of their party's ticket instead of Biden and that 79% of all voters are worried about the 81-year-old Biden’s mental and physical capabilities.

Only 50% of respondents had the same mental and physical fitness concerns about Trump, who is 78.

Fox NewsGreg Norman ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Trump tells Fox News his VP will be announced today

Former President Trump told Fox News that he will be announcing his choice for his running mate on Monday during the Republican National Convention.

"He did confirm that he's going to make a VP choice today," Fox News' Bret Baier said, noting Trump said so on the phone.

The frontrunners for Trump's running mate are considered to be Sens. JD Vance, R-Ohio, and Marco Rubio, R-Fla., as well as Gov. Doug Burgum, R-N.D.

The former president has held out and did not announce his running mate prior to the RNC, which is beginning on Monday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

There were initial concerns that the RNC may need to be postponed after there was an assassination attempt against Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday. However, Trump refused to push back the event.

Trump's choice of running mate will come after months and months of speculation that began during the Republican presidential primary race before he became the presumptive GOP nominee.

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Some House Democrats reportedly give up on Biden, resigned to a second Trump presidency

Democrats have pressed pause on their efforts to replace President Biden as the 2024 Democratic nominee in the aftermath of the assassination attempt against former President Trump, with one lawmaker saying they've all resigned themselves "to a second Trump presidency," according to one report.

The concern among many Democratic lawmakers surrounding Biden's cognitive decline and his ability to defeat Trump in the election has taken a "back seat" as they focus on their own security and unifying language for a country reeling from the attempt on Trump's life over the weekend, Axios reported Sunday.

A growing number of House Democrats and one Democratic senator have called on Biden to withdraw from the race since his debate debacle last month. However, Trump's attempted assassination may have dwindled their momentum, the report suggests.

Fox NewsYael Halon contribuyó a este informe.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Police presence heightened at potential VP candidate's house after Trump assassination attempt

A prominent security presence outside the residence of Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, over the weekend heightened speculation around former President Trump's pick for vice president.

Trump survived an assassination attempt at a campaign rally on Saturday, reportedly suffering a gunshot wound to his right ear in the shooting that took the life of one rally goer and injured several others.

After the incident, several black trucks and police vehicles were reportedly seen outside of Vance's residence as he remains on of the top three candidates on Trump's shortlist for vice president.

A spokesperson for Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, however, told an NBC reporter that he approved the security presence at Vance's residence on Saturday, with sources saying that it was not Secret Service, but state state law enforcement.

Vance, along with Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Gov. Doug Burgum, R-S.D., remain on the top of list for Trump's potential vice president.

Fox News’ Bret Baier reports that senior GOP officials indicate Trump could announce his running mate as soon as 1p.m. ET Monday after the Republican National Convention (RNC) commences.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Tim Scott advirtió de la "revolución cultural" de Biden durante su discurso en el RNC 2020

​​Sen. Tim Scott , R-S.C., a candidate being floated as a potential vice president for Trump, delivered a heart-felt speech at the 2020 Republican National Convention (RNC). Scott talked about his upbringing and eventually being elected to serve in the Senate, which he described as an "American journey."

"Regardless of the challenges presented to us…every four years…Americans come together to vote…To share stories of what makes our nation strong, and the lessons we have learned that can strengthen it further for our children and grandchildren," Scott said, adding that "while this election is between Donald Trump and Joe Biden…it is not solely about Donald Trump and Joe Biden."

Scott also took aim at President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris — the then-Democratic ticket.

"Make no mistake: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want a cultural revolution. A fundamentally different America.”

“If we let them…they will turn our country into a socialist utopia…and history has taught us that path only leads to pain and misery, especially for hard-working people hoping to rise."

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Desestimado el caso de los documentos clasificados de Trump tras la sentencia de inmunidad del TSE

Federal criminal charges against former President Trump for mishandling classified documents were dismissed on Monday by a Florida judge.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon granted a motion to dismiss the superseding indictment against him, based on a violation of the Appointments Clause of the Constitution.

Trump's defense team had filed the motion, making the argument that Special Counsel Jack Smith was unlawfully appointed.

Justice Clarence Thomas notably mentioned the issue of Smith's appointment to the Trump investigations in his concurrence to the Supreme Court immunity ruling earlier this month.

Cannon's decision to grant the motion agreed that the critical Appointments Clause gives Congress a considered role in determining the propriety of vesting appointment power for inferior officers. 

It was argued that the special counsel’s position effectively usurped that important legislative authority, transferring it to a head of department, and in the process threatened the structural liberty inherent in the separation of powers. 

Cannon explained that there is a legal route by which to appoint Smith to the role, writing that he could be appointed and confirmed through the default method prescribed in the Appointments Clause. This, she notes, is what Congress has directed for United States attorneys throughout American history. Congress could also authorize his appointment through enactment of positive statutory law consistent with the Appointments Clause, she said.

Fox NewsDavid Spunt y Jake Gibson han contribuido a este reportaje.

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Milwaukee law enforcement spent 18 months preparing for RNC, police chief says

Milwaukee Police Chief Jeffrey Norman joins 'Fox & Friends' to discuss security preparations for the Republican National Convention (RNC) following the assassination attempt on former President Trump.

"We plan as much as we can plan in regards to that there is always going to be something that can throw a little screwball, but then we have to have the resources to be able to respond," the chief said.

Norman added that security is "continuing to work with our partners" and "continuing to communicate in regards to that this is a respected event in regards to that we need to be able to work with each other and have that communication. But also, resources are here. We're making sure we have the ability to respond the way that we need to based on behaviors and based on the intelligence we are receiving."

The RNC will commence Monday, just days after former President Trump survived an assassination attempt.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Es probable que Trump anuncie la elección de su compañero de fórmula el primer día de la convención del Partido Republicano

MILWAUKEE, WI - The Republican National Committee kicks off in a couple of hours, just two days after former President Donald Trump, the GOP's standard-bearer, survived an assassination attempt.

And the Saturday shooting at Trump's rally in western Pennsylvania - where one spectator was killed and two more critically injured, and the former president visibly bloodied after a bullet grazed his ear - has altered the tone and raised the stakes of the convention.

At the four-day confab which is being held in swing state Wisconsin’s largest city, Trump will formally become the Republican Party's presidential nominee, and the official roll call will take place during the opening session Monday.

But as the convention gets underway, all eyes are on the former president as Trump's expected to announce his choice for running mate, which would bring to a conclusion weeks of vetting and intense media speculation.

Fox News’ Bret Baier reports that senior GOP officials indicate a running mate announcement could occur soon after the convention is gaveled into order at 1pm ET. "It will be part of the hooplah today kicking things off".

Considered the front-runners for the Republican vice presidential nomination are Sens. JD Vance of Ohio, Marco Rubio of Florida, and Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota.

Others thought to be in contention are Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, and Reps. Elise Stefanik of New York and Byron Donalds of Florida.

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

Comienza la convención republicana dos días después de que Trump sobreviviera a un intento de asesinato

MILWAUKEE – The Republican National Convention  kicks off on Monday, just two days after former President Donald Trump, the GOP's standard-bearer, survived an assassination attempt.

And the Saturday shooting at Trump's rally in western Pennsylvania - where one spectator was killed and two more critically injured, and the former president visibly bloodied after a bullet grazed his ear - has altered the tone and raised the stakes of the convention.

El Servicio Secreto estadounidense y otros funcionarios anunciaron la víspera de la convención que no hay planes para ampliar el perímetro de seguridad y que no se conocen amenazas.

"El estadio está preparado, la seguridad está aquí y nos sentimos muy cómodos trabajando con el Servicio Secreto", dijo el presidente del Comité Nacional Republicano, Michael Whatley, en una entrevista en "Fox News Sunday".

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

Momentos inolvidables de anteriores CNR en los que Trump fue el candidato del Partido Republicano

The last Republican National Convention was held in Charlotte, N.C.,, but was far from a traditional one, taking place during the height of the coronavirus pandemic in late August 2020.

The RNC and the Trump campaign canceled the originally planned gathering due to the COVID pandemic, which had been set for Jacksonville, Florida, in July.

The convention’s overall theme was  “Honoring the Great American Story” with different nights focusing on America as the “Land of Promise,” the “Land of Opportunity,” the “Land of Heroes,” and the “Land of Greatness.” Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., Trump family members, and law enforcement officials were among the featured speakers.

The Trump campaign raked in $76 million during the lightly attended, largely virtual convention.  

The 2016 GOP convention took place in Cleveland, Ohio. Many feared a contested convention, amid concerns within the party over Trump, but his nomination was ultimately not challenged from the floor. 

On July 19, 2016, the convention formally nominated Donald Trump for president and then-Indiana Gov. Mike Pence for vice president. They went on to win the general election, defeating the Democratic ticket of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. 

Publicado por Brooke Singman

¿Qué ex candidatos presidenciales del GOP se esperan en el RNC?

The Republican National Convention’s high-profile attendees will include former 2024 GOP presidential candidates who have since become some of former President Trump’s strongest allies.

That reportedly includes North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott – both of whom have generated buzz as possible Trump running mates.

Vivek Ramaswamy, among the first Republicans to drop out and endorse Trump, is also reportedly expected to be there.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, with whom Trump had a bitter feud, is also expected to attend and even speak at the convention.A notable exclusion, however, is former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley. The ex-Trump administration official is the only woman who challenged Trump for the 2024 nomination and the final major challenger to drop out.

A Haley spokesperson told Politico that she “was not invited, and she’s fine with that. Trump deserves the convention he wants. She’s made it clear she’s voting for him and wishes him the best.”

Publicado por Elizabeth Elkind

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